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Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:18 am
by The Prince
halfnhalf wrote:
Femto wrote:(I never played 2)

thats because it doesnt exist. just like how aliens 4 never happened.
Just like AVP 1.....might as well throw 2 in there as well.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:04 pm
by Aetherfukz
I find the game pretty much meh. Yeah right, meh. It's certainly a nice game but it has its flaws, a few huge among them too. I still don't understand how this gets more praise and money than Uncharted which was a) something new, b) something exclusive and c) something fucking awesome.

Anyway, I'm up to mission 14 or 15 now (can't remember, was late yesterday :D) and I don't like fighting as Dante one bit. Nero was cool, all he needed was a couple different weapons. Devil Bringer was awesome, felt like God of War with the finishing moves. While the 4 styles of Dante may be nice, I can't seem to find any use for royal guard or trickster. Just whoppin ass constantly gets me through the game too, so why should I block or evade?

And what really puts me down from Dante is the fact that he cannot use any stylish finishing moves, not even on bosses. That really puts the level of style down, because I expect to finish big fat ugly bosses with big flashy finishing moves for good. Especially after playing half the game as Nero.

Edit@Prince: AVP1 wasn't the best movie ever made, but certainly not the worst eitther. Anyway the game, AVP was awesome and wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the franchise and particularly the movie spotlight.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:21 pm
by Femto
War Machine wrote:That is typical in DMC games. For example, in DMC3, if you want to finish everything you have to play the game on Normal, Hard, Very Hard, Dante Must Die and the optional Heaven Or Hell. Then, if you have the special edition, you have to do everything again with Vergil. And lets not forget that they also rank you on each mission.

Repetitiveness is their forte, which I don't mind much as long as the rewards are good (infinite devil trigger was cool to get, the other rewards not so much).

All I'm saying is that I'm not surprised by that.
That's completely different.

You don't have to play every game mode to finish the game.

In DMC3 there is a main quest that has a slight amount of backtracking and you can replay that at various difficulty levels if you choose to.

In DMC4 there is a main quest that forces you to replay half the game and you can replay that at various difficulty levels if you choose to.

That's like saying Mass Effect is repetitive because it has different difficulty levels.

The fact that you even attempted to make such a comparison is ludicrous.
Aetherfukz wrote:While the 4 styles of Dante may be nice, I can't seem to find any use for royal guard or trickster. Just whoppin ass constantly gets me through the game too, so why should I block or evade?
You obviously haven't learned the intricacies of Royal Release.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:59 pm
by Aetherfukz
Royal Release yeah. I block/evade enemy attacks, the royal bar raises. Then I can unleash a powerful attack to destroy my enemy or severly put hurtage on him.

But why bother when in the time needed to block the attacks and get the bar up, I could just slash away the enemy with normal moves? I haven't found any enemy that needed blocking in this game yet. And I haven't tried against bosses because I thought it wouldn't work against them anyway.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:29 pm
by Femto
Why bother?

Well, why bother doing any other attack than your basic sword combo?

Why bother? Because the game has a great combat system that rewards experimentation.

Royal Release is arguably the single strongest attack in Dante's arsenal.

At least it was in DMC3:

That's how awesome DMC3 was.


Not awesome.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:34 pm
by LordMune
You feel completely and utterly disabled when you first gain control of Dante. Maxing out Trickster and Swordmaster alleviates this somewhat, as those two styles in combination allow for a play style similar to Nero. Dante is amazingly powerful once you've gotten used to him, but I'm still not sure if this makes up for the loss of the Devil Bringer.

EDIT: Nothing matters anymore after the video Femto posted. I'm going to go replay DMC3 now.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:39 pm
by Femto
Even more awesome:

Again, Royal Guard.

DMC3 is just a far more superior game.

The pinnacle of 3D action games.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:47 pm
by War Machine
Femto wrote: That's completely different.

You don't have to play every game mode to finish the game.
That's right, they don't force you to play those other modes, but they don't add 4 other modes for each character just for looks. That DMC3 is better, I can agree. But you're overreacting on your impression of DMC4.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:16 pm
by halfnhalf
Femto wrote: The pinnacle of 3D action games.
dont forget the amazing god of war 2. may not have all the flair that dmc3 has, but seriously one of the most enjoyable 3d action games of the ps2's lifetime (and could rival the difficulty on dmc3 if playing on hard and beyond)

so in the end dmc 4 not worth 60 bucks?

