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Post by psi29a »

Daedelus wrote:Who the hell are you to correct spelling when you screw it up so bad all the time? Not to mention the use of 'u'. There is a SpellCheck button for a reason.
I've been trying to bang sense into them for a year now. A forum isn't IM or a Cellphone. :P

Oh, and to make sure we are clear HD-DVD is different than Blu-Ray, matter of fact HD-DVD is a more open format than the Blu-Ray, and you know what... you could possibly take the nose dive in that Blu-Ray may tank like Sony's Beta-Max format. I leave that risk for you, Damien.

Sorry, pretty show and no go means suck in my book. I play games, not watch them with the illusion of button pushing.
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Post by Damien »

MOST of the big movie studios are on the side of Blue Ray.

NARUTO + BLEACH doesn't even come close to the BEST MANGA= ONE PIECE
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Post by Gaiseric »

Actually, the movie companies were pretty much split between blu-ray and hd-dvd.
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Post by Eldo »

Blu-Ray is like an exclusive format for Sony, while HD-DVD are more general to other companies. Sony gave a reason why PS3 was delayed, to put the Blu-Ray in, which I think is because they're trying to popularise their format, since more people will buy the PS3 than their Blu-Ray players. They know this. I'm not that much of a quality maniac anyway, I'm fine with my DVDs right now.

I'm not liking the Xbox 360 games that came out lately...besides Oblivion of course. If you want to talk graphics-wise, there's no huge significant jump from the Xbox from the games we've seen, such as FIFA, and NBA.

I think the disc format for the Gamecube is the reason to blame for the lack of games for the system. It doesn't store as much information in it as a DVD. Hopefully that will change when Wii comes out. All the games I want to play at the moment is on the Gamecube, and it is the most powerful system out of the three last gen consoles. I used to knock it alot, but after playing on it, I'm a total convert. It is simply gorgeous. The games for Xbox sux0rz as well because there's not a huge fanbase for Xbox in Japan, so developers tend to go for the more popular option, PS2.

PS3 is a bit expensive for me right now. I'll have to wait a couple of years for the price to come down. By then, there will probably be another generation of consoles. Goddamn it.

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Post by Femto »

Damien wrote:What gaming console company doesn't loose money on consoles? WTH are you insane, all of them do, the only way they make it back is with the games and lisences, which ps3 will have TONS AND TONS of great games.
Nintendo doesn't lose money with their consles.

and lol @ "kiddie games"

That retarded mindset makes people miss pure gems like Wind Waker and Paper Mario (which I recently bought and is amazing BTW).

Mature games...


Look at your retarded avatar and grow the fuck up.
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Post by psi29a »

Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD

Some Interesting Facts:
* The Nichi Corporation, who holds the design patents to the Blu-ray’s laser system, sits as an associate member of the HD DVD Promotion Group.
* Even though Apple sits on the Blu-ray Board of Directors, its DVD Studio Pro software supports authoring HD DVD media.
* Blu-ray, unlike HD DVD, requires a hard coating on its discs because it’s 0.5m closer to the surface. The polymer coating it uses, called Durabis, was developed by TDK and is supposedly extremely resilient and fingerprint resistant.
* The Java platform is mandatory on Blu-ray as it’s the standard for menus/multimedia (i.e. all Blu-ray systems must support JVM)
* Though Microsoft has not officially sided with either format, it has a number of long-standing IP cross-licensing deals with Toshiba. HD DVD systems will run Windows CE; the standard is currently the only next-gen optical standard with announced support in Longhorn, and an HD DVD version of the Xbox 360 is rumored for the future.
* The first consumer Blu-ray device in the US market is expected to be the PlayStation 3.
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Post by Starnum »

arke wrote:
Starnum wrote:You guys are crazy. PS3 costs so much because it's so bad ass! Hell, it costs less than a new computer, but I don't hear anyone complaining about computer prices.
Because computers have a wide range of prices.
That's true. I'm just trying to say that the PS3 cost so much, because like a computer, it has a lot of really powerful equipment inside of it, and it's not a toy.
Daedelus wrote:Yes, because other consoles don't have kiddie games. Hint, each word there is a link. The last one is a 360 game.
See, there's a difference between having some kiddie titles in your library, and having nothing but mainly kiddie titles.
Femto wrote:and lol @ "kiddie games"
Laugh all you want, you can't deny that Nintendo is known for marketing to children. I'm not saying that some of those games aren't good, like Wind Waker and the such. They're just not my normal style.
Deathbringer wrote:Yeah, because playing mature games makes you a mature person.
I never said that. Did someone say that, because I know I didn't.

