A Lawyer's Advice: How to deal with Cops

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A Lawyer's Advice: How to deal with Cops

Post by psi29a »

Figured for those in the USA, they need to know their rights.

[GVideo]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1350501823[/GVideo]

Officer, please understand -

I refuse to talk to you, other then to identify myself, until I consult with my attorney.

If you are investigating a DUI, I wish to remain silent and refuse to answer any of your questions. I refuse to tell you whether or not I have been drinking. I refuse to tell you how much I may or may not have been drinking and I refuse to tell you where I have been. I refuse to do any and all field sobriety tests and I refuse to do any breath, blood, or urine testing. I refuse to exit my vehicle unless I am under arrest and you tell me why I am under arrest.

I refuse to consent to any search of these premises or any other premises under my control, or in which I may have a possessory, or privacy interest, including my car, my body, or effects. I further refuse to consent to the taking of any portion of my property, or any specimen of my breath, bodily fluids, or tissue , for scientific analysis, without the reasonable opportunity to obtain the advice of my attorney by telephone.

If I am under arrest, I want to consult with my attorney. I wish to invoke and exercise my Miranda rights. If you attempt to question me, I wish to remain silent and I want my lawyer present. If you ignore my exercise of these rights and attempt to procure a waiver, I want to confer with my lawyer prior to any conversations with you. I refuse to participate in any line-up or to perform any physical acts, or to speak or display my person or property at your direction, without first conferring with my lawyer.

If I am taken into custody, removed from my present location, or separated from my property, I request a reasonable opportunity to make arrangements to secure my own property. I do not consent to any search, impoundment, or inventory of my property. I do, hereby waive any claim of liability for loss, theft, or damage against you or your superiors, or any other authority, and agree to hold all harmless therefrom, if I am afforded the reasonable opportunity to arrange for the safekeeping of my own property.

I desire to exercise all my rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois to be free from your interference with my personal affairs.

If I am not under arrest, I want to leave. If I am free to leave, please tell me immediately so that I may go about my business.
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Post by MrFelony »

nice...though i don't think this would have helped me when the cops caught me in midswing with a sledge hammer to a parking meter. Oh the days as a freshman lol...1 month til 2 full years of sobriety :lol:
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Post by Arngrim »

Already knew a lot of this, it's basic common sense really. Another misconception people have is taking the cops code too literally "To serve and protect". If you know someone is going to murder you, and you phone the cops in asking for their aide and they don't provide it in time, nobody can get a settlement over your death from them. They weren't liable for your life and there are tons of loopholes where they are more capable of punishing than protecting.
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Post by Tempest »

Meh, it's a fine line to walk when you "Stand up for you civil rights" or just cooperate. Unless you actually have Weed/Beer/Illegal substances in your possesion I really don't see the need to not consent to a search (unless it is grossly unneccessary in some form). Besides, if the cops really think you have drugs on you, they will usually take the time to get a warrant of some kind, assuming they believe you have enough to make the punishment worth the effort. Maybe it's because I live in a suburb, but I just don't hear too much about police intimdation and the attempt to get you to waive your rights.
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Post by Starnum »

Bad acting FTW! Heh, that was somewhat interesting, but I only watched about half of it. I was thinking about the same thing as Tempest though.
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Post by Bengal »

My car looks universally suspicious, (a 1982 crown victoria, beat to hell) and I've been pulled over about six times in as many months as a result. It's good information to have, even though I never have illegal substances in my car. (I ride my bicycle.)
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Post by psi29a »

The thing is, they are you rights and you have EVERY right to invoke them regardless if you are doing anything or not. We have laws for a reason. As the man said, it is better to deny than to admit guilt, never say you know how fast you are going, period.

Come on, you may have nothing to hide however, you never know when accidents may happen that you are not aware of and you get busted because of someone else's carelessness. If you do not protect yourself, how (or rather why) are others going to protect you?
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Post by Malvado »

Because they get paid to protect me. I mean, we don't need the news to talk about another black youth being shot down and the police didn't arrive at time.
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Post by Eldo »

I'm not sure if American cops are just complete arseholes or not, but I never get that sort of problem here. I don't take drugs or drink while I'm driving anyway.

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Post by psi29a »

The point is that you have rights, up to you to use them.
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Post by Malvado »

I haven't watched the video(due to its length) but does that only work in Illinois. Since he mentions it in the quoted part.
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Post by psi29a »

Um, those rights are in the Bill of Rights, every State in the Union had to agree to them before becoming states.

In otherwords, these rights are you rights for anywhere in the USA.

However, it does cover some does and dont's that may or may not apply to your state. That being said, it does cover what is the right thing to do in any state.

I recommend the video to everyone, take an hour and watch it or just leave it on in the background.
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Post by Malvado »

So i just need to change that quote to mention the " consitution of the state of Maryland". ok
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Post by newbified »

If you refuse a field sobriety test however, can't they simply arrest you under probable cause if they have reason to believe you have been driving while intoxicated? Which would then place you at the police station anyway and your vehicle impounded where they'll search it anyway.

I'm sure they wouldn't just say "Oh well, maybe you'll say yes next time" and allow you down your merry way down the road.
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Post by Buzkashi »

I cant blame cops these days for being as "assholish" as they are. I mean with the three strikes law they have no idea who they are pulling over. It could be a person with 2 felonies already who just doesnt want to get caught for a third. A person like that would be willing to do ANYTHING not to be caught.
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Post by Malvado »

Cops are also assholes because good music(old rap) has become crappy music(new rap) and infecting the minds of the youth ahahahaha. Now we glorify gangs and fighting to hold crack corners!! genuis MTV!
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Post by Sortep »

I sure could've used that last November damnit!
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Post by angi »

If you don't take a sobriety test, they will haul your ass in and take a blood test.
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Post by halfnhalf »

all i have to say is fuck cops, because they ruin my underage drinking fun.
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Post by Starnum »

Meh, that never stopped me. What they don't know, is more fun for us. ;)
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Post by Gundam_Bobcat »

When talking to Cops, if you want to insult them all you have to do is put "I feel" in front of what you want to call they or say, and they cant do anything about it because it is using your 1st amendment right.

