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Post by isse-pisse-päron-pung »

Saiyah wrote:I tried getting into Wc3 I was so impressed with the single player campagin. But when I played online, the hero aspect of it killed the experience. One her will wipe out your supply exceeded army with one move. Also I didn't like the drawn out upgrades to the buildings.

Plus,. you should Play original sc, the hackers flock to BW, original is still kind of save, but I must say, destroying someone when you know they are hacking is a wonderful feeling.

Hehe well thats where the small key items comes along in wc3, like healing scrolls and other counter spells ;).

Anyway I felt that SC was way easier than broodwar. And some things were totally useless in SC, for example marines who couldn't get healed etc (Stim impact or whatever the tech for the marines).

But I agree that there are clear differences between wc3 and starcraft. The whole hero concept makes it really different.

About the Single player thingie... well. I felt that the wc3 campaign was good but a little too much of a ripoff from starcraft in some aspects.

Kerrigan / Arthas for example. UD / zerg

Not to forget to mention how the ending was for both games in their respective exansion packs ;).
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Post by Finito »

I never stopped playing SC broodwar, original suck period.

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Post by Tempest »

Finito wrote:I never stopped playing SC broodwar, original suck period.

Well then, I guess we'll never see you then, since we are all ready to play original. And you do now that the reaver is in original SC, right?

And would you care to enlighten us on how the original sucks? Can you back your opinion up or are you just saying that becasue "Well, it's an expainsion and is newer, so therefor it MUST be better than the original!"
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Post by dos.azn »

isse-pisse-päron-pung wrote: About the Single player thingie... well. I felt that the wc3 campaign was good but a little too much of a ripoff from starcraft in some aspects.

Kerrigan / Arthas for example. UD / zerg

Not to forget to mention how the ending was for both games in their respective exansion packs ;).
i hear you on that bro. i love how both expansion packs ended but at the same time i hate it much much more. its an unfinished story that will only be finished or closer to finished in the next game for each franchise which will probably take another 10 years of waiting for :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by Finito »

Well why would original be better?
Almost all the changes if not all in broodwar just ameliorates the game.
I just cant imagine how you guys would prefer a game without DT, medic, lurkers. Maybe valk arent really used but its better than nothing and all those new units make UMS even more enjoyable with more possibility.
If your bored of playing SC and stopped it MIGHT be because you played the original which is old and plain. The new units make strategy more important too. You actually need to make detectors and marines. I think also that there is more players playing BW so more maps and more choice, more challenge, more originality cmon why choose a cute girl when you can have a cuter girl.

Hum about the reavers question...why dont you go buy yourself an apple.
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Post by Tempest »

Finito wrote:Well why would original be better?
Almost all the changes if not all in broodwar just ameliorates the game.
I just cant imagine how you guys would prefer a game without DT, medic, lurkers. Maybe valk arent really used but its better than nothing and all those new units make UMS even more enjoyable with more possibility.
I will give you that the new units are cool and do add some excitment to the game and some new strategies, but it's nothing that totally revoltuionizes the gameplay. Zerg rushes still happen. Carriers ownzor. Fear the ghost. Oh, and nice placement of "amerliorates". I appreciate 5 dollars words just as much as the next, but was it really neccesary, or just a way to make that arguement seem more intelligent?
Finito wrote:If your bored of playing SC and stopped it MIGHT be because you played the original which is old and plain. The new units make strategy more important too.
I played the shit out of BW and I still got bored with it. I can play either one with pretty much the same amount of enjoyment. It's just that in BW I have to think a little bit more about making some units and what my enemy can do.
Finito wrote:Y cmon why choose a cute girl when you can have a cuter girl.
John Nash would aruge that with you. It's the same idea as in "A Beautiful Mind". Lots of people flock to BW and along with them come huge numbers of people on servers and hackers as well. If you go with just "the cute girl", you have little or no competition, and then everyone goes home happy, even if you have to settle a bit.
Finito wrote:Hum about the reavers question...why dont you go buy yourself an apple.
Okay........ I guess I will then, not that that insult really makes sense.
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Post by Finito »

Well I dont know about that "ameliorate" word, maybe it sounds rich in english but in my respective language(french) it doesnt.

Well if you dont mind to play without units, dont like competition much and huge number of hackers I guess its reasonable to go original.
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Post by Saiyah »

finito wrote:Well if you dont mind to play without units.

You can take your extra units and stick em somewhere, I'd prefer balanced gameplay over a few cheap units, original SC is more respected for a reason.
finito wrote:dont like competition much

Fact: more people who are "pro's" and good players all together prefer original sc. Most newbs flock to BW, another reason I don't play.
finito wrote:huge number of hackers

Fact: As I mentioned earlier there are way more hackers dwelling on BW the the original who prey on the newbs there.

