Berserk 357

  » Posted August 26th, 2018 by DrPepperPro

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29 Responses to “Berserk 357”

  1. Thiago Says:

    Thank you, as always, great work.

  2. anonymous Says:

    Ooh, thanks. Can’t wait to see the true dark side of Griffith’s utopia.

  3. prosehack Says:

    Thanks Guys!

  4. zRabbit Says:


  5. SilentSnake Says:

    Thanks EG, great work!

  6. james Says:


  7. Mystyc Vegeta Says:

    Another “to be continued”… but great chapter, very interesting, brings some new elements of Griffiths’ strategy and logistics, thank you EG !

  8. Larry Says:

    Page 16-17, the mechanics of the helmets where the face-guard latches in place and folds down on the pins; that’s marvelous attention to detail because it would literally work. Amazing.

    Two questions;
    Guts, how are you going to beat all that?
    Does that portal have a path to Elfheim?

  9. Shuls Says:

    Great work guys, thanks for the translation!

    Guts isn’t alone, Schierke is jsut as strong as him depending on the spells she casts and don’t forget that the Skull Knight is still around and is also really strong (and maybe can’t die?).

  10. Gustav Larsson Says:

    I envy everyone who started to read Berserk recently, and not having to wait… I don’t know.. DECADES?! for this?!

  11. jherson Says:

    Yooo this is such a big hint that elfhelm and other hidden parts could be breached and battled. Griffith is just tryiing to remove any opposition i.e king of elfhelm

  12. Ziomnioxe Says:

    Well the ”portal” had to be activated before they could use it, so i don’t think Griffith could just appear in Elfhelm, he, or someone else would have to travel personally and open the gate in order for the rest of the troops to invade.

  13. annarek Says:

    also doesn’t that means that the return of guts will be much faster and if someone destroys the end of the “portal” that place becomes inaccesible until someone rebuilds it?

  14. jherson Says:

    @Ziomnioxe- as Sonia said “Griffith and I are the only ones who can Navigate the world tree”, because “Unless you have a special sense, you’ll get lost among the twisting branches”. The activation was having it rebuilt .

    @annarek I’m sure the elf king knows all about the world tree and its branches. I think the elf king will get involved in the battle and help Guts, some new power or control of the berserk armor..maybe even an option to become another type of skull knight..

    On a side note, remember the moon child(caska’s abortion) was seen navigating the branches once?

  15. littleReader Says:

    Thanks for continuing to deliver Berserk goods to us! It is really appreciated.

  16. Shuls Says:

    @jherson They rebuilt ONE of the gates, If it was that easy don’t you think Griffith would have already invaded while he has the whole kingdom on his side? Griffith is a strategist so he wouldn’t waste such an opportunity.
    Also I don’t think Griffith even knows where Elfhelm is, at least not yet anyways.

  17. jherson Says:

    @Shuls Yeah I guess so, but so much is left for conjecture. I mean, is there a power the elf king has that Griffith deems as powerful? the attacks on creatures must clearly be an evidence he’s trying to crush opposition.. I mean Grunbeld was sent to kill Flora.. kind of an easy pick. Surely Griffith knows who his remaining enemies are and why he hasn’t gone after Elfhelm is what I’m hoping to find out

  18. Feutor Says:

    Anyone knows about next release ? hmu if you do pls

  19. aasdf1985 Says:

    Can anyone tell me how to download the chapters from
    the torrents are not working

  20. Walter Says:

    Or maybe he’s just not prepared to invade/don’t intend to? Remember that Elfhelm is populated by mages. Those old council dudes must be at least as powerful as Schierke each. Not to mention the queen herself. I don’t think Elfhelm is that easy to conquer.

  21. Aleksandros Says:

    My 2 Cents:
    Sonia will side with guts thanks to shilke, as soon as she’ll realize what Griffith actually is, and guts will benefit from the portal as well
    Sonia has been the only possible weakness of Griffith so far, the others are too weak or too loyal to phemt

  22. roflmbo Says:

    I bet Sonia already knows Griffith’s true nature and just doesn’t give a shit. Her sense of morality is clearly well outside of the norm, because she doesn’t think of the monsters any differently than the regular humans. Even though the only thing stopping those monsters from killing humans is Griffith’s presence. She understands their true nature so well that she offers to bring a dead human’s body for one of the monsters, as a gift of friendship. I highly doubt that it is possible to lure her away from Griffith.

  23. Goserrurro Says:

    Has anyone thought about a theory where Guts is the Skull KnighT? Wanna know if its anything like mine

  24. Mfunn Says:

    @roflmbo when did Sonia do that ? in what chapter did she give a dead human’s body to an apostle ? i’ve tried to find it in the chapters I’ve re-read, but can’t seem to find or remember that moment..

  25. Nikole Says:

    I can’t find a way to contact you. I hope you the admin can read this but I’d like to request for an old comic like Berserk to get scanlated. Yawara! is a great series by Naoki Urusawa. The Naoki Urusawa that leaves you wanting to read more. A very different genre from his later works but it’s good in its own genre. It’s an exciting series but never made an impression in the English world. I hope my voice gets heard and hope your good group could scanlate this one. Thank you so much.

  26. Daemo Says:

    And now my watch begins.

  27. roflmbo Says:

    @Mfunn Read chapter 194. When she is guiding Mule to meet Griffith, they pass by the war demons. Sonia says to one of the war demons as they are leaving, “Next time I’ll bring you a corpse, our secret.” She may just be humoring the war demon, but isn’t something a naive girl who doesn’t really understand what is going on would say. She sees Griffith as a living God, and she’s right.

  28. Emevoli Says:

    Happy xmas folks!

  29. King's egg Says:

    Does anybody know when next chapter will be released ?

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