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Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:50 pm
by Ellen
Gaiseric wrote:
I was thinking the same thing. It made me think a live-action Berserk movie could actually be done right.
Quite true. Even how limbs and heads were cut off and all the grotesque enemies they fought reminded me of Berserk. But also story parallels, I guess the elements in it are common in history though.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:18 pm
by Libaax
Brainpiercing wrote:
Gaiseric wrote: I was thinking the same thing. It made me think a live-action Berserk movie could actually be done right.
Not in Hollywood.

But then, without Hollywood it wouldn't look that good.
Why wouldnt it look good outside hollywood??

I have seen some amazing looking movies from asia.

Sure not most movies have that big budget on effects but the big ones have.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:22 pm
by MrFelony
for some reason I believe that Xerxes was very tall, something like 6'4" at least.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:35 pm
by Tempest
I got to see 300 along with Ayanami yesterday. I thought it was awesome. I can't say I am extatic about the filler scenes in Sparta, but I can understand that it was neccessary to fill out the movie more and give it a little more depth. Although I think those are the parts that have lead people to some kind of "Modern day East vs West" connections and metaphors in the overall story.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:54 pm
by Ayanami
The filler scenes could definitely make some people view it that way. In the end, I enjoyed the movie. How ever it could have been a half hour shorter in hind sight. Taking out the filler scenes could have done just that. But as ya do. Still a pretty sweet movie. Battle scenes were awesome. Sin City was better though.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:58 pm
by Starlore
Ellen wrote: I saw 300 yesterday. It was pretty good. The battle scenes were awesome. I liked the narration and also that many of the lines in the movie were historic quotes regarding the battle itself. I didn't really think the mild sex scenes were necessary (made it seem blue movie-ish) and some of the things were pretty far out there. Like Xerxes looked like he was at least 8 or 9 feet tall compared to Leonidus.

There were a lot of the points in the movie where I just kept thinking... This is JUST LIKE BERSERK. OMG. Like when there were in the village and the Immortals had made that crude "statue" out of the bodies of the villagers and I could easily relate the Kushans with the Persians. Anybody else notice this?
lol. Saw it Friday & nagged Mystic to death "omfg watch out for the Berserk refs'!"...Yeah, plenty of them.

It was pretty surreal. Yes, the "Statue"(tree), of course the wolf vs. young Leonidas, the Persian-Kushan connection is a definate & the use of the elephants didn't do much more than cement it all. I love the cinematography style the director utilizes moreso than most nowadays...It lent credence to the notion of a live action Berserk being a beautiful possibility. Still, I can't quite say I'd support it.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:10 pm
by Eldo
I might go and see it on the 15th, when it's out in Australia, from all the praises you guys give.

And admittedly, it's probably the only good movie that's out right now.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:21 pm
by Shaka Zulu
Been waiting to see it since a year and half ago, when I read the comic and found out a movie was being made.

No expectations (I know what type of movie to expect, compared to some that expected a serious period piece, or good drama), just wanting to see a movie on a comic that amazed me (bonus that Miller himself worked on the movie, means it be close to the comic I loved). But the fact that people who has seen it in pre-screening or now has been constantly praising it to the skies, is just a nice bonus.

Not out in Sweden yet, will proberly be late in this month.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:21 pm
by Wandering_Mystic
This movie rawked. I liked that it followed the comic pretty closely, and visuals were very well done. I could have done without the freedom bullshit, since it's kind of an overused phrase in this society, but it doesn't detract from the total pwnage of the movie for me.

lol, I can't say it was better or worse than Sin City, simply because this is a totally different story. Can't really be compared, imo. Both were hawt

also, Sin City didn't have Berserk similarities out the wazoo, so that was another plus for this movie, lol ;) This movie WAS Berserk, haha

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:31 pm
by Libaax
Let just say Guts would be make one helluva Spartan :lol:

Good to hear its close to comic cause thats the only time a comic movie can be good. You cant take too much freedom and do your own thing on someone's comic.

This director will be bigtime after this, i mean from Dawn of the Dead to this movie, its a big leap to say the lest.

300 trounced all expectations by taking in $70 million in its opening weekend. That take almost doubles the conservative estimates of the studio and many box office pundits and sets a record for the biggest-ever R-rated March opening and the third largest opening for an R-rated picture behind The Passion of the Christ and The Matrix Reloaded. With a budget estimated at around $60 million, the pic is poised to turn a pretty profit. Pic's unexpected success was compared by...

