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Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 5:39 pm
by lon3vvolf
I've been around this forum a bit but haven't properly introduced myself yet.

I've always liked anime, but my tastes are rather different as I tend to steer toward more realistic anime. Loved Robotech on Sci-Fi channel back in the day. Then saw Vampire Hunter D and have since been a huge fan of Yoshitaka Amano's work. On the weekends friends and I often go watch anime or movies at one of our houses. I discovered GTO at our local anime store. My friend discovered Berserk. After the first DVD I was hooked. Then Berserk reeled me in, gutted me(pun?), filleted me, and deep fried me. So here I am, my life forever changed by a man against all odds out to get some revenge.

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:44 pm
by yume wa kareno
hey what's up evil geniuses. i just joined this forum. i live/work/play music in Austin, TX. i've been a fan of the anime for years. a friend of a friend had a bootleg vhs copy that i watched over and over and over. i was so pissed at the ending! how can you end a story like that?! so i waited for any news of a "second series" to finish up the story. this was before i knew much about anime and manga and that the animes are usually adaptations of the manga series. so the first thing i did was find a used import manga site and tried to guess which volumes would be right after the anime ended (obviously the story continues as it starts with an armless, one-eyed badass - best first episode/opening song EVER by the way..) to find out how Guts escapes. so i ended up getting books 14, 15, 16 a couple of years ago. i just recently started collecting the rest of the series ( i am sooo far behind), and here in the US only up to book 17 is available, faceboo!.
this is an amazing series and i keep seperate in my mind from other anime/manga.

p.s. the "you know you've been reading to much berserk when..." thread was hilarious

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:27 pm
by psi29a
Welcome to the forum. 8)

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:36 am
by MrFelony
yume wa kareno wrote:p.s. the "you know you've been reading to much berserk when..." thread was hilarious
I'm glad you liked it :D

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:05 am
by grimm
hmm i dont really post much.

but something has been bothering me and somehow i feel like im the only one. well i dont know if anyone has noticed but the next volume(18) of berserk seems to have a different cover than before. i know its stupid to even mention. it seems to bother me somehow. then that saying really comes into play "dont judge a book by its cover" i dont know i could be wrong.

anyways, been a member for a while but i rarely post. RARELY. most of the time keep opinions to myself or just be like "hmmm never thought of that before". this is definitely a great forum to read, the best if i might add.

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:05 pm
by psi29a
do you have a scan or pictures to compare it with? Can you post them here?

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:34 pm
by grimm

well this is how the next volume of Berserk is suppose to look like, and i hope that its the only one that looks like this. the thing is that i also collect Bastard and for some reason this reminded me of Bastard's cover and i really really dont like Bastard's cover (...but then again the price on that manga is 9.99)

but hey look at the pretty blue background they are using! :D :) :(

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:12 pm
by psi29a
what did the original look like? Yeah, that blue border might not be in the post-production of the volume, it could just be the transparent color that doesn't get printed. It looks ugly imho. :P

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:33 pm
by EnglishJim
Here's the original:


So, just the border then? I don't see why they'd change it, but as long as the artwork's intact I'm not too fussed. The problem with Dark Horse's covers is the Berserk logo, which is just terrible, imo.

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:22 am
by Hatter106
Hello all. Got a question.
This isn't a criticism or anything, I'm just curious...

Why does the image quality vary between recent chapters? Some look like newsprint and some look like they're out of the tankobon... do the scans come from different sources (people)?
A recent example would be the difference between EG's release of ch. 285 and ch. 287. Both from the magazine, but a huge difference in picture quality.
Will there be an improved release later on?

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:19 pm
by psi29a
The quality differs on the scanner and the quality of the material.

YA uses toilet paper to print it stuff on, includes berserk. So the quality is going to be lacking there. The scanner can work with it but depending on their equipment and skill-level in post-scanning can really make things better or worse. Since we don't have a dedicated scanner anymore in Japan, we are left with what others in the community provide us and we have no way to dictate terms about size and quality.

However, there are the tanks that get released that are of much higher quality. Those are usually covered by the hawks, not EG.

So, quality of the raws in which we work with fluctuates and we do our best to clean them up and we have no and it is very uncommon for us to re-release with better quality raws because we want you to buy Berserk anyway when released by DarkHorse. The re-release is almost always when we want to clarify a translation, not new raw.

Obviously, if there is more than one raw out at the same time, we will use the better version. Right now, it simply is out of our hands.

