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Nightmare vs Guts

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:13 pm
by luciferian
soooo, after watching the last death battle, of Chuck Norris vs Segata Sanshiro, they previewed their next death battle, Nightmare, of the Soul Caliber series, vs Guts.
While, I tend to hate them... because of their Goku vs Superman battle, as they simply put a number to Goku, when the series is about overcoming the impossible, I fear they will do the same with Guts. Guts has very clear limitations, as he is a human being.

How do you feel about this? I honestly feel it should be completely one sided with guts taking victory in his berserk form. But with the preview they showed, they used the anime... so they got the black swordsman at most down.

Re: Nightmare vs Guts

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:38 am
by Starnum
Ugh, fuck those guys. They don't know what the hell they're talking about. I could go on a huge rant about how biased they are, but I won't. Instead I'll just give a couple of quick examples. In Cloud vs Link they give Link every fucking item he's ever had in every game ever made, but then they limit Cloud to basic fucking fire materia. In Goku vs Superman, they use every piece of Superman lore under the sun (pun intended), nearly 100 years of over-the-top retarded bullshit, and stack all that up against Goku who comes from a single continuity. On top of that they assume Goku would try to blast him into the sun, just because he did that to Brolly that one time. I mean, DBZ is already stupidly over-powered, so to go beyond that is just lame. If your hero is so powerful that no one stands a chance against him, then there's no possibility for tension, and without tension all you have is a bunch of pretty pictures devoid of any real meaning. I can't speak for Superman as I've always thought he was lame, but at least in DBZ they still manage to create a challenge for the characters. I don't know if they manage to build tension in the comics for Superman, but if he's as strong as they say, then I'm not sure how they went about it. I mean, except for the fact that he has a fatal flaw, which is likely why he was given the flaw in the first place, because without it he's unstoppable. Oh, Goku can't have kryptonite, but we can sure as fuck exploit Superman's strengths in this battle, while completely ignoring the fact that Goku is a master-martial artists who trains all day every day. Even on Goku's worst day, Superman wouldn't even come close to his skill level. I just wish they had picked one version of Superman and stuck with it. Finally in Gaara vs Toph they give Toph all of her powers, including the ones she developed later in life when she was an old woman, but yet she's still in her child form in the battle. They also grossly underestimated Gaara's speed, as they almost always do with the anime characters. I mean, even basic shinobi can use substitution jutsu, where you replace yourself with an object an avoid the attack so quickly that it can't be seen by the naked eye. So how fucking fast do you think a Kage would be? I think they do this shit just to piss people off and cause controversy. I wasn't going to watch them anymore after all the shit they've pulled, but I might check out this battle just to see how bad they fuck it up again. It wouldn't bother me so much if they gave both sides a fair shake, but it always feels so one-sided. They claim to be anime fans, but it sure doesn't seem like it.

Re: Nightmare vs Guts

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:52 pm
by luciferian
I feel your pain completely on this.

Base Form Goku is FASTER than Superman. He is already close to FTL at this point. Akira Toriyama stated in an interview that movement was simply a tool for him to use and make suspension, not something to be taken directly to be used in some mathmatical equation, that these fuckers tried to do.

As for Superman, the most known form/powers of Superman... is beaten by Krillian. But... Since they had to bring Superman Prime, god form, where he spent thousands of years inside of a sun to gain the powers of a real god, noone can beat that form. Even God himself would have a terrible time in this battle, as its imagine this and that.

It really feels as though they have something against Anime characters... Hell, for Vegeta vs Shadow the Hedgehog, they made it look close... when in reality, Vegeta would have simply gone completely ssj4 from the get go, and killed Chaos Shadow, without even trying. For the white ranger vs Zechs.... my god... did I want to punch the screen. Zechs would have never let the battle get even that close. FFS he dices up space stations for fun... but a lil old tiger zoid is gonna give him trouble? yea... no.

And Toph vs Gaara... my god...they wasted Gaara's potential. It was a terrible battle.

