Funny accidents you have experienced.

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Funny accidents you have experienced.

Post by MrFelony »

Well to start off, in case you couldn't tell, i've received a good number or head trauma's. Ive gotten stitches 3 times (or 2....) now, staples once, and hit in the head with a bat twice. maybe ill tell the stories behind the scars, but for now a (semi) funny story.

So im playing baseball with my cousins and my cousin katy is at bat. at the time i was around maybe 12 and she was 15 and
and pretty tall for her age (because height equates strength of course :roll:). Now she hits the ball and of course it soars into the "outfield" oh course at this point you guys might be thinking that she does the most common mistake of throwing the bat behind her. well you are wrong, she didnt just throw it she hurled it. that thing flew about 7 feet mid-air until it finaly hit something. no it was me :o , but it was the tree that it BOUNCED OFF to hit me in the head. now think of the scenario. im about 10 feet off to her right and the bat she flings back bounces off of a tree and NAILS you in the eye...the icing on the cake was that my face was painted like a monkey so i looked liek two face. "half monkey...half bloody visage"

so lets hear some funny happenstances from your guys' lives.
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Post by Tempest »

Well I HAD made a post, but for some reason it didn't come through. Odd.. well, it is 4 AM and I think I'll give it a rest tonight, maybe I 'll post it tomorrow, if this thread lasts that long! :twisted:
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Post by MrFelony »

heh lets hope everyone likes the thread *covers self in asbestose* but i think it would be a good way to get to know that much more about eachother :)
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Post by Starnum »

Okay, why not, heh. Let’s see, this one time I was walking home from school, and a barrel feel out of the sky and clipped my head. Yeah, I don’t know where it came from either; so don’t ask. I was like, in second grade at the time. Anyway, just it nicking me was enough to gash open my head. It must’ve been moving downward and to the right pretty fast. So, anyway, there was a lot of blood. The next day we could still see the stains on the concrete. There were crimson dots almost all the way to my house; b/c I had ran home holding my head. It freaked me out. I ended up having to get stitches, and now theirs a scar on my forehead. You can’t always see it though, b/c I can conceal it with Jedi mind tricks, or maybe it’s just my hair. I still have old friends who ask what happened. I’m like, “Dude, that’s always been there.” So, to this day, I’m still trying to figure out when I pissed off Donkey Kong. :P
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Post by Ramirez »

I think I've had many.. And I'm not very proud of them If you ask me...

One day I slightly touched a peeled wire. Something blue exploded on my finger and suddendly, It was completely dark. I though I was dead! ò_ó But when hit my head with the door I realized that the lights just had fused. I got a grey spot on my thumb for some days what reminded me not to touch peeled wires. Mom, why didn't you warned me about things like that?

Other day (a rainy one) I was crossing a road filled with loads of cars waiting desperately for the traffic lights' start signal. .. My umbrella may have been looking for revenge, Because I don't know why, but it closed on the right moment, engulfing my head. I can imagine those drivers watching a Pyramid Head Guy with Silent Hill 2 Pure Style, walking in front of them. ... Mom, why?!

When I was little, I got a yellow chick as a present. But nobody warned me that If I grabbed it by holding his neck it couln't breath. .. I hate you, mom. Poor chick..

I have some other stories involving puberty, tits and drunk russian guys (Don't ask me why)... But I prefer wait for another moment and not continue damaging your brains
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Post by Necromancer »

Ramirez wrote:When I was little, I got a yellow chick as a present. But nobody warned me that If I grabbed it by holding his neck it couln't breath. .. I hate you, mom. Poor chick..
Oooow. :(
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Post by MrFelony »

little kids and animals can be a deadly mix for both little cousin once put a cat in a freezer and i think she even woudl hold them by their tails :shock: PETA was all over here for like 3 years :P
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Post by Ayanami »

When I was young, like only 6 years old I think. I was riding my tricycle on the porch. Then for no apparent reason I decided to try and be a stuntman or something and decided to take that 3 wheeled monster down the stairs of my porch to the sidewalk. Needless to say it was a rough ride........
which ended in my fore head smacked across the sidewalk pavement. It split my head, and I laid there bleeding and screaming for I would say 10, 15 minutes at the max before my mother realized what happened. I got a shit load of stitches back in the day right on my forehead, a lot of the kids in whatever grade I was in were scared of me. I still have the scar on my forehead today even though it is pretty faint.
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Post by Tempest »

OK, here goes my story...again. Lets see if the site likes me this time.

