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Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:43 am
by The Prince
Starnum wrote:Yeah, Anakin, that makes sense.
Isn't there already a series of crappy animated shorts that were made to tie the 2nd movie to the third?

Anyways....Hopefully the cartoon counter-part will do a better job at selling Anakin's evolution into what he is to become.

Now that we're on the subject....George Lucas is single-handedly running his Star War franchise into the ground. In my mind I will forever be in denial of the second (more recent) trilogy (though technically the first), having any ties to the original epic.

How could someone be so spot on as he was in creating Star Wars, yet be so horribly off regarding what he has been doing to it ever since (post-ROFTJ)......Ewok mini-series, Episodes 1..2...3.........?

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:59 am
by Loeviz
The Prince wrote:
Starnum wrote:Yeah, Anakin, that makes sense.
Isn't there already a series of crappy animated shorts that were made to tie the 2nd movie to the third?

Anyways....Hopefully the cartoon counter-part will do a better job at selling Anakin's evolution into what he is to become.

Now that we're on the subject....George Lucas is single-handedly running his Star War franchise into the ground. In my mind I will forever be in denial of the second (more recent) trilogy (though technically the first), having any ties to the original epic.

How could someone be so spot on as he was in creating Star Wars, yet be so horribly off regarding what he has been doing to it ever since (post-ROFTJ)......Ewok mini-series, Episodes 1..2...3.........?

Too much acid or coke?

Saw Hancock, that movie wasnt at all what I expected. Much crappier than anticipated.
[spoiler]The story felt somewhat ripped of from Mr & Mrs Smith when they started to ficht with eachother for no known reason.[/spoiler]

Saw the new Batman, it was a good movie but everyone at work that had seen it told me it was the best movie they had seen. I didnt quiet feel that it was like that. When it was over it was over, never pondered over anything in the movie afterwards.
I did however just want to see more of the Joker :D

On a side note I can tell you that I was so good damn tired that I dropped my visa, ID, work ID and my money in the cab home.
Not one of my finest moments, and I was totally sober. Im just wondering at the moment how Im supposed to get inside when I go to work today...

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:15 am
by The Herald
I liked batman too, but it seemed like the whole film was confused about who the main character was.

[spoiler]I know it was the sequel to Batman Begins, which is a different story than the normal Batman, but I was a little unsure about the ending. For one, the Joker didn't die, which is works I guess, but I kinda expected him to. And 2 face died, but isn't he supposed to live? I liked that the ex-girlfriend died, it added to the dynamic.

On another note my favorite scene had to be when the Joker was standing outside the hospital in a nurse dress trying to get a bomb to explode. That was funny at the same time had good tension.[/spoiler]

I'm really looking forward to The Mummy 3 and Swing Vote, even though I'm not American.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:12 am
by War Machine
Swing Vote? Come on, that movie has "failure" written all over it.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:00 am
by Starnum
War Machine wrote:Swing Vote? Come on, that movie has "failure" written all over it.
Yeah, seriously. A civilian presidential swing vote isn't even possible. For me that makes this whole movie full of lose. The U.S. is a republic, not a democracy. The fact that we all vote for the president is just a facade to comfort the masses. As seen in the 2000 election, when George W. Bush lost to Al Gore, the popular vote doesn't matter. We have electoral colleagues full of representatives who vote for us. That's how it really works, our representatives choose our president. Yet people will probably watch this movie and think that such a scenario is possible, because most Americans believe their vote matters. Heh, but really, it doesn't. *shrugs*

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:32 pm
by MrFelony
the premise of the movies is that his vote doesn't get counted through some error and, i believe, the state's locked in a tie so his vote would give the electoral votes to one candidate or the other and that the presidential election is hinged on who receives that state's electoral votes. i think it is actually an interesting idea, but i'm not sure if it's going to be much more than that

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:56 pm
by Buzkashi
To bad peoples votes dont get counted all the time.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:13 am
by Starnum
Right, what Buz said. I mean I suppose its possible, I just find it hard to believe. I'm biased though, I just don't trust the government, heh.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:39 am
by War Machine
A situation like that wouldn't happen, all the other party needs to do is challenge the outcome and it goes to the supreme court, simple as that.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:42 am
by Loeviz
Hellboy 2 - Seen it two times, the first time I liked some parts but the second time around it was only one scene towards the end that I thought was to corny.

Tortured - This movie had a few surprises in it, it cant feel to good to get salt thrown at your feet when you just had the toes cut of, ouch :P

Speed Racer - I liked this movie, it was like watching the animation.

Still trying to get my hands on the new Hulk movie, been fruitless so far..

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:05 am
by Aetherfukz
Seeing as you guys already posted about the Dark Knight on Mid-July, I'm late - but it just started last week around here.

Anyway, best movie I have seen in years, probably in the last decade even. It just did everything right that could be done right. Awesome story, aweome acting (I'll miss Heath Ledger, best role of his life :(), just awesome. Although it may have been to short, I would have liked it to actually never and, as good as it was.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:36 pm
by Loeviz
Yeah the Dark knight is a good movie, saw it again today and it really is entertaining.
Its a real shame really that they cant use the joker in the third movie, or the fourth or whenever..

