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Scientology and South Park

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:16 am
by Femto
I guess by now all of you know that Isaac Hayes quit South Park because of the Scientology episode (link and a worthy read), but I never got the chance to see the episode until just now (get it here).

Wow, just wow.

That episode was amazing on so many levels.

Watch it (if you haven't seen it already), come back here and discuss.

EDIT: Matt Stone and Trey Parker, creators of South Park, are letting host the episode, so leech away.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:39 am
by Malvado
So sad....."please come out of the closet"

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:59 am
by Damien
Omg so funny. Yeah it does seem like a CULT pretty much.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:12 am
by Tempest
Sure, I love it when you guys talk shit about people.... but mess with my religion and THAT'S when you have crossed the line Matt and Trey!

If I was Hayes, I would be glad I'm getting paid anything more than the $15 he probably gets everythime somebody thinks it would be funny to add the Shaft theme into their show/movie.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:20 am
by Femto
The best part in the episode was the whole Xenu thing.

At first I was laughing my ass off, but when I saw "This is what scientologists actually believe in," I just started slowing down and then I just wasn't laughing anymore.

The ignorance of this people is amazing, and quite saddening too.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:36 am
by Tempest
It ranks up there with the Mormon episode, in terms of offensiveness and hilarity.

Dum dum dum dum dum!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:06 am
by Gaiseric
Thats pretty good. Our emotions are caused by extra-terrestrial souls? Thats just ridiculous.

At least the Mormons dont follow a science-fiction writer.... I am Mormon.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:28 am
by Eldo
I read it on the paper this morning, and I wouldn't know if Chef's character has ever made fun of other religions, since I'm not an avid fan of the show.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:54 am
by halfnhalf
HAH man i loved that episode. I hope they have a scene of Issac going into the mothership and then have chef go and blow it up, then take a shit on it for ruining a great character. man im gonna miss chef.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:32 am
by Ayanami
I never got a chance to see this either....

Downloading now, will post comments later.

EDIT - Downloaded and watched it. I knew Scientology about some alien shit, but to believe in some crazy ass story with soul nets and shit.......

damn, just damn.

Oh, and the episode was pretty funny as well.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:52 am
by Shaka Zulu
For those of you who were ignorant enough to heavily insult poor Mormons(odd little sect that believes in magic underwear) by comparing them to these nuts, read this first, and lets see if you dare to repeat that again:

This is a story written by what was a more or less failed science fiction writer that wrote books none bought. But he found his way to earn money, he discovered the most stupid people on this earth, Hollywood stars. The rest is history. but it boggles my mind how anyone with any bit of sanity can believe a story this poorly written and stupid. It boggles mme even more how they seemingly can't make the connection between the founder having been a science fiction writer and his wokrk being a science fiction story. Yes Travolta and Cruise, I am talking to you.

Personally I believe the retarded and incredibly bad sci-fi writer who created this(I still seriously cant believe the creationist story I linked above is for real, oh man), Hubbard, was an atheist, who was just taking the piss, and wanted to show how idiotic and stupid religion can be and that people will buy into anything(earning billions outha it doesn't hurt, religion is the quickest way to earn some bucks)...Seriously, this must be the most stupid story ever, disregarding the fact that people actually choose to believe it as a fundation for a religion, the story itself is insane.

P.S As good as the entire South Park episode on the subject was, the credits was what got the most laughs out of me; the final scene one of the boys is yelling to the followers of this...thing, 'I'm not scared of you, sue me!', upon which all the credits are John and Jane Doe. :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:43 am
by Buzkashi
I mean. Just think about it. If you were rich as hell, and famous at that. And you weren't particularly religous. Why not believe in a fantasy world? Why not throw some money around to be some high priest of xenu or whatever the hell you get for donating X amount.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:06 am
by Quest
Buzkashi wrote:I mean. Just think about it. If you were rich as hell, and famous at that. And you weren't particularly religous. Why not believe in a fantasy world? Why not throw some money around to be some high priest of xenu or whatever the hell you get for donating X amount.
haha alternative entertainment.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:21 am
by Tempest
Shaka Zulu wrote:For those of you who were ignorant enough to heavily insult poor Mormons(odd little sect that believes in magic underwear) by comparing them to these nuts, read this first, and lets see if you dare to repeat that again
Isn't it kind of flawed logic to defend a religion (or any idea/belief for that natter) by stating how stupid another one is? Don't get me wrong, I find Scientology laughable, but then again can't that be said about any religion? It's all about perspective. If the ideas had been popularized a few hundred years ago, it wouldn't seem as wierd. We just think their crazy because their belief system came a few thousand years too late.

