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Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:44 am
by Grahf
Naruto rise of a ninja - 360

Had to borrow it from my friend while I'm on my quest for 20k gamerpoints.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:30 am
by Aetherfukz
PS3 - Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare

That game rocks! Yesterday I played the mission where you are in an A10(?) giving air support to the SAS troops down below with 105, 40 and 25mm guns. That was an aweful mission... just shooting little dots that would be humans normally. And the sad thing is it happens in real life like this too, for sure.

War is like a videogame without continues...

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:14 pm
by Starnum
PS3: Assassin's Creed

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:41 am
by Loeviz
Mass Effect still.

I am a little disapointed over a few things, one thing is that why that freakin car (Mako or whatever) is in the game at all. At some missions you need to be driving that thing and blow robots and stuff up, if they blow up the car (Which is fairly easy) your dead and need to start over. Ive been so damn close many times but then the f******g thing blows up again. It has waaay to little health and costs to much to repair so after a few repairs your all out.
I did notice however that the shield it has recharges if you leave it be. But I dont have the patience to wait five minutes after a repair to get it fully loaded just to have it nullified after a few hits.
Was on one mission for three hours today until I finally gave up and flew away.
I need to lvl up and come back and see if I can take them by foot instead.
One other thing is that it has a few bugs and glitches in it, for example for example I froze to death on an ice planet because the marker I put up at a mineral popped up right on me so I couldnt move and therefore could not get back to the car.
The third thing and last one is why the hell can you change the gamelevel to an easier (or harder one) in the middle of a game?

Besides that its an awesome game that Im already looking forward to play again with a new class :P

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:33 am
by Amazing Amanda
Currently in my consoles ...
Wii- Ninjabread man/ Blockbuster rental NEVER PLAY YOULL CRY!
PS2- Howls Moving Castle.
SNES- Zelda: A Link To The Past
Game Boy- Pokemon Yellow

thats all for now!

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:15 am
by Aetherfukz
PS3: Uncharted - Drakes Fortune. Just got it yesterday, nice game.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:26 pm
by Loeviz
Ok so Ive ran throught Mass effect once, was wondering about the achievements they have for the rest of the ones in your team. Does anyone know exactly how much of the game you need to have someone on your team to get them?
I had one of them almost the entire game and didnt get it, was just a tiny bit in the beginning that I didnt use him.
Totally sucked balls :P

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:19 pm
by Grahf
no clue. I actually lent my copy out so I could take a break through reruns. I mean I remember getting the "completed most of the game" achievement pretty early in the plot. Cuz I went to do all that exploritory ish.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:54 pm
by Loeviz
Grahf wrote:no clue. I actually lent my copy out so I could take a break through reruns. I mean I remember getting the "completed most of the game" achievement pretty early in the plot. Cuz I went to do all that exploritory ish.
Yeah I did every sidemission you could do in the game except two.
Didnt find the last codex and couldnt finish the second job your sent on by the medic in the citadel cause Captain konokuh (yeah whats his name) that had some info about the blackmailer was already dead by the time I got started on it :P
Really strange why I didnt get it, pisses me of a bit actually, haha Im such an achievement whore.
Now I cant play at all since we tried to recover my gamertag yesterday to my brothers xbox, an error came up halfway through that its not doable at this time. So when I turned on mine this morning I had to recover it again and the same error came up.
Blew about 20 dollars on the support before they told me that I should try to recover it in 2 hours and if it didnt work again I should call them,
Stupid wankers

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:37 am
by Aetherfukz
Wii: Resident Evil 4
PS2: Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria
PS3: Call of Duty 4

I really love CoD's Multiplayer and how you get new unlockable goodies every other game through the levelup system. But how the freakin' hell do you turn of incoming voice communication in that game? I've turned the volume of voices in the options menu way down but still hear all those kiddies talk. And if I hate one thing it is those fuckin' imbeciles who think they are some kind of shooter god yelling through their headset every kill they make, slurping their coke so everyone can hear it and all that crap. Even worse when they speak french!

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:27 am
by Starnum
PS3: Smackdown vs. Raw '08

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:26 am
by Grahf
Aetherfukz wrote:I really love CoD's Multiplayer and how you get new unlockable goodies every other game through the levelup system. But how the freakin' hell do you turn of incoming voice communication in that game? I've turned the volume of voices in the options menu way down but still hear all those kiddies talk. And if I hate one thing it is those fuckin' imbeciles who think they are some kind of shooter god yelling through their headset every kill they make, slurping their coke so everyone can hear it and all that crap. Even worse when they speak french!

