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Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:41 pm
by FightClub
masterei wrote:If my songs could kill that is!(yes, that can actually happen. Thankfully it is only POOR souls that die that way, we normal folk are pretty much immune to that type of death.)
Don't bring us down to your level peon.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:43 pm
by Aolsier
Yeah probably either the whole eclipse sequence in the manga or the inquisition chambers during the whole retribution arc which are pretty realistic to what actually happend back in the day.

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:57 am
by Hawk of Darkness
The Eclipse................... :shock:

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:22 pm
by nightofchaos
Hawk of Darkness wrote:The Eclipse................... :shock:
I second. That was probably the hardest move of all, for all those involved. Griffith, Caska, Gutts. In order to attain the ideal to have to sacrifice everything and everyone one loved, everyone that followed one, yet knowing one had no choice, there seemed no way around fate. But at least guts survived, and the skull knight provided the hands needed to preserve justice in the face of evil, the sword that could protect the good when all seemed lost.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:50 am
by Darkreapyr
Thread needs more pictures please

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:14 pm
by MrFelony
nightofchaos wrote:
Hawk of Darkness wrote:The Eclipse................... :shock:
I second. That was probably the hardest move of all, for all those involved. Griffith, Caska, Gutts. In order to attain the ideal to have to sacrifice everything and everyone one loved, everyone that followed one, yet knowing one had no choice, there seemed no way around fate. But at least guts survived, and the skull knight provided the hands needed to preserve justice in the face of evil, the sword that could protect the good when all seemed lost.
nice job quoting yourself dipshit

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:50 pm
by Istvan
Thread needs more pictures please
So post a few. If you want them, put them up, don't just ask others.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:49 am
by Honkyninja13
I think that the most disturbing scene that I can think of off the top of my head was when the "elves" were having the "play war" and one raped the other with it's stinger.
Aolsier wrote:Yeah probably either the whole eclipse sequence in the manga or the inquisition chambers during the whole retribution arc which are pretty realistic to what actually happend back in the day.
OH MAN, I totally forgot about that, when the they broke that mother who was begging for medical treatment for her baby....yipes.
halfnhalf wrote:berserk has some pretty graphic scenes, but Ichi The Killer has way worse scenes i think. there is also MPD Psycho, which right off the back is pretty messed up, but awsome at the same time. For some reason to me berserk has that fantasy feel, so i kind of disregad the gore, since i know its coming. These other mangas are kind of put in a real world scence and some are just really fucked up lol... argh i need to post one for you guys, buti dont have my mangas on my comp anymore.. ill find them...

edit ok i found a pic from MPD psycho.. (this is most not messed up pic i could fine)

its hard to see from the small pic, but this girl has all her limbs cut off and was put in a cooler chest. the worst part is that she is still alive. she has a fish tank pump, pumping her blood through out her body. this is like the most non messed up thing i could find, some other pics would be spoilers, and i say everyone should give this manga a shot. Its called MPD Psycho.

Some stuff from arm of Kannon is pretty fucking crazy too.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:13 am
by Eldo
Do not make multiple posts.

I'll fix it up this time, don't do it a second time.

Use the edit button, it's your friend.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:49 pm
by dronedevil
I was wondering anyone think some of uziga's stuff should be considered in this also?

well i just got kyoshirou inoue's no mercy manga and it has different types of disturbing images fantasy related witches/werewolves etc in one story but havent read the elves story in berserk to compare the two yet -.-;

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:25 pm
by GriffithIsMoe
Honkyninja13 wrote:I think that the most disturbing scene that I can think of off the top of my head was when the "elves" were having the "play war" and one raped the other with it's stinger.
I think you win.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:10 am
by wotjesus

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:07 am
by ryusenka

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:12 pm
by Muddtoad
Someone might have mentioned it already, but one of the most gruesome scenes in Berserk to me was at the begining when the Snake Apostle cut a little boy in two. He was also drinking it's spilling blood from his sword held high. That scene was pretty intense.......but that kind of material is what makes Berserk....Berserk and should be accepted...or else don't read it. It's not for everyone.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:59 am
by Facade19
The most disturbing image in Berserk so far for me, as has been already mentioned quite a few times, has to be the Night of The Eclipse, in where Griffith becomes Femto. Especially the whole incident following Femto and Casca and Guts having to observe it all evokes feeling of anger and distrust in me. Yup that entire scene ever since I laid my eyes on it has been absolutely bothering me (may I say infuriate and distrubed). I guess what I am trying to say is that I am unable to let it go. :(

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:15 am
by Muddtoad
Ah yes.....the eclipse! The images will pass in time....


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:19 pm
by Selrahc
Lel wrote:The Torture scene in the Tower with the priest dude... and the troll rape-age scene.