Think of it this way, you've never head of Christianity at all, and I explain it to you in a few choice sentences: There's an omnipitant, omnipresiant being that made us all. He's our one God. He's all-powerful too! He had a son, born by a virgin no less, who could walk on water, change water into wine, heal the sick and raise zombies (More or less). Sounds pretty crazy, doesn't it?

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:37 am
by Femto
Tempest wrote:Isn't it kind of flawed logic to defend a religion (or any idea/belief for that natter) by stating how stupid another one is? Don't get me wrong, I find Scientology laughable, but then again can't that be said about any religion? It's all about perspective. If the ideas had been popularized a few hundred years ago, it wouldn't seem as wierd. We just think their crazy because their belief system came a few thousand years too late.

Think of it this way, you've never head of Christianity at all, and I explain it to you in a few choice sentences: There's an omnipitant, omnipresiant being that made us all. He's our one God. He's all-powerful too! He had a son, born by a virgin no less, who could walk on water, change water into wine, heal the sick and raise zombies (More or less). Sounds pretty crazy, doesn't it?

Best Tempest post in a while.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:45 pm
by Shaka Zulu
Tempest wrote:
Shaka Zulu wrote:For those of you who were ignorant enough to heavily insult poor Mormons(odd little sect that believes in magic underwear) by comparing them to these nuts, read this first, and lets see if you dare to repeat that again
Isn't it kind of flawed logic to defend a religion (or any idea/belief for that natter) by stating how stupid another one is? Don't get me wrong, I find Scientology laughable, but then again can't that be said about any religion? It's all about perspective. If the ideas had been popularized a few hundred years ago, it wouldn't seem as wierd. We just think their crazy because their belief system came a few thousand years too late.

Think of it this way, you've never head of Christianity at all, and I explain it to you in a few choice sentences: There's an omnipitant, omnipresiant being that made us all. He's our one God. He's all-powerful too! He had a son, born by a virgin no less, who could walk on water, change water into wine, heal the sick and raise zombies (More or less). Sounds pretty crazy, doesn't it?
Hehe, a good point, one which I share, because I said the same thing in another forum, here's the qoute:
Me wrote:How are claims that earth was an inter-galactic Auschwitz different from the claim that we're made of clay as revealed by a superior being to an illiterate guy and who wrote a book just before he flew off to the sky into a flying horse? Or that some guy who could walk on water, make huge buffets out of three fish and one bread and turn water into wine was executed by the Romans (who were particularly effective at that) only to be resurrected three days later? ;)

If Scientology was invented a few million years ago people would call this topic blasphemus, because it is every bit as ludicrous as the other religions. It is a scam to make money, just like other religions and it requires faith not thinking, just like other religions. And god would be called "Xemu" instead of Jahveh or Shiva.

It's just alot more fun to take the piss off it because the retard that is Tom Cruise is actually serious about it.
In that way, I agree with it, the fantasy mythical part. But the thing is most religions do have something worthy in them and far from stupid from a practical point of view, at least if we take in the social conditions of when these religions were invented. Also, I think you find many believers of ancient religions who take a lot of the stuff metaphorically, not to mention a lot of people just do the traditional religious things for traditions' sake. Now whereas say the 10 commandments can teach you good morals I don't see the point of Scientology (feeds the egos of hollywood actors? great, as if we need more of that), that people are beeing fooled by funny stories NOW instead of 1000 years ago and that by all counts the religion's founder, Hubbard, never intended this to be anything but a way to earn money for himself (there are religious "inventors" who are actually sincere). Because no matter how much one thinks religion is stupid(Me still thinks Hubbard funded this shit to prove how stupid religion can be, ofcourse 99% reason was money money money), or doesn't believe in it, there are still alot of good in religion.

But other than that Scientology is a big hilarious joke, whats the good and practical part of it? Its about perspective as you said. What is Scientology about? Other then scamming the shit out of retarded rich people?(they deserve it). I can totally see why so many Hollywood types go in for this as they message they get is that they are special aliens and thus are expected to rule over the rest of us losers. Some marginally talented actor would love to hear that they are cosmically per-determined to have gotten that supporting role in 'That 70s Show' due to their inherent "specialness" rather than their legendary casting couch blowjob or because they fit into the costume.

