Berserk 303 - Backlight

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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Eldo »

Not to really defend FH and everything, but I bet that they want to offset some of the server and maintenance costs with the donations. They aren't really force feeding people to donate to them (unlike Tazmo, from what I've heard), so I'm not going to blast them for that. To avoid making ourselves look like hypocrites, we had PayPal donations in the past before but we got rid of it since we didn't really need it that much. Whether or not people donate and whether or not FH makes profit from it, I have no idea and frankly, it's not my business and I don't care. However, if they think that they should be paid for offering scanlations, that is an entire thing altogether and I don't think it's right. But then again, what can I do about it? Nothing. So I'm not going to make it my business and I don't care.

As to why we don't like speed scans, it's well, they frankly look quite horrible. In the past, I have blasted people on mangahelpers for speed scan/edit. Because:

1) I devote an immense amount of time and goddamned hard work to edit it. I would not sleep the day before the release and wait for the raws. I will only sleep after finishing editing and it's released (>11 hours spent on the project). Other people doing it in an hour at low quality makes me question whether or not I should have sacrificed my time and effort to edit it. It really killed my motivation.
2) I've sacrificed my social life and work to get Berserk rolling. I gambled on the fact that I have good relationship with work that I would not be fired if I took a day (or two) off. It's coming to bite me back in the arse, it seems.
3) When someone releases it, I feel like they are not trusting us to do an adequate job with the scanlation. It feels disrespectful to me. While we didn't sign an exclusivity deal to scanlate Berserk, I would just hope that other groups would have enough trust in us to know what we are doing our best to get it out the door so it is of a high calibre. It's a mutual respect and an honour amongst thieves kind of thing.
4) So many other groups have not picked up Berserk out of respect and trust for us, and similarly, we have not done the same to the projects of another group. I love Shin Angyo Onshi, but that doesn't mean I pick that up and scanlate it. No, I asked them if they were still continuing it since there was a long hiatus. And when they answered yes, I offered my help. A speed scan was releasing SAO at the time, and I thought they were sodomising the manga with the quality they put out compared to ETC.
5) Speed scans make my eyes bleed. I lost my interest in scanlation and manga partly due to speed scans. It has destroyed the motivation of other quality groups and some of my favourite groups.
6) It feels like speed scans are just picking up the popular mangas just to increase their e-penis size and their view count. Really, there's a million other mangas out there. You do have a lot to pick.

Anyway, the above points were just my own opinion, and does not reflect the rest of the group. Let this be known before you go on the internet saying that 'EG h8 group X' and 'EG is such a whiner and r patehtic'.

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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Starnum »

Yeah, you're right Eldo, and of course I can only speak for myself as well. It's never my position to speak for the whole group, so please let there be no mistakes about that, and forgive me if I ever give that impression. It's definitely never my intent, at least. People can either like us or not, I don't really care either way, and that's why I have a tendency to speak my mind. However, I have a great appreciate for the people that do read our scans and their support means a lot to me. I also like the type of regulars we've drawn over the years, past and present. We have a way of warding off the n00bs, while like-minded folks are able to make themselves at home. I think we've got a pretty sensible group, and I enjoy talking to everyone around here. So I can live without the people who don't get us, or think we're snobby pretentious whine-bags or whatever else. If someone really thinks that's us, then they just don't get us at all. I think most people around here do, and that's why we've usually got a pretty cool atmosphere around here, even when it gets hot, if you know what I mean, heh.

Anyway, I have no animosity against FH, I just don't care for their scans *shrugs*. Also, I don't know if they're really soliciting for donations or not, so I can't really say, and really I don't even care. If they are, then very bad form on their part. If not, then whatever. I see nothing wrong with accepting donations, they can go a long way, and are the lifeline for some groups. It's awesome when people can and do donate to worthy groups, but scantilations should be free you know? That's what the whole concept of scantilating manga was built on I thought. So I can't respect anyone who actually does it for the money, or requires a fee of any kind for anything. Honestly I don't even like it when people request donations, but some distro groups have a lot of server fees to handle, and I can understand that. Making people pay for other people's work is the worst though. If you're gonna pay for manga, go buy it at the store I say. I too believe in a type of honor among scantilators, as it were. Some groups don't seem to have that. It's the ones that do, that I respect the most.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Omnideus »

