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Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:52 am
by halfnhalf
Pokemon, the dubbing to that is damn near perfect. For animations, dubbing isnt that hard, but now for a foreign film, no point in dubbing. The voices will never align, and youll see the classic chinese mouths closed and hear a voice. And the whole missing out when reading a subtitle, blah that rarely every happens. sure you cant read it out loud ver fast, but 8 or 9 words? you can read that in your mind pretty fast. Or it just might be that i can understand japanese and chinese a bit.

and yes the old akira dubbing is better than the remastered version.

as for me, manga all the way, never have to worry about missing any action or if someone has a stupid voice.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:17 am
by Ayanami
Look at this topic we have been talking about. You clearly argued against arke and others that subbers don't have any limitations to achieveing a perfect translation while dubbers do while the case is subbers do have limitations on what they can do and what not.

This little discussion made it seem that you don't know what the hell you are talking about and just sounded stupid and like an anime fan boy blinded by the whole japanese language and shit.

Plus the tid bit about anime teaching you Japanese I found pretty god damn stupid as well.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:21 am
by Femto
I want to learn Japanese so I'll watch millions and millions of subtitled anime.

That should work without fail.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:23 am
by BasouKazuma
Femto wrote:I want to learn Japanese so I'll watch millions and millions of subtitled anime.

That should work without fail.
It's called Pimsleurs Speak and Understand Essential Japanese/Italian/Russian ........ :P

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:25 am
by Quest
Ayanami wrote:Look at this topic we have been talking about. You clearly argued against arke and others that subbers don't have any limitations to achieveing a perfect translation while dubbers do while the case is subbers do have limitations on what they can do and what not.

This little discussion made it seem that you don't know what the hell you are talking about and just sounded stupid and like an anime fan boy blinded by the whole japanese language and shit.

Plus the tid bit about anime teaching you Japanese I found pretty god damn stupid as well.
this is a valid point.

the last bit about watching anime with subs... i think it does work to a lesser degree. i have been watching anime with subs for years and found that when i watch japanese shows on tv, i do understand(or feel) what they say even though i cannot explain what word means what.

sounds crazy... like a crazy fanboy who think he developed japanese superpowers by watching anime... but that my experience.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:26 am
by Eldo

Just trying to do my job to maintain the thread, keep the cussing and name-calling restricted to the Interstice, otherwise, keep this thread relatively clean. As much as I love dr4m4, and hate disrupting it, I'll have to move the relevant post to the Interstice.

For the record, this is the watch I wear:


Or it looks similar to it. My brother gave it to me. I think it was stolen.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:53 am
by Libaax
Its easy for me dubs make me very uneasy, its a disgusting invention dubbing cause its horrible and should be banned.

Subs cause i like to hear the original langauge even if the subtitles arent 100% correct. Its like if i watch a chinese or spanish movie or whatever i want the sub version not the dub cause you get a better feeling from it hearing what they are actually saying instead of someone putting thier lame voice over.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:55 pm
by Brainpiercing
Funny thread.

Well, I'll tell you:
Dubs are ok when the VA are good. However, 99% of anime dub VA are totally lame. They usually get kiddy voices and don't put any feeling into their act.
Sure it's not always perfect reading subs, and I'm quite certain there are tons of bad subs around, even commercially made subs (for instance from hongkong cinema, etc.), but I still prefer them. Usually the original voices will be better.

There's one thing I hate about japanese VAs, though: None of them can speak english worth shit, but so many producers think it's cool to put horrible engrish into their shows. WHY??? It sounds bloody retarded, someone should tell them.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:58 pm
by Quest
you are correct about the horrendous hongkong subs in commercial movies.
luckily i understand most chinese dialects so i am safe.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:13 pm
by Deathbringer
None of them can speak english worth shit.

In all my life, i only heard one jap that could speak proper english and he wasn´t even in an anime.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:12 pm
by Brainpiercing
Well, not too long ago I met one japanese person who could speak quite good english. So good, in fact, that I mistook her for a japanese american.

Aparently, speaking english isn't valued in the job markets for voice actors in Japan, otherwise more people would do terms abroad or improve their english other ways.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:26 pm
by Quest
Brainpiercing wrote:Well, not too long ago I met one japanese person who could speak quite good english. So good, in fact, that I mistook her for a japanese american.

Aparently, speaking english isn't valued in the job markets for voice actors in Japan, otherwise more people would do terms abroad or improve their english other ways.
of course english is not highly valued in japan. japan itself is trying hard in competing with america to export their culture. encouraging english will be like 'sleeping with the enemy'.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:27 pm
by N3oShweaty
Quest wrote:
Brainpiercing wrote:Well, not too long ago I met one japanese person who could speak quite good english. So good, in fact, that I mistook her for a japanese american.

