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Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:18 pm
by Aetherfukz
Starnum wrote: Also, I'm actually not sure if End of Eva was an official retcon of the ending or not, but I heard that it was. I believe it was Femto who said that, so it may not be true. :P *shrugs*
The allmighty Wikipedia wrote:The meaning of The End of Evangelion is debated, and it is not agreed upon whether it is intended to enlarge and retell the TV episodes 25 and 26 - meaning that those episodes reflected Shinji's point of view while inside the merged being - or instead to completely replace the TV ending with a different one. Some believe that The End of Evangelion is an alternate ending to the series, perhaps created to please those fans who were displeased with the TV series' ending. Deputy Director Kazuya Tsurumaki said he felt the series was complete as it was.[15]

However, there are several hints indicating that the movie portrays the physical aspects of the end of the series, while the episodes deal with the interior, or emotional aspects, and the two form a whole. In movie episode 26', when Instrumentality is finally launched, Shinji questions himself about his life and what he really wishes through Instrumentality; Shinji's lines and reflection process in this sequence are almost identical to what they were in TV episode 26, however in a much more condensed form. Similar reflections on the part of Asuka and Misato are also reflected (if briefly) in the film. Watching both thus allows a fuller understanding of the series. There were serious budget and schedule restraints in the later episodes of the series, and the film allowed for a more complete ending to be realized. During the TV series ending, a number of sketches from scenes that were later included in the movie are shown, hinting that the film, or something like the final production, was the intended finale all along. Indeed, the original script for episode 25 (which included, among others, a bloody fight between Asuka and the Eva Series) was abandoned due to censorship, budget and time restraints, yet the actual TV episode still featured some remnants of the first script (Misato and Ritsuko dead, Asuka inside her Eva in the water). Later, the original script was re-used for Episode 25': Air, a part of the End of Evangelion movie. Also, in the opening animation for the series, there are shots of Unit 01 with the angelic wings that it sprouts in Episode 26': A Pure Heart For You.[16]
So it still is debated wheter the End of Eva is an alternate ending or just an ending from another perspective. While I can see the arguments for the latter, I personally always viewed the movie as simple fan service (while still being a good movie) and was completely satisfied with the normal ending episodes.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:03 pm
by LordMune
I picked up the Special Edition of the DVD today (it was released yesterday). 2 discs, one with stereo and one with 6.1 surround sound. Sadly no english subtitles.

However, the Special Edition comes with an awesome five frames from the original master reel.

It seems to be EVA01 jumping or something.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:45 pm
by Starnum
So uh, how's the voice acting in these DVD's? >.>

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:41 pm
by LordMune
Well, it's the japanese VAs (this being the japanese release), so it's all good. I don't think there's a set release date for any american version.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:11 pm
by Deathbringer
Ramiel´s encounter is this movie is fucking epic.

The storyline is leaning towards a different path though, Misato already knows that the angel they have in Geo front is Lilith (Which is wearing a different mask) and she tells that to Shinji while showing it.

Kaworu already shows up, and he´s in the moon while another weird angel is being excavated there (This one wearing Lilith´s mask from the series).

Shinji is also less of a pussy too, i guess that´s good. It would be boring if this remake would be the exact same shit when we already have a movie and a manga telling the same story.

Apparently a new character appears in the second movie and a shit load of Evangelion units, from 02 to 06.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:17 am
by Starnum
LordMune wrote:Well, it's the japanese VAs (this being the japanese release), so it's all good. I don't think there's a set release date for any american version.
Oh well that's good.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:36 am
by LordMune
2.0 premiered a while ago, and there's a horrible cam version floating about, I doubt anyone will sub it until the DVD release (which is probably 6+ months away).

I'll keep this spoiler-free.

Staying the course established by the first movie, 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance delights in reproducing classic scenes from the show, changing relatively small details to produce a pretty radically different story; Asuka is handled differently this time around, as is the battle with the Angel-infected EVA unit, for example. It continues with 1.0's paper-thin characterization (hell, the new EVA pilot is given barely any screen time), in favor of accelerating the plot to supersonic speeds (and at an often odd trajectory). That said, it's much better-paced than 1.0 and eliminates all fear that this project is just yet another cash-in in the line of Evangelion re-treads.

Now, here's to hoping it won't take nearly a year for the DVD to be released (and the Blu-Ray a year after that) as with the first movie...

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:12 am
by Femto

- Misato killed Kaji fo' sho (Tempz is a retard that is unable to read between the lines).

- Instrumentality and End of Eva are not mutually exclusive and can co-exist continuity-wise without a problem.

- I'm kinda interested in watching this new stuff even if they're just milking the franchise for all its worth.

