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Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:41 am
by Skullkracker
(Over 500, so it's time to start my own topic, hope it won't drown too soon.)

my parents had a serious conversation with me yesterday seeing how I'm tending to become a couch-potato. Among other things they pinpointed that I (seriously need to et laid...not what they literally stated, but that was my deduction ( :P )). to avoid further misunderstanding of me, they said I should be more outgoing and learn to cope with the opposite sex better...
(since I don't usually fill them in on my private life they are a bit worried about me being a total loner).

I planned to cocoon myself and with a newfound strenght start a new siege against the chosen hearts at the start of the semester, but it IS too far.
I decided to bring matters to the International Council of Evil Genius :wink:

My hunting ground has always been school or university, so I'm basically unexperienced to go streetwise.

So men, and the few very respected women here, I want to know:

:arrow: what is the best hunting ground IYO
:arrow: what do you ususally do to attract the attention of a girl you have never seen before
:arrow: what do you consider a winning pickup-line
:arrow: how do you usualy make contact with a girl you don't know
:arrow: maybe a story about meeting your current girlfriend/ex-girl/wife...

(new questions may arise)

+ a poll

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:15 am
by Artezul
So basically your parents subtly hinted that you should get a girlfriend.

Think hard on this, is their room for error? Could you possibly have misinterpreted their lecture for something else?

So before we continue, I want to know.

Why are you looking for a girlfriend?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:32 am
by MrFelony
well it seems for to be for something his parents or couch cant provide: sexual gratification and blueberry pancakes in the morning...and if you're thinking his mom coudl make the pancakes she cant, trust me ;). but if you are serious about attracting the female race you are gonna have to make sure you are groomed. and if you have sideburns, please make them at least good sideburns. not wannabes or those grose "puberty-burns" i see some people have.

i would suggest getting a book or w/e on the topic. most of it is about confidence, body language, and et cetera. pick up lines dont usually work, but when you go talk to a girl for the first time, try to come up with something original that she wouldnt have heard. "baby did it hurt...when you fell from heaven" can get old :P. though i doubt any of them have heard "baby whats your foreign policy? cause my nucular submarine wants to dock in your harbors, giggity giggity oh yea" if oyu have friends who are good with women, you could study them even:?.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:38 am
by Skullkracker
wow, nice question...
I tried to put it all in a wacky way, but OK, an straight question deserves a straight answer.

So their basic idea is: time for a serious relationship son, even if you don't marry the girl, you should learn to handle them, so you don't get duped up by them in the memory is too low to put it all down.

why I want a girlfriend?
to be honest, my only reason so far for wanting a girlfriend was my being madly in love. At the moment I am past a few rejections, a couple of heartbreaks, so my idea is also that I won't take it all that seriously next time (don't want to ram my head in the wall again --> hurts). Just find a nice girl, become friends or more...

hope you didn't think I'm an abusive bastard... :P
I have great respect for everybody (even if I'm teasin' them sometimes), just a bit on the shy side, that's why I want a discussion on the topic. :)

So, do you have a winning recipe or what? :P

Ok, MrF, I get your point, but trust me, I know most of the "try to be original and look confident" advice. That's why I asked here, where many people can share personal experience. Besides I have many other books to read.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:44 am
by MrFelony
courage is key. if you dont ask, you dont get a response, but i put my 2 cents in earlier so i'll wait for some others...that and its 4:40 am gonna be getting like 4 hrs of sleep :(

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:47 am
by Skullkracker
it's 20 minutes to noon here...what a distance!
:sleep: well!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:27 am
by Artezul
Yeah, you're opening statement seemed to say, "I wanna bang something. Can you help me out?" It felt like a prologue to another cooter-burning.

Their "is" no winning recipe. It would take a lot of the sport out of it if you could map out everything.

The effort you put into yourself and your character, as MrFelony put it is important. It's one of the few things you have direct control over.

Confidence is important. But not to the degree of pompousness.