As for this battle, between Nightmare and Guts... I doubt they will fully take advantage of Guts full arsenal, which includes the Behelit, to sacrifice everyone around him, friend or foe, to gain far more power than we can imagine... though, I believe most of us imagine it would simply be strength along the lines of Zodd. But with the Berserk armor, he can evenly trade with Zodd now, if not best him, if it were a fight with full strength from the get go, not when Guts has been fighting countless monsters and then a sorcerer, and then finally a lightning demon, where they put odds to the side to wound the emperor. No, I am pretty sure, at this point, batman berserk armor will beat Zodd, specially with his own lil companion enchanting the dragon slayer with full on fire/lightning/water/what ever spirit. And since, at this point, he is always in this group, if they dont use Schierke to make him, the batman, then they are not using Guts at full strength.

I can understand putting on a "show", which is mostly what happens and what pissed me off for the anime characters that actually won, but were so op from get go, the show should never had happen. With Guts, I am pretty sure they are going to have nightmare crashing the party and killing off Casca, in the very beginning like they did with Zechs vs White Ranger, if they actually go by manga. At that point, Nightmare lost. It wouldnt even be a 1 min battle.

Re: Nightmare vs Guts

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:10 am
by Starnum
Yeah, I agree for the most part. However, Guts has already said he won't use the behelit, as that means he would become the very thing he hates. Besides, he couldn't use it even if he wanted to, because as the God Hand once stated, as a sacrifice he is ineligible to become an apostle. Also the battles are supposed to be 1-on-1, so no Schierke. That's fine tho, because as far as I know Guts doesn't need her to win this battle. I haven't played all of the Soul Calibur games, but what feats does Nightmare have that would bring him even close to Guts in the Berserker Armor? I mean, he practically flies when the armor is active. He's easily on par with a super-hero at that point, becoming a living tornado. I mean, even without the armor he already has inhuman speed and strength. Most of the soul calibur characters, as I know it, are just skilled martial artist. They wouldn't stand a chance against Guts. They make it seem like any of those characters has the potential to defeat any of the other characters, so what makes Nightmare any different? Normal people can't hold a candle to regular Guts, let alone Guts in the Berserker Armor. Although, they'll probably greatly underestimate his strength and most certainly his speed, as they always do. Doesn't really matter how strong you are if you can't catch your target. Even if Nightmare is stronger than Guts, he sure as hell isn't faster, but that fact will go completely ignored. Also, doesn't Nightmare contain something akin to demonic energy? If so the Dragon Slayer is gonna eat his shit. I just don't see how Guts can lose this battle, but the odds are, they'll find some bullshit reason why he does. >.>

Re: Nightmare vs Guts

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:05 pm
by dialdfordesi
Even if they don't use the berserker armor on Guts, Sigfried is slow as hell in the Soul Calibur games and does not have an arm cannon. Guts' thing is that he wields the sword so easily and quickly, he's intelligent and knows how to use his surroundings, and is a "by any means necessary" person when he fights.

Re: Nightmare vs Guts

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:49 pm
by Sandman
I never really cared about death battles I just thought they were good entertainment... and there comments and side remarks are pretty hilarious you got to give them that. Does your favorite character always win no but at least you get to see them in one. This next death battle on the other hand it should be guts all the way... the only thing that I see nightmare having over guts is soul caliber... I want to see Guts in a soul caliber game though that would be great and if they give him Berserker Armor it is game over for nightmare... and hopefully they use SC engine for the death battle cause I kind of hate the 2d scroller style battles :evil: Either way cant wait for this battle :twisted:

Re: Nightmare vs Guts

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:28 pm
by Starnum
Like I said before, it wouldn't bother me as much if they gave both sides a fair chance, but it just feels so one-sided most of the time. I guess they did get the Zechs and Vegeta battles right, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. ;P

Re: Nightmare vs Guts

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 10:00 pm
by Sandman
[spoiler]GUTS WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!![/spoiler]

Althought it was 2D and didn't use all of Guts's tools it was still pretty cool. :twisted:

Re: Nightmare vs Guts

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:00 pm
by luciferian
lol the fight was so 1 sided it wasnt even funny. He barely even used his berserk armor.

Finally they did something right.

Re: Nightmare vs Guts

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:23 pm
by Starnum