Kentaro Muira is a Sexist Bastard

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Post by swallow »

:lol: I never take myself that seriously, and I suppose I was interested to see what sort of reaction I would get. Whether I was PMSing at the time of my first post, I'll leave that for you to decide. Not that I don't still have mild problems with it, more of a quirked eyebrow "That sexist bastard!" reaction I get from reading Moore, Tolstoy or Chaucer (see I compared Muira to them, warranted or no).

I'm still bemused over the fact that men consider menstruation a serious medical condition. Khelegond, I said I reserved the right to be annoying, angry and violent. I know it's not the same thing, but I do kickbox. Whatever women lack we make up in speed, agility and flexibility. I'll be the first to admit tho' that when backed into a corner, and as account of my being not particularly big, I'm pretty much screwed. And if you really wanted to win that fencing competition, you could have just shat your pants rather than running to the bathroom all the time, but considering the spectators, it was probably for the best that you didn't. :?

Sortep, exactly the sort of reply I expected from you. But, really what a dumbass reason. Do men in the army still need to get circumcised before they join? If they don't... Bah! If they do... I think I've lost my trail of thought there...
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Post by MadDogMike »

swallow wrote:Wow! There's all these men out there leaping out to defend those whiney pain in the ass people who complain about EVERY LITTLE THING (and I'm not just talking about women).

Being angsty and annoying from being uncomfortable isn't a medical condition. Most of the time when I get in a funk I just try to work my anger off at the gym. By the sounds of it I should just get angry and rag on people all the time being a complete and utter bitch (I'm sure it'll be more fun) and they won't mind. (Damn I wish there were more women on this forum.)

There are dozens of ways to fall off a cliff Eldo, Muira just chose that one. And yeah, I did like Caska's character, which in a way I consider it defending her honor, or some jazz like that. :wink:
Sounds like you're the biased one here. Cramps and migraines aren't just "being angsty and annoying from being uncomfortable". I'm just stating the facts.

I'd just like you to know that I'm not sexist, but I do have something against people who whine on about things like this, even when it's a fact that in real life these things occur.

It's just like how the children's poem "Baa Baa Black Sheep" got changed to "Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep", even though there was not even the most remote hint of racism in the poem. People are making a big issue about something that was trivial in the first place.

Not trying to get you angry or anything, but I feel the need to defend my views too.
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Post by EnglishJim »

swallow wrote::lol: I never take myself that seriously, and I suppose I was interested to see what sort of reaction I would get.
Well you know how to get one! There were quite a lot of serious posts that came in fast. You even made some guys register and brought others back from the dead. Really though, I like that you're straight-up and honest about what you think. Anyways, this thread gives us something new to talk about, since Eldo dropped this on us...
Eldo wrote:No Berserk on the 24th or on the 8th of next month.

He's probably taking the rest of the year off.
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Post by wasurera »

swallow wrote:
EnglishJim wrote:The title of this thread was a little uncalled for. Hell, if I bled through my genitals for days I'd probably get sick and fall off a cliff too.

I'm using the term "sexist bastard" in the most liberal of ways. I find many song lyrics and whatnot offensive but that doesn't stop me from buying the artist's albums. I find a lot of literature, maybe not offensive, but at least mildly irritating, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying them. My point is that it was a shit poor excuse to get them to fall off the cliff in that manner, and in my opinion not the way Caska would behave.

And yeah, when women have their period, it might be blood, but it ain't really bleeding when there isn't a wound. Women who constantly harp on either have: a) another medical condition; or b) are whiney shits complaining for the sake of complaining. Not that I don't reserve my right to bitch, lash out and go violent.

In my book almost ALL men are sexist bastards. Even Psi, who gives the impression of a plush, cutesy teddy bear with puppy-dog eyes (and rather sharp teeth) has on various posts shown what he keeps for the most part circumspect. Even if half the time you don't say it when us girls are around, we know you're all sick bastards. Just in the same way I'm probably a sexist bastard the other way round.

Still shits me at time tho' - and it's still a flaw in this instance. :evil:

Ok, totally untrue. I normally don't even notice a lot of physical discomfort when I'm on my period, but there have sure as hell been times when cramps have kicked my ass and made it hellish to function. Also, I have two close friends who are on birth control JUST to manage their cramps. While I don't disagree that Muira is sexist in some way, but there are a ton of other ways he could have had Casca show weakness that would have been much more damaging to her character. This is the only time in the anime Caska comes off as weak, and it's a very plausible reason to me. Her character remains a strong one for me (well, up until after the eclipse, but I digress.)