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:48 pm
by Femto
They should base the 3rd Batman movie on Dark Knight Returns and have an older actor play the Joker.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:16 am
by War Machine
I just saw it again yesterday and it really makes more sense when you see it a second time. Everything fits quite well, the only thing I wasn't sure about was why was there a ferry full of convicts and another one full of civilians? I didn't quite get that part.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:41 am
by Femto
War Machine wrote:I just saw it again yesterday and it really makes more sense when you see it a second time. Everything fits quite well, the only thing I wasn't sure about was why was there a ferry full of convicts and another one full of civilians? I didn't quite get that part.
It was just the Joker trying to create chaos.

It's thematically similar to what happens in The Killing Joke where the Joker tries (and fails) to break down Gordon to prove that anyone can be as crazy as him under the right circumstances.

Not particularly the strongest moment in the movie though.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:38 am
by halfnhalf
Femto wrote:They should base the 3rd Batman movie on Dark Knight Returns and have an older actor play the Joker.

If they do, Nolan better include the scene where Bruce brings the rape on Kal-El. Stupid bitch went to work for the government as a pawn.

But alas its Nolan's Batman and there is just no telling what he is going to do next with Batman or sorry I mean the Dark Knight.

BTW just saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall, surprising the movie was a comedy goldmine. Enjoyed every bit of the movie.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:45 am
by Femto
Superman wouldn't work in Nolan's Batman universe unfortunately.

Neither would Mr. Freeze, Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Clayface, etc, etc.

He really limited himself on Batman rogues with this realistic Batman direction he took the franchise in.

I'd be more than happy with a movie based on DKR with pissed off, old man Batman and a final confrontation with the Joker.

I think he has something similar in mind considering he doesn't kill off the Joker in the end.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:04 am
by halfnhalf
For some really odd reason after I saw TDK my mind thought that the next movie would pretty much be a long played out beginning of Batman Beyond (I said beginning, not Terry Miginnis as Batman).

Old Bruce kicking ass in his old ways with a new suit to boot. But then something wrong happens, in the face of danger he uses the one thing he vowed never to use, a gun. He fears what he has done and thus plunges himself into the lonelness of the batcave vowing to never don the suit ever again.

And then it would be pretty simple to fill up the rest of the movie, ie Flashbacks of Bats taking names and kicking ass, love stories that never worked, side kicks that he has lost in battle, friends torn apart because of the law, Sons of Batman reigning the streets after he was brutally hurt in battle with the police, and dare I say the death of Alfred? The list gones on. I'm bored at work, so I love imagination. But this direction will allow short bits of characters that aren't market worthy, ie the Robins, Gordon's family, Ra Algu's family/clan, etc.

Back to reality. I know Superman would never work in Nolan's Batman. Besides the Joker, which villain could really work? Yah Harely Quinn could work since she is just a rehash of the Joker and ideally the Joker was saved for more, but who else is there? Catwoman is just too much for me. Penguin is blah. Riddler would just become a stupid mystery movie that will hide the truth from the viewers. Calendar Man is just too much of a stretch. The list is small, very small.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:10 am
by Femto
I'm sure Bane would work but he's a really boring, one-note character.

I'd absolutely love to see Clayface or Mr. Freeze but they're just too comic book-ey for the Nolan universe.

Penguin would work, I guess, but I don't think I'd care.

Basing it on DKR would be the best move, I think.

Then Nolan can move on and Warner can bring in some other douchebag director to fuck up the franchise.


And on that note, the Superman film franchise is getting rebooted.

So yes, Superman Returns never happened and the next Superman film will be a new start for the franchise.

Thank god too.

Returns was such a horrible movie.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:17 am
by War Machine
I'm not sure how far Nolan is willing to take the story. The first movie was Batman's beginning, so the third being the end seems a little rushed to me. But so far, his take on the story has been somewhat unpredictable, so I'm not sure.

And speaking of the Penguin and the Riddler... ... e-penguin/

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:27 am
by halfnhalf
Haha had a response ready from your first post, then took a set back and thought, "I bet he forgot to mention something else."

Superman reboot is simple, just film All Star Superman and just watch as everyone's mind explode when we get 40 minutes of Bizzaro's speech patterns. Then watch every cry when Kal-El is given a chance to talk to Papa Kent one last time.

Fuck the bullshit on copying Marvel and their route to Avengers. JLA won't work with Nolan's Batman. Just give us the greatest tales ever told about the greatest heroes to ever live.


or just show this and let the imagination ride...


Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:32 am
by Femto
War Machine wrote:I'm not sure how far Nolan is willing to take the story. The first movie was Batman's beginning, so the third being the end seems a little rushed to me. But so far, his take on the story has been somewhat unpredictable, so I'm not sure.
It'd be a classic three part act.

Beginning, Middle and End.

It'd be perfect.

All-Star Superman in film would make people's heads explode.

It'd be cool, but far too unconventional.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:24 pm
by DrPepperPro
I just read the Dark Knight Returns because I wanted to see what you guys were talking about. Man it was awesome.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:28 pm
by Buzkashi
halfnhalf wrote:

in the face of danger he uses the one thing he vowed never to use, a gun.
Grant Morrison and Brian Azzerello boo'd a fan off stage for asking a question that had to do with this.

Re: Movies of '08

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:55 am
by halfnhalf
well i never said that...

finally got around to see Find Me Guilty. i enjoyed ever bit of the movie, thought it was just surprising that it was XXX/Riddick/<insert action movie star name> that was making all the jokes. Vin did a great job and i just enjoyed every bit of the movie.