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WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:33 am
by MrFelony
so looks like we'll never be able to see what happens at the end of the Wheel of Time series :(. Also apparently his will states that he wants his notes/books burned...

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:02 am
by Starnum
Wow, that's tragic. I can't believe he never ended it...

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:48 am
by Shisho
Could be Miura-san before long.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:33 pm
by Shaka Zulu
I have vague notion of who he is, never read his books. But apparently his wife will finish his unfinished books. Thats what I read, that he instructed her to. Was the same with David Gemmell who died recently. His wife will finish his book series.

Is Miura ill too? May sound selfish and delusional, but one too many authors are seriously ill.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:01 pm
by LordMune

Yes, it's a tragedy, but this is the only way the WoT series will be finished in any timely fashion.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:30 pm
by Tempest
LordMune wrote:Finally.

Yes, it's a tragedy, but this is the only way the WoT series will be finished in any timely fashion.
I hate to sound like a dick but I completely argee. I loved those books for the first 3 or so, and then I just got mad and quit when I heard there were going to be over a dozen of them.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:33 pm
by Shaka Zulu
Woh, that some cold shit. No idea how crap or annnoying the series is, but still.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:44 pm
by LordMune
Shaka Zulu wrote:Woh, that some cold shit. No idea how crap or annnoying the series is, but still.
You misunderstand.

The Wheel of Time is the best epic fantasy work I've read (Robin Hobb is the better writer but does things on a smaller scale), but it was originally intended as one book. Then a trilogy. Then Robert Jordan discovered he liked writing pages and pages of women whining about men :rolleyes:, and pages and pages of clothing descriptions and then he discovered what he really wanted to do was write about many, many, many insanely-detailed secondary and tertiary characters and oh boy fantasy politics is the best thing ever and...


In the end, the entirety of the tenth book was about what everyone else was doing while the main character was actually doing some plot advancement for a change in the last chapter of the ninth book.

I'm not even exaggerating here.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:04 pm
by Malvado
Shaka Zulu wrote:Woh, that some cold shit. No idea how crap or annnoying the series is, but still.
No I think it is reasonable. When people jump the shark and just keep going and thus making something great turn into something other. You can talk about their work even if they just died.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:50 pm
by Shaka Zulu
I understand better now Mune. And I actually recall his name more now, I have heard the same exact thing from my brother a while ago. Of how Jordan is infamous for churning out crap in quantity, and how he is scorned in the fantasy readers community (my knowledge of the fantasy genre starts and stops with my fav author, David Gemmell).

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:20 am
by LordMune
That's not really fair. He is largely responsible for the re-ignition of the fantasy genre in the late 80s/early 90s (which resulted in a lot of shit authors taking centre stage so maybe that's not a good thing), and while the first half of the first WoT book is virtually unreadable due to purple prose clichés, the second half and up to and including the fifth book (Fires of Heaven) are excellent. His writing isn't super-spectacular, but those five books are awesome in every sense of the word.

But even that does not come close to redeeming the trainwreck the series has become.

This isn't mine, but it describes my feelings in an eerily accurate fashion;

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:24 am
by Shaka Zulu
:D :D

Sounds like a high winded sellout weasel :lol: And yeah perception of him may not be fair, but people generally judge others bit shortsighted and not with the full picture. Meaning bond to recall and judge him for his more latest escapades.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:00 am
by newbified
I personally loved the series. I was an avid reader of it several years back while I was still in High School, and where I would agree that the series certainly peaked in the first 5-6 books, I wouldn't say that anything that came out afterwards wasn't interesting to me as well.

Perhaps he could have put more fights in, perhaps he could have advanced the storyline more, but I often found that even the chapters I would read which I felt had no bearing would later lead towards something larger, which is perhaps what he was trying to attain since it was stated previously by Jordan that his final book would most liklely be a "monster of 1500 pages" or so, and that TOR would have to create a new binding specifically for his final book.

I personally enjoyed the series to when I stopped reading it after the 10th. Not because I lost interest, but simply because I don't normally do much reading and between work and everything else it kind of gets pushed to the side.

Hell, at one point my brother even tricked me into playing the CCG with him, as well as the online Wheel of Time PC game.

However I heard that he had recorded almost all of his final book, as well as shared key plot points with his family members and that the 12 book will indeed be coming out, not necessarily in his writing style, but simply to provide some sort of ending to the loyal fans of Jordan's work who have been loyal to this series for nearly 2 decades.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:21 pm
by Grandfather_of_Lies
The followin thin that i will type is not a nice thing to say about a person, and especialy after he is dead. And before i write it i want it know that i love the serier only because of the first 6 books, the rest are not as good. Anyway.

"The life and work of a novelist is like that of a whore. Frst he/she works for her own enjoyment. Afterwards he/she works for the joy of others, then he/she works for money, and in the end some of them die from some incurable illnes"

I also heard that the last few days of his life he was recording his thoughts, since he didnt have the strenght to go and type. So that the family could finish the last book.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:53 am
by killxo
think i've heard of this series before, my dad might have recomended it once. seems kinda interesting lol, sumtimes you can find some interesting stuff in books like this.

Re: WoT writer dies :(

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:38 pm
by RanShi
I fear the same will happen to Miura.