The rest is spontaneity. I'm not much for pick-ups, but the only thing I can think of is. Make her laugh. Smiling is good too. But a slanted eye glance probably means you aren't winning anyone over.

Don't put on an act, be yourself. Because if you likes your act, she isn't liking you.


When using the internet, remember to apply common sense. This isn't an insult to you, it's just that you should remember; the person who holds your interests highest is you alone. No one else.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:00 pm
by psi29a
Eh, could be that they are worried that their son might turn out to be a homo?

Parents get strangly worried about that stuff because they are selfish and want grandchildren.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:05 pm
by TheDarkness
sorry can't be of much help here. It's common for a guy to pick up a girl and for the guy to make the first move but for some wicked reason i've never had to make the first move. it was the same with my current girlfriend. We met at a party and she started to talk... I listened a lot in the beginning and a little later we were having a nice conversation. From one thing came the next and now she is my girl...


Other that that.... your on your own my friend. It's a tough world out there and well... Darwin said it before... Survival of th Fittest!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:05 pm
by Skullkracker
Waaahhh no!
I'm gonna delete that part!
They are worried that I might end up in an unwanted marriage. Women my age are plain unpredictable...

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:20 pm
by To2fPic

it's funny and it's true.....

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:44 pm
by MrFelony
haha i was thinking the same thing :D

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:09 pm
by Kêthêrîc
Skullcracker wrote:My hunting ground has always been school or university, so I'm basically unexperienced to go streetwise.
maybe try parties or the bar? don't really know how old you are though.
Skullcracker wrote:what do you ususally do to attract the attention of a girl you have never seen before
actually, i don't even look at them or talk to them until i catch them looking at me. The only problem is, they might be looking at me because they think i look funny 8)

My thoughts are that ladies get hit on way to often by guys, so they will respect the guys who don't stare and make comments.
Skullcracker wrote:what do you consider a winning pickup-line
There isn't one. I have never seen a pick up line work. I think the best guys could do would be saying the equivalent of "hows it going" or introducing yourself.

like Darkness said, listening is good, realllllllll good. if you make the girl feel like its all about her, and you listen well i think they will notice that alot. Ask her how her day was, what her interests are, what she wants to do in life.... the list is endless. I think just being genuine is the best thing to do. I could be full of it though since all my relationships have sucked ass, but I'm a bad picker.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:22 pm
by Buzkashi
You gotta make sure you know how to talk to them. I mean some guys dont really talk to a lot of girls. And when they finally do they be all fucked up.

Anyways, when a certain girl has my eye. I just find a way to talk to her. Whether it be through a friend or at a party, or on aim. Then we just hang out and i can find out more bout here and vice versa. If it goes well and I still like her ill try and get with her.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:27 pm
by Devil_Dante
Problem with me is, I don't have any balls. I get much attention from girls, pretty and ugly ones. But I never make the first step. I also have a bad habit of ignoring girls. Sometimes I ask myself why, and I still don't have any clue.

.... and no, I'm not gay :P

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:30 pm
by Skullkracker
Now we're getting somewhere...

It is probably not the same elsewhere, but if I got to a disco or a bar it is a bedlam...the bass is pounding in your stomach, music is loud as hell, can't see a damn thing, nd can't really do anything but tumble in the crowd, or try and get a drink...making aquaintance is sth you can only do on the dancefloor...mostly by bumping into a pack of people.
I wanna build a relationship on speech, not body language...wait...that doesn't sound so bad... :P

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:46 pm
by Necromancer
psi29a wrote:Eh, could be that they are worried that their son might turn out to be a homo?

Parents get strangly worried about that stuff because they are selfish and want grandchildren.
Even if you are gay, you are able to adopt them.

Don't try to get a girl just to satisfy your parents. Just be yourself. And I meet girls randomly, so I can't really help you. I don't like discos, metal discos/bars are cool though.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:22 pm
by MrFelony
Devil_Dante wrote: I also have a bad habit of ignoring girls.