And hell, EVERYONE is sexist, as you said. My brothers encourage me to be girly so that I can get presents from guys. HAH. My brothers can be so cute.
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Post by Lord Rae »

I haven't bothered to read the whole thread... let me get that out of the way. I gotta run but wanted to post first that my girlfriend has cramps that have made her physically throw up, her doctors kept pumping up the level of pain relievers... atm she's on Hydrocodon (I think I spelled that right) which is a pretty hardcore pain pill.. They're also pretty big. like a horse pill. that pretty much takes the edge off and lets her function on bad days. Perhaps knowing that made the scene make perfect sense. No matter how badly my girlfriend wants to do something if its a bad day its a bad day. And thats coming from a woman who walked two miles on a broken ankle when she ran out of gas. ;p
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Post by Brainpiercing »

Which brings me to my theory: Have more sex. Fuck the pain away....

If it works for headaches it's got to work for menstrual problems, too.

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Post by ZoddsNo1Fan »

Your logic is flawed. How can you deduce from that one scene that Miura is a sexist? The fact that he even has a woman commander(and i stress COMMANDER, not foot soldier) makes him considerate toward women(seeing how in medival times women had no rights, like the ones your exhibiting right now). I dislike people who have shallow, negative remarks(troll) like the one you have posted. Give more examples and i will think about considering your lude remarks. Go read a book.

oh and by the way, your ignorant. it wasnt her period that made her stumble into the gorge, it was that fact that she was fighting the battle with a fever. How can you say it was her period that gave her the fever? Pleae read the manga and watch the anime before you start trolling about berserk, thanks.

edit: i just read you post on page 2. It seems Guts was right about those things he said about women huh?
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Post by wasurera »

Lord Rae wrote:I haven't bothered to read the whole thread... let me get that out of the way. I gotta run but wanted to post first that my girlfriend has cramps that have made her physically throw up, her doctors kept pumping up the level of pain relievers... atm she's on Hydrocodon (I think I spelled that right) which is a pretty hardcore pain pill.. They're also pretty big. like a horse pill. that pretty much takes the edge off and lets her function on bad days. Perhaps knowing that made the scene make perfect sense. No matter how badly my girlfriend wants to do something if its a bad day its a bad day. And thats coming from a woman who walked two miles on a broken ankle when she ran out of gas. ;p
One of my best friends has cramps that border on birthing pains unless she's on the pill. I believe you.
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Post by wasurera »

MrFelony wrote:I thought she was also suffering from a wound. i rewatched the anime at least and saw something that looked like a wound...of course it could have been her bloody vag...but w.e lol.

and its not necessarily Miura who is sexist it COULD just be the way life is on the battle field :roll:
Just a sidenote here, but I just rented Blazing Saddles for the first time in a long time. I <3 your icon.
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Post by Gaiseric »

Just want to throw in my two cents. Periods are different for everyone; its very painful for my sister and I avoid her like the plague for a couple days, whereas my ex had very mild cramps and she never got bitchy.
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Post by Dagda Mor »

Re: Brainpiercing- o_O

Er, anyway. . .

Kentarou Miura being sexist is something I wondered about a great deal while reading the manga. (The part swallow offers as an example never struck me as sexist, and still doesn't. One's interpretation is a matter of opinion, of course, but I think that's reaching a bit.) My thought process went as follows:

What bothered me about Berserk was the recurring theme throughout the manga of the rape or threat of rape against female characters. Caska is the clearest example of this, but there are numerous other instances: Farnese and the possessed horse, the Black Dog Knights, and of course those damn trolls. There are several arguments against this...

-Like all characters in Berserk, the women are deep and believable, as opposed to the unrealistic personalities designed to increase sex appeal that one often encounters in manga. There are no chainmail bikinis or other artificial devices; everything has a justified, believable place in the story.

-It's not just women who are raped. Let's not forget the episode from Guts' childhood with Donovan. This argument carries less weight because

-Rape is treated in a realistic fashion, as opposed to certain hentai conventions, such as the victim resisting at first but then later getting into it. Berserk is especially notable for depicting the consequences of rape, as opposed to simply glossing over such incidents afterwards.

In the end, my conclusion was (and still is) this: Kentarou Miura has faithfully replicated numerous elements of Medieval Europe, including the oppressive conditions women found themselves in. It's not Miura that's sexist, it's the world he's created which is- almost. One must take into account the fact that Miura does do fanservice in limited amounts, simply by showing us naked women instead of obscuring the nudity, as he does when such situations occur with male characters. In that respect, I think there is some sexism to be found in his work.