Gore-wise, Berserk doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I don't find it gorey at all.

However, violence linked with sexual torment... eck, it just bothers me, especally when it's brutal.
I am with you on that. But in all of Berserk the only part that I found truely disturbing has got to be the pirkafs. I do not think it is the gore that bothers me so much as their whole perception of the world and roshinu's attitude towards life and death.

Re: Most disturbing image(s) in Berserk (or other manga)

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:20 am
by Buuhan1
I've personally never found anything disturbing in Berserk, at all. I find it odd that someone tells me they do. But I guess I'm a strange guy, when it is something like this I don't find it disturbing. But when it's something for horror or of the like I do.

I know, odd.

Re: Most disturbing image(s) in Berserk (or other manga)

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:57 am
by Death&Rebirth
Actually i don't find it so disturbing. But is more because I'm mentally prepared for what i will get with this title, specially when it's called "Berserk" and the firsts panels shows our hero having sex with a demoness, which ends with a "bang" (more like a "Kabum" or whatever sound you expect ear from a firing cannon). Some of the what can be considered the most disturbing scenes we can find in History books or paintings from the 16th/17th century.
But Berserk is gory. Well what can you expect when of the Miura's favourite artist is Go Nagai, besides others.

Re: Most disturbing image(s) in Berserk (or other manga)

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:45 pm
by Fenrisulfr
There are plenty of disturbing depiction. The few boards about torture in Albion were pretty sickly detailed.
Also the pseudo-satanic orgy in the cave, another picture of people eating a child (cannibalism), the women being raped by the Trolls in Qlipoth (bestiality), Guts being raped (pedophilia), Charlotte and her father (incest), etc...
Every single taboo subject is in Berserk :shock:

Re: Most disturbing image(s) in Berserk (or other manga)

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:58 pm
by Death&Rebirth
Yes, but somewhat it's to be expected. I mean it would be a lot disturbing find this in, let's say, Doraemon that on Berserk. Per example the amputed scene or the girls with plants on their brains in MPD psycho is more unexpectedly gruesome that this scenes of Berserk. It's the Dark Ages, this type of folklore is abundant. If you have the opportunity to catch some books about myth and oral literature of Dark Ages and Medieval Ages then you'll see some really "juicy stories". I had the opportunity to read a little book about cult of the dead and it got a lot of little stories about cannibalism, vampirism, etc. Quite a good read, not for the faint of heart, because it can get very detailed in some parts.

Re: Most disturbing image(s) in Berserk (or other manga)

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:00 am
by Buuhan1
Fenrisulfr wrote:There are plenty of disturbing depiction. The few boards about torture in Albion were pretty sickly detailed.
Also the pseudo-satanic orgy in the cave, another picture of people eating a child (cannibalism), the women being raped by the Trolls in Qlipoth (bestiality), Guts being raped (pedophilia), Charlotte and her father (incest), etc...
Every single taboo subject is in Berserk :shock:
And I feel that really sets the tone of the Berserk world. I'm not too familiar with history, but I think the medieval period was some fucked up shit.

Re: Most disturbing image(s) in Berserk (or other manga)

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 4:38 am
by Starnum
Well, that is one of the reasons they called it the Dark Ages, after all. I mean, there was no where near as much law and order back then. It was a lot easier for people to get away with shit like that back then, their whole way of life was pretty different from today. I mean, public executions, especially allowing children to see something like that, that says enough for itself. Seeing fictional violence, and an actual execution, those are two very different things.

Re: Most disturbing image(s) in Berserk (or other manga)

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:29 am
by Buuhan1
Personally, I'm really concerned about Berserk in the states. You know some of the pricks that's here, if it got wide-spread the kinda things bookstores were selling.. People would start trying to get it banned, probably calling it something among the lines of "Paedophile, satanic, violent gabage". As bullshit and ridiculous as this sounds, it happens.

I am truly amazed to hear Dark Horse is releasing it fully uncut with all the taboo that's in it. But luckily, it seems those group of people are more focused on TV and Video Games than comics....oh god, if they focused on comics...

Re: Most disturbing image(s) in Berserk (or other manga)

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:51 am
by Death&Rebirth
Also they aren't very successful with the banning. Mostly local banning, but anyone who is smart enough in the end gets what he wants.
Also part of their reasoning is contradicted by the same book they follow. If they are using the Bible we all know and some follow, and i mean the big book and not some pocketsize re-edition, then it has a lot of adult theme (mostly undertoned in there) and i don't see them trying to ban the Bible.

Being European i get my share of Church inconsistencies out of how they shaped history in Medievel Ages. Funny, that they are responsible for the biggest bodycount in the world (and it seems that both Judaism and Islamism has a lot ground to catch on to rival that toll) but are the first to point finger and accusation towards any violent fiction work.