.... and no, I'm not gay :P
thats probably why they are attracted to you :P. and you're not gay your bi :kekeke:

EDIT: well most women wont give guys a chance because they have terrible body language. the way a guy carries himself is very important when dealing with women. if you have bad body language and want ot talk to a woman, chances are she'll shoot you down :? . after all, what you say is only 7% of what a person communicates when they are interactinc with a person, the rest is facial and body movements, tone of voice and et cetera.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:08 pm
by Necromancer
Huh, double-posted?


Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:11 am
by MrFelony
yea...i quoted someone but copied it and thought i canceled the quote but apparenly it posted :?. thanks for removing it :shame:

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:16 am
by masterei
My thoughts:

1.) Try to find out if she has a boyfriend first(be as indirect as possible, try some friends you share, overhear, etc). If she has one, no point asking(you saved yourself from being turned down without a chance to even be considered/evaluated-unless the girl's a whore... in which case avoid-, that is from the get go.), wait until they break up...(evil mode on/ :twisted: or just kill the boyfriend, and take advantage of the grief :twisted: /evil mode off )

2.) Try to get some time to talk with her, if not possible(This can be the case depending on age/religion/etc) try to at least get to see her(and viceversa, if you can be introduced even better) a few times to build some familiarity.

3.) Just be yourself and ask her out(if possible while you two are alone, so as to save yourself/her from the pressure/embarassment/etc), try to act casual. Oh, and don't try to meet while you've been 'deprived' for a substantial amount of time, it's to distort your behavior.

4.) IT doesn't hurt to be groomed, and in peak physical condition(ripped :lol: ). aka no acne(try to let go of simple carbs, and consume complex carbs for a while), do some weights(they're cheap at walmarts, no need for gym.), etc.

5.) If you spend some time with her and she seems to be way into you(can happen even without saying much, enthusiastic/hugs/kisses overt flirts), you're home free, ask her out.

Personally I don't go to bars/discos/night clubs/etc and in most any case I'd probably dismiss/not want to start a relationship with most anyone who likes spending time in such.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:26 am
by Femto
You should eat shit and die.


Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:58 am
by MrFelony
haha that reply never gets old :LOL:
masterei wrote:2.) Try to get some time to talk with her, if not possible(This can be the case depending on age/religion/etc)

how is talking with her related to those things?

"oh man is she hot!"

"but davey she is a jew"

"Man shit. guess i cant talk to her now cause she probably spends all her time at temple"


"aww man davey, you should go talk to that girl over there."

"naw man i cant. she's still 6 months old, she hasnt learned how to talk yet"

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:15 am
by Kêthêrîc
masterei wrote: Personally I don't go to bars/discos/night clubs/etc and in most any case I'd probably dismiss/not want to start a relationship with most anyone who likes spending time in such.
I think this line is over played. What if some of the girls in the bar don't actually go out all the time, they are just down there with friends JUST LIKE YOU ARE DOING. The second time i went to a bar I met an awesome girl.(conservative aka not a whore, good looking, plays guitar, what more could you ask for?) She was out for a friends 21st birthday, and I was out for the same friend. Then she comes up to me and asks me what kind of drink she should buy me (since my 21st was the day before.) Too much back story, but just had to disprove this notion.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:05 am
by Skullkracker
MrFelony wrote:"aww man davey, you should go talk to that girl over there."
:shock: why davey?

I finally saw a good post from masterei. Keep this pace man...I like your avatar btw.

Kêthêrîc is lucky...I couldn't find a place suitible for...huh...talking. Some of my friends went out to party in another town and said it was way better...sheeesh...I really should move...

Oh yeah MrF, you may have some prophetic powers. I went for a swim yesterday with a friend and we had this very ridiculous conversation:
he says after leaving the pool:
- Man, there was this hot girl in the other lane.
- The left or the right?
- The left.
- Are you kidding? There was only one girl there and she was 10 years old.
- No way...
- I'm sure of it, I was swimming in that lane (ours was ovwercrowded)
- She had a cute face, but she had the body of a 12 year-old.

That happens when two guys who don't see too well without glasses start discussing girls in/or rather out of sight.