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MMORPGs Discussion.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 12:18 am
by DarkenRahlX
This is a fairly new korean gaming company that is releasing a plathora of massive multiplayer online games. These guys seem to know there shit pretty damn well. Here are some links and pictures to some of their games.

Webzen's official website is very stylish:

Thier first game that they have released is titled Mu, which is a Fantasy MMORPG that was released in January 2004. It looks like Diablo on steriods. The pics don't say much but the gameplay videos make me want to try this game out.
Out Now


Next up we have Parfait Station which is a Shooting MMOG. It looks like Cannon Spike(Capcom) and a 3-D shooter put together. It looks childish but from the video it seems that I could get in to it because I love shooters.
Release Date: Q4/2005

Parfait Station

Now we come across Wiki. A Casual MMORPG which I'll be damned if it doesn't looke like Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. The company was almost sued by Nintendo for having one of their characters resembling Link, which they later changed.
Release Date: Q1/2006


No we're getting down to the nitty gritty. This next game is an MMOFPS called Huxley which got rave reviews at E3. The game is very dark and seems like it's going to be the next big thing in gaming. The video for it was amazing... but the dialogue was a bit corny.
Release Date: Q3/2006


Next is another interesting MMOG made by the creators of GTA entitled All Points Bulletin. This game takes place in a city were you can either be a cop or a thug. Game isn't due until 2007 so there are not many screen shots. There was a video for it though, but I haven't checked it out yet.
Release Date: Q1/2007

All Points Bulletin

Now for the game that I can't wait to get my hands on. It's an Action MMORPG with style. The name? S.U.N. : Soul of the Ulitmate Nation. Somehow this company got Howard Shore (Composer for Lord of the Rings) to do the score for this Game. The character and enemy designs are beautiful and the scenery is amazing. The gameplay video shows early stages of the games combat system which is based on console gaming. There are also making of videos on the korean website that are pretty cool.
Release Date: Q1/2006 for the gameplay video for kick ass stuff

S.U.N. : Soul of the Ultimate Nation

There you have it folks. A rundown of Webzen's upcoming games.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:11 am
by halfnhalf
Damn, some look good, but those Korean MMORPGs only last for soo long and then poof gone. Most likely i dont even think i touch a single one lol.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:32 am
by DarkenRahlX
I believe Huxley and S.U.N. will do well. And A.P.B. is being made by the creators of GTA. The game are worked on by Japanese and American designers. You can look at the making of videos to see that. This isn't your typical Korean company. What I can't believe is how they got Howard Shore to work on S.U.N. I'll tell you this though. They have the best designed website out of any gaming companies website I've been to.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:08 pm
by LordMune
I was kind of interested in Huxley, but from the look of it it will include... artificial intelligence. Urgh. The standard of MMOFPSes, PlanetSide, basically lacks any and all AI code; because it isn't needed. It's all PvP. NPCs in an MMOFPS makes me sad. :(

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:17 pm
by Malvado
I didn't post that yet? damn i feel slow.

edit: well i post this so i don't feel to bad. ZerA and just if anyone missed it Granado Espada. These two are tied for best character creation/selection screen ever.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 10:48 pm
by Necromancer
Most korean MMORPGs don't have Necromancer Classes. :evil:

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:05 pm
by DarkenRahlX
That Zera game looks hawt. I'm downloading it right now to check it out. It says closed beta, but I'll try anyway. Is this game like FFXI or WoW? Man I hope this and Espada get released here. So now from the looks of it I got Granado Espada, Zera, and Soul of the Ultimate Nation to go with.

It looks like it's going to be a tough choice between Zera and S.U.N. I can't play multiple MMOG's due to having real life stuff to do... I learned my lesson from FFXI to slow down.

Also, I'm looking at Square Enix's new MMORPG Fantasy Earth...I've known about it for a while and decided to check out the web site at . Compared to the other games this one looks like utter crap. To tell you the truth I don't believe this game will ever be released. Especially when Square Enix has already announced that they are developing a new MMORPG for next gen consoles.

Update: It didn't work. -_-

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:04 am
by Malvado
Necromancer wrote:Most korean MMORPGs don't have Necromancer Classes. :evil:
LIneage 2 does...stupid humans.

Yeah fantasy earth looks plain retarded. It just can't compare with Limha Lekan art.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:22 am
by Ayanami
Malvado wrote:LIneage 2 does...stupid humans.
How is that game any way. I was kind of curious because I heard a lot of mixed reviews on it.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:03 am
by DarkenRahlX
Lineage II is not very great. I tried to get into it, but I went back to FFXI and WoW. It's gotten pretty subpar reviews. On the total review from online sources and magazines is a 63% and the average of 184 users is a 6.4. I would give the game around a 6.5 or 7.

Re: Webzen: Online Gaming Company

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:47 am
by Ayanami
DarkenRahlX wrote:Now we come across Wiki. A Casual MMORPG which I'll be damned if it doesn't looke like Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. The company was almost sued by Nintendo for having one of their characters resembling Link, which they later changed.
Doesn't look like Wind Waker is a compliment. This game looks like a blatant rip off. I was going to say something earlier, but I was lazy.

As for Lineage II, I say meh to MMOs in general, I was just curious about how it looked.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:49 pm
by Necromancer
Malvado wrote:
Necromancer wrote:Most korean MMORPGs don't have Necromancer Classes. :evil:
LIneage 2 does...stupid humans.