I could care less about a medic, I could care less about a Valkyrie, I could careless about a DT. Basically all the new units. The didn't make it more fun or less, IMO the game is just fine without them.
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Post by Buzkashi »

One thing I loved about BW was the uber UMS. I think thats why i stick to it.
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Post by Finito »

I dont remember hearing anything about original being more respected then BW.
BW is fair if you ask me you just need to know how to use them(races).
"Pros" of BW are better then "pros" of original since they play with more kinds of units, those who stay on original is simply because they couldnt addapt and compete anymore with the BW changes.
I doubt there is more "pros" in original than in BW since there is alot more players on BW.
Sure noobs tend to go on BW since if your going to start playing a game why learn the old way of playing instead, unless your too poor to buy BW.
Cant do anything about hackers, its not like there arent any in original all you can do is deal with them and try to dodge them the most.
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Post by Saiyah »

Finito wrote:I dont remember hearing anything about original being more respected then BW.

I guarantee you that if I made a poll comparing the two, original would come on top. The high respect of it will be the cause.
finito wrote:"Pros" of BW are better then "pros" of original since they play with more kinds of units

I give you facts and you feed me speculation, you deserve a smack. Your logic is flawed on this one, there is no way to tell.
finito wrote: those who stay on original is simply because they couldnt addapt and compete anymore with the BW changes.

Uh, I adapted to BW just fine, more speculation, nice. I found the new units geared more towards newbs and I, like many others preferred the game without them. Also, I am positive, because I myself have done this, can use the same strategies I used on SC and still own. It was the crowd of newbs and influx of hackers that drove me away ... like I keep saying.
finito wrote:Sure noobs tend to go on BW since if your going to start playing a game why learn the old way of playing instead, unless your too poor to buy BW.

This statement here shatters your argument and reestablishes my point clearly. WHO THE HELL WANTS TO PLAY SC WITH A BUNCH OF NEWBS? Not me. you send five zerglings the their base and they leave the game. I'd rather battle it out with someone then take a cheap win. BW was nothing but cheap wins when I played. I give it tries from time to time, because its still SC but the newbs are there and more dense then ever. Buz had a point the UMS are fun. But when you want to play a "real" game. See me on original m'kay?
finito wrote:Cant do anything about hackers its not like there arent any in original all you can do is deal with them and try to dodge them the most.

When did I say there were no hackers on original? The hacks written for BW are uncanny, stacking, seeing the whole screen, immortal ultralisk, what the fuck? I just can't take it seriously, and anything I can't take seriously I have no respect for. Thanks all.
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Post by Buzkashi »

Are you guys gona be playing on u.s west or east? Oh and lets play some diablo II while we're at it.
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Post by isse-pisse-päron-pung »

Frankly speaking.

As far as I know it's BW that dominates the korean leagues. And as most people know, they be the great ;).

I fail to see how Original would have better players or be more respected. When I played the game seriously there were worser players in sc than in bw. That might just have been here in Europe ;).

And to Tempest. Carriers cool yes and Ghost should be feared but, you don't have the time nor the resources to get these in a regular game (meaning no big game hunters ;PP).

the bw units added such a new thing that the marines became even more useful than they were in SC. Forced some more things to actually get detectors or else you would get owned by dark templars or by lurkers ;).
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Post by Finito »

A guaranty isnt enough, it just depends on were you do the poll and the honesty of the people. I dont think Original would win, even more if its for being more respected.

The fact you gave were
-More good players play original
-more noobs play BW
-more hackers on BW
And the only one that matters is the first, which is totaly untrue to me, it sounds like a speculation too and you cant possibly prove it so its not a fact at all. My logic is flawed? By the way your taking it so seriously at heart, I doubt im the one flawed here.
I think you dont just deserve a smack but a good old correction like old time:
-Teach: Hey you why are you writing with your left hand?
-Saiyah: because its easier?
-Teach: shut it biatch!! Its the devil!! *takes a big ass spanking bat*
-Teach: Ill make sure the devil wont try to posses you again little girl(or boy), *start of the purification*
Yes like old times.

Your telling me you can own as much in BW than in Original by using only the strategies used in the Original? I think your too full of it, all I can say here is prove it or shut it.
Why would the new units be more for noobs? I really dont see why. Clarify this with an example or something plz.

There are some channels where you can find average or higher players if you cant stand noobs, if you enter any room and dont look at the score of your opponents sure youll end up playing against noobs.

Well if you had too much bad experiences and that you couldnt get over it, its not the fault of BW but the fault of the hackers so the hate and disrespect should go in the direction of the hackers(or the noobs).

Sorry for making this long text for those of you who hate to read.
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Post by Saiyah »

finito wrote: guaranty isnt enough, it just depends on were you do the poll and the honesty of the people. I dont think Original would win, even more if its for being more respected.

You want some kind of blood pact then? and of course I was talking about making the poll here unless you want to carry this to some other forum....
finito wrote:The fact you gave were
-More good players play original
-more noobs play BW
-more hackers on BW
And the only one that matters is the first, which is totaly untrue to me, it sounds like a speculation too and you cant possibly prove it so its not a fact at all. My logic is flawed? By the way your taking it so seriously at heart, I doubt im the one flawed here.

hardly so, conveying your points through use of written or spoken word is the basis of a conversation. "Your logic is flawed" Should be taken as face value. Seriously, don't try to insult my intelligence buy turning what I say into something emotional. The reason in which you came to your conclusion when you said "The pros of BW are better the Pro's of original." Is incoherent speculation, there is no way to tell something like that. Also as for my facts, which you have yet to disprove you reinforced them for me.
finito wrote:Sure noobs tend to go on BW since if your going to start playing a game why learn the old way of playing instead, unless your too poor to buy BW.