So, this was in middle school (Or Junior High or whatever you wanna call it). And during our lunchtime/recess. So, our school had a kind of playgroun that was basically a big asphalt slab outside with four basketball rims. And there was enough space to play all sorts of games and whatnot. Anyways, on this day we were kind of playing football (we didn't have a football, so I believe we used a basketball or dodgeball instead) and I had gotten the ball. So I start running and I am getting pretty close to the end of the asphalt field, where I guess I would get a touchdown. I didn't make it though. Guys were closing in fast behind me, and one kind of clipped me or grazed me wierd, cause it caused me to spin around and move to the right a few feet. After that, I blacked out. I then woke up like a minute later I guess underneath the baketball rim. Apparently I had run right into the steel basketball pole, and according to my friends, it looked HILARIOUS, because my arms and one leg flew out in front of me, making it look like a cartoon. Not really much blood, but I had a HELL of a lump on my head. Went to the hospital and had it checked out, and everything was fine. However, to this day, if you feel the side of my head where I got hit, and the same area on the other side of my head, you can still feel a bump on the side that got hit. On a positive note, I think I made an impact on the school (no pun intended) as the next time I went out, they had put some padding around all the basketball poles.
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Post by calvin »

"made an impact" ha

not many serious injuries in my youth but a few bloody ones. i broke my thumb when i was in third grade, yeah big whoop. when i was twelve or something, my family and i went to Florida to visit my grandmother. she had a golf-cart which my sisters and i would drive around the block. one time i was standing in the back and the strap (that usually holds the golf-bag but was holding me at the time) broke. i, of course, thought that i could hold myself on by not letting go of the railing. so instead of falling on my ass and probably rolling, i did a face plant and got gravel stuck in braces (teeth),lips, hands, elbows, and knees along with all the bloody goodness. i didn't yell or cry-out, so my sisters kept on driving the cart around the block.
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Post by LordMune »

To all who have posted in this thread: Ow. :(

I've scraped up my knee(s) quite bad, something like four times over the course of my life. Don't ask me how, but there were grit paths and violent falls involved most of the time (and one time, a scooter. No, I was not riding it). Yes, my knees are somewhat scarred by know, but the last incident was a couple of years back, so the scars are starting to fade. Nothing compared to what you people've gone through. It's painful just reading about it.
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Post by MrFelony »

heh well my family and i were on vacation and we were visiting some canyon (dont think it was the grand canyon) and it was a helluva windy day. ofcourse, there being a canyon, my fraternal twin brothers spat off the edge. seeing how cool it was i wanted to do it, howver my mother already forwarned me that "spitting time was over." defying the law, i spat anyway. right at that moment the wind blew directly up and flung the spit right into my brothers face hahah :lol:
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Post by Gatzz »

3 weeks ago, going home with 2 people I just met (boy/girl)
They offered me a threesome.
She was really hot, but he was... A MAN!!
Damn, I spoke to her later, asked her if she wanted to do it without the dude... but she was very "loyal"

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Post by Tempest »

I dunno if that's an accident, so much as it is...odd. :?

Here's hoping you can talk the chick into getting into it with another chick


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Post by Starnum »

Right, so I’ve got another bump on the other side of my head. See, they kind of look like I’m trying to grow horns, but only if you look closely and I’m not causing your mind to not notice, yeah. Trust me, I’m a fairly good-looking guy, or so I’ve been told. It’s just that these stories make me sound like a troll, and this is only the beginning.

Yeah, so anyway, when I was like four or so, my brother and I were jumping on the bed. My other brother was on the bed too, but he was just listening to the radio or something. Right, so my fourteen-year-old brother, who is a pretty large guy, was bouncing me higher and higher. Well, at the time I’m not too aware of the concept of pain and what can cause it. So, I get bounced off the bed, and I pretty much do a swan dive into the hard tile floor. Yeah, it was pretty bad. I had to be rushed to the hospital and receive stitches and stuff. It seems I was prone to head trauma as a child. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with me. :P
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Post by Buzkashi »

My brothers pushed me off the stairs when i was like 8, I still have a bump on the back of my head. *sigh* I can take em now though.
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Post by DarkenRahlX »

Before I tell the story I need to tell you this...My friends house has a hallway. On the left side there is a bathroom and directly across from the bathroom, on the right, is a door that leads to the basement. The stairs are VERY steep.

One time I was DRUNK as HELL (I don't drink anymore) and it was really dark. We had just finished having a good time as friends playing back yard knee boarding witha knee board tied to an SUV. So we were really tired. The house was pretty dark because it was time for us all to sleep. I had to piss REALLY bad so I ran to my friends bathroom. I made a quick turn to the right...and I didn't feel any footing what-so-ever. I had a good hang time of 5 seconds before my chest hit the cement floor.
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Post by Sahlen »

Rahlx that reminds me of something that happend to me...

I'm living in a on the 4th. floor and we have an elevator with a big mirror on the back side.
A year ago I was also REALLY drunk.

