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Your stance on the 3 next-gen consoles and their games.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:39 pm
by Femto
Simple thread.

Wii: Getting one for sure the minute Smash Bros. Brawl gets released, if not before that. Period.

PS3: I want to play MGS4 and DMC4 but I don't want a PS3. Are these two games worth $600 more than their retail price? Probably not. I'll wait until I see who comes out victorious between the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray shizzle before I make my choice.

X360: I never thought I'd say this, but Microsoft is starting to win me over. The 360's library of games is still pretty poor for my tastes, but Dead Rising, Lost Planet and all the X-Box Live Arcade shit are a little too hard to pass. Oblivion looks pretty awesome too. If DMC4 gets ported to the 360 (pretty likely), I'm pretty much there.

What's everybody else's take on these 3 consoles?

This thread will most likely not remain civilized for long.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:53 pm
by newbified
The Xbox 360 has never really interested me, and even looking at the current selection I don't plan on getting one. Games like Oblivion are the only reason why I would want one, and I really think games like that are more enjoyeable on a PC.

Wii I'll definately get. Probably within the first couple weeks/months of release. Nintendo's always been innovative and released interesting games in my opinion. I loved the Gamecube, even though it had a very serious lack of RPGs.

Playstation 3, I certainly won't get when it comes out but I'm sure I probably will end up getting eventually. After the price has dropped and the Playstation 4 is about to come out no doubt. Playstation has always had a decent selection of RPG's, so I'll mainly be getting it for that reason.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:07 pm
by Malvado
I don't want to post, but i will anyway. Let me be flamed:

PS3: I'll get one, even at lauch if I can. I love my Armored Core and want to play Heavenly Sword. Then there are the later games coming out like FFXIII, DMC4, and hopefully something with space ninja giraffes.

Wii: I'll get one as well but probably really late in its life span. Ever since the 64 I couldn't really bond with nintendo. The only games I liked on their console were mostly games they created, this is no longer the atari age. I don't want to buy a console so just i can play first party games. The Wii is looking like it'll have more third party support but right now nothing from them is wowing me. Of course other then SSB and LoZ but i will buy LoZ late in the consoles life like I brought all the others. Oh and i don't buy SSB games, my friends do and i play with them because it isn't as fun with one person.

Xbox360: I already have one and am pleased. enough said about that.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:12 pm
by Gaiseric
Wii: I will buy one and I will force everyone I know to play my wii with me. I am really looking forward to Zelda and Smash Bros.

360: I plan on getting one sometime in the near future for games like Mass Effect and Gears of war.

PS3: I cant say I wont get one, but I will definitely wait a two or three years for a few reasons: 1)see how the blu-ray/hd-dvd thing works out 2)price drop 3)for a better selection of games. I dont think its a bad idea, I mean the PS2 has been out for 6 years now and it is still rolling out great games.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:32 pm
by Buzkashi
Wii: It looks the most appealing to me. Only what $200? And all the old games are playable...

360: I'll have to wait a little while longer. There are some games I like on it right now (Oblivion, Fightnight etc..) But nothing is making me have the urge to buy it right now. Maybe when Halo 3 or Shenmue 3 come out.

PS3: For the most part I'll prolly never get one. $600 seems way to steep. The only game thats really appealing to me right now is MGS4.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:50 am
by LordMune
Wii: Relatively cheap, has been winning a lot of support lately. Will most likely purchase this console.

PS3: Fuck you Sony. I want the games (MGS4, DMC4, Fumito Ueda's next game) but definitely not the console.

360: A port of DMC4 would win me over. Really.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:50 am
by psi29a
Wii 4 teh win!

I have no other interest in other 2 consoles. I don't have time to play every game and Wii has a good showing of fun games.

I must admit that I followed te Final Fantasy, I saw it coming out for the n64... so I bought that and they moved it to the PSX so I bought that too. I had more fun with the n64 than the psx, but the psx had more games. I think followed the Final Fantasy to ps2.

Now I couldn't give two rats asses for the franchise (no offense) but FF won't make me buy a ps3, at least until it comes down to the price of the original psx.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:57 pm
by DarkenRahlX
Wii: I'll definitely be getting one. Cheap and it has innovative games to boot.

360: Already got one because of Dead Rising and Lost Planet. Got the system real cheap though.

PS3: MGS4, FF Versus XIII, DMC4. I'm going to just wait and see what the game are going to be priced at. If they are $80...I'm going to have to wait.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 6:47 pm
by Finito
Ill buy the 3 of them, but some will come first.

PS3 is for me, playstation as just had the best games and way more of them, it took the lead with the RPGs and im a big fan of it, I have yet to be decieved by playstation. Price doesnt affect me much since Playstation chips have always worked for me and free games owns. 600$ for 6000+ hours of fun games, I say its worth it. But since Im a poor bastard, I never buy my consoles when the price is at his highest.

Wii, simply becuz it looks more promising in amusement, the games look awesome too. The price is low and 360 looks terrible.

