Gigantomakhia #4

  » Posted January 31st, 2014 by DrPepperPro


15 Responses to “Gigantomakhia #4”

  1. caiooa Says:

    thank you guys so much for your hard work!

  2. joe Says:

    and I was like…whaaaaaaaaaaa….

  3. KinzaDatteri Says:

    Whoah, that was awesome, thanks. It’s kind of sad that this manga will end in two chapters. I have a blast reading it.

  4. Bagatov Says:

    Thanks for this release and all the work you do =)

  5. homo Says:

    Did not see that coming. Feels like Miura was inspired by AoT.

    Thank you as always!
    Greetings from Germany!

  6. JUPITER Says:

    Thankyou,you guys do an amazing job!

  7. Necronaut Says:

    I know this has been in the works for a while (I figure ever since Miura’s breaks reached unbearable levels) but I still can’t help imagining Miura reading Attack on Titan and thinking “I can do better (like, way fucking better).” Boom, Gigantomakhia.

  8. Rez Says:

    Thanks EG.
    I wonder how well Miura can wrap this story up in the next two chapters.

  9. Doomroar Says:

    Looks like some predictions come true, but i didn’t thought the transformation would be so detailed, great, however i am the only one that noticed Gohra looks just like an Escarabie tribesman but white and enormous? haha.

    Thanks for the chap!

  10. geroprog Says:

    Thank you!

  11. Toan Says:

    Thank you for bringing all of Miura’s might to international readers!

  12. MADMEN Says:

    This transformation remind me of the nano suit on crysis 2 and 3

  13. smokeesid Says:

    It’s quite interesting on the way he would wrap it up in the next two chapters. Or might simply put up a cessation on this endeavor that foreshadows his next series after Berserk.

    If that is the case then I could foresee Muira completing Berserk with it’s quick and regular releases. Looks like his preparation for Berserk’s story and its portrayal is complete as he has got another aim in his life.

  14. smokeesid Says:

    And thumbs up Nacronaut. Although the creator of “Attack of Titans” has confessed his inspirations drawn from a set of manga that also comprises Berserk

  15. AntKiller Says:

    Awesome chapter!! Thank you.

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