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Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:49 pm
by Eldo
Nazgûl wrote:Thanks Eldo for editing the chapter.
No problems, Oro, just glad to help. Good luck on your exams.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 12:04 am
by Istvan
Thanks for a great chapter!!!!! Guts reaction to Owen was about what I expected, though it's too bad none of the others heard it so they could discover that Guts was the former Captain of the Hawks Raiders.
Any one else found it how 'convenient' Griffith knew the pope would follow him? They can't get back to Vitranis because it's being attacked by monsters. The plot thickens.
It does help the plot, but remember, "fate" is on Griffith's side in the form of Idea, so its not that surprising. And it looks like Griffith is going to get religious support for his cause pretty soon now.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 12:10 am
by Volyund
Femto wrote:Great release as usual.

The attack on Vitranis, the pope thing, the hawk of light thing by Owen, a remembrance of Guts' past; it looks like things are building up again.

I expect Griffith to make another appearance soon.
Plot is being wound up even more.
I am eagerly awaiting for it to begin unwinding.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 12:53 am
by kasgarinn
I'd guess from 1) the pacing of the current story, and 2) previous pacing of the '100 year war' story, that the proceedings of the war against the kushans should be slow, and by that I mean slow enough for gutts and his posse to go to see the elf king and come back, so quite a few chapters until we see any real ending to the quest to see the elfen king, and even further from any real solution to the gutts/griffin conflict, so hopefully miura will throw a few random encounters or side-quests at gutts while he's building up the backstory of the succession of griffith.

And yes, I love you guys too, lots of hugs and kisses for all, got a box full of huggies and kissies and not afraid to use it.


Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:02 am
by Sortep
i know i already did my thanks to eg.. but i find myself having to do it again.. the berserk high is so sweeet... thanks to everyone involved.. and when i get off my lazy ass i will upload that chapter to my site as well so that the direct download people can have the berserk bong passed to them

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:45 am
by donkey
Thank you for all your hard work.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:18 am
by BasouKazuma
It wasn't really hard to beleive that the pope would follow them. He was old, feeble and ready to die, which means it was easy to manipulate him.

The pope had no purpose, so Griffith simply gave him one so that he could use the pope later on.

The beginning of the chapter was interesting, but the whole thing with the Pope was slightly boring in my opinion. Whatever, Miura's just building up the story for later.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:40 am
by Xenith
thanks EG for another kick-arse release
wasn't exactly what a lot of us were hoping for on the Owen front, but i have a feeling that they may meet again yet, otherwise there was no real reason for their meeting

Femto wrote:It's funny how all the lurkers start posting immediately after a new chapter is released.

You should all post more.
don't know about some of the others, but i find that some of the more 'seasoned' posters around here tend to be a little intimidating more so after what happened to kasgarinn(mind you he did say some naughty things :wink: )
besides, if i had/have something relevant to say, it's most likely going to get said eventually so......

what i feel i do need to post about is my utmost support for the crew of EG and all involved in getting these releases out (quickly or otherwise) and i think i'm not alone, hence all the lurkers out posting straight away after the newest release :D

my 1.5 cents

YAY BERSERK!!111eleven
cheers EG :D

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 4:07 am
by psi29a
*nods* Well, welcome aboard. Don't be afraid to post, the main things that we flame for are already covered in the FAQ. Everything else is fair game.

We (being EG & Mindwerks) really want people to enjoy themselves and talk about what they love. We just have high standards in that we love complete sentences, spelling, and proper punctuation. :beer:

So long as ya :RTF: and follow the :rulez: all will be swell! :smoken:

We are most happy when you all are happy, we don't get our jollies from flaming people. We do it for the educational factor only.

As for Kasgarinn, we had a talk via PM and everyone has apologized and things are right with the world again. No ban, and we move on to what we all love and came here for... Berserk goodness. :D

So, this old fart the pope. Anyone else expect him to become an apostle in the near future? *grin*

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:10 am
by Jn183
Femto wrote:It's funny how all the lurkers start posting immediately after a new chapter is released.

You should all post more.
I just don't like to post stuff that everyone already talk about. :)

Edit: Sorry about the link. Oh well, back to just reading the board and once in awhile type "ty"

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:13 am
by Khelegond
psi29a wrote:So, this old fart the pope. Anyone else expect him to become an apostle in the near future? *grin*
Don't know. He might became something like Mozgul (sp?), so it wouldn't be exactly "new", and maybe Miura don't want to repeat that thing again. Weird.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 6:34 am
by raziel
thanks alot Evil Genius. you guys are suteki as usual.

I find myself craving for any appearances of Griffith. We'll find out soon enough what he's up to.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:33 am
by Buzkashi
First of all I'd like to thank my self for being all of the EG crews inspiration to continue work...


Great chaoter thanks...