360, well its suppose to be a little better than xbox, xbox was the worst console I ever bought, I still prefer my dreamcast, the only playable game was halo which isnt even that good. My bros say it blows cock, my friends too, they had the same advice for xbox so I trust them enough.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 6:48 pm
by raziel
PS3: Ah, Mgs4, DMC4, and FFXIII are what's keeping me tethered to the console. Damn, I really hope all of them do get ported over to the wii.

Wii: This is where i'm setting my sights on. Affordable, creative games, unique design, it has it all.

360: have a personal bias against Microsoft, besides whatever games I did have an interest in moved to the PC, except Ninja Gaiden from the original Xbox. damn.

I heard from someone that Nintendo had some financial trouble because the DS wasn't selling that much and they were investing a lot into it. Is this true? I heard this a while back though, so the problem is probably over.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:09 pm
by Tempest
Wii: Smash Bros. Brawl, Tramua Center 2, Red Steel, Metal Slug Anthology? I am getting one ASAP. Plus I can get all the GC titles I have been putting off because I a.) Wanted the GC prices to drop or b.) Saw that Wii was backwards compatible and wanted to wait (The GC titles I am looking to get are the MGS: Twin Snakes, RE4, Fire Emblem, and many more)

PS3: The more I hear, the less I want a PS3. Blu Ray has the possibility to follow the path of UMD, the price is too god damn much, and the titles comign out for it are not looking too good. Don't get me wrong, DMC 4 and MGS 4 are lookinh great, but at least one of those is going to be eventually ported. Add on that Assasin's Creed is being ported to the 360, God of War 2 is going to be on the PS2, and I don't see any real reason to buy a PS3 until at least a year after launch. After that and a price drop or two, I will probably look in on the PS3 again and gauge my interest.

360: As much as I hate to admit it, the 360 is looking pretty good right about now. Like Femto said, Dead Rising, Lost Planet and the Live Arcade are looking great. Plus I would love to try out Enchanted Arms, and Blue Dragon has the potential to become and awesome RPG (Toriyama + Uematsu + Mistwalker = Excitement) . Add onto that the Halos (I'm a sucker for a few rounds of Halo) and I am looking at the 360 in a whole lot more positive light than I was earlier this year.

I will most likely buy all three, but it the PS3 and 360 will be quite a ways after I get my Wii.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:56 pm
by halfnhalf
PS3-Seeing how it stands, PS3 is in a very dark corner. We dont know much about it, launch is coming soon and wtf is suppose to be new about? I think everyone forgets about this, but launch is not what makes a console win the war. PS2's launch, possibly the worse launch ever, but sony was able to put over 100 million units in households. Sony is a marketing company, they know how to sell stuff and make money. For me, the psp was the first time ive ever gotten anything on launch, PS3 is gonna wait, cuz first i need to save up for some new 52 inch 1080p tv.

Wii- Nintendo has innovations, but most of the time they are just gimacks that never last very long. This time around the wii is suppose to put you into the game. I'm sorry but if i wanted to play arcade games, ill go to the arcade and play some light gun or sword game there When im at home playing games, i want to relax lay on the couch and kick it. Now some of the games do seem exciting, but with the idea of the remote thingy does that remove the idea of multiplayer? Im gonna sit this one out and just see what happens.

X360- roommate has one, graphic wise half the games dont seem like next-gen, other then Lost Planet (which is just a complete arcade game). Some games are enjoyable, and others are complete rip offs (ie SF on xboxlive, it is seriously not worth, espically if one of your friends has a working arcade of CE and Super Turbo. truly half the games on the system are games that ive already played before and all those EA sports games.

For me im not gonna buy any of them, until i find games on that system that i truly need to play. Roommate has x360, so im already playing all those games. He will most likely get the Wii also. PS3, i know one of my friends will be getting one. I still have some many older games on the ps2 that i need to play that it will hold my attetion for a long time. I also recently purchased a dreamcast for 35 bucks with 4 controllers, so ill be super busy playing with that. power stone mayhem, jojo's amazing adventure, MotW, omg so much endless time and FREE GAMES!!! muahahahahahahahahha

everyone forgets this, but CS 1.6 is somehting i that i always go back and playing dota, so i truly will never need consoles. Multiplayer games FTW!

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:41 pm
by Gaiseric
Hmm, so far it seems like everyone, except for a few members that have an extra chromosome, is excited for and planning to get a Wii at launch. Awesome.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:23 pm
by Libaax
I dont care about Wii cause it doesnt interest me at all. The same with Xbox 360. Not a single game from Nintendo has ever interested me.
Of course if a game that looks like it might be too good to miss i might think about Wii. Xbox 360 has the same game type as Xbox and they werent my type and the good ones was almost always old PC games.

If Shenmue 3 comes out on Xbox 360 as i have heard a rumor of, i will get it. I am only after the games i like or look interesting to me.

