PS3 Thread

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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by War Machine »

What? I have a 40GB PS3 with about 3 months of heavy use (lots of games and movies), I have had no problems with it. I even updated the firmware to the one that was causing trouble and nothing happened. Most PS3s that have had any problems were the old ones (60GB and 20GB versions).
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by halfnhalf »

...umm technical wise, the 40 gig was the best model because of the 65nm chips that they were using. Yes it did lack BC but it was the one PS3 that made the least amount of noise (my roommate has a 60 gig and his sounds like a damn car engine). the 80 gig used the 60 gig chip, but used software to emulate BC.

I only got the 40 gig because it was a steal (300 bucks). eitherway i am in China, my ps3 is in the United States. I have NO idea wtf is wrong with my ps3, my friend just said that its didn't work.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by Starnum »

Right, well I hope you're able to fix it once you get back state side. As for your steal of a deal, I can't blame you for taking it, that sounded like a good deal, especially for the time.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by tim »

halfnhalf wrote:...umm technical wise, the 40 gig was the best model because of the 65nm chips that they were using. Yes it did lack BC but it was the one PS3 that made the least amount of noise (my roommate has a 60 gig and his sounds like a damn car engine). the 80 gig used the 60 gig chip, but used software to emulate BC.
i was going to say something but then i checked up and europe early models are different to US :( id kill for bc, stupid PAL.

cheers for the advice on upgrading hdd. im not bothered at the limit of 5 installs, if anything it removes any worries about a suspicious lack of anti-piracy.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by Aetherfukz »

Yatta! My US-import of Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice just arrived. Can't wait for work to finish so I can play the game.
The trailer looks completely bonkers:

Making a tower out of 10 characters and then swinging the whole thing to knock enemies about, how awesome is that for a fighting system?

Edit: english trailer

Another Edit: Damn I think I will leave work a few hours early today and do those hours next week then... how's this for an intro?
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by War Machine »

Aetherfukz wrote:Another Edit: Damn I think I will leave work a few hours early today and do those hours next week then... how's this for an intro?
Very lousy.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by lon3vvolf »

Wipeout Hd, do you has it?

Much better than spending $10 on megaman IMO. This game is amazing if you have a nice TV. I couldn't stop playing until 4 am the other day. Runs at full 1080p and if you have 120hz refresh rate on your TV it makes it even better. The electroish (I don't want to say techno) music is perfect as you can use custom soundtracks too! Multilayer is intense as well. Plenty of trophies to unlock, but the some silver and gold ones are insane to get. I can't stop... Going back to play.

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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by halfnhalf »

cant wait for Wipeout HD. my PS3 is being fixed right now, but im on my roommate's PS3 so thats why some of you might have seen me playing cod4 or warhawk online.

(my place has two hd tvs and soon two functional PS3's, shit is fucking awesome)
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by Aetherfukz »

lon3vvolf wrote:Wipeout Hd, do you has it?

Much better than spending $10 on megaman IMO. This game is amazing if you have a nice TV. I couldn't stop playing until 4 am the other day. Runs at full 1080p and if you have 120hz refresh rate on your TV it makes it even better. The electroish (I don't want to say techno) music is perfect as you can use custom soundtracks too! Multilayer is intense as well. Plenty of trophies to unlock, but the some silver and gold ones are insane to get. I can't stop... Going back to play.

Yeah saw you playing it yesterday on PSN and thought about also downloading it. But 18 Euros is a bit much - how many levels does it have? Is it basically the PSX wipeout with better graphics? Or is it just some random courses with graphics?
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by lon3vvolf »

If you've played wipeout pure for the psps its very similar. A lot of the tracks are same. I think theres 8 tracks so far ( more with downloadable content). Each track and be unlocked to race backwards. Also theres a lot of ships. Wikipedia shows 12 teams. The music is great too, but theres only several tracks. However you can always play your own music! The mic support is great too. I was playing with my bro across country and it was great talking crap to him :D The only bad part is you have to hold down L1 for hte mic to turn on, and when you're in a heated race its difficult to concentrate and talk.

So if you've played either of the wipeouts for psp then this one will be more of the same... except in glorious 1080p with 60 fps. *drools* Can't wait to get off work and go play!
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Re: PS3 Thread

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I had a sudden influx of games. Between me and my brother we bought Siren: Blood Curse, Mega Man 9, Silent Hill: Homecoming and The Force Unleashed. They're all really sweet games.

Siren: Blood Curse
If you've played any Silent Hill game and liked it, then you'll probably like this too. It's a pretty good story about a cult that does weird things and people turn into zombies basically. The only annoyance is that the characters you use can only get hit a couple of times before getting killed, so you really have to avoid battles and surprise enemies which adds to the tension. And there's a great number of things to unlock, from mini games to archive items that tell you a bit more about the story and so forth. What's really interesting is that you get some of the items by opening a door or acquiring some item in one episode so it can be used in another or interact with the enemies so they open up a door to another area, etc. They have some very intuitive ways about getting some of the secret stuff. The demo gives you a good idea of what to expect.

Mega Man 9
If you liked Mega Man 1-6, then you'll probably love this one. The only thing that really sucks is the DLC, they charge extra for it. If you want to use Proto Man, you have to fork over $2 dollars, which isn't that much, but neither is the extra you get. It's just Mega Man with a shield and the ability to side, so it's 2 bucks for a shitty costume. The rest of the extras are only a dollar each, but they're equally lame and should've been included in the game from the start.