Anyway, my point here is not to degrade the Wii. I'm not a troll, and all of you know how much I dislike trolling. I'm just here to say that PS3 is going to rock. Really this all comes down to opinion anyway. I mean, what's really important are the games, and I've always felt like Playstation had most of the games I wanted to play. Now, with the PS3 coming out, with all of it's new features and amazing graphics, I'm really excited. I'm not going to say one is better than the other, because regardless of how I feel, it's just an opinion. It just seemed like everyone was trashing on the PS3, so I thought I'd come support it some. As far as the price goes, it is going to be high at release, that's for sure. However, the price will drop, like it always does, and then you'll probably be able to find one in nearly every home, just like with what happened with the PS2. Anyway, that's my two cents *shrugs*.
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Post by Daedelus »

Damien wrote:I am done discussing after this, I don't like debates so here it goes:

DO TELL ME: What company is going to make a blueray HD-DVD player that is less than 500-600$ NO ONE, not only THAT but you will get a game system included 2 in one, I will be taking FULL advantage of this because I bought a HDTV to do so, also I call it WIIIIIIII because the name is ridiculous. They should have left it alone at Rev.

That is ALL... Adam out!

Wow, how eloquent. Since I know you'll be looking at this (that's just the way you are), I'll go ahead and reply. Feel free to say something back, or don't. Doesn't matter to me.

If you disliked debates, you never would have stepped foot in here. You never would have stated a position. You never would have continued to defend said position (that shouldn't have been made in the first place). You do, however, enjoy being 'right'. For you, in this case, it means screaming about how your side is best without giving us facts to back it up. You are welcome to your opinion but back it up. I could say that it's my opinion that blue is a retarded color and no one likes it. No one would take any credence to what I said unless I provided proof that blue is generally a disliked color. It's the same here, except change 'blue' with 'Wii' and 'color' with 'console'.

No one is going to make a Blu-Ray HD-DVD player for these consoles. That statement just shows us how ignorant you are of the entire situation. Blu-Ray != HD-DVD, just in case you didn't get it up until now. If I'm totally off-base here, it's because of your poor typing skills (or lack of caring, as I suspect).

Go ahead and continue to call it the childish name. That's fine with me. I'll be safe in the knowledge that people you argue (you don't debate, remember) with will be able to tell you're just another fanboy every time you use a ridiculous amount of Is. Rarely do you see a company leaving a name as the codename to a product. Vista is no longer called Longhorn et al. Also - is the name really that big of a deal to you? Do you not want to argue (you don't debate, remember) about how your consoles are so much better with the name as one of your points? Again, have at it hoss. It's the same thing as when you say Wii with too many Is.

Oh, by the way. The 'Adam OUT' thing? For some reason, before this, I didn't notice that you had a MySpace. That page explains a lot, and why your maturity level is somewhere around 14.
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Post by Starnum »

Hehehe, you have to admit Wii is a funny sounding name though. Although, Playstation isn't much better. No shit, the first time someone told me they were getting a playstation (Before I knew what it was), I thought they were talking about an E-Z Bake Oven or some shit, hahahaha, I was really confused.
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Post by Daedelus »

Starnum wrote:Although, Playstation isn't much better. No shit, the first time someone told me they were getting a playstation (Before I knew what it was), I thought they were talking about an E-Z Bake Oven or some shit, hahahaha, I was really confused.
No shit. It's no more silly than Xbox or Playstation. It did, however, generate massive amounts of hype for the console and now everyone is talking about it.
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Post by Femto »

Sega had the best console names.

Dreamcast kicks ass.

And the whole "kiddie" thing is absolutely pointless.

There's no reason for a good game's target audience to get in the way of people enjoying it. I play good games, regardless of who they're being sold to.

