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Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:12 pm
by Eldo

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:36 pm
by absofflab
First: Thanks for the scanlation guys! Looks great! I'm curious though: how long have you guys been studying Japanese to get such a good grasp on the language? It occurs to me that the level of language in Berserk is at least a few registers higher than in a lot of other mangas, and it's interesting that you can turn around a good finished product so quickly.

Second: I take back my earlier non-desire to see Magnifico dead. Now....yeah - I no longer have any sympathy for the guy. However, I do stand by my earlier assertion that he won't be able to even betray them properly. Jesus, what an idiot! And I'm having a really hard time trying to figure out the nature of the relationship between Roderick and Magnifico. At first it seemed like they were friends because they were both more or less spoiled, useless dandies - Roderick seems anything but at this point. Fantastic naval strategist, insightful, and keeping himself and his abilities very well-guarded. He's officially in my books as a dangerous man right now. So what in the hell is he doing with Magnifico? While I'd like to see the story progress, I'm really curious right now. Sinister agenda? Childhood bond?
Stupidity amuses?

Third: I'm seriously hoping Guts' Beast doesn't have any powers of prophecy. Please, please, please don't let this bunch go the way of the original Band of the Hawk!

Nuh. Who am I kidding; they'll probably die so horribly the Eclipse will seem like a picnic. Sigh...

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:50 pm
by stonecold
Good job as always :)

Now for another long break, 1.5mths, still no Elf island in sight....

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:08 pm
by citanuzuki666
Thanks for the release guys. Its always quality work.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:26 pm
by dialdfordesi
Thanks for a very quick release, EG!

Well, here I thought Magnifico would turn out to be a better person, but he's still attached to his petty attraction to power and riches. And that scheming wolf, God damn, that's a big premonition over Guts' head now.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:02 pm
by Arcandus
Thanks EG for the scanlation.

This chapter was really nice, spceially the beggining, the Gutts nightmare, really nice.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:37 pm
by BaNaN
Thx again EG for a lovely chapter

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:49 pm
by Facade19
Thx alot EG!!!

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:36 pm
by greydeath
Well, considering the past life expectancy of anyone around Guts, it does stand to reason that some of them may very well die. Schierke is the first female not to have someone try and rape her thus far, lets hope that track record stands. If I'm not mistaken that the wolf is actually an effect the brand is having on Guts. It represents the demonic changes to him. When he totally looses his humanity he will be reborn as something like a dark apostle. Factor in the berserker's armor, the Dragon Slayer, and his already formidable physical power, you'll have something that will make Zodd look like Caska on her period. All that is between that is the love and comradeship of his party. I really don't see them dying until the very end. Unless he ends up being the 'hawk of light' or something or Canine of Hope? *shrugs*

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:02 pm
by Aetherfukz
Strangely I cannot post on the Blog Comments anymore... no error message but the comments just won't show up..?
So here it goes:

Thanks alot for another fine release! The first pages with guts inner demon are surely a heavy read... I hope that day the demon talks about will never come.

But anyway I got a question: When Farnese's Brother opens the barrel with apples and Puck in it, what Charakter is Puck impersonating there? It reminds me of some Anime series I saw as a child but I cannot put my finger on it what it was. Anybody know?

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:27 pm
by Turd Ferguson
Aetherfukz wrote:But anyway I got a question: When Farnese's Brother opens the barrel with apples and Puck in it, what Charakter is Puck impersonating there? It reminds me of some Anime series I saw as a child but I cannot put my finger on it what it was. Anybody know?
My guess was it was Jim Hawkins from Treasure Island. He hides in an apple barrel on a ship and overhears a plot too. Is there an anime or mange versoin of Treasure Island?

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:53 pm
by Omnideus
Thanks again EG! As always, a great job. I'm already greatly anticipating the next chapter.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:00 pm
by lon3vvolf
Great release guys! I sure hope Gutts company don't go the way of the B.O.T.H.

One question though. On the last page, first panel. Who is Gutts looking at through th window? I think its Caska but I'm not sure.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:51 pm
by Aetherfukz
Turd Ferguson wrote:My guess was it was Jim Hawkins from Treasure Island. He hides in an apple barrel on a ship and overhears a plot too. Is there an anime or mange versoin of Treasure Island?
Oh thanks, that's the one! I just instantly recognized the face and hair style from my childhood tv-memories, but couldn't figure out what. I thought maybe the Robin Hood anime. But Treasure Island it definately is. Though the only information I could find was that the japanese adaptation was called Takarajima I still got some picture via google. That boy definately is the one who Puck is impersonating:


Ah the sweet childhood memories of watching german television "cartoons" without even knowing that half of the shows (Captain Future, Saber Rider, all those stuff rocked back then :D) were animes.
lon3vvolf wrote:One question though. On the last page, first panel. Who is Gutts looking at through th window? I think its Caska but I'm not sure.
He's looking at Schierke, lying on her hat with Evarella besides her.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:06 pm
by War Machine
Oh my god! I was too young to remember anything from that anime, but I knew I had seen that face before.

