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Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:30 am
by Billabong
The trailer does show some of the golden age arc, but the scene it shows with Guts using the Dragonslayer is when he meets Grffith and Zodd on the hill where Rickert made his memorial to the Hawks, which is directly after the Tower of Redemption. Which means we're at least Millenium Hawk/Falcon/whatever and Lost Children arcs!

And i'm glad it looks like they're pulling out all the stops for animation, too.

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:30 am
by Starnum
Oh, holy crap, you're right! You can tell by the armor Griffith is wearing at the beginning of the video too. I didn't even think of that. Good work, Billabong. Okay, now I'm really starting to get excited. XD

*Resumes earlier hysteria* w00000000000t!

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:35 am
by ryusenka
I didn't know I could jizz so hard, so many times, in one moment. Now if only I could have Miura's babies....

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:27 am
by Bensozia
Okay I don't post often but this time I think I'm going to have the biggest fangasm in years...

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:37 am
by revealer
Biggest fangasm indeed :D

And it seems that those screenshots from last year were from this anime. ... roduction/
If you compare the last screenshot from the first link and 0:05 from video teaser it does look like same animation, style, colors.. and same freaking trees. :D

I don't get it why some of you don't want the first part of the anime re-done.. In the first anime there were so many things that were cut out..and i want to see those scenes goddammit!
And yes, I want the whole manga into anime.. and when it catches up I don't wanna see no freaking fillers.. either OVA like someone said already or just a few year pause :D (well, just my wishful thinking anyways:)

The clash did seem very exaggerated, even for an anime.. The snow was blown away from the swing of the sword, and in the teaser it seems like a huge clash, like an explosion or smth..
And no wonder people are already nitpicking, cause we've been waiting for this a looong time.. we want to see it done right.

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:55 am
by incubus
revealer wrote:The clash did seem very exaggerated, even for an anime.. The snow was blown away from the swing of the sword, and in the teaser it seems like a huge clash, like an explosion or smth..
that thing is too big to be called a sword... it was more like a large hunk of iron...

Sorry, couldn't resist :mrgreen: (ok, its from the golden age, stupid joke...)

P.S: OMG!!!! New Bersek Anime!!! *faints*

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:17 pm
by revealer
incubus wrote:
revealer wrote:The clash did seem very exaggerated, even for an anime.. The snow was blown away from the swing of the sword, and in the teaser it seems like a huge clash, like an explosion or smth..
that thing is too big to be called a sword... it was more like a large hunk of iron...

Sorry, couldn't resist :mrgreen: (ok, its from the golden age, stupid joke...)
Lulz, but that was the with the first sword, which was big and intimidating, but it was still just a sword. That's no Dragonslayer which was described like you said :P

Also, regarding blood and gore in anime I forget to mention that from the screenshots from a year ago we see Guts cutting down some soldiers in half, and although there is no too many details, they still ARE cut in half, and with a healthy xD dose of blood everywhere, so it seems satisfactory to me.
And in the middle of the video teaser Guts is definitely wielding a Dragonslayer, an iron arm and if you look better, he has no eye.

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:11 pm
by Loeviz
Fucking A, finally a new anime

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:43 pm
by BaNaN
To good to be true! And I thought he had gone and died..
Been waiting on this this 2001 when I watched the first anime! AWSOME NEWS

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:19 pm
by madonnalal
Yes... Yes.... YES.. YESSS. YESSSSSSSS!!!!!

Oh man, as soon as I heard about this, I came running over here to make sure it wasn't just a rumor. Oh man, I had hoped that the screenshots were part of a project that hadn't gotten the funding ripped out from under them, but this is way better than I could have expected.

Also, I found this...

OMFG I'm so happy right now. This is like an entire volume just coming out all at once... well, maybe not that awesome, but still really great!