Aparently, speaking english isn't valued in the job markets for voice actors in Japan, otherwise more people would do terms abroad or improve their english other ways.
of course english is not highly valued in japan. japan itself is trying hard in competing with america to export their culture. encouraging english will be like 'sleeping with the enemy'.
They are encouraging "sleeping with the enemy" because they are opening new schools around japan where the majority of the classes will be taught in english and high schools in japan are finally shifting their curriculums from only learning english for the tests to get into college to learning english and actually speaking it.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:41 pm
by Starnum
Ocean Group for the win!!!

Trust me, you hear them in almost every anime...but I still prefer subs. That's how I learn Nihongo. *laughs*

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:49 am
by Quest
N3oShweaty wrote:
Quest wrote:
Brainpiercing wrote:Well, not too long ago I met one japanese person who could speak quite good english. So good, in fact, that I mistook her for a japanese american.

Aparently, speaking english isn't valued in the job markets for voice actors in Japan, otherwise more people would do terms abroad or improve their english other ways.
of course english is not highly valued in japan. japan itself is trying hard in competing with america to export their culture. encouraging english will be like 'sleeping with the enemy'.
They are encouraging "sleeping with the enemy" because they are opening new schools around japan where the majority of the classes will be taught in english and high schools in japan are finally shifting their curriculums from only learning english for the tests to get into college to learning english and actually speaking it.
how did you know that?
i think only former western colonies do that.
japan is a super-power.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:54 pm
by Devil_Dante
Dubs are the sux. They ruin/rape everything, like in movies. And aren't there always subs in dubs anyway?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:46 pm
by N3oShweaty
Quest wrote:
N3oShweaty wrote:
Quest wrote: of course english is not highly valued in japan. japan itself is trying hard in competing with america to export their culture. encouraging english will be like 'sleeping with the enemy'.
They are encouraging "sleeping with the enemy" because they are opening new schools around japan where the majority of the classes will be taught in english and high schools in japan are finally shifting their curriculums from only learning english for the tests to get into college to learning english and actually speaking it.
how did you know that?
i think only former western colonies do that.
japan is a super-power.
The tests part i know because my host father in japan told me and the schools being opened part i learned from my japanese teacher. I think she read about it in a monthly magazine about asian culture

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 3:55 am
by panasonic
japan isnt a superpower.... not even england is considered a superpower

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:30 am
by Quest
japan is a major power at the very least.
i dont see why it would adopt english as a 1st and teaching language.

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 3:35 pm
by Libaax
No way they would make english first langauge not even a third world country would do that.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:02 pm
by The Fallen
Generally i will watch the dubbed version unless A: ive seen it in japanese first, or B:they play the anime on tv. Generally when they play an anime on tv, they have raped and censored the true meanings of the plot and script to fit the american audience, and they use voice acting to fit the altered product. But generally people do a better job than most think. The only exception i can think of that doesnt meet one of those two requirements was Star Ocean EX, by the time ashton came in i just had to switch to subs.

Oh and about people learning japanese from anime, the best you are gonna do is learn circumstancial phrases that you would rarely ever be able to use unless you wanted to sound like a fucking power ranger. Half the time the things people say already have implied meanings to a certain subject and would not make sense if used in the way the sub would make it sound. Thats right kids, subs arent perfect either. Get over it.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:59 pm
by Daedelus
I'll take a stance that no one else here has yet to take - I don't have a preference for either! If I pop in a DVD, I hit play. Whatever I start it in, I'll take. If it seems/if I've read that the dub is awful (not that I really have any way to tell per se) then I'll switch to the sub. I like hearing the emotion of the original VAs, as close as I can get really to understanding the anime in the form it was originally done in. This is not to say that English VAs don't put emotion or even the same emotion into things... but for the couple animes I've watched both dubbed and subbed there are is a difference.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:51 am
by DreamKing
I'm a fan of both also. Depending on the dub I perfer to watch it in English, but thtat is only if the dubbing ahs been done well. Subs are great for shows that the dubbing sucks, and the worst one I can think of is One Piece, although I really don't like the Naruto or Shaman King dubbing that well either. But for things like Cowboy Bebop and Escaflowne, I like the dubs. Just depends I guess.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:11 am
by azereth_sylvana
the only way i would ever ever watch dub is if the sub is absolutely crap, but that doesnt happen often.

normally i totally totally hate Dub, they ruin the mood, the emotion of the character and the character's personality, especially in shoujo anime the female voice actors really really annoys me -___-...

Japanese Voice actors do really good job at expressing the character's emotion and personality, no offense to american voice actors but they really really suck...

however, i do admit that some anime has good dub, like Cowboy Bebop or Neon Genesis Evangeleon or Witch Hunter Robin got alrite dub.

But other than that, sub all the way XD

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 10:30 pm
by Bengal
I'm a Subtitle man, meself. Mostly because I pick up extra connotation from the japanese voices that I wouldn't get in english.

I'll watch a dub if I'm busy with something else and I don't have time to read, but when I'm sitting down to enjoy an anime, and give it my full attention, it's subtitles all the way.