More here: ... to_70.html

Not that suprising really, people know what they should expect from Frank Miller comic movies after SC. Plus the most legendary battle of them all makes it sell more.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:00 pm
by Shaka Zulu
Hehehe, we should make a similar thread to rival this kickass 300 thread :lol: ... 766/p1/?66

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:04 pm
by ZoddsNo1Fan
The visuals in this movie, alone, make this movie worth watching. The lighting was freaking amazing. Every detail of this movie was painted to make the movie that much more in depth and beautiful. Slow motion capture makes you appreciate the work of the artists that much more. Not to mention all of the testosterone pumped action, blood and gore that makes a man movie.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:01 am
by wotjesus
ZoddsNo1Fan wrote:The visuals in this movie, alone, make this movie worth watching. The lighting was freaking amazing. Every detail of this movie was painted to make the movie that much more in depth and beautiful. Slow motion capture makes you appreciate the work of the artists that much more. Not to mention all of the testosterone pumped action, blood and gore that makes a man movie.
I'd have to completely agree with you on that. The visuals were simply amazing.

And yeah, this is pretty much the only movie out right now that I care/will care about until Spider-Man 3 comes out.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:23 am
by Ayanami
Wandering_Mystic wrote:I could have done without the freedom bullshit, since it's kind of an overused phrase in this society,
This was probably my biggest grip with the movie. Considering the Spartans them selves were not free in a sense.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:01 am
by Libaax
Plus they realied on slaves to care of things for them while the men and the boys were training to become the perfect soliders or were off fighting.

I saw a doc about them where there was a famous qoute from a spartan mother that was so disgraced when her son fled from battle. She said something about him wanting to jump back in her womb cause in thier state there was nun lower than a deserter.

Still in thier double moral world who was a miltary system of course they wouldnt let themselves becomes a vassal for anyone.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:46 am
by Wandering_Mystic

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:27 am
by Shaka Zulu
Ayanami wrote:
Wandering_Mystic wrote:I could have done without the freedom bullshit, since it's kind of an overused phrase in this society,
This was probably my biggest grip with the movie. Considering the Spartans them selves were not free in a sense.

I havent seen, the movie and them using modern day terms to describe things will proberly annoy me too...But I'm sure they only meant that the Spartans only want to be free against oppression and being conquered by the Persians, not being subdued like most of Greece. Prolly not talking about personal freedoms in its own, but to stay free enough to do whatever they want.

Which for Spartans is to oppress the heck out people and for being the most tyrannical city state in Greece. The majority of the people in Sparta were Helot slaves, slaves made up of conquered people...they maintained their way of life while the Spartans only concentrated on warfare. Hence, the state went poof when those much needed slaves rebelled for the last times, and no one was left to do the dirty work they didnt do themselves.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 6:06 pm
by MrFelony
a lot of it was that he had to kneel and submit that someone else was better than him I think. the whole idea was that Persia was better than Sparta, not so much freedom I think. freedom was just a good excuse to preserve ego i think

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 6:54 pm
by Libaax
Ego? Heh thats suprising since they think they are the best ever :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:43 pm
by Damien
Seen 300 At the IMAX theater and damn that was worth it, so much action and blood and gore = yummy. 9.5/10

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:49 pm
by Libaax
Thanks to 300 they have confirmed another Frank Miller comic will become a movie.

Ronin is a sci fi samurai story

It has huge potential with the right director just like the other two Frank Miller comic movies.

Nice of Hollywood for milking Frank Miller for all he is worth :)

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:11 pm
by Shaka Zulu
Hahaha...thats so fucking cool. And its great its Millers stuff because he has some power in Hollywood, or gets very dedicated fans to his work as directors. Hence they adapt it exactly as the comic instead of and half-assed no-where-the-actual-comic kinda botched adaption.

I have seen wackier stuff get made into movies...but man, how will they make the crazy futuristic cyber world of Ronin work?

Reminds I forgot to read more then 3-4 chapters on this comic.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:39 pm
by halfnhalf
There is a reason why Frank Miller's stuff is only being recently seen, its cuz he fucked up RoboCop 2. So they made sure that he went unseen for awhile, then brought him back when he could actually do something right.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:50 pm
by Libaax
Yeah thats must be it :roll:

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:08 am
by Shaka Zulu
halfnhalf wrote:There is a reason why Frank Miller's stuff is only being recently seen, its cuz he fucked up RoboCop 2. So they made sure that he went unseen for awhile, then brought him back when he could actually do something right.
It has nothing to do that the hollywood studios takes comic adaptions more seriously now considering it makes them top money? Or that now alot of capable and great directors are willing and making these movies?

I dont know how he screwed up, but the comic book movies in the 80s were totally different from how big the comic adaptions are now.