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Pedophiles to launch political party in The Netherlands

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:50 pm
by 42ndEndOfTheWorld
Well I am somehow liberal, but I do think those folks should be locked in the mine or something. I thought it was a hoax for a moment.
Here's the link: ... NlYwM5NjQ-
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage.
"We want to make pedophilia the subject of discussion," he said, adding the subject had been a taboo since the 1996 Marc Dutroux child abuse scandal in neighboring Belgium.

"We want to get into parliament so we have a voice. Other politicians only talk about us in a negative sense, as if we were criminals," Van den Berg told Reuters.

The Netherlands, which already has liberal policies on soft drugs, prostitution and gay marriage, was shocked by the plan.
The party wants private possession of child pornography to be allowed although it supports the ban on the trade of such materials. It also supports allowing pornography to be broadcast on daytime television, with only violent pornography limited to the late evening.

Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said.

The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalizing all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:00 pm
by BasouKazuma
I really hope that isnt true, and is just bad reporting or something. To think that a party could form and openly say such statements is horrifying.

I would vomit on them ... but they might like that. :shock: :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:06 pm
by Quest
"child pornography and sex with animals... violent porn"????
WTF... the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

what should be legal is taking a gun and shooting these degenerates in the head.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:07 pm
by 42ndEndOfTheWorld
Well, here's their site:
can someone speak that language?
Although, it seems that they are not promoting sex with animals. That part of a story was proved false elsewhere (or so I think). They just promote that animals should have free will or something. But the rest of the story is almost certanly true.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:40 pm
by elric le tueur d'amis
I understand the language(I live in Belgium) : they are talking about social diversity and freedom of love;
argument : love is private business so they can do what they want;
they dare to say that it would be good for children cause they could get some money too;
they ask a new sexual majority limit : 12 instead of 16 and that pedophilia be legalized...
madness is growing everywhere as it seems :? .

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:40 pm
by panasonic
man, thats just sick and twisted. good thing the dutch seem to disagree w/ this party

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:45 pm
by Skullkracker
I just had to stop lurking to deliver this important message to those sick fucks:


Thank you!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:29 pm
by Loeviz
Damn, just round them up and kill the whole bunch. This is pure idiocy, if they let this party form in The Netherlands I wont like that country as much as I do now, wont even move there again.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:42 pm
by elric le tueur d'amis
The Netherlands is a country with nice people and a lot of freedoms but the political intelligence of many citizen is near 0,that is why a bunch of stupid parties are allowed;
the worst of that situation is that some of those stupid parties are popular and get more vote at each election.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:53 pm
by Libaax
The Neterlands are a joke if they take these people seriously.

I dont care how liberal you are there are limits...

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:09 pm
by elric le tueur d'amis
you,americans,take Bush seriously,you already passed the limit...

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:08 pm
by psi29a
... keep it on topic. This topic has nothing to do with Bush, so keep it that way.

Remember: Japan's age of consent is 13 nationwide.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:29 pm
by elric le tueur d'amis
I am sorry being off-topic but his critic was about a country that he doesn't know enough : in Europe,freedom of speech is still important;
Netherlands allow this kind of parties cause those guys,even if they are sick, are a part of the population;
I think that they can speak about what they believe but I would never vote for them cause they are disgusting.

In Romania,the nomade part of the population still consider that a girl must be married at age 12 cause she can be pregnant...

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:49 pm
by psi29a
elric le tueur d'amis wrote:I am sorry being off-topic but his critic was about a country that he doesn't know enough : in Europe,freedom of speech is still important;
Netherlands allow this kind of parties cause those guys,even if they are sick, are a part of the population;
I think that they can speak about what they believe but I would never vote for them cause they are disgusting.

In Romania,the nomade part of the population still consider that a girl must be married at age 12 cause she can be pregnant...
Before flying of the handle, be sure you know exactly where people are located. Not everyone here is form the States. Libaax for example is not, also just because Bush is president doesn't mean we Americans have to like it. To think otherwise is insanity.

I think this is much ado over nothing, these people have a right to work withen the system to meet their agenda. They are not asking for the right to rape children.

Some definitions of pedophile is anyone that is sexually active with someone 5 years younger than themselves. Be sure you understand what they are asking.