Thoughts? Is this just me?
Last edited by Dagda Mor on Sat Nov 25, 2006 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Finito »

Women with too much hormones... That sexism is in your head, we men only respect the biological laws of human bodies.
swallow wrote:I'm still bemused over the fact that men consider menstruation a serious medical condition.
Easy, take your menstruational disconfort you get, take it back 1000 years back, add it to fighting on a battlefield for a day if not more most probably on the front lines with swords on a horse wearing armors instead of kickboxing, plus she was only fighting men opponents, plus she had to command men causing even more fatigue, stress, plus she had to showoff to the men being the only woman and always overdoing herself, not to mention the frustration, contradicting and feeling powerless feelings going on in her head and you get a serious medical condition with menstruation at its base, but not the only reason. Btw not everyone consider the word serious the same way you do.
Also the fact that some women nowadays other than you actually have physical problems when they are menstruated makes it easy to consider it serious back in those conditions above.
If you want to call Miura a sexist because every men are sexists, it just makes him normal.
swallow wrote:I know it's not the same thing, but I do kickbox. Whatever women lack we make up in speed, agility and flexibility.
False, a women and men sports distinction is actually there for a reason and its not sexism, women are lower than men in mostly every physical way, except maybe flexibility that ive seen in some "Cirque du Soleil", but I dont see how useful it is to be that flexible if not to show how disgusting overdoing physical flexibility can be...

Bref, sexist, maybe if you think in Casca's place you wouldnt have fallen and think that ingeniously making the difference between women and men physics of medieval time in a considerate and well thought manner is sexist.
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Post by swallow »

There's not an emoticon out there which can show how much I'm laughing right now. Some of you realised I was screwing with you... others not so much. Except I still want to kick Sortep in the 'nads - only as a sign of affection mind you.

I realise men - especially young men have delicate constitutions. Don't worry, I'll make you a cup of nice hot cocoa (with a little tot of brandy to help you along) and everything will be alright. I'll even wash and blow-dry your favourite teddies for you and maybe you'll feel more relaxed and comfortable.

I was gonna make some other comment about the runs, but I think I've had enough fun for one night. Cheerio boys, keep your noses clean.
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Post by Nonni »

Well, this whole thread doesn't make any sense to me .. Swallow was f*cking with us or am I just misunderstanding.

Okey, she fainted then Gutts (being the hero that he is) pretty much jumped after her. She fainted due to fever/period ?


Who the hell cares ? Only a few people on this forum (if there are any at all) really know what it's like to be in a war, not to mention being in a war for months/years. I'm pretty sure that has an massive effect on your body whether it be a females body or a males body.

I don't really care whether you actually think that Miura is a sexist bastard or not but it's really lame/low to say something then humiliate/mock everyone for answering your original post. Really gets on my nerves. (I understood Swallows last post atleast like that and forgive me if I misunderstood you in some way (to cover my ass if something fucks up))
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Post by Albator »

Swallow fuck with people on a Berserk forum.

What a useful thing to do.
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Post by psi29a »

I read the thread to be 'Miura is one sexy bastard'. 8)

Thanks swallow for adding a lil life to the forums.

PS: wasurera, if ya gotta add more info, then edit your last post. No need to post again unless someone responded to you.
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Post by Libaax »

Its a given people took this thread seriously when you in a Berserk forum call everyone's fav writer a sexist :wink:

If you wanna see a real sexist, go read GANTZ, the covers and the manga is full of sex crazy females, you think its a hentai sometimes.

Still i liked how this thread woke everyone , the forums need something new to talk about other than keeping Berserk 279 thread alive with beer tastes discuassion.
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Post by stafilo »

swallow wrote:...
I realise men - especially young men have delicate constitutions. Don't worry, I'll make you a cup of nice hot cocoa (with a little tot of brandy to help you along) and everything will be alright. I'll even wash and blow-dry your favourite teddies for you and maybe you'll feel more relaxed and comfortable.
Damn, I love hot cocoa!!!!!
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Post by Lord Rae »

that statement is hilarious if you imagine it coming from your avatar.
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Post by MonkWren »

I can always use a cup of hot cocoa, and I imagine any number of people would testify saying that I always need a nice shot to the balls as well. :)
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Post by MrFelony »

I want an omake with Femto and casca drinking some hot coacoa infront of guts...

and the menstral cycle is caused by a giant machine created by the jews kept in the center of the earth next to the machine that plans all the wars that happen...add that to the omake as well lol
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Post by Brainpiercing »

I'm going to have to make a new thread in the Current Events forum.

"MrFelony is an anti-semite. He says Jews invented menstruation."

If you go on like this very soon you'll be the forum-nazi.

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Post by Son of Socrates »

Oh god... not this crap...

It does not matter how women are portrayed in this manga. It is the author's vision. You can choose to pick on the tiniest detail, misinterpret, and attack, or you can sit back and enjoy.
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Post by Sortep »

Understand Swallow, the nads of the Sortep are the hardest material in the universe. So feel free to break your foot upon them. Other than that, I just got a little riled up because I can't stand when people pull the "Selective Woman Card." But otherwise, happy menstruation! :twisted:
The Berserk Outtakes wrote: Women, you're always menstruating. Stop that!
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Post by MrFelony »

dude, I'm not an anti-semite, MY BEST FRIEND IS A JEW! :P

In this situation it's hard to tell wether or not miura is just depicting the mideival gender roles or if he himself have any sexist feelings. While a femnist casca is funny, it just wouldnt fit ;)