Starnum wrote:So I can live without the people who don't get us, or think we're snobby pretentious whine-bags or whatever else. If someone really thinks that's us, then they just don't get us at all.
As far as I've seen, the only people that seem to think this are those that come here, become impatient without realizing that quality takes time, and then post links to Speed Scans or other Berserk Scan group(s). I've yet to see anyone of reputable character ever become truly enraged for no good reason on these boards. While I do not post often, I am normally here checking at least the Berserk Forum on a somewhat regular basis. I don't think anyone here would take what Starnum said out of context, or as the stance of the entire EG team. At least not any regulars.

Also, I've never read a speed scan. Berserk is the only manga that I read anymore, so I don't see the point. If I can get masterful work, as close to the intended meaning as is possible, with great image quality why the fuck would I go elsewhere? I can understand needing to feed the monkey, but I've never felt that it's worth it. I greatly appreciate all the time and effort that you guys put into this manga, and always have (since whenever I joined a couple years back). If I never found EG I am afraid I would have been sitting here reading shitty scans/translations of one of the greatest stories written, which would probably have ended my interest in the series. Due to your tireless efforts, I am still an avid fan and will most likely be until Miura decides to end it. Again, thank you so much for all you guys have done. I am afraid to think of what would be the norm for Berserk Scans if it were to fall to some other team. If nothing else, know that you are greatly appreciated by many upstanding people, who would be elated to stand behind the quality of your work.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Istvan »

Omnideus wrote:
Starnum wrote:So I can live without the people who don't get us, or think we're snobby pretentious whine-bags or whatever else. If someone really thinks that's us, then they just don't get us at all.
As far as I've seen, the only people that seem to think this are those that come here, become impatient without realizing that quality takes time, and then post links to Speed Scans or other Berserk Scan group(s). I've yet to see anyone of reputable character ever become truly enraged for no good reason on these boards. While I do not post often, I am normally here checking at least the Berserk Forum on a somewhat regular basis. I don't think anyone here would take what Starnum said out of context, or as the stance of the entire EG team. At least not any regulars.

Also, I've never read a speed scan. Berserk is the only manga that I read anymore, so I don't see the point. If I can get masterful work, as close to the intended meaning as is possible, with great image quality why the fuck would I go elsewhere? I can understand needing to feed the monkey, but I've never felt that it's worth it. I greatly appreciate all the time and effort that you guys put into this manga, and always have (since whenever I joined a couple years back). If I never found EG I am afraid I would have been sitting here reading shitty scans/translations of one of the greatest stories written, which would probably have ended my interest in the series. Due to your tireless efforts, I am still an avid fan and will most likely be until Miura decides to end it. Again, thank you so much for all you guys have done. I am afraid to think of what would be the norm for Berserk Scans if it were to fall to some other team. If nothing else, know that you are greatly appreciated by many upstanding people, who would be elated to stand behind the quality of your work.
Agreed. I never touch the speed scanlations of Berserk, the quality is just too lousy. I'm extremely grateful for all the hard work you at EG put out (as I try to say every time a new chapter is released) and I really hope you'll keep with it until Miura finishes his masterpiece. I don't want to think about what it would be like if I had to get my scans of Berserk from some other group.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Starnum »

Heh, that's awesome. Thanks guys. Reading stuff like that always makes me feel better. I love being a part of EG, but I'm a manga fanatic myself of course, so I know what it's like to want to read my favorite manga in the best quality possible. So knowing that I'm helping others to achieve that ideal is really what it's all about for me. ;)
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Facade19 »

EG, from the bottom of my heart I thank you so very much for all the effort, work, love meticulous care and whatever else draws me each and every time to smile like a little child, exhilarated with nothing but sheer joy, when I see a new release! Besides being a very cordial bunch of people and greater fans of Berserk than anyone I know of, you are incredible human beings that do all of this for free!

Regardless of who does Berserk, I know that at EG quality is the most important theme and even if I have to wait on your releases, I do so patiently and lovingly, because I know that roughly two years ago, when I became fascinated in the Berserk manga, and I knew of know no one else that did the scanlations, in my dire need for more Berserk you, EG!, where the light that shone in the darkness.

