Gigantomakhia #6

  » Posted February 16th, 2014 by DrPepperPro


There will be a bonus “dialogue” chapter on March 14th. Then after that we will hopefully have news of when Berserk will resume.

25 Responses to “Gigantomakhia #6”

  1. Dave Says:

    Thank you very much!

  2. geroprog Says:

    Thank you for the hard work !

  3. Mystyc Vegeta Says:

    Whoa ! cool, thanks a lot !
    And hopefully Berserk soon πŸ˜€

  4. Doomroar Says:

    Thank you very much!

  5. Mormegil Says:

    Thanks, guys!

  6. bbboi90 Says:

    great ending for a rather short but decent series, cheers!

  7. Thiggles Says:

    Thanks a lot for doing this!

    Pretty neat little series, I’d enjoy a continuation.

  8. Slayan Says:

    Thanks for the awesome job you did Evil-Genius!

  9. fair(y)slayer Says:

    You guys are the best, and this series werea blessing..It is almost surreal thinking Berserk will come back, and more surreal that i might actual know how it ends. I’ll stay tuned for your great news, good job

  10. Higashikata Josuke Says:

    So, that means we MAY have no Berserk anytime soon? Bad news…

  11. Rez Says:

    Thanks EG for translating the series. Bit of a bummer about no new Berserk related news though…

  12. homo Says:


    homo ja nai

  13. Gyo Says:

    GigantoThanks !!!!!

  14. Daniel Says:

    Recently discovered berserk, still reading through the manga content, amazing, thank you!

  15. Sandwich Says:

    So one more chapter of Gigantomakhia and then hopefully we’ll hear something about Berserk…


  16. Your Humble Follower Says:

    Could you please start translating Vinland Saga! At the moment there seems to be no one translating it. And it such a shame.

  17. Stick1000 Says:

    Nice EG, thanks. This short series was awesome. I would like to see more shorts.

    Vinland is great. Honestly, even if it ended right now at chapter 100 I’d be satisfied.

  18. Delos Says:

    Thanks for this release.
    Any chance we could get all volumes in one torrent?

  19. andy Says:

    i hope we get word of Berserk….it’s been over a year πŸ™

  20. danta Says:

    This “bonus dialogue” one month after the last chapter looks like Miura’s stalling πŸ˜€

  21. Hithertho Says:

    I totally agree with Danta.
    That chapter is completely pointless.
    Let’s hope for Berserk to resume afterwards.

  22. c Says:

    I think the next time we will hear about Berserk 334 will be on April 1st…

  23. Hithertho Says:

    Berserk’ll be back on April 11th.

  24. Eldir Says:

    Soon πŸ˜€

  25. andreas Says:

    what about the special chapter? there is the raw, when you translate?

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