Just a little tip i learned at a spring formal.
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Post by Shaka Zulu »

The video of the topic starter is really needed, otherwise this happens to you(ALOT more likely if your'e black) :

*"sprinkle some crack on him*

Police shoot Unarmed man 81 times - Video
Los Angeles sheriffs gun down Deandre Brunston in Compton, He was unarmed. The object in his hand was a flipflop he found on the porch. The dog was airlifted while Deandre was left to die on the ground.


The dude who got murdered for no friggin reason was quite stupid(but did not deserve to die for being stupid) and didnt make things better(he could have talked to his wife when in jail, instead of risking his life like this), by frontin' to them and being unreasonable. Dont want to defend this fool because he was just too stupid and endangerred himself to the fullest, by lying about having a gun(when its a flip flop?).

But still, what they did in this video is nothing less of BRUTAL and cold murder(he just needed a phone call, he wasnt a friggin serial killer). Completely outnumbering someone, but deciding they dont give a fuck(they gave chance to surrender, but still, their conduct was far from someone who has wasted all the angles and solutions and were desperate, more like they didnt care if he died or not...Could have arrested him, but wanted him dead) and just want to kill him...

P.S If you want to see the shooting, its at minute 6.20. But better to see the whole thing before it to understand and get a feel for the situation. and Oh, not all cops involved in this was retarded mofos, here's a description from one website:

8.24.03- Los Angeles sheriffs gun down unarmed Deandre Brunston in Compton, violating official use of force policy. Dept. K9 head, Lt. Patrick Maxwell, orders K9 attack over cell phone from party, drunk, one of several documented Maxwell killings. K9 officer on site, Sgt. Earnest Burwell, refusing out of policy order, was pulled off scene & replaced by rookie K9 unit to commence attack. Burwell reported violations, quit & agreed to testify. He is now out of state hiding for his life. Fonda Brown, Deandre's baby mamma, was in back of the squad car, at the scene, the entire time. The object in his hand was a flipflop he found on the porch."
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Post by EvilDmitri »

Shaka Zulu wrote:The video of the topic starter is really needed, otherwise this happens to you(ALOT more likely if your'e black) :

*"sprinkle some crack on him*

Police shoot Unarmed man 81 times - Video
Los Angeles sheriffs gun down Deandre Brunston in Compton, He was unarmed. The object in his hand was a flipflop he found on the porch. The dog was airlifted while Deandre was left to die on the ground.


The dude who got murdered for no friggin reason was quite stupid(but did not deserve to die for being stupid) and didnt make things better(he could have talked to his wife when in jail, instead of risking his life like this), by frontin' to them and being unreasonable. Dont want to defend this fool because he was just too stupid and endangerred himself to the fullest, by lying about having a gun(when its a flip flop?).

But still, what they did in this video is nothing less of BRUTAL and cold murder(he just needed a phone call, he wasnt a friggin serial killer). Completely outnumbering someone, but deciding they dont give a fuck(they gave chance to surrender, but still, their conduct was far from someone who has wasted all the angles and solutions and were desperate, more like they didnt care if he died or not...Could have arrested him, but wanted him dead) and just want to kill him...

P.S If you want to see the shooting, its at minute 6.20. But better to see the whole thing before it to understand and get a feel for the situation. and Oh, not all cops involved in this was retarded mofos, here's a description from one website:

8.24.03- Los Angeles sheriffs gun down unarmed Deandre Brunston in Compton, violating official use of force policy. Dept. K9 head, Lt. Patrick Maxwell, orders K9 attack over cell phone from party, drunk, one of several documented Maxwell killings. K9 officer on site, Sgt. Earnest Burwell, refusing out of policy order, was pulled off scene & replaced by rookie K9 unit to commence attack. Burwell reported violations, quit & agreed to testify. He is now out of state hiding for his life. Fonda Brown, Deandre's baby mamma, was in back of the squad car, at the scene, the entire time. The object in his hand was a flipflop he found on the porch."
Listen to what the police say near the end. He did have a gun, wasn't a flipflop.. but even so, they did fire early. I'm guessing from what they were yelling that one guy accidently pulled the trigger and all the other officers reacted immediately. Seems like an article written to inspire hate against cops, and even if it wasn't right for them to kill him, that guy had it coming, no clue wtf he was thinking. I have no remorse for people like that really, he had every oppertunity to save his own life.
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Post by Gaiseric »

Haha, of course they are going to airlift the dog and do nothing about the perp. The guy was shot 81 times, there is no way he would live. And a lot of time and money goes into those K-9 dogs, why wouldnt they try to save it?
The guy wouldnt cooperate, he told the police he had a gun and that he would shoot them if they tried anything. They gave him plenty of chances to surrender. The dumbass brought it on himself.
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Post by EvilDmitri »

Gaiseric wrote:Haha, of course they are going to airlift the dog and do nothing about the perp. The guy was shot 81 times, there is no way he would live. And a lot of time and money goes into those K-9 dogs, why wouldnt they try to save it?
The guy wouldnt cooperate, he told the police he had a gun and that he would shoot them if they tried anything. They gave him plenty of chances to surrender. The dumbass brought it on himself.
Another peice of information that is good to know for dealing with cops.


If you shoot a police dog, the police will gun you down. Attacking one is also considered assaulting law enforcement personel I believe, so it is probably best to treat them with the same respect you do the cops.
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