I just got back from a party I've called the elevator and went in it.
I was fucking confused because of the mirror I thought that my image on it was someone else but it made the same moves ^^.
So I tried to evade my own image the elevator started to move.
I've lost balance and my head hit the mirror.
The next day I've waked up in the elevator the mirror had a big crack and my head a big bump.It was 6am and I've came from the party at
00.30am. I've been lying there about 6 hours and noone noticed...
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Post by dos.azn »

in my high school, across the street from school is the smoking area of our school. i was having a cigarette and decided that i wanted to practice my flicking of the cigarette. when i was done, i flicked it and it traveled far and high, in a nice rainbow motion. i was like "ooo, i mastered the flick". then i walk over to get my bag and find my flicked cigarette on it and it burned a hole thru my bag! i was like FUCKIN DAMNIT!
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Post by MrFelony »

Gatzz wrote:3 weeks ago, going home with 2 people I just met (boy/girl)
They offered me a threesome.
She was really hot, but he was... A MAN!!
Damn, I spoke to her later, asked her if she wanted to do it without the dude... but she was very "loyal"

not sure of your masculinity? :P

well im like darken, i dont drink anymore because of several bad things happening...just look at my name. but during the time i did drink, one morning i woke up and found twigs stuck in parts of me and my clothing only to have my friends tell me i jumped off of the Foellinger rail (like 6 feet) higher and swan dived into one of the bushes heh. I also remember this one time I was trying to climb a tree but my arms wouldnt work (thank god) and i was dangling there for a minute shouting at my friends about my predicament. :roll:
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Post by Starnum »

This next little tail is about riding a bike, and why to trust your instincts. I was in middle school at the time, and I used to ride a BMX quite a bit back then. As I was preparing to ramp some railroad tracks one day, they were on a hill, which helped me to get a bit of air; I had a thought. I wondered why I naturally stood anytime I went airborne. It was at this time that I decided to defy the obvious nature of leverage versus gravity, and attempted to ramp while still sitting. The awkward feeling was not something I was ready for, and the landing on the way back down the other side of the hill was a catastrophe. I went down and rolled several times. Well it pains me to remember that as I finally came to a stop, I found myself in a gnarled position, entangled in my own damn bike. Yeah, it’s a pathetic story because I should’ve just realized it was a bad idea, but that’s what happens when you become curious. So, after removing my head from between the handlebars, pulling my left leg out of the tire spokes, and unwrapping my other leg from the uncomfortable grasp of the bike’s frame, I got to enjoy lots of pain and bleeding from many asphalt-induced scrapes. Yeah, it was funny too, because when I went into the convenient store across the street, the cashier asked me if I was okay. I was so embarrassed. The Dr. Pepper I bought barely helped to sooth my suffering. *He looks ashamed as a cloud of dark purple fog permeates off of him, all anime like*
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Post by Necromancer »

Well after all you learned something from this.
I think we all do stupid things sometimes even when we actually know it's no good idea.
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Post by MrFelony »

heh ouch that musta hurt. another bat incident. my brother and i were goofing around with an aluminium bat, just swinging and stuff not breaking shit :wink:. All of a sudden he says " merofi hafoh iasfh" because i did the "i heard it but wont realize what he said until a couple of seconds later" thing and turn around to ask him "What did yo..." right when he hits me in the ear wiht the aluminium bat. right after he did that i realized he said "watch out im going to practice swinging the bat" ...
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Post by Laurel »

Me and my brother used to jump up and down on the bed when we were little, and for fun we would jump off the bed too. One day, in the morning he was sleeping on the floor cause we were at my grandmother's house and i was jumping up and down on the bed and i jumped off the bed beside him... right on Hi's hand. Apparently he for some reason had extended hi's hand out to the side, under the sheet and i didn't notice. He cried for like 4 horus cause i broke his hand... I felt so guilty. :(
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Post by Starnum »

Oh, broke his hand. That’s nice. I mean! It’s not…heh, interesting story. Okay, here’s my next tale of pain and misery. The morale of this story is not to try to be a super-hero, while in the back of a moving truck. I was eight at the time, and I was in the back of a pick-up. My older brother’s friend was driving, and we were going to his house out in the country. Anyway, I was playing around and enjoying the ride, and I was wearing a coat, because it was cold and windy. Well, the teenager at the wheel was going pretty fast, but he tried to slow down to go over these tacks; damn railroad tracks. Well, like an idiot, I was playing around and I opened my coat. So we went over the tracks and I went up, and then the wind caught in my coat. Yeah, so I flew out the back and hit the ground. There was some rolling into the ditch, and I was still crying when they stopped and rushed over to me. My brother checked me, and I actually came out of it fairly well, scrapes and bruises. So, I sucked it up and we went on. Heh, I was surprised to hear him say not to tell mom. I actually didn’t that time, unlike some of the incidents that occurred before *shrugs*. Heh, it wasn't really his fault or anything. :P
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