Thanks EG.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:22 pm
by Aetherfukz
Ah i still remember the german intro... although the graphics sucked because they only used stills the song was very nice:


And some scenes:


P.S. Sorry for hijacking the thread kinda but the series was just so cool and seeing it referenced in Berserk like 20 years later is just beyond awesome.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:23 pm
by dialdfordesi
greydeath wrote:If I'm not mistaken that the wolf is actually an effect the brand is having on Guts.
While I do agree with you that the brand is what probably created the wolf, it seems to me that the wolf is the manifestation of Guts' hatred for Griffith. The wolf may want to kill Guts' crew to not only prevent any detours to killing Griffith, but also to immerse Guts into only feeling hatred. After all, Guts only seems to feel two things, care for his companions and hatred for Griffith.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:35 am
by Tien
There is also a possibility that guts will be called upon, or the beast version of guts will call upon the God Hand to grant him special powers and be faced with the decision to sacrifice all his loved ones in order to be granted enough power to kill griffith.

Maybe guts will become a 6th godhand member and then kill the other god hand members????

Definately could happen.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:11 am
by dialdfordesi
Well, Tien, early in the Berserk manga the God Hand has stated that Guts can never be an apostle, let alone a God Hand due to his brand. I am with you on the fact that Guts may have to choose between his crew or killing Griffith. If anything, this chapter foreshadows that Guts may have to lose everything he loves in order to fuel his vengeful thirst to kill Griffith.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:50 am
by TheDrizzit
T'would suck if persay the elfen king was an apostle or some wierd plot twist would make Guts have to choose between using a behelit (does he still have his collection???) or sacrifice getting Caska's sanity back...

Hell who knows what I'm talking about...there's a point in there somewhere...good ol' Shiner Bock. None of you Yank's know of it though...Bwahahahaha....

Poor Guts though...I bet he just needs a joint, a beer, and some relaxation. At least he got to climb up on the ship again, he loves those high places.


Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:42 am
by lon3vvolf
As far as I recall wasn't it impossible for Gutts to use a behelit since he was branded, along with Caska and the B.O.T.H, as a sacrifice. Use it in a sense like the Count or Griffith seems very unlikely. However he might do something along eating them and coating the DS them in order to cut into another plane.... right?

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:46 am
by The Prince
Turd Ferguson wrote:
Aetherfukz wrote:But anyway I got a question: When Farnese's Brother opens the barrel with apples and Puck in it, what Charakter is Puck impersonating there? It reminds me of some Anime series I saw as a child but I cannot put my finger on it what it was. Anybody know?
My guess was it was Jim Hawkins from Treasure Island. He hides in an apple barrel on a ship and overhears a plot too. Is there an anime or mange versoin of Treasure Island?
So I assume that entire scene was for shits and giggles then, and Magnifico's sheme won't come to fruition.

....breeding and selling off Elves for money? That guy's a genius.....LOL.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:50 am
by War Machine
By the way, how would Magnifico be able to sell fairies when most people can't even see them?

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:59 am
by lon3vvolf
I think the only reason Magnifico can see them is because he is a fairy as well. And hes a moron, thats why he thinks his plan will work.

Re: Berserk chapter: 290

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:29 am
by Aetherfukz
Well Magnifico may be able to see Elfes because hes not such a loyal follower of god as Farnese and all the preachers/holy knights were.

And upon rereading the whole story up till now, I find it highly possible or even hinted at that the strange naked kid on the beach who scared away the kushan Crocodiles could be the Hanafubuku King. While I always thought upon my first readthrough that the kid was just some kind of astral projection of Caska and Guts' child. But it makes much more sense that it would have been the king checking out the situation. Naked like all the other elfs? Yes. And he scared away the beasts and somehow touched Guts so that he flew away some meters in the berserk armor so he couldn't harm the party and Schierke got enough time to pull him out.

And of course. What a happy coincidence that just that night Skull Knight appears and tells them about the legendary elf king and how he would be able to bring Caska's heart back.