Movies of 2007

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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by War Machine »

Starnum wrote:Is anyone out there NOT worried about Heath Ledger playing the Joker? I mean, seriously...I just don't think he was our best choice. I don't know who would be...but him? He's a good actor, but I can't see him as a good Joker. *shrugs*
Yeah, man. Pretty much all of us already agreed on that.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Aetherfukz »

Must. See. Maschine. Girl. Most. Awesome. Trailer. Ever!
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Starnum »

I'm sorry, what? Machine Girl?
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by MournfulWoods »

Yeah I'm gonna see that one for sure.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Aetherfukz »

Yeah that was the trailer my last comment was meant for. Somehow it ended up on a new page.

Anyway. Schoolgirl + Guns + Dismemberment + Yakuza + Ninja, that movie has to be made of win :D

Edit: Also Tempura (wtf?), letting a guy eat his own fingers in sushi, and a flying guilliotine! And it's not even just Ninjas + Yakuza, it's a freakin Ninja Yakuza family. Thats like the spawn of Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee!
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Tempest »

Starnum wrote:Is anyone out there NOT worried about Heath Ledger playing the Joker? I mean, seriously...I just don't think he was our best choice. I don't know who would be...but him? He's a good actor, but I can't see him as a good Joker. *shrugs*
I was worried, but after seeing the theatrical and 6 minute trailers, I have faith that he will be a great. My only issue was that he was going to be too psycho and not enough prankster (I mean, what is the Joker without a few corny jokes). But from what I saw in the Bank scene and what I've heard about the script, he's still got some funny to him.
Buzkashi wrote:Though no one can ever replace Jack.
Am I the only person alive who doesn't like Nicholson's Joker? I think he was a great villain, but you just couldn't get over the fact that he was Jack Nicholson. I think if anyone else had given that exact same performance people would have just said it was "Okay". Also, making him the murderer of the Wayne family was completely retarded.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by War Machine »

The best joker:

edit: just add www. to your youtube links and they will magically work with bbcode :D -- psi29a
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Shaka Zulu »

I had doubts about ledger prior to the trailer simply because not picturing him the Joker look, not wether or not he can act (he is great) the complex, homicidal psycho Joker we love from the comics (looove Nolan for doing him right). But after seeing that trailer, I must say Ledger looks like a completely awesome Joker. Much more then the semi entertaining but lame Joker of Nickolson (he was more or less a camp gangster in make-up, not really having any of the dark characterism that makes Joker the ultra dangerous ultimate villain he is).

I dont blame Nickolson much, Burton had zero clue about how to do the Joker or anything Batman related...
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Starnum »

Okay, Machine Girl does look pretty cool.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by halfnhalf »


Mark Hamill's joker was pretty sweet too, to bad he couldnt kill either.

Jack's joker was awsome, why? cuz he can go into a place and pump out prince with his henchmen and make it look like the coolest thing ever.

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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Buzkashi »

Shaka Zulu wrote: I dont blame Nickolson much, Burton had zero clue about how to do the Joker or anything Batman related...
Sorry but Tim Burton did the only 2 good batmans minus Chris Nolans.

Also, I think Johnny Depp could do a good joker, though I think he could do almost any role.

Yes I'ma fan boi.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Shaka Zulu »

I dont even consider the other Batman movies (beside Burton and Nolan) because they were abominations. But Tim Burton knew jack shit of Batman and did fuck all related to the comics, he made a parody, I dont mean he fucked it up (which he did), but he literally did a campy SNL like parody of the batman comic.

Yes there is different kinds of Batmans depending old or new etc, but Batman on the whole is serious and dark comic, nothing of Burtons version (who he himself says completely disregarded any notion of the comic) can be taken seriously or remotely dark. Like that scene above, somewhat funny...AS A COMEDY (Jack did pretty good on the prankster part of Joker, even if almost all of it was Jack being Jack...talking and acting like he does in other movies or real life, at times felt like Batman against Nickolson and nothing more). But if you dont bother adapting the comic at all (and bother with storytelling) and making it serious in any way, then its hard to bother when its just all camp and no edge or autenticity to it.