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:18 pm
by ming387

Some more anime clips coming in the next 24 hours at the official website. =)

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:18 pm
by Starnum
Yes, I can see it now, this will clearly carry on past the eclipse. If it doesn't just outright start afterwards. If I had paid more attention when I first watched the video I would've realized that, lol. Knowing that we'll be able to see the stuff after the eclipse makes me extremely happy, I've been waiting 8 years for this! I don't mind if they redo the beginning, but only if they include all of the stuff they left out the first time. For some reason I get the feeling they're going to start where the original anime left off, and we'll just get some flashbacks from Guts' memory of the Golden Age, but at this point, who knows. We'll just have to wait and see. I can't wait!

*Caught in a perpetual state of happy dance.*

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:33 am
by Istvan
As long as it's done well, I'll be thrilled with whatever parts of the manga they want to do.

That said, my preference would be to start back at the beginning and redo everything, this time including all of the bits they skipped before. This would have the added bonus of making sure it's at least a couple of years before the anime catches up to the manga - thus minimizing the need for filler.

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:50 am
by lon3vvolf
I can't believe it took me so long to write about this... but when I saw it in motion I fainted. Its been how many years??? About 8 for me since I watched the original. Since then I have watched the series about 3 times, as well as re-read the manga. Got the dreamcast and ps2 game, limited edition of-course. I cosplayed Guts. I bought Berserk merchandise ranging from $700 statues to $5 action figures...

I can't begin to tell you how big of a smile this put on my face. I now have a perma-grin :D . I never lost hope, even through the 6+ month breaks in between releases. I know you guys were with me in that wait too! This may sound lame but this has made me the happiest I've been in years. I started tearing up when I saw that clip at work. I've watched it countless times since. I'm so grateful for this.

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:12 am
by Starnum
They're saying it's going to be fully animated CG, but it looks like a mix of normal animation and CG integration to me. Either way, it looks great, so I'll take it! I'm just wondering, if it's going to have so much CG, are they going to be able to afford to do a whole series. What if it's only an OAV, or even worse, a movie. Not to be a downer, but that's something I've been worrying about. Hopefully it'll be a full length series. *Crosses fingers and knocks on wood*

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:29 am
by TheParagon
yeah, if it was only a movie it would be the largest anticlimax since the year 2000 switch glitch on the computers

and no, i never lost hope aswell, but i thought they would way another 10 years - when the ending was within reach

i see no reason to not do it from the start since so much was cut out, and they will catch up eventually anyways. it might be like FMA though were they cut out some stuff since they didnt want to show everything two times, but i hope they wont do that.

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:46 am
by dddd
haha, im the dude that said fuck miura way back then because I was sick and tired of waiting for his manga but now I'm back and i take back what i said before. OMG I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY TO HEAR THIS NEWS!!!

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:46 pm
by Femto
I don't care if it's an OVA or a series or a movie or a freakin' 3 minute short.

It's more animated Berserk and that's an awesome thing in my eyes.

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:58 pm
by DarkenRahlX
Man I got so excited yesterday when I saw this video I think my eyes started messing up. My feelings for this are the same as Femto's. I don't care what it is I'm just glad to see Berserk in motion once again.

The fact that they have Gackt announcing this must make this a pretty big deal. So I'm excited for the 4 new clips coming out this week.

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:37 pm
by revealer

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:10 pm
by Starnum
Ah, so those screens from last year were definitely from this new anime. That's clearly apparent now.

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:18 pm
by Istvan
And that scene was definately from the Golden Age, so unless they're going to have a lot of flashbacks, it looks like they probably will be redoing the whole thing.

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:38 am
by Mail
Can definitely see the CG in the second vid

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:39 am
by Starnum
And considering that we also got screens of Puck and post-eclipse Casca, then they'll be showing the stuff after the eclipse as well. I had a friend translate the teasers today, and this is what he said. The text says "Starting again, Berserk." and the voice over said "Never seen before, Berserk." which sounds really promising. Although, he said the spoken part is used with a very vague speech form, so it's still too early to draw any conclusions, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a full-length series. I'll be happy to get anything at this point, but I would much prefer another series. Worst case scenrio, these are just promos for the manga *gulp*. Let's hope that's not the case though, which I doubt it is. *Still knocking on wood with crossed fingers.*

Re: New anime confirmed!!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:02 am
by Femto
Also, I won't accept anything but the original voice actors.