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Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:38 am
by tsubaimomo

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:07 am
by War Machine
Direct download is now available:

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:27 am
by DrPepperPro
Cool chapter bro.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:28 am
by Istvan
Yes!! Thank you so much EG, this totally makes my night. You guys rock!

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:35 am
by Starnum
W00t, sweet chapter too.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:16 am
by hbi2k
Ooh, important things are happening again! Here's hoping we get a better inkling of what that little kid's deal is before he vanishes again (assuming that he can only appear at the full moon).

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:29 am
by wutz
you can read it online here if you want

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:02 am
by Deathbringer
Okay, probably the chapter in this arc with the most important development so far maybe we'll pick up the pace now.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:38 am
by Maynard
cool! Thanks EG!
I'm looking forward to seeing if Guts will go alone back to the island with just Shierke's body of light.
If the beast within the armor takes control again, Schierke alone may not be able to turn Guts to normal anymore, as we've seen in the previous chapter.
The beast is becoming stronger, as itself said in the nightmare that Guts had on the ship.
Perhaps Guts' will will be enough, i can't wait!!!

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:51 pm
by Billabong
Am i the only one seeing how ridiculously sexy Guts is in this chapter? What has Miura done?! :nosebleed:

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:03 am
by Azurian
Billabong wrote:Am i the only one seeing how ridiculously sexy Guts is in this chapter? What has Miura done?! :nosebleed:
His facial features (specifically his nose) keeps getting rounder and rounder by the chapter, and I hate it. D:
If it hadn't been for his trademark hair, right eye and nose scar, it would be hard to recognize him if compared to, say, Vol 22 Guts.

I have all posters included in Dark Horse' Berserk releases but the one that shows guts being consumed by the Berserker armor up on my walls in my "fun" room.
Regardless of how well drawn it is, it's simply just ugly. Looks like a completely different character.

Anyways, great chapter. Miura seems to be getting back on track with the releases as well.
Let's hope the group doesn't stay on the island for more than 2 - 3 chapters.
My rage will be quadruple that of Guts' during the eclipse if they still somehow are on friggin' island by the end of Vol 36.

Thanks for the hard work, EG. :D

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:49 pm
by Boxy
I hope their child stays with the group. Especially since the two worlds have collided he should be able to stay with them even after the full moon.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:54 pm
by Rolos
Above all things, I think Gutts looks relaxed. He's surrounded by people he trusts and respects.
He relies on them, and they rely on him.

Look at the expression on his face. He looks like someone who got caught eating someone else's muffin, not someone who just narrowly avoided having his sense of self crushed.
Man, they're all gonna die so hard.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:31 pm
by hbi2k
Yeah, Guts is an interesting dude. He doesn't do anything halfway. When he started gathering followers way back in Volume 23, he surrendered everything to them. No matter how many close calls they've had, no matter how many times some of them (particularly Farnese) have let him down, he's never stopped trusting them, because he knows that the alternative-- trying to protect Casca by himself and FROM himself-- is worse. He doesn't waver in that decision or give it a second thought: even if it's the wrong one, it's made and he's in whole hog.

You can't help but make the comparison to when he joined up with Griffith and his crew-- once he was in, he was IN-- but I can only hope this time turns out better for him.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:40 pm
by Istvan
Boxy wrote:I hope their child stays with the group. Especially since the two worlds have collided he should be able to stay with them even after the full moon.
Maybe; we'll just have to wait and see. Personally, I just hope that we find out a bit more about who/what the child is before he goes away again.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:27 am
by Starnum
Rolos wrote:Look at the expression on his face.
I loved that part. ;)
Istvan wrote:
Boxy wrote:I hope their child stays with the group. Especially since the two worlds have collided he should be able to stay with them even after the full moon.
Maybe; we'll just have to wait and see. Personally, I just hope that we find out a bit more about who/what the child is before he goes away again.
Yeah, I feel the same way. I hope the child is able to hang around this time, but if not, then hopefully we'll learn some more about him before he disappears again.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:49 pm
by Boxy
I remember SK making a comment when the child was born. He said that the child choose evil before it was born. I wonder if that will come back to bite guts in the ass in the future. Because honestly even though he did stop guts from killing his friends, I cant help but think that he only cares about is his mom.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:22 am
by TheParagon
he doesnt say that it choose evil, he said it was possessed by evil

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:57 am
by Boxy

This is what I read.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:09 am
by War Machine
Boxy wrote:[spoiler]Image[/spoiler]

This is what I read.
Dark Horse translation of that page says: "And so... It has taken on the nature of a demon." "It's a cursed child."

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:03 pm
by papasith
Rolos wrote: Man, they're all gonna die so hard.
I am not sure why, but that line made me laugh so hard. possibly because it is so true!

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:11 am
by Istvan
papasith wrote:
Rolos wrote: Man, they're all gonna die so hard.
I am not sure why, but that line made me laugh so hard. possibly because it is so true!
Eh, some of them might survive.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:55 am
by hbi2k
Who wants to lay down death odds? I figure:

Puck - 500:1

Much as I'd like to see the fourth-wall-breaking little bastard go, he's got Jar Jar Immunity.

Serpico - 100:1

Dying a heroic death to protect Farnese would be in character, but a tad cliche for Berserk. No other death would have suitable dramatic weight to be worth it. He's probably safe.

Casca - 50:1

It's hard to imagine that she survived the Eclipse just to die a lesser death dozens of volumes later. On the other hand, if Miura goes for a downer ending, killing off Casca is about the only thing that could drive Guts back to full-on Berserker rage.

Farnese - 25:1

Having her die (or "lose herself" in the astral plane / to some ultra-powerful spirit) while casting some mega-powerful spell to protect the rest of the party would be a fitting end to her character arc. Of course, there'd be no reason for her to do so unless Schierke was unavailable, which brings me to....

Schierke - 15:1

Her magic is just plain too powerful, and its limits too ill-defined. I'm betting she gets offed for-- for lack of a better term-- "game balance reasons" sometime before the endgame.

Isidro - 10:1

Isidro's death would be just senseless enough to be extra tragic, and that majority of the audience would never see it coming. Think [spoiler]Wash in Serenity.[/spoiler] It would be the signal that shit just got serious right before the endgame.

Isma - 5:1

You can't see 'cause it's in black-and-white, but she's totally wearing a red shirt.

Guts - 2:1

True epics always end with the death of the hero. Sorry, big guy. It might be a heroic death to save his friends / the world / kill Griffith, or it might be a tragic death signaling the God Hand's final victory, but one way or another, you're worm food.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:13 am
by Starnum
You're probably right about Guts, but I'd just like to see him not die just because I've already seen that ending a hundred times before. However, the story began with his birth, so in fitting manner it will most likely end with his death.

Re: Berserk 317 - Full Moon 2

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:10 pm
by Maynard
The plans of Miura are inscrutable, amen.