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Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:47 am
by Libaax
Just cause the chapters isnt as good as some of the best doesnt mean, the story is bad right now. I still enjoy it alot, i only hope they could get to the boat faster.

Femto since when do you read Berserk? Have you started reading it recently?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:52 am
by Femto
Libaax wrote:Femto since when do you read Berserk? Have you started reading it recently?
What are you insane?

That's the reason why I joined DP back in the day.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:59 am
by Libaax
Heh i just assumed you didnt read Berserk cause i never saw you in Berserk topics.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:02 am
by Femto
Everything has been talked to death, that's why I don't post around here as much as I used to.

Still, no matter who you are, if you post here in mindwerks, you most likely read Berserk.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:49 am
by Libaax
Yeah thats likely but i havent seen you in a manga thread before here or in the manga forum so i didnt know for sure. I mean some are here for the other EG projects even if they arent many.

What do you think about Berserk characters etc?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 3:09 am
by Femto
I don't really care much for anime or manga in general but I try to keep an open mind on stuff I might enjoy.

In that sense, yeah, Berserk is fucking awesome.

It's really deep, but not in the i'm-shinji-and-my-father-hates-me-so-i'm-depressed-and-i-don't-want-to-pilot-eva lame way. The characters get very personal and are really well developed. You can really understand their choices and dreams and that is no easy task accomplish as a writer.

At least that's how it used to be.

I just don't feel it anymore.

Sometimes I think Miura just wants to give up on it.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 3:19 am
by Shisho
Study = Fail.

You know I have this reoccurring dream sometimes, that there's always this science class I've been skipping for weeks/months on end. Today is the day I need to go and find out what work I've been missing, but you know, I forgot what room it was in and can never find the class. Skipping = Fail.

It's hard to believe after all this time I still think about how much college was a pain in the ass.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:51 am
by Eldo
I thought this chapter was fucking awesome, this is the monster that forced Guts to back onto a corner and use the Berserk Armour, and it's great that he defeated it this time around with his own strength without reliance on his armour.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:20 am
by grimStar
it felt kinda short though. how long are the average chapters?

I was hoping they fight these monsters then hurry and move on to another area.

it probably felt short because the first time I read the scanlated chapters my friend gave me the entire set, vol 1 - 29 in one day. Oh boy was that 2 nites of awesome reading. 8) I stayed up late reading those chapters.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:33 am
by raider
It is interesting that everyone stop to watch the battle between Guts and Makara.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:52 am
by Brainpiercing
Eldo wrote:I thought this chapter was fucking awesome, this is the monster that forced Guts to back onto a corner and use the Berserk Armour, and it's great that he defeated it this time around with his own strength without reliance on his armour.
That's an aspect I hadn't thought about. Great analysis.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:13 am
by newbified
Libaax wrote:A great chapter, nice fight. Guts showed he will take a beating to get the results as usuall. I didnt know he could jump so far,maybe the armour is making superhuman like.
Indeed. As someone said he slid down the trunk of the "elephantfish" and jumped off the end, giving him a good amount of momentum as the trunk sloped down and then pointed up. Think Legolas in Lord of the Rings.

Anyway, amazing chapter. I really don't feel as though the story is moving slowly. I'm sure most of us came into Berserk while a good amount of volumes were already released. I'll bet that in 4 years when we have a bunch more volumes out we'll be reading chapter release to chapter release and we'll have people saying that the storyline is moving so slow and nothing important is happening. Unlike chapter 28-30 which was great for plot development.



Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:16 am
by ROO
Awesome release!!! Thank you very much!!! :thumbsup:

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:51 am
by k3mikal
thanks! calls to be made sajfhalfhalfja

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:27 pm
by Libaax
Femto wrote:I don't really care much for anime or manga in general but I try to keep an open mind on stuff I might enjoy.

In that sense, yeah, Berserk is fucking awesome.

It's really deep, but not in the i'm-shinji-and-my-father-hates-me-so-i'm-depressed-and-i-don't-want-to-pilot-eva lame way. The characters get very personal and are really well developed. You can really understand their choices and dreams and that is no easy task accomplish as a writer.

At least that's how it used to be.

I just don't feel it anymore.

Sometimes I think Miura just wants to give up on it.
Hehe that anime must suck bigtime everyone use it as an example for sucky things.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:30 pm
by psi29a
hey, i happened to like Eva. I just happen to like Berserk more. Remember, the same guy that brought you Eva also brought you FLCL (furi kuri).

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:58 pm
by coolerimmortal
Oro wrote:And also i would like to make fun of this retarded group called lluminati-manga who thought they could steal berserk from us,just like they did Gantz form shockwave,Naruto form Inane and OP from Null.Why do i call them retarded,they are pretty decent...cuz they posted on there forums that they want to do berserk and thought we will never find out or we cant scanlate faster than them,what a bunch of dumbasses.

heres the thread: ... d.php?t=15

edit: sorry oro, had to add this in. Don't go bashing on their forums, it is just rude. -- psi29a
What a fool you are. As the leader of Illuminati-Manga I'd like to clear a few things up:

1) We stole no projects. Shocwave is slow as hell and we formed on a Gantz forum, hence the reason we're doing Gantz. Inane hasn't released in weeks and we picked up the project as part of an agreement to get a server. OP was a test which was accidentally released...and I subsequently dropped the project.