Yep. You got it right.
finito wrote:I think you dont just deserve a smack but a good old correction like old time:
-Teach: Hey you why are you writing with your left hand?
-Saiyah: because its easier?
-Teach: shut it biatch!! Its the devil!! *takes a big ass spanking bat*
-Teach: Ill make sure the devil wont try to posses you again little girl(or boy), *start of the purification*
Yes like old times.

What? um, once again your insults make no sense.
finito wrote:Your telling me you can own as much in BW than in Original by using only the strategies used in the Original? I think your too full of it, all I can say here is prove it or shut it.

What was the point of this thread? I want to play people in SC, and if you want a game of BW so that I can put my words into affect, please, name the time, sever and map, any will do.

finito wrote: would the new units be more for noobs? I really dont see why. Clarify this with an example or something plz.

This was completely my opinion, but I'll clarify. Anything that makes a game of competition easier for people would be geared towards newbs. Original when you had marines and firebats they used stim pacs, there were no medics to heal them, but they still owned. Killing someone with a unit you know is weaker pisses them off and makes it more fun for you. The medic takes this away so I call it an item for a newb, BW is like playing the game on easy. The new units make it that way. Like I said, IMO.
finito wrote:There are some channels where you can find average or higher players if you cant stand noobs, if you enter any room and dont look at the score of your opponents sure youll end up playing against noobs.

I don't go through all of that when I play. I see a game that says 2v2 no rules or something like that and join. I don't challenge people in channels unless we were a clan or something. So, like I said, 82% of the time, when I join a game, Im either partnered with a newb or playing with one. That was decreased when I played original, so I say there. And even on BW there is a channel called "Clan Pros" I went there expecting something good and the place was flooded with newbs. They send whispers saying "If you want to play people who actually pose a challenge come here!" That turned me off the whole channel thing.
finito wrote:Well if you had too much bad experiences and that you couldnt get over it, its not the fault of BW but the fault of the hackers so the hate and disrespect should go in the direction of the hackers(or the noobs).

Sorry for making this long text for those of you who hate to read.

Let me make my position clear. This is nothing personal or anything like that I have no problem with BW. It's online play however, is a newb and hacker fest. I've been saying this from the beginning. Newbs start playing online with BW, they like the new units and thats cool, cause they don't want to lose them and play original which makes original a better place for me. Hackers exist on both, thats a fact, but BW's are a little too annoying, did I mention the immortal ultralisk???? Finito, when your ready I'll play you, original, BW doesn't matter. The point of me saying anything was, I and many other people who are good prefer original, and newbs who cant get enough of them lurkers. medics and whatever else flock to BW, to play with you and give you cheap wins. Count me out.
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Post by Finito »

Well a blood pack is a stupid idea, dont know where you got that...(I know why you said that but im doing like your doing, not understanding easy jokes) You could always make your poll if you want, too lazy here.
hardly so, conveying your points through use of written or spoken word is the basis of a conversation. "Your logic is flawed" Should be taken as face value. Seriously, don't try to insult my intelligence buy turning what I say into something emotional. The reason in which you came to your conclusion when you said "The pros of BW are better the Pro's of original." Is incoherent speculation, there is no way to tell something like that. Also as for my facts, which you have yet to disprove you reinforced them for me.
I didnt understand this too much...(am I alone). Of what I understood, saying that there is more pros in original is incoherent speculation, there is no way to tell too... I think you must have misunderstood something. I reinforce your facts? I gave you the 2 facts about noobs and hackers like 2 posts agoes and I said the first is not true
(pause for you to catch up your breath)
Why dont you just save your replay? unless you dont know how?
This was completely my opinion, but I'll clarify. Anything that makes a game of competition easier for people would be geared towards newbs. Original when you had marines and firebats they used stim pacs, there were no medics to heal them, but they still owned. Killing someone with a unit you know is weaker pisses them off and makes it more fun for you. The medic takes this away so I call it an item for a newb, BW is like playing the game on easy. The new units make it that way. Like I said, IMO.
So you call things you dont like items for noobs?
The new units dont make the game easier, it makes it harder...
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Post by dos.azn »

well since im not in this flame battle, i have the time to ask

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Post by Tempest »

dos.azn wrote:well since im not in this flame battle, i have the time to ask

I'm still trying to figure out that one. I guess if an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and I got an apple, he would be kept away for a while and therefor...... wait no..... if an apple is the symbol of tempation like it is in the bible and I get it, I'll get thrown out of Paradise...nope, that's not it.....Hmmmmm, this may take a while.
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Post by dos.azn »

maybe he thinks that telling people to buy apples would be insulting
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Post by Finito »

Just a gentle way to say get the fuck away...and if the apple means temptation thats just a better way to send you away...nothing complicated.(I didnt even think of it as an insult, just a nowhere sentence to confuse I guess) :P
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Post by Eldo »

I don't like Starcraft that much but I like this thread.

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