Besides, Nintendo doesn't make "kiddie" games, they make games for people of all ages, so a wider audience can enjoy them. In fact, I'd even go as far as saying that only the older members of the gaming community can truly appreciate the quality and finesse of something like Wind Waker.

But hey, if people enjoy censoring themselves from good games, have at it.
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Post by LordMune »

Femto wrote:In fact, I'd even go as far as saying that only the older members of the gaming community can truly appreciate the quality and finesse of something like Wind Waker.
Quoted for truth.
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Post by Starnum »

Well of course your going to say the games you play are "good". Who's going to say, "Yeah, I like games that suck." However, when it comes down to it, it's really just a matter of opinion. Besides, I don't censor myself from "good" games. The only reason I never finished Wind Waker was because I haven't had the chance. The PS2 I have was basically a gift. I don't buy a lot of consoles. I'd own them all if I could, of course. However, if I can only have one, then Sony's my choice because it has more games that fit my preference, that's all. I'm no fanboi though, I like all the systems, although some more than others. As you say, I like "good" video games. It's just that the term is subjective.
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Post by Deathbringer »

In fact, I'd even go as far as saying that only the older members of the gaming community can truly appreciate the quality and finesse of something like Wind Waker.
Ocarina of time is still the best Zelda game out there, but Wind Waker was one of the best of these few years, there´s no denying that.
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Post by psi29a »

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Post by Sandman »

Thats pretty good, but sony is not stupid enough to change the name of the console that already has been accepted by the masses. Although they are dumb for stealing the motion sensor though :evil:
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Post by Tempest »

Well technically they haven't used all of it, it isn't fully 3-D tilt, it's only up and down (Though it's probably that with more time they would have made 3-D fully capable).

But again, like I stated in so many words: At what point does a feature of a console become soley the property of one company as opposed to another?
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Post by halfnhalf »

Sandman wrote:Thats pretty good, but sony is not stupid enough to change the name of the console that already has been accepted by the masses. Although they are dumb for stealing the motion sensor though :evil:
shit the whole stealing thing, everyone does it. It is the same reason why you see the same thing from pepsi and coca cola. It's all for the market, its not dumb. From Sony's point of view, they have a controller with similar functions as the Wii, but with far superior hardware, so its a better buy. However, Sony got owned when Snake showed up on SSBB, and if rumors hold true, Mario vs Sonic, ill fork over money just for SSBB. I was a believer that nintedo had nothing after GC, but Wii showed everyone that the OG's are still in the business.
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Post by Starnum »

Yeah, competition always benefits us consumers. I don't care who steals what, as long as we get the best consoles possible. ;)
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Post by psi29a »

Some more bad news for the ps3:
In a interview for CVG Hideo Kojima told that he would like to run away from Metal Gear Solid 4 creation and create something for the Wii.

this is the part of the of teh interview:

CVG: What are your impressions of Nintendo Wii and how did Snake appear in Smash Brothers?

Kojima: I’ve played Tennis, Zelda and Mario on Wii. I find Tennis very interesting. I played the early version but the E3 version is far more advanced. As a game designer, I’m very interested in creating something for the Wii. I’d like to run away from MGS 4 creation and create something for the Wii but unfortunately, I don’t have anything that I can announce at the moment. I have lots of ideas for Wii but I have a heavy schedule with MGS 4 and Metal Gear Online. Concerning Snake’s appearance on Wii in Smash Brothers, I’m friends with the designer of the game and I thought it would be nice if you could play as Snake - when I heard about the new game last year, I contacted the designer and we started working together.

About a year ago Sony defended the PlayStation 3 by stating the PS3 is "a box made of future technology opposed to Xbox 1.5, which seems to be a combination of things available today." However, this week The Inquirer talked with several game developers and heard they aren't really impressed by the performance of the PlayStation 3. The performance isn't really there yet in many cases and they say that both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 don't have enough horsepower to run state-of-the-art PC games like Crysis. Game developers say they are disappointed because they aren't able to do what they've planned to do.