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:06 am
by Eldo
Xenith wrote:don't know about some of the others, but i find that some of the more 'seasoned' posters around here tend to be a little intimidating more so after what happened to kasgarinn.
Don't be. We need more Australian posters here. Shade and I get lonely.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:13 am
by MrFelony
aahh and hands fate weaves yet another path . great chapter guys. and this got me thinking of our debate on guts' following fates path . i still believe he does, but i think Idea gave him power to sway the paths of others to help him, much like how Idea gave griffith power to sway others paths. though Guts' is obviously much lesser lol.

and as for him becoming an apostle. i was thinking that at first but now i doubt it. he was going to die because he had no path in life, but Griffith restored life back into him by giving him just makes me wonder just how much power Griffith has on this realm...It's quite amazing what he can do. I think the pope is just going to be like Mule.

EDIT: griffith doesnt really need any more apostles right now. so making him an apostle seems a lil pointless, and if he was going to become one, then was the perfect opportunity

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:37 am
by Eldo
MrFelony wrote:griffith doesnt really need any more apostles right now. so making him an apostle seems a lil pointless, and if he was going to become one, then was the perfect opportunity
The pope's nothing more than an authority figure really, if he does become an apostle it makes him more easily for Griffith to control. Since basically the whole world revolves around the freaking pope, he's a great tool for Griffith to use to gain people's trust and rise to fame more quickly.
MrFelony wrote:I think the pope is just going to be like Mule.
I read this totally wrong when I glanced over it, missing a few words here and there. But I read it like...never mind. Let's just say I don't care what the pope does with little boys in his own time.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:06 am
by Starnum
LordMune wrote:Yay! Thank you Eldo, Mystic, Psi, Nazgul. Fuck you, kasagrinn.

EDIT: ooo, ooo, may I embarrass EG now by pointing out grammatical errors?
Page 3, bottom right, "sneak a peak".
Page 8, third panel, to the left, "to be pass on".

Heh, seriously though, awesome chapter, thanks.
*Hangs his head in shame*

Well at least I caught the major mistakes, like the word revelation being spelled "revealation". Dang, and I really thought I had it perfect *sigh*.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:16 am
by Eldo
Doesn't matter Starnum, I should have caught it too but I guess my small attention span poses some problems and I'm generally too lazy to do that. Maybe I'll try to look out for points like that in the future. It's all good though, you caught the major ones and I'm proud of our final product.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:29 am
by Starnum
Yeah, I thought it was a good release.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:46 am
by Loeviz
Great chapter.
I also think in the same terms as you Psi about the popes gonna become an apostle later on.
I was a little disapointed that the rest off Guts party didnt hear who he used to be.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:55 pm
by Libaax
Thank for the realese and great job as usuall. I specialy liked how much bigger the first page was.

About the chap it was intresting seen how Griffith use people.

So Guts like to avoid talking about his past. I wonder how people will take it when they see Griffith again those that knew him before.

I just cant stand when they treat him like a hero, hope atleast someone will think its strange that monsters,demons work for him.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:29 pm
by Loeviz
Yeah its really weird that no one says something about his little demon legion.
But maybe its cause he has them on a leash that they dont say anything, cause they are on their side if you know what I mean Libaax.
I wonder how the pope will react when he see´s the wretched demon spawn :D

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:06 pm
by TheDrizzit
Wow....I dunno about anyone else but this chapter was just full of emotions. Of course over this past day I have changed a wee bit. I went out of town to go ghost hunting and I met a phsycic (sp). She was real cool and told me a lot about my dreams (not the sleeping kind, more like Griffiths kind) and made me feel real good. And I got to see and feel some real ghosts. ^_^

Anyway, I wasn't too disappointed in the Guts conversation, that's how I was thinking he would react. Very emotional there as well. Poor Guts... Anyway, thanks for all the hard work guys!! i appreciate it immensly!! And only about a week till next chapter.

Heehee ::thinks of EuroTrip with the burning pope hat:: I could see griffth dancing. weee don't need no water let the motherfucker burn!! ^_^

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 11:28 pm
by Necromancer
Nice release, good work, thanks to EG and all who helped.
TheDrizzit wrote:Heehee ::thinks of EuroTrip with the burning pope hat:: I could see griffth dancing. weee don't need no water let the motherfucker burn!! ^_^
Hehe nice.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:01 am
by Istvan
So, this old fart the pope. Anyone else expect him to become an apostle in the near future? *grin*
I don't really think it's too likely. First, apostles are usually made when the person's dream collapses. What dream does the pope have to collapse? Since he's about to start following Griffith, that would almost have to mean that Griffith failed, at which point I don't see much point in making him an apostle. Also, a person has to sacrifice those dearest to them to make the transition to apostle. Who exactly does the pope have to sacrifice? What we saw of his life didn't seem to indicate he had anyone like that. Finally, I don't really see the point in making him an apostle. For Griffith's purpose he's more useful as a figurehead then as another warrior (of which Griffith has plenty) so all Griffith really needs to do is use his power to make sure the guy doesn't die of old age before he's no longer needed. Making him an apostle seems completely pointless.