2) I vetoed Berserk. It's my favorite series and I'm satisfied with EG's releases. If in the future EG begins to experience problems I might consider picking it up but for now Illuminati-Manga has no plans to pick up Berserk.

Libaax wrote:Haha what fools think they can steal Berserk from EG when they are only a speed subbers. I read thier GANTZ,Naruto cause they are fast but i would never read thier Berserk cause the quality diffrence beteween them and EG.
No, what a fool you are for identifying us as speed scanlators. We aren't. Our quality is rather high (it varies depending on the raw). We also have the highest quality Naruto releases of any current group excluding perhaps EOD (we're about even with them at this point), considering Inane and Shannaro have stopped releasing. No other group does Gantz with any speed...Shocwave has the project but they don't seem to understand that no matter how good your quality is if you take a month to release a chapter you fail as scanlators.

Now that I've got all of that cleared up, thanks for the chapter.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:20 pm
by psi29a
Heh, I knew I remember that nick from somewhere. Thank you for reading our releases.

I think the real problem at least from what I saw and read was that no veto was given in the thread and it was left hanging. We do keep tabs of other groups and having a thread like that mention EG and Berserk of course got our attention.

I have no ill will towards you guys, just wish you all had said something like 'nah, EG has it covered, at least for now'. However, nice to know that at least you are interested in it. We will let world know when we are unable to continue on a series, but it is of my opinion that EG will have to cease to exist before we let Berserk go.

Thank you for the gantz releases. 8)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:30 pm
by coolerimmortal
I forgot to veto it in the thread? Sorry...I'll do that now.

Glad you like our Gantz releases.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:59 pm
by Eldo
I'll save you the time and tell you that there will be no problems in the future with Berserk. Maybe some real life events by the scanlators that will cause delays, but nothing major that will should make other groups steal it. As always, we post here about the reasons for our delays, and call for people to be patient. What really pissed me off was that with Berserk was suggested as a project, despite EG working on it, and you even said it has highly probable it was being picked up with no indication suggesting that EG was still continuing it. I know new groups tend to have that 'pick up the popular projects' symptom, but man, those posts seems like it was trying to steal the project. I didn't really see any staff say 'but isn't EG working on this? Maybe we shouldn't do it'. Note that a couple of days delay does not mean the project is discontinued.

We will never give up Berserk, Oro and I would NEVER let it happen. Hopefully this message goes out to the other groups looking to pick it up.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:00 pm
by coolerimmortal
I must point out, however, that you don't own the project. No one scanlation team can claim exclusive rights to any series. To do so is childish. Technically speaking EG "stole" the project from The Hawks.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:03 pm
by Eldo
Well, The Hawks did the volume scans, we do chapter ones. It's not really 'stealing', in a sense, if they wanted to work on the chapters, they would have done so from the beginning.

Note that there is completely no ill will with the Hawks. They're a great group and their releases are always HQ, we have no intention of doing the volume scans either.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:17 pm
by psi29a
The hawks do the volume as they are released from Japan which a different company all together than the chapter releases from Young Animal. Somethings are left out or put in depending on which one you read.

To be even more clear, don't forget that also does translations of chapters as they are released, however they don't scanlate.

Sure, its a fine line, but all the groups do it for their own reason, pick which one you want to read. Some can't stand waiting for volumes to come out, some can't stand the wait of two weeks just for 15 or so pages and will wait for the volume release.

All three of our communities fill nitch, and while we have our moments, we all love Berserk and do our own thing with it.

You are right that no group has an exclusive lock. If I'm not mistaken, EG was founded just so it could do Berserk chapters as they are released. I seriously doubt that we will ever stop doing Berserk, even with other people and groups trying to do the same like God-Hands.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:21 pm
by newbified
As well the Hawks have even thanked EG for their release of the prototype chapter :).

As well something that probably stirred up feelings from some members is the reply of:
Relf wrote:With the way Evil_Genius is going (2 days late now...) you wonder if they dropped it....
People need to realize that people have lives as well. And someone getting bent out of shape and jumping to conclusions over a 2 day span is a little premature and speaks little of what they think of EG.

And of course EG never claimed to own Berserk. All scanlators and fansubbers are technically stealing work, editting, and re-releasing it. But usually there is still honor between thieves avoiding wasting resources to have more than one group scanlate a project if another group is already handling it.

Either way, I'll say again that it was a great release, and thankfully the whole problem that has been caused at parts of this thread were resolved rather peaceably.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:06 am
by Buzkashi
Good shit on the new chapter guys. I still dont see credit to me for being your guys' insperation for living...