The story itself is just so unbelieably stupid not only because its amazing that someone would believe that, but that its an incredibly bad one. Intentionally(must be, he was a famous sci fi writer, and still managed to come up with a story that anyone of us can outdo) written in the most retarded way ever.

My favourite part is that human kind was transported to this world in an alien plan that is identical of a Boein 747(check the pic in Wiki) :lol: Its so unreal in so many ways, thats its baffling how someone thinks for one second, "I believe in it". Though thinking and religion can be a bit oxymoronic sometimes.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:22 pm
by Quest
Shaka Zulu wrote:there are religious "inventors" who are actually sincere.
care to point to any?

i think people need religion or some other pursuit to pass their time. in the olden days, there were not many things people could do for fun. so we had guys coming up with 'way of the insert-your-life-here'. guys with too much time and space to fill.

these days, i think with the advent of the internet and modern entertainment, we will see much more atheists.
preys of cults and religious scams are just lonely and aimless people who need something to fill in the blanks.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:31 pm
by Shaka Zulu
Excuse me, but you question people being sincere and real about religion(and I meant the big religions I know of, cant talk for every little cult), and then come up with that half-assed and childish analyzing of religion?

Seriously now, people didn't have anything else to do was the best you could come up with to explain the most important part of peoples life for millenias?

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:56 pm
by Quest
Shaka Zulu wrote:Excuse me, but you question people being sincere and real about religion(and I meant the big religions I know of, cant talk for every little cult), and then come up with that half-assed and childish analyzing of religion?

Seriously now, people didn't have anything else to do was the best you could come up with to explain the most important part of peoples life for millenias?
you mistaken my question. i was not being sarcastic in the question. it is a genuine question: can you point me to any urls or give me some names so i can read more about inventors of religion with good intents?

yes i do believe people have religion because they need something to fill their lives and minds with. they want to belong and seek answers to their questions. they want to go on a personal quest for enlightment and meaning in life.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:06 pm
by Shaka Zulu
Ahh I see, sorry. And regarding religious inventors, I didn't mean any new obsecure religion. But meant the big world religions(can se why saying inventors may sound like I'm refering to new religions) we know well of, was comparing the good part of them to the scientology, and that its why it appeals to so many for so long.

Well thats the obvious description of why people may be into religion. It just sounded so disrespectul and childish in the other post.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:30 pm
by Quest
Shaka Zulu wrote:Ahh I see, sorry. And regarding religious inventors, I didn't mean any new obsecure religion. But meant the big world religions(can se why saying inventors may sound like I'm refering to new religions) we know well of, was comparing the good part of them to the scientology, and that its why it appeals to so many for so long.

Well thats the obvious description of why people may be into religion. It just sounded so disrespectul and childish in the other post.
i am glad thats cleared up.

i thought it was interesting that a religion could be 'invented' by any single person and wanted to find out more.
i believe religion is a complex movement that cannot be defined and designed by a single person.
there are some that prey on the undying hope of people. false hopes and false prophets are the worst kind.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:43 pm
by Eldo
Everytime I make fun of a religion, something bad happens to me. My wallet gets stolen or I nearly get run over.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:16 am
by Buzkashi
Eldo wrote:Everytime I make fun of a religion, something bad happens to me. My wallet gets stolen or I nearly get run over.
God hates do I....

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:41 am
by Eldo
I've finally got around to watch that episode, and read the article on scientology on Wikipedia. Man, I didn't really laugh at the jokes, but I smiled at the themes.

Also, 'Chef' is returning to South Park, but probably not Issac Hayes. I'm sure you all know that, I read it on the paper yesterday, couldn't find an article on the internet until now. ... 153903.htm

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:00 pm
by Tempest
This whole Chef thing is confusing. Now I'm hearing that he didn't actually quit himself, becuase he had a stroke the day before he "quit" and was in the hospital. So now I guess people think that someone, probably from Scientology, quit for him (or something). It makes sense since he he was on a radio show the week "Trapped in the Closet" aired and was asked about how he felt on it and said:
One thing about Matt and Trey, they lampoon everybody, and if you take that shit seriously, I'll sell you the Brooklyn Bridge for two dollars.