Yeah fantasy earth looks plain retarded. It just can't compare with Limha Lekan art.
Yeah, I know, I played it, but I don't wanna get to lvl 40 just to play a Necro class.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:25 am
by DarkenRahlX
I really hope Zera isn't a knock off of Lineage II. The way the characters move look alot like Lineage II...all stiff. Another game I'm really hoping doesn't turn out to be crap is Soul of the Ultimate Nation. The graphics are really great...but graphics don't mean jack shit if the gameplay isn't there.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:58 am
by Malvado
DarkenRahlX wrote:I really hope Zera isn't a knock off of Lineage II. The way the characters move look alot like Lineage II...all stiff.
Well normally I would try and defend Lineage 2 but my computer chair broke so i'm going to do this quick.

I understand where your coming from with the characters move stiff thing. When they turn they dont' really turn just shift to the direction unless they are standing still i suppose. That is because the game uses the "point and click(blah)" movement system which doesn't really allow turns. Now I don't understand how you can think they are stiff in other areas then turning because there looks to be a lot of animation for attacks, spell casting and just standing still.

I'm really surprised for no one talking about the great music from ZerA. It's so much better then other MMO's in that section of the grading scale. Oh how I love the violen. Well that's all I have to say but I'm a bit saddenned because Nexon hasn't released a game of theirs in the international market yet.
Edit: Oh wow I'm wrong but look at the last update....

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:54 am
by DarkenRahlX
Well the music on Zera is some of the best music I've ever heard on a game period.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:49 pm
by Malvado
i like the parfait station music too. and the ice cream wielding girl.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:18 pm
by DarkenRahlX
The trailer for S.U.N. Soul of the Ultimate Nation was pretty cool. The graphics are top notch and the music is Lord of the Rings stuff...But the narrator just sounds so corny in the trailer. They could have done a better job with that.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:24 pm
by Malvado
only thing I'm really worried about SUN is that it only shows five classes and they are gender specific. Three males and two females, which doesn't seem very MMO to me. I mean come on, five classes but you have to be a certain gender to even play half of them! Valkyrie and Berserker make since gender wise but it still confuses me. OH and I like the ZerA ranger.....he's so flippy.

Edit: something I do like that seems to be happenning recently is the absence of bunny killing for exp ex: ZerA and SUN pics. Thank You I can now feel like a adventurer/warrior by killing something more of my size. You don't reach the bottom of the totempole until you get killed by a little hare 1/4 your size.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:33 pm
by DarkenRahlX
The Zera Warrior look awesome to me. But the customization options look to only have 2 faces and 2 hair styles, but at least you can choose gender.

Yeah, I think S.U.N. is meant to play more like Diablo than anything else.

In my opinion it looks like FFXI is still owning Asian MMOs. Great customization, lots of jobs...only thing wrong with it is that you can't kill other players and the economy is going down the drain, but I'll be playing on a free server at the end of July so I don't really care anymore.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:58 pm
by Malvado
DarkenRahlX wrote: In my opinion it looks like FFXI is still owning Asian MMOs. Great customization, lots of jobs.
hohoho those 8 faces and 2 hair per face for each race is great, if people would pick them other then the 2 faces per race(mithra and male taru i'm talking to you). FFXI loses some of it's repect when it focus' on party play and the horrid subjob(thief over 60 {no thanks}), I can't really argue about it owning the asian MMO market because lineage one still has tons of people and so does lineage 2 same with crap 'r' us online(codenamed: Ragnarok Online) but I don't know the numbers. Now the koreans just need a little city of heros in there lives other then all this fantasy...i just felt like ending on that note.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:34 am
by DarkenRahlX
Square needs to pull a Final Fantasy III and add about 15 more jobs to the mix.

The worst job to me on that game for parties is dragoon... I've leveled to 75 twice... and they are horrible. Dragoons used to be awesome melees before they messed with the TP gain of weapons.

You're right about the partying system on FFXI... You can't level on your own unless you're BST. It's pretty stupid.

I hate the fact that you have to party to level past 13 or 14

Gravity (developers of Ragnarok Online) are working on Ragnarok Online II. I saw a preview video from a 2004 video preview of ROII and it doesn't look that great to me. They're using chibi characters and I don't like that shit. They said that they have improved the graphics, but if they still have chibi character models they can take that crap to the trash... I'm not 12 years old.

Now they are also working on a game called Requiem and that game looks like awesomeness. It's like Final Fantasy meets Berserk. It's has to be the bloodiest MMORPG I've ever seen. The preview video that was shown in 2004 was amazing. The game is subtitle as Beauty Hardcore MMORPG... It looks very bloody. They've also mentioned they they've improved graphics on this game also.

Damnit... Now I have to choose between Zera, S.U.N., Granado Espada, and Requiem. I've pretty much retired from FFXI. These companies need to slow their role bringing out all these sexy MMO's

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:00 am
by halfnhalf
I like the new title of the topic. There is actually one MMO im looking into and that is Granado Espada, but i havent seen anything else on it lately. I remember hearing about it from awhle back.. and well its 2005 damnit, wheres the damn game!?!?1 lol

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:03 am
by Malvado
Darken where you get the Requiem preview video? I've been looking for one for a while and never found it.

well just to attack you i post this!Breakdancing!, FISHING?, or cooking!

edit: took forever to get the cooking up.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:25 am
by DarkenRahlX

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:32 pm
by Malvado
halfnhalf wrote:I like the new title of the topic. There is actually one MMO im looking into and that is Granado Espada, but i havent seen anything else on it lately. I remember hearing about it from awhle back.. and well its 2005 damnit, wheres the damn game!?!?1 lol
Well it looks like the japanese site is taking testers.

And about Requiem, damn you darken you got me all excited then the trailer comes out looking dull. Air spray blood is so 90's I want the gushy stuff.