Silent Hill: Homecoming
The story is great and filled with plot-twists that easily rival previous Silent Hill games and now the fighting is far more interesting than before. I liked several things, and it finally feels like they did something new with the series. That said, the game has some bugs and the graphical detail is only slightly better than a PS2 game, which is expected from the fairly new developer. It's still a pretty good game and in spite of the fights being more action packed, the game retains the scary atmosphere and deep story the series are known for.

Star Wars The Force Unleashed
If you're a fan of Star Wars games, you'll definitely like this. Expect it to be much like the demo. That's all I can say since I haven't played it yet, only saw my brother play it and I probably shouldn't play any games until I finish my research essay due this Friday (10 fucking pages, man!), so I'll leave it at that.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by halfnhalf »

man oh man oh man....

PS3 comes back on thursday!!! I finally be back to hopefully play some MGO. WIpeout HD and socom/LBP (dont know which to get yet) will soon be in my grasp!!!!!
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by Aetherfukz »

Downloaded the Valkyria Chronicles Demo yesterday. IT. IS. AWESOME. Can't wait for the game to come out. I love turnbased strategy and the realtime third-person action when you activate one of your units is really sweet too. Plus the graphics look like the closest thing to an anime I've ever seen - just beautiful.

On top of that there seem to be some RPG elements in it, Charakters have friends they like, and abilities, and talents like "Country bred" so they fight harder on dirt but have less defense in the streets, or "Marital" so they will fight much harder when their friends are in danger, and much more. Pretty sweet.

Edit: Dunno if the demo is in the US store too, so here's a preview :D

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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by halfnhalf »

VC has soo far been the one game in the back of my mind about getting. It looks awesome, supposedly a pretty good rpg (ps3 doesnt have many so far..) and best of all is that the game was praised so well in Japan that they released DLC to the game. what exactly is the DLC? The entire game from a different perceptive, the enemies! NOW that is some awesome DLC I am willing to pay for.

Thursday man, thursday... Already bought Wipeout HD just waiting for my ps3 to d/l it.


BTW VC demo is out in the US, only if you were a Qore member. Qore users had VC demo and Motorstorm PR demo last month.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by Starnum »

I don't know, the whole shooter aspect of it totally killed it for me. I want a tried and true RPG. That's why I'm thinking about renting Eternal Sonata when it comes out. Not really my style of RPG, but it could be good. Before that though I'm probably gonna be playing Bioshock. Now that it's on PS3 I was thinking about playing it.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by halfnhalf »

Starnum wrote:I don't know, the whole shooter aspect of it totally killed it for me. I want a tried and true RPG. That's why I'm thinking about renting Eternal Sonata when it comes out. Not really my style of RPG, but it could be good. Before that though I'm probably gonna be playing Bioshock. Now that it's on PS3 I was thinking about playing it.

Penny Arcade's game is coming to the PSN this thursday, so if you want your traditional rpg, there you go. (plus its only 15 bucks).
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by Starnum »

Penny Arcade is releasing a game? You'll have to forgive me if I question such a game's quality. I'll look into it though.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by halfnhalf »

its actually not bad. traditional rpg elements, which are missing so far in todays generation of game library.

btw my ps3 just came in, now all i got to do is just pick it up. wipeout hd, socom, mgo, and all those that i missed, i gonna be back!
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by Starnum »

Hm, that games looks like it could be pretty fun. Only problem is, it appears to be a computer game instead of a console game. I usually like to rent games before I buy them, and I've never heard of renting a computer game. Well, if my computer meets the game requirements I might pick it up anyway, if I can afford it at the time.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by halfnhalf »

dude, like i said, it came to the PSN yesterday.

so for 15 bucks GO GET IT!!! (if you want a demo, XBL has one i know for sure). here is a review aswell.

i would like to quote something from the review, and truly this is why i have the game bought (though i did play the demo first)

Unlike so many other TB-RPGs, it kicks tradition to the curb and only cares about entertaining the player and staying true to itself.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by Starnum »

halfnhalf wrote:dude, like i said, it came to the PSN yesterday.
*Smacks forehead*

Oh yeah! You did say that. Cool dude, thanks, I'll check it out. ;)


Well I went ahead and DL'ed it. If it turns out I don't like it, then you owe me 15 bucks! Heh, just kidding. I'm sure I'll enjoy it anyway, and for that price, you really can't go wrong. That's a fairly reasonable price for a game, even if its not full length. I hope it's at least half length though. :P
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by lon3vvolf »

halfnhalf wrote: btw my ps3 just came in, now all i got to do is just pick it up. wipeout hd, socom, mgo, and all those that i missed, i gonna be back!
Let me know when you get everything set up and are ready for some wipeout. I'm about 3-4 trophies away from getting platinum :D
God, sometimes I wanted to kick my tv in, smash my ps3 to bits, and eat my controller.
You got my psn ID right? I'm usually on around midnights till 2 when I work, or randomly otherwise.

BTW, I don't know about Valhyria Chronicles... I was hoping for a more action oriented game.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by Starnum »

"Penny Arcade's Upon the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness" is pretty cool, and funny, so far. I just hope it isn't too short.
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by halfnhalf »

Starnum wrote:"Penny Arcade's Upon the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness" is pretty cool, and funny, so far. I just hope it isn't too short.

supposedly 6-10 hours... coming out in episode format (4 in total).
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Re: PS3 Thread

Post by Starnum »

Ah, I see. That's how they get you right there. :P

Nah though, the price still isn't' that bad, even for multiple installments. At least I'll have something to look forward to when I beat it. Heavenly sword was shorter than that even, if I remember correctly. Thankfully I only rented that game. It was fun and stuff, but way too short.
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