Just seems to be more and more bad news for ps3. Lots of good press for wii, and on/off news for xbox-360 which you all should know STILL owns 100% of the next gen market right now.
The main problem for the PlayStation 3 console is that it is still in a heavy prototype stage. And the performance in many cases just isn't there.

One of the reasons offered to us is the actual hardware installed in the console. Since this generation was all about pricing instead of technology, those savings are the reason why Crysis and many more titles will remain PC exclusives, since consoles don't have the horsepower. Developers have voiced out their disappointment in not being able to do what they've planned to do.

One reason for failing to deliver the performance promises on both sides is the fact that both Microsoft and Sony products utilize 128-bit memory interfaces for the GPU, which cuts available bandwidth to half othat available on high-end products from the PC world.

Instead of a memory bandwidth of 44.8 GB/s, the Xbox 360 features only half of the number and, in practice, the Xenos GPU is working on levels of graphics cards somewhere around the year before the last one.

The PS3 is a bit more complicated with a TurboCache feature with the system memory, but we'll just focus on the GPU capabilities. The RSX has a memory clocked at 1400MHz but, again, you'll be just as stuck as with the Xenos GPU - cruising around at 22GB/s.

CPUs are also a whole other story.

In the end, it seems that Nintendo will be the one to beat, especially with a dramatic price difference. For the price of the PS3, you get a complete console, around three games and some accessories.
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Post by Sandman »

It doesnt matter PS3 will be reigon free for games that means the next Berserk game that comes out is playable anywhere :twisted: ..... I wonder if that means when I get a PS3 if I can play the old berserk game with out swap disc??

I guess we will all see in November which console will sell more... I still think that sony should get off its ass and release sooner, but its probably complicated :roll:
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Post by Ayanami »

I love how the Sony fans say that they are getting PS3 for the games they like when pretty much nothing has been announced yet except MGS4 and DMC4. You guys honestly think that the 3rd parties will stay loyal to Sony if Nintendo and MS gain more and more market share? The new GTA was exclusive to PS3, not any more.
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Post by Gaiseric »

I actually saw an interview with one of the guys working on Crysis and he said that they have a company working on a 360 version of the game and that it looks identical to the PC version. But we will only know for sure once we see the final products.

Xbox 360 is getting GTA IV first.

Now, I really dont like Sony.

They lie about their systems, showing videos and claiming the graphics are real-time. For instance, the Warhawk video they showed last year looked absolutely amazing with gorgeous graphics and hundreds of jets flying all over the screen. This year they showed actual in-game footage with maybe a dozen jets flying around and they seemed to appear out of nowhere. Also, the horrible controls using the tilt sensor in the controller, the guy playing could barely fly the damn thing.

Thats another thing, it is obvious they threw that tilt-sensing controller thing on at the last minute after seeing the reaction Wii was getting. it didnt work for Sega when they half-assed their Saturn for 3D, its not going to work for Sony. Also, the basically copied Xbox Live. They could have done something different, but its prectically the same damn thing. Now, it is possible that MS got it right the first time and set a standard for online gaming, but seriously its like Sony did that just so they could say 'hey, we can do that too and we are prettier, buy me'.

Sony also releases shoddy incomplete hardware. I bought a PS2 on launch day and it broke six months later, which is longer than most lasted. All but one of my friends PS2s broke at one time or another. I worked at a Gamestop at the time PS2 came out and we had dozens of angry customers bringing their systems in cause they stopped reading discs or the graphics went all haywire. When you pay hundreds of dollars for a piece of equipment it should last longer than a couple weeks. Maybe we just recieved a batch of systems that got dropped in shipping or something, but I doubt it considering the reports all across the country of the same problem. At least Sony fixed their error with the sexy slim-PS2.

So I will not buy a PS3 at launch, I will wait for them to finish testing their product on poor consumers and buy one in 2008 or so. Unless they burn in the blu-ray fiasco.
[/rant] :twisted:
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Post by Femto »

Gaiseric wrote:Xbox 360 is getting GTA IV first.
MS and Sony are getting it at the same time.

Yeah, Sony is a shitty company but the PS2 had some of the best games this generation.

That's all I really care about.
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Post by Gaiseric »

True, but other than God of War, how many were first-party?
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