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:03 am
by Deathbringer
The reason why people feel so limited with playing as Dante when they start playing as him is because every available style is very limited at the beginning; When you start leveling up them and get the other weapons, you get a extremely wide variety of moves in which you can pull off combos you never even dreamed in DMC3.

Can´t speak for Royal Guard though, never used it in DMC3, i´m more of a trickster guy, which kinda sucks since for some reason they took the third dash and the wall walking.

They just made horrible decisions with Dante, having him to backtrack the entire fucking game *and* fight the same bosses which that alone makes it alot worse compared to other games. 90% of his 30% of the entire game was already done and finished. And let´s not forget the Dark Slayer style which you get in his last level and you have no clue how to play with it, making it useless when you first get it. This reeks of laziness to me.

Still,i gotta say i really liked the game and i prefer playing with Dante over Nero.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:06 am
by Femto
DMC4 is ultimately a very mediocre game.

When was this game announced?

3 years ago?

What the hell was Capcom doing all this time?

It's half a game and, to answer halfnhalf's post, it's a rental at best.
Deathbringer wrote:The reason why people feel so limited with playing as Dante when they start playing as him is because every available style is very limited at the beginning;
Don't insult me.

I'm well aware that Dante's Styles can be leveled up.

Nero simply has a lot more tools to work with.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:10 am
by Starnum
Well, I still really like the game. I don't regret buying it. However, I won't argue that you guys make good points. It would have been better if the game had been a full 20 missions with Nero, and then you could play through the stages again with Dante or whatever. As it stands, it does kind of feel like only half a game. That first half is still really awesome though, if you ask me. *shrugs*

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:11 am
by The Prince
Femto wrote:DMC4 is ultimately a very mediocre game.

When was this game announced?

3 years ago?

What the hell was Capcom doing all this time?

It's half a game and, to answer halfnhalf's post, it's a rental at best.
Deathbringer wrote:The reason why people feel so limited with playing as Dante when they start playing as him is because every available style is very limited at the beginning;
Don't insult me.

I'm well aware that Dante's Styles can be leveled up.

Nero simply has a lot more tools to work with.
Damn that's disappointing. What's with DMC and their obsession with multiple boss (same) fights?

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:19 am
by Femto
I agree that, small annoyances aside, the first half is rather good, except for the fact that you get no new weapons whatsoever (Devil Trigger doesn't count).

Then Capcom decides to spit in your face and kick you while you're down when you get to control Dante.

And for the record, DMC3 had virtually no repeated fights.

You fight Vergil three times but that's just awesome as hell because he's the main bad guy and he fights differently in every battle.

The boss rush at the end of DMC3 is rather annoying but not as annoying as fighting the same enemy in the same setting three different times for no reason.

How many bosses did DMC3 have?



Fucking awesome game.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:47 pm
by Starnum
Up to mission 14 now. At least there's still cut-scenes. :P

Gilgamesh is pretty cool too.

Heh, I need to play and beat DMC3 after this. :D


Up to mission 17 now. Pandora and Lucifer are pretty hot.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:39 am
by LordMune
Having beaten Devil Hunter and then blasted through Human to farm for orbs, playing the second level in Son of Sparda mode was arguably the most fun I've had with the game so far. Upped aggressiveness make the scarecrows actually capable of hitting you if you don't watch your back, and increased HP lets you work up your combo meter a little before they go down.

Not to mention they throw something like four to six assault at you in a cramped space halfway through; I think I redefined my personal understanding of the term "going apeshit" in that encounter, hitting SSS while painting the walls with their blood.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:30 am
by Starnum
Nice, I'll have to give it a try. So far I've only been able to get SSS on the medusa shrines that required it to break them. Other than that I did actually get an S rank during a fight a couple times.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:33 am
by Aetherfukz
While the backtrackness of Dantes level really sucks (at least I'm almost at the end now), his new weapons truly are awesome. Gilgamesh and Pandora rock, but I don't quite understand Lucifer. All those swords you puck into the air, do they damage enemies alone, or do you have to use another move to release their momentum?

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:44 am
by MadDogMike
There's three main ways to use Lucifer I think. I'm not that good at it, but this is what I figured it out after a bit of practice.