Seriously though, even though I do not post here that often, if ever, whenever I download a new chapter, I will take the necessary moments to voice just how much I appreciate all your efforts. My greatest hope is that you guys stick around and continue to bring a smile to a person like me during times of grand hardship and uncertainty! In this contingent world I know that if there is no one to count one, I can always rely on EG!

Thank you so much!!!
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Starnum »

Thanks again to everyone for their support, patience, and understanding. Now, with that said, I got some good news for you guys.

The new chapter is out, and we've got the raws! So as always, give us time to get it translated and cleaned up, and we'll get it out the door as soon as we can. Looks like another awesome chapter!

Thought I'd try preempting the announcement of the new chapter this time around, in hopes of cutting back on n00bs making new threads and posting outside links. :P

Besides, that's good news for everyone. May as well get the word out now, so everyone has something to look forward to, right? XD
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Arcandus »

Nice one. Thanks EG.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Omnideus »

It's already out?! I thought it wasn't out till the 22nd. Screw it! FUCK! YES! You guys are gods among men! Thank you EG! I am drooling in anticipation.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by newbified »

304 doesn't come out until the 22nd.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Istvan »

Sometimes a copy gets leaked onto the internet before the "official" version is published. Anyway, it means we'll get the next chapter that much sooner, so no complaints. You rule, EG!
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Rolos »

All hail EG!
Seriously, I love you guys.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Starnum »

Istvan wrote:Sometimes a copy gets leaked onto the internet before the "official" version is published.
Indeed, that would seem to be the case. Lucky for us, eh!? :D
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by geroprog »

305 will come out at JUNE 12! :D
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Starnum »

I was wondering about that, good to know.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by eldur »

OMFG, OMFG, OMFG!!!!! Questions are blowing in my head!!
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by zXen »

Thanks for the release EG, quality as always.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Shiva »

geroprog wrote:305 will come out at JUNE 12! :D
Good timing. Now i don't need to ask Starnum about that :D. Thanks geroprog. So we will have 4 chapters in only 7 weeks that's quite something^^
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Istvan »

Indeed. Here's hoping Miura can maintain that pace for a while this time. crosses fingers
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by dialdfordesi »

I don't know how long this trend has been going, but it always seems like Miura times the releases right when I have time off from school. It's pretty sweet to know that when I finally have the time to relax, more often than not I will be able to do so by enjoying the latest Berserk chapters.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Starnum »

Eldo wrote:Anybody why Skull Knight appeared just as Griffith was about to 'envelop' Ganshika in 'light'? I mean, Skull Knight could have came at any time he wanted but he chose it at that precise moment, thus sparing Ganshika. Does Skull Knight want Ganshika alive? As an ally, perhaps? I don't know, the timing seemed a bit weird to me to not have an agenda.
My own personal theory is that he (SK) was waiting for the most opportune moment to make a sneak attack. What better time to strike than when Femto's attention was completely focused on attacking Ganishka. I assume that's what Femto was doing, preparing to attack Ganishka, that is. Of course, if that's the case, it's also possible that Skull Knight jumped the gun. I can't imagine Femto ever letting his guard down.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by The Herald »

OMG a new chapter came out and I didn't even have the faintest inkling of it? And I won't even be on a computer with bittorrent or winrar for days :( I love EG and all, but it's times like these that make me wish this site had more easily accessible releases, though I do understand the ease when it comes to file sharing on your end.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by DrPepperPro »

The Herald wrote:OMG a new chapter came out and I didn't even have the faintest inkling of it? And I won't even be on a computer with bittorrent or winrar for days :( I love EG and all, but it's times like these that make me wish this site had more easily accessible releases, though I do understand the ease when it comes to file sharing on your end. always posts a read online for the latest chapter. Though they also post scans as they come out, so make sure not to read any crappy speed scans.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Turd Ferguson »

The Herald wrote:OMG a new chapter came out and I didn't even have the faintest inkling of it? And I won't even be on a computer with bittorrent or winrar for days :( I love EG and all, but it's times like these that make me wish this site had more easily accessible releases, though I do understand the ease when it comes to file sharing on your end.
There's a direct download link in the third post of the thread.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Starnum »

I thought about mentioning that as well, but he'll still need Winrar. Though it's easy to DL and install, it's a small file size as well.
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