PS3: MGS4,DMC4,RE5,Heavenly Sword,Killzone 2 etc

I could care less about Blu ray,hd-dvd and stuff i wont buy any conolse for reasons like that. I only buy for the games.

MGS is my fav series so the choice was easy. Also Sony has given me million hours of fun with PS2. I am sure PS3 when the price goes down a bit and the good games starts come out after the usual slow start, it will be good.

I will of course not get it at launch.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:25 pm
by Femto
Gaiseric wrote:Hmm, so far it seems like everyone, except for a few members that have an extra chromosome, is excited for and planning to get a Wii at launch. Awesome.
More than that actually, eveyone feels pretty similarly about the other two consoles as well.

That Mindwerks Online Gamers thread will get some life with the Wii and Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection.

Looking forward to beating the crap out of all you douches in Smash Bros. Brawl!

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:32 pm
by Tempest
Oh it'll be on like Donkey Kong, bitch! (Except I probably won't use Donkey Kong)

I'm taking odds right now that every person who gets SSBB is going to have a 4 way Solid Snake Battle their first full multiplayer. It's Show Time!

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:48 pm
by Femto
God, I hope Nintendo manages to put Sonic and Megaman in SBB somehow.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:08 am
by Deathbringer
Femto wrote:God, I hope Nintendo manages to put Sonic and Megaman in SBB somehow.
Sonic versus Mario.


If they managed to put Solid Snake (Still don´t know what the hell he´s doing there), they could put anybody now.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:52 am
by Ayanami
Wii - Yeah I am getting one for sure. The most exciting of the three consoles as far as games go. Super Smash Brothers Brawl has me gitty like a little school girl, and I can't wait for the new Mario to come out.

Xbox 360 - Probably going to pick one up pretty damn soon. Ridge Racer 6 (I loves my ridge racer) Oblivion and Dead or Alive 4 made me want to get the damn thing, but now Enchanted Arms is really pulling me to get one. Plus when I hear that Game Arts is doing a new Slypheed game, Sin and Punishment 2 rumors, and a Senko no Ronde asia release that a US machine can play, well, I want one pretty damn bad now.

PS3 - I hate Sony with all my being, and the PS3 gives only more feul to the fire. If Gradius 6 comes out for it, then I will probably have to get one out of princible. Every thing else will probably be ported though.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:59 am
by Psycho Wolvesbane
Xbox 360 is alright but I will be getting a Nintendo Wii at launch so I may wait a little until after to buy an X360. I will certainly not buy a PS3 with the way things are going atm, if I set myself up to buy one chances are i'll be more dissapointed having to wait than I not caring at all, and even laughing at thier mistakes.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:38 pm
by Bengal
Wii: I'll buy it, probably fairly early on. It's shiny and I wannit.

PS3: I'm already saving up for it. I don't care what games are released, they'll either be awesome, or I'll get $600 worth of complaining out of my system. Either way, I'm gonna love it.

Xbox 360: No thank you.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:04 pm
by Starnum
Wii: Well, I can really only afford once console next year, and really I can't even afford it, but I'll be getting one anyway, and this isn't it. However, I look forward to playing it when I get the chance.

PS3: I can't wait to get my hands on this bad boy. I'm sure it'll be worth every penny. As Sony's president said, unlike other consoles, you won't have to buy a new system in four or five years. They're shooting for a vibrant life-span of a whole decade with PS3, thus the higher cost, not to mention all the additional features it has. However, if they can pull it off, you won't need a new console for a whole decade, and that makes it all worth it. I may be naive, but I really do think the next generation of gaming starts with PS3. ;)

Xbox 360: Boo! :P

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:30 am
by Sandman
Just got an expencive PC so I am not in the market for a Gaming console right now... but will probably jump on the Wii bandwagon for SSBB, and Red Steel, that and it will probably be me wife's Christmas present :lol:

And probably get the other two after a price drop or two :)

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:03 am
by Femto
Starnum wrote:As Sony's president said, unlike other consoles, you won't have to buy a new system in four or five years.
Not if it dies like the Dreamcast did.

More importantly, why are you taking Kutaragi's word as a something that has any shred of truth behind it? Remember dual 1080p output? Now the console might not even be able to output 1080p for games and the cheaper console cannot output 1080p at all.

Don't be so gullible, man.

Wii is cheaper.

Get that and wait before you go on and throw $600 away on a PS3.

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:07 am
by Arngrim
About a year ago my views on the coming console war were completely different. I thought Nintendo was being retarded for releasing the wiimote (at the time, it was just stated to be a remote-shape), the 360 for being the next dreamcast, and PS3 being a juggernaut. But that's not happening now as I've completely knocked the PS3 off my list. I wanted MGS4 and Assassin's Creed (being on 360 anyways now) but the plague of costs/bad news has killed the PS3.
Also the pricing is supposedly $150 for Nintendo's Wii. Excluding taxes, that's literally enough to buy that and a premium 360 + a game for what it would cost to get the PS3 (prior to the forthcoming shortage).