1. Place swords into the air around you to protect yourself while enemies try to reach you, then use RB+Back+Attack to detonate them when they get close and/or impale themselves.
2. Combo the enemies normally to do damage as if you were using a regular weapon, then when they have enough blades stuck in themselves detonate them.
3. Place as many swords into the air around you as you can before engaging the enemies, then switch to swordmaster style and press B. All the swords will reposition themselves in front of you pointing in the direction you were moving, and when you let go of B you will send them flying forwards into your enemies like projectiles. Like usual, you can then detonate them.

I'm not sure, but I think you might also be able to press B repeatedly to impale the enemies over and over again, but I don't know if it would do enough damage to make it worthwhile. I haven't tested out Lucifer enough yet.

So anyway, I thought DMC4 was a good game, with the things that I liked most about DMC1 and DMC3 combined together. I honestly didn't mind having to travel through repeated environments with Dante because he was so fun to use, but I definitely agree that the game could have been SO MUCH BETTER if Capcom didn't get so damn lazy. Also, Nero needs more weapons. The second you switch back from Dante to Nero you feel your combos are extremely limited. :(

Overall I still loved this game though.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:01 am
by Starnum
I agree, I don't mind repeating some of the stages either, especially since they mixed it up a bit, but it would have been better had they not recycled some of the stages. It would have been cool if Nero had gotten a few more weapons, but that Devil Bringer almost makes up for it, heh.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:46 pm
by Femto
How to use Lucifer:

1. Spam daggers and stick about a million of them into an enemy.

2. Hit RB + back + Y.

3. Watch as the enemy explodes in a million pieces.

The game is definitely more enjoyable in the harder difficulties but the damage is done and the scars are deep as far as I'm concerned.

And Nero's moveset is starting to get stale.

He definitely needed new weapons.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:39 pm
by Aetherfukz
Thanks for the moves info. I'm on my second playthrough now in devil hunter mode (started with human because it is my first DMC game. The start was ok but at the end it got very easy. Devil Hunter is really more enjoyable now, but I would have probably smacked the controller into the wall had I started with this mode and no clue how to do combos) mission 8 or 9. Can't wait to get Dante again, coming back from Dante to Nero really shows how Neros move are incredibly limited but for the buster.

It's really cool that you keep all your proud souls and weapons and stuff from the first playthrough. Oh and mission 6 I think it is, where you have to juggle around those gyroblades still sucks ass. What the hell were the designers thinking? Oh yeah we'll let the player use unwieldy spinthings to juggle around the level so they can open a door for which 4 buttons in distant locations would also have done.

And on a sidenote: Do you also always get the "The colors may not display correctly. Maybe you have to adjust your screen." message at the start of every DMC4 game? Do I have something adjusted wrongly (which I don't think, have Full RGB HDMI on and stuff) or does the message display all the time anyway?

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:24 pm
by LordMune
Aetherfukz wrote:And on a sidenote: Do you also always get the "The colors may not display correctly. Maybe you have to adjust your screen." message at the start of every DMC4 game? Do I have something adjusted wrongly (which I don't think, have Full RGB HDMI on and stuff) or does the message display all the time anyway?
That's new for the HD generation. Displays every time you start up.

Yeah, the game is definitely better on the higher difficulties- I'm having loads of fun with Son of Sparda, although I'm not very far into it yet. If this keeps up, DMC4 might be the first DMC game in which I give Dante Must Die! a serious shot.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:25 pm
by MadDogMike
Just ignore that message. It's common knowledge that a lot of LCD TVs have those problems if you're not running your games at the native resolution. It's just a disclaimer to let people know that if they experience those problems it's not the game's fault.

Re: Video Game Mini-Reviews

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:54 pm
by Tempest
I'm sorry, I must be DMC retarded because Agni and Rudra are still throwing me for a loop after going back to 3 (Then again in these kinds of games I always seem to get hung up on an "easy" boss and fly through the rest of the game). I know you are supposed to to parry them and or let them hit each other, and I've seen videos, but how are people able to sword parry them in one hit? It always takes 3 for me, which means if I am trying to parry one brother 3 times (If I am lucky to get the timing down on 3 consecutive hits, which I usually am not) the other one is busy raping my ass. I've seen people parry them and toss their sword away in one hit using only the combo starters for Cerberus and Rebellion, how? I guess I could take it back to Easy mode, but I really don't feel like fighting Cerberus again.