Das Berserk 291

  » Posted November 17th, 2007 by psi29a

Apologies for the delay, real life takes priority is all that can be said at this point. Fear not, we will continue to bring Berserk and more, just hopefully not as late in the future. πŸ˜‰

Major kudos goes to both Mystic and LordMune for their time and effort. Thank you guys!


Another PSA from hbi2k

Enjoy and have a great weekend.

62 Responses to “Das Berserk 291”

  1. Yoroichi Says:

    “real life takes priority”

    Thats funny πŸ˜‰

  2. Mister Mon Says:

    So the next chapter comes out on Thanksgiving!! Hopefully it’ll be translated all quick and all, I’m figuring that it’ll be done by Dec.1 though. Keep up the good work.

  3. uvonky Says:

    Thank you EG, this volume is just the cat’s pajamas! ^^

  4. TheHappiestGuyInSpringfield Says:

    Foreshadowing like a mofo in this chapter! Tragedy is surely on the way.. for someone. πŸ™

  5. EcHoEs Says:

    thank men for upload the capitule πŸ˜€
    i hope up more πŸ˜€

  6. vl7 Says:

    Thanks for the chapter, good stuff is about to happen in Berserk………

  7. Quirinus Says:

    Preparation for the storm!

    EG much love! <3 <3 πŸ˜€

  8. mistah radical Says:

    nice the pace is picking up. I wonder what’ll happen when griffith takes over, if he’ll show his evil self or not…

  9. DeMs Says:

    At least not as long as he will not have his spot in a legitimate way I guess; besides he likes intrigues better :p

    Thanks Giving indeed coming up, do NOT expect them to translate it during that time. EG does the healthy choice of keeping real life priorities come first; doig it during such times AND for free is beyond altruism. It’s something like caring too much and dang u peeps if complaining about a poor chapter… jeesh some of you are lame as Griff ^^ You just want it all dontcha ^^

  10. Ahmed Says:

    LMAO, GI Joe’s a freakin homo; damn thumbs up lol

  11. ZER0 Says:

    you don’t have to apology, but i have to thank u for this scantrad, really !

  12. Very Thankful member Says:

    THANKS TO EVERY ONE WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME TO BEAR WITNESS TO THE MANY NEW AND OLD CHAPTERS OF BERSERK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much; I would have been a wreck without these. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

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