- Evangelion is still childish, unfocused, overdramatic and extremely overrated.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:16 am
by Aetherfukz
Femto wrote:Stuff:
- Misato killed Kaji fo' sho (Tempz is a retard that is unable to read between the lines).
While your other points may ring some truth, Hideaki Anno himself said that Misato DID NOT kill Kaji, and it was some random security goon.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:22 am
by Starnum
Aetherfukz wrote:
Femto wrote:Stuff:
- Misato killed Kaji fo' sho (Tempz is a retard that is unable to read between the lines).
While your other points may ring some truth, Hideaki Anno himself said that Misato DID NOT kill Kaji, and it was some random security goon.
Wow, really? I always thought that Misato was the one who shot Kaji. Hm, interesting.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:20 pm
by Femto
Aetherfukz wrote:
Femto wrote:Stuff:
- Misato killed Kaji fo' sho (Tempz is a retard that is unable to read between the lines).
While your other points may ring some truth, Hideaki Anno himself said that Misato DID NOT kill Kaji, and it was some random security goon.
I'd like to see where he said this.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:41 pm
by Aetherfukz
Femto wrote:
Aetherfukz wrote:
Femto wrote:Stuff:
- Misato killed Kaji fo' sho (Tempz is a retard that is unable to read between the lines).
While your other points may ring some truth, Hideaki Anno himself said that Misato DID NOT kill Kaji, and it was some random security goon.
I'd like to see where he said this.
It is said in the Evangelion Film book, which I once read a translation of years ago, but I cannot find it anymore through google, and the one site I found is down. Anyway, just look up all the different Evangelion wikis, _the_ Wikipedia Evangelion site, or other google hits, and you'll come across this remnant of the book:
A lot of people put the blame on Misato. This is entirely false. In the TV series Film Books Anno says that Kaji was killed by "a third party working either for SEELE or for NERV's Intelligence Division."
Anno didn't just say "NERV", but rather "NERV's Intelligence Division". While this is still unclear, it eliminates Misato since she does not work for the Intelligence Division.
(Translation courtesy Bochan Bird)
Bochan Bird was the group that translated the book at the time. AFAIK the original was handed out as a pamphlet for japanese moviegoers when End of Eva hit cinemas.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:34 pm
by LordMune
Femto wrote: - Instrumentality and End of Eva are not mutually exclusive and can co-exist continuity-wise without a problem.
Femto wrote: - Evangelion is still childish, unfocused, overdramatic and extremely overrated.
I contend that this is an issue with the medium and narrative devices used rather than the core concept itself. As for overrated, well yes, it's getting pretty rampant, which is natural considering that there are few shows that even approach Evangelion's level of quality (which is not super-high, sadly).

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:19 pm
by Femto
Aetherfukz wrote:It is said in the Evangelion Film book, which I once read a translation of years ago, but I cannot find it anymore through google, and the one site I found is down. Anyway, just look up all the different Evangelion wikis, _the_ Wikipedia Evangelion site, or other google hits, and you'll come across this remnant of the book:
A lot of people put the blame on Misato. This is entirely false. In the TV series Film Books Anno says that Kaji was killed by "a third party working either for SEELE or for NERV's Intelligence Division."
Anno didn't just say "NERV", but rather "NERV's Intelligence Division". While this is still unclear, it eliminates Misato since she does not work for the Intelligence Division.
(Translation courtesy Bochan Bird)
Bochan Bird was the group that translated the book at the time. AFAIK the original was handed out as a pamphlet for japanese moviegoers when End of Eva hit cinemas.
That's interesting.

I always thought that the scene where Misato breaks down crying after Kaji's last voice message was that much more powerful because I always assumed that she had, in fact, killed him. And how would she know that Kaji was dead at that point anyway if she hadn't killed him herself?

I also thought that Kaji had a certain air of familiarity when he addresses whoever it is that shoots him in that elevator (or whatever it was), which led me to believe that he actually knew that person.

I could argue that people are misinterpreting or drawing conclusions based on a single vague comment by Anno ("working for" is different than "working in" and Misato actually would be a third party to either of these organizations since she doesn't work in either) but I digress.

In my eyes, Misato killed Kaji.


Because it just works better.

PS: This is the first time I've even remotely discussed Evangelion in like 10 years.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:10 pm
by Aetherfukz
I always thought that too, about Kaji somehow knowing his killer, and Misato being very guild-driven in the next episode. But that is the beauty of Evangelion, each viewer can and should make his own conclusions. Think alls right with the world after the cast congratulates Shinji? Sure, if that's your interpretion. Think everything goes to hell and humanity is wiped out? Sure, could also work.

I fucking loved the famous mindfuck episodes 24 and 25. Everyone who watched them came to his own conclusions, and as we know from various sources, Evangelion was very much a way for Anno to struggle with his own Depression, and finding a way to get over it.
In my book eventually Shinji accepted that he has a worth, and its allright for him to live, and maybe to love and be loved. That's my interpretion and I like it that way. And while a lot of points point to Misato killing Kaji, I never wanted to believe it, because I wanted to believe that she still truly loved him, and her crying wasn't guilt but sadness.

P.S. Fuck End of Evangelion.

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:41 am
by Starnum
Fuck "End of Eva" indeed, I never liked it. Instrumentality was awesome though. I believe that the world ended and everyone died at the end, and everyone became one because of instrumentality, and that's why Shinji was able to come to those realizations. Everyone was having that revelation at the same time, in their own way, because they had all become one complete being. I might be taking it too far, but that was my take on it anyway. That's not even going into the whole message about life and self-awareness that was given there either. It's all too deep to put into a few words, IMO. So I'll leave it at that. I remember seeing Eva a long time ago though, and being totally blown away by it. I know it's not perfect, but it made a really big impression on me when I was younger. I think it kind of started the whole existential mecha anime movement, as it were, but none of the other shows like it have been quite as good in my opinion. Oh, and if it was just some mysterious dude who killed Kaji, then they could have done a better job portraying it as such, because to me it seemed like it was Misato. I guess it doesn't matter at this point though. *shrugs*

Re: New Evangelion movies?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:12 am
by Malvado
I had to walk out of 'Evangelion: You are (not) alone' when they shown it during Otakon. Seemed like they didn't even check to see if the movie worked so the screen would go black every 4 minutes or so but everything (like sound) was still reeling. Made it pretty unbearable to watch.