They can go shag their sheep if they want to for all I care, but if they try to shag my cat, I'll shoot them.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:03 pm
by elric le tueur d'amis
I don't agree with the definition of pedophilia you wrote,probably because of the children murders who happened in 1996 and after the Dutroux trial.
I don't really care about zoophilia,it is not the same thing than fucking children.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:30 pm
by psi29a
elric le tueur d'amis wrote:I don't agree with the definition of pedophilia you wrote,probably because of the children murders who happened in 1996 and after the Dutroux trial.
I don't really care about zoophilia,it is not the same thing than fucking children.
It isn't 'my' definition, it is the accepted definition in various countries. The act of pedophilia is legal (with consent of parents) in many countries, including the USA. What is illegal is rape (especially involving children) and exploitation of children.

Exploiting children for child pornography is illegal, however simulated child pornography is not illegal because it did _NOT_ exploit a child in the process.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:45 pm
by elric le tueur d'amis
consents of the parents means nothing(some of them are ready to sell their childs for money) and even if the child believe he/she is ready(you can convince a child easily),the guy or woman who wants to fuck childs is a sick bastard;
childs can't know what a sexual relation means,if you allow pedophilia anywhere,you will have a lot of twisted adults(Guts and Griffith are good examples).

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:50 pm
by psi29a
Just 60 years ago, it was very common for 12-16 year old females to be married off to older gentlemen.

It is a very common and very western way to think of it as 'sick'.

We have survived as a race for longer than 60 years. :P I don't think as a whole we are any more civil than we where 60 years ago either.

Again, Japan (for whom we get our manga from) the age of consent is 13.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:02 pm
by elric le tueur d'amis
humans can survive centuries living like beasts,if we pretend to be civilized and intelligent we need to forbid some of our old practises :
12-16 years old females being married were an obligation when the average age of the death was 35 and/or when 90% of the kids were dying before reaching 10;
In 2006,in industrialized countries like Japan,U.S.A or Belgium,women can have their first child after 25 so we can't allow pedophilia anymore in our lands.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:11 pm
by psi29a
Some individuals, such as Dr. Fred S. Berlin, assert sexual attraction to children to be a sexual orientation in itself.

Dan Markussen argues that "sexual orientation is defined as a lifelong attraction, which pedophilia obviously is."

This is at odds with the current popular acceptance of the term sexual orientation as meaning attraction to the opposite sex, the same sex, or both.

Some studies have concluded that at least a quarter of all adult men may have some feelings of sexual arousal in connection with children. A study by Hall et al. of Kent State University, for example, found that 32.5% of their sample — consisting of eighty adult males — exhibited sexual arousal to heterosexual pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded their arousal to the adult stimuli. Further studies indicate that even men erotically fixated on adult females are generally prone to react sexually when exposed to nude female children.

In 1989 Briere and Runtz conducted a study on 193 male undergraduate students concerning pedophilia. Of the sample, 21% acknowledged sexual attraction to some small children; 9% reported sexual fantasies involving children; 5% admitted masturbating to these fantasies; and 7% conceded some probability of actually having sex with a child if they could avoid detection and punishment.

source with links to journals and other published works on the topic.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:32 pm
by elric le tueur d'amis
those studies only prouve that the human being still have animals instincts,nothing more.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:37 pm
by Buzkashi
Virgin after 8 is to late.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 8:43 am
by MrFelony
on a lighter note, how do you make an 8 year old girl cry twice? not going to finish this joke for pure decency but if you really want to know you can pm me lol. but on topic, i have to agree with elric in that these people do deserve the right to voice their opinion, though the country has just as much of a right to ignore them, or speak out against them.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:13 pm
by Libaax
I dunno what Bush has to do with finding it crazy that you let people who wants cut the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography come to point.

There is limits to free speech like for example it doesnt allow you voice your hate for a group of people.

This should be like that.

I wonder how this end, hope they get shut down quickly.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:47 pm
by newbified
Freedom of speech ends at an explicit point. The point where it begins to infringe on others rights granted to them via the constitution/bills set by their country.

Here in Ontario (now I could be incorrect with these ages as it's only what I've heard second-hand from people who have experienced it) children are allowed to move out of their parents house at around 13. No requirements for emancipation. At the same time legal sexual consent begins somewhere around 14. Of course I think there's a difference in age limit of somewhere to 2-4 years.

I think when we start giving 12 year olds the "power" to consent sexually to relationships with much older men, that it's a pretty dark day. At 12, what child knows what's best for them? To be perfectly honest most 18-25 year olds nowadays don't know what's best for them, so why would we assume a 12 year old would know better? They have almost no real life experience, especially not when brought to face the gravity of a 45 year old giving them toys they want and expecting something in return?

I can bet that none of the 12 year olds would be initiating the sexual contact. So how could it be of their own volition? I think it would almost be the older men telling the children they "owe" them for presents they've given.