Its all related to standards and expectations, whaty do you expect from it and compare it to. I expect it to be the Batman you actually read, not some arrogant director who decides to not care at all and do jackshit from the comics. Nolans Batman is almost actually ADAPTED exactly from the comic (I say almost because sadly Ra's Al Ghul wasnt done too well, apperance wise or making him a puny little villain...), even though modern version, its actually Batman in every detail (and immerses you into the Batman world). Not just a carbon board of him that only shares name and shallow similarities.

I agree Depp could prolly be a perfect Joker 8) Yes I'm a fanboi too :lol:

P.S Hopefully even though Ledgers version seems to have way more flesh and bone, that Ledger just doesnt nail the pyscho/manic insane homicidal killer part, but also the theatrical silly (and quite deadly) puns part too. Which he prolly will.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by halfnhalf »

just to remind you guys, Tim Burton's first batman had "the" Lando as Harvey Dent...
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Aetherfukz »

Shaka Zulu wrote:wall of text
That's why I loved Batman Begins so much. It has that really dark tone to it, and what I really liked about the Batman is that he used fear and terror as a weapon (dunno if that's akin to the comic but to me it really was fitting for a "creature of the night").
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Buzkashi »

It doesnt matter if it didnt follow the comic exactly dude. The whole point is watching the directors take on it.

Plus Jack Nicholson being good ol' Jack while playing joker was great. Shit even the creator of Batman specifically requested Nicholson for the role.

To me Bruce Wayne is Michael Keaton and Joker is Jacky.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Aetherfukz »

While Batman 1+2 are cult classics, I like Batman begins better. And also I like Christian Bale more as Batman than Micheal Keaton. Never liked that guy anyway. What stood out at Bale's performance for me was the fact that when in the Bat costume he used a lower, rougher, voice than when playing Bruce Wayne. That little tidbit makes so much more sense. People close to Wayne and Batman never realizing they are one and the same is kinda stupid even with suspension of disbelief. Spiderman has a fullface mask so nobody sees his face. Batmans chin and mouth is clear so one who knows Bruce and Batman could recognise the chin. But when you hear him talk and he has the same voice + same chin and mouth as his alter ego, you should clearly see the 2 personaes. So lowering his voice when playing Batman made it much more realistic, at least to me.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Amazing Amanda »


Anyone else see it?
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Finito »

I am Legend was so boring. The pace of the movie was so slow it was killing me, the action was bad so was the acting, I hate Bob Marley's music. Not much story going on too and movie fails really bad in including funny parts. 2/10
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Eldo »

Finito wrote:I am Legend was so boring. The pace of the movie was so slow it was killing me, the action was bad so was the acting, I hate Bob Marley's music. Not much story going on too and movie fails really bad in including funny parts. 2/10
In some respects, I agree with you. I couldn't even watch this movie to the very end, because it was boring me and I'd rather sleep on my bed than sleep on the cinema seat. The direction was terrible.

First of all, Will Smith isn't that great of an actor to carry the movie ON HIS OWN. He's a good actor, but not that great. He is not suited for the role. There are some scenes that I'm supposed to laugh at and think how cool it is that he could do anything, such as the scene with the mannequins where he's 'checking her' out, and the part where he plays golf at some aerial base or whatever. I found those incredibly forceful and somewhat pretentious, I didn't think it was 'cool' despite its intention to be. And also, his heavy panting upon entering a dark room. There's no tension there, it's just heavy panting. Will Smith is not that great of an actor that he could create tension in the air where there's nothing there. What the hell am I supposed to be scared of? The dark? It took more than 30 minutes through the movie to find out that the humans has changed to some vampiric monsters, and at that time I felt bored already (I haven't read any description of the movie, hoping that I could be pleasantly surprised with the movie's plot, how wrong I was). Before that point, I thought that the people turned into plastic (mannequins) as a result of the virus. Well, no, I'm joking, but it's actually more funnier than the movie tries to be.