The French thing is on 360 as well. But I occiassionally have a problem with people yelling and talking a load of rubbish. That sounds like an issue with the PS3 though. If I turn down my headset best believe I'm not hearing anything. If I mute them as well that is clutch.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:16 pm
by Aetherfukz
Well the only option i found was the "Voice Volume" which I turned all the way down. Although I don't know if that means ingame voice from the NPCs or VoIP from other players. But isn't there just an option to deactivate the whole voice comm in CoD4? Or mute players, I don't know how to do that even.

Just yesterday was some guy (I presume, probably around 10-12 had a very squeeky voice) who pretended to get off... moaning included.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:45 pm
by Grahf
oo yeah that person would get muted without delay. I tend to mute even if it means me dying a couple of times.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:44 pm
by Malvado
PS3: Stella Deus

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:18 am
by Aetherfukz
Grahf wrote:oo yeah that person would get muted without delay. I tend to mute even if it means me dying a couple of times.
But how do you mute people there? Between two matches where you can edit your classes, I tried to click every button when the cursor was in the scoreboard above the players, to no avail... and when the game is running I haven't tried yet but there has to be some option?

Edit: Lying in the PS3: Lair. Really nice graphic and game concept. But what an completely aweful control scheme with the SixAxis control forced onto you.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:33 pm
by Grahf
well thats what I was saying I"m not sure if thats just a PS3 thing. Though if they have a gamerprofile I'm pretty sure you could do it from there.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:45 pm
by Tonbo
Aetherfukz wrote:
But how do you mute people there? Between two matches where you can edit your classes, I tried to click every button when the cursor was in the scoreboard above the players, to no avail... and when the game is running I haven't tried yet but there has to be some option?
I hear you. I haven't found out how to mute voice chat on the ps3 either. The game forums say there is no mute for ps3 (for now), but if you have a headset you can plug it in and leave it lying on the table. I've only played the game for a few days (sorry for inviting you to an empty room yesterday) but in the end I just turned the volume off and listened to my ipod. It was fun, but it would require way too much time to get the skill level to compete in any serious fashion. It certainly got frustrating when I would be firing at a guy for 2 seconds, then he would just turn around and pop me off in one shot.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:15 pm
by Aetherfukz
No problem with the room yesterday. I just figured if I can't talk and cannot write you, the best would be to log out of the game and write you a message whats up :D

Anyway yeah I read too that muting players in the PS3 version is scheduled for the first patch, when it comes (boo!). But playing without sound completely wouldn't be possible for me, because a) it sucks and b) it costs you a lot of lives if you don't hear enemies coming.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:04 am
by Starnum
PS3: Uncharted

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:01 pm
by okran
PS2: a custom GH2: rocks the 80's disc

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:13 am
by Ayanami
PS2 - Ibara

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 1:08 am
by Aetherfukz
Wii: Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

Rented it yesterday from our video store. I haven't played the Wii in ages, but dusted it off to try that game, of which I only heard praise. And wow, the controls are smooth as can be, and it's the same old Metroid that I loved. Just finished the (first?) bossfight against Meta-Ridley, and OH MY GOD was that an awesome fight! Reminded me of Gandalf vs the Balrog, and everything which reminds me of the Lord of the Rings is awesome.

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:07 am
by Aetherfukz
PS3: Bladestorm - the hundred years' war

Bought it because I liked the box art and description on the back... and while I thought at first it was a mediocre game, I came to really really like it. While it could have been better it is a really nice mix of RTS and RPG, and running around with a big 2hand sword slicing enemies or trampling rank and file soldiers with a horse kinda makes me feel like Guts :D

Re: What lies in your console as we speak?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:30 am
by The Prince
Aetherfukz wrote:PS3: Bladestorm - the hundred years' war

Bought it because I liked the box art and description on the back... and while I thought at first it was a mediocre game, I came to really really like it. While it could have been better it is a really nice mix of RTS and RPG, and running around with a big 2hand sword slicing enemies or trampling rank and file soldiers with a horse kinda makes me feel like Guts :D
Where do you find the time to play all these games? Do you work for a gaming publication or something?

Last game I bought was Madden, and almost broke up with one of my GF's because of it.

Currently the controllers for my PS3 have gone missing. :(