I felt nothing for Robert Neville. Because there is no back story at all for me to be interested in him. I felt no attachment to the character. I didn't need to see him watching TV, exercising, showering, etc. I do that fine on my own. The story is fragmented, where the scenes are told at different times and not at the entirety, and it felt underwhelming. The director tries to feed some clues of the story, instead of telling it. I think it's meant to keep the viewer interested and wondering 'what would happen next', but for me, it's 'something better happen'. If the beginning of the back story of virus, and what happened to the human race was told at the start of the movie, how and why Robert Neville is alive, then maybe it would have be a better movie. The director fails to keep my attention, and the acting is sub-par to decent performances and nothing stellar.

However, because I left the cinema early and haven't watched the movie entirely, I can't give it a score. Perhaps it's at the top of the box office at weak competition, but I seriously can't say that this is a good movie. 28 Days is way better. I may rent it out on DVD, only so I can fast forward the scenes.

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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Starnum »

Not a big surprise to hear you say that. You must not have ever seen The Omega Man. Yeah, I think it helps that I know what to expect from the movie. If you're expecting it to be action packed, you're in for a disappointment. If it's anything like the original, which it obviously is, it's going to have a pretty slow pacing. That's not always bad, but it usually just makes it hard to sit through, as Eldo can verify. Also, I'm not going to say Will Smith isn't a great actor, that's for everyone to decide on their own, but I personally feel that letting an entire movie ride on a single actor is never a good idea. I don't even think Charley Heston pulled it off, and in the original the mutos (that's what I call the mutants) actually spoke and had lines. So, heh, we'll see. As I said, at least I know what to expect, so I'm hoping I can appreciate it for what it is.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Eldo »

I had no expectations for the movie, because I didn't know what it was despite my workplace heavily promoting it. I haven't seen The Omega Man, nor did I know that it was (if it is) linked to it. As I said, the storytelling is sub par. The fragmented storytelling does not help the movie, even though I can tell that the director was trying to be stylish about it. It would have been a much better movie if it was told from the beginning to end instead of in sections. I can't feel for the character because we are not introduced to him at the beginning; all I know is that he talks to his dog a lot. Furthermore, the casting of Will Smith is questionable, he is unconvincing as a scientist, a soldier, and a family man all rolled into one. The special effects with the zombie vampire things aren't exactly top notch stuff either, it might have been much better done with a real cast than with CGI crap.

I may give it another chance later, if me mates bug me about it and we see it together.

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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by MrFelony »

well the dog did have a role in the movies :P.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by lon3vvolf »

Saw Aliens Vs. Predator:R.

Better than the first Vs. movie, still not as good as Aliens, or Predator 1. 3.5 out of 5... maybe 4 out of 5. Without spoiling anything in the movie I'll sum up what I didn't like... may have some minor spoilers.

Bad: A lot of focus on the human side. Not enough suspense. Many of the action scenes were filmed so close you can't tell whats happening. Story on the human part is minimal at best. Half the acting staff was horrible, though the bums in the movie deserve oscars heh. The ending will range from "meh" to disappointment depending on how much you like either race. Fucking humans... mess it all up...

Good: RATED FUCKIN "R!" for gonna RIP YOU A NEW ONE. Seriously, this movie kills its predecessor in terms of graphic violence and pushing the boundaries of "thats really fucked up"-ness. Interesting fights between the two species. Predators didn't get screwed over as much as in the first movie. The Pred-alien design was good. Couple characters actually... acted half decently. Lots and lots of killing :headbang: Did I mention peoples heads explode?
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by Starnum »

Yeah, I was really wanting to see it, because I knew they were going way more graphic with it this time. Which is how it should be done. We went up there and everything, but it was way too packed, and we could tell we wouldn't get our tickets in time, from having to wait in line. So we just bailed and went and played Skate. :P

I'll prolly go catch it tomorrow or maybe this weekend.
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Re: Movies of 2007

Post by lon3vvolf »

Actually we couldn't get tickets for the showtime we wanted so we watched it 2 hours later. I can't believe a friend of mine fell asleep during it.
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