Bottom line is that we work with crap sources because we want the story now! 8)

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:22 pm
by hbi2k
For the record, I'm happy to get it any way I can rather than wait indefinitely for high-quality scans. (-: That's what the Dark Horse releases are for.

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:42 am
by Buuhan1
Oh, this is where you introduce yourself? And here I actually looked for such a topic when I first joined.

Late, but might as well. Hello, name's Kyle Hinkel, but you'd be better off calling me Buuhan. I've heard about Berserk for a long time, and sometime last year I finally decided to read it, but stopped after the first 3 volumes as nothing grabbed me and I'm usually lazy. This is not surprising to me now that I know the first 3 or so volumes are crap compared to the rest. I recently about a month ago decided I'd start where I left off, and damn did I get hooked. Within a week I was up to volume 20, and by the following week, caught up.

Needless to say the hook really got my cheek for me to read all that in that time. I started out in the anime fandom back in 1997 and I found Dragonball Z around the time I was 7, and got hooked. I've seen it before but I regarded it as crap, but it was the scene of Goku kicking Burter's ass that I saw which finally got me interested. Never have I seen violence like that, especially in a cartoon.

For the next following years I become devoted to DBZ, quite a fanboy. September 6th, 2003 (or around) my world officially changed. Upon moving from my house I lived in the first 11 years of my life and my Mother divorcing my drugged, damn-near psychopathic father, into an apartment I was given a computer build personally by my Uncle. Soon after moving into the apartment I wake up to find a big surprise when I went into my room (this was September 6th, not the stuff before. And I sleep on the couch), my computer was ON and had the Dragonball Z website up on it....during the morning while I was asleep my Mother had someone from Road Runner hook me up to the internet. I HAD INTERNET!

At the time, I barely put it to use, mainly using it to go to DBZ like sites and getting pictures and the like. It wasn't till 2004 I started to venture outside of that, into the internet. Between this time I joined my first message board, and the first actual place I was not "alone". I joined the FUNimation Message Boards and become a big poster, before the board shut down I was the top poster with over 16,000 posts. Needless to say back then I was still a kid and my posts were lacking, and now that I've read some from a little forum I made in 2004 I'm shocked people actually UNDERSTOOD what the fuck I was saying.

Anyways, in 2004 my fandom for DBZ started dying off, and I don't think it was just cause the dub was ending. Over the course of 2001-2005 I watched a lot of anime on [adult swim] and was very interested in the genre and became an all around anime fan. However, by 2005 my fandom for it was...slipping. But it was saved by a certain series entitled "One Piece".

I first discovered it via the horrid 4kids dub, however at the time I didn't know it was horrid and quite enjoyed it. To the point I went searching, I came to a place named "Arlong Park" which I browsed every now and then. I eventually joined their forums in August 2005. And that is when it started, by September of that same year I was already watching the uncut fansubs and by mid-2006 I got caught up to Kaizoku-Fansubs releases.

At that time, I didn't care much for manga, having only read some series of it, but I eventually started reading it from chapter 1-100. I had taken a break after such, and eventually read some of the Skypiea arc....I then decided to SKIP AHEAD to the latest anime episodes which were being subbed by Gerusama and got caught up almost before giving up and started reading the manga at that point. By last 2006 I had forgotten all about the anime, and strictly followed the manga.

I rarely ever watched anime by this point anymore, tho I had watched some, most notably being The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi. By 2007 I just didn't really care for anime anymore and we more interested in manga, I tried watching anime again with a series called Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann but by episode 5 I was too bored (tho episode 1 was WOW!). Ultimately I was lazy over the last 2 years, not watching or reading anything besides One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, and a little Naruto before realizing it just sucks too hard right now.

Then, I decided to give Berserk a chance out of bored I am.

Other than that being exposed to anime enticed my imagination, and in 2001 I started developing a story and stuck with it, imagining it more and more everyday. It matured as I did and has involved, and I intend for one day to get it down on paper. It's part of my dream, a dream hopefully one day leading me into being a filmmaker. And there's nothing I'm more passionate about than my dream.

So yeah, just wanted to say my roots. And you are something if you actually read all this. Sorry, I tend to type fast as living on the internet has bestowed fast typing abilities to me. On another note, I am the youngest of my family. I have a older Brother who is 24, his twin sister, both of which were born on Halloween. And a older sister who I think is 27. They are all married and my one sister has 2 kids, while my oldest sister has 3. They are just poppin' them out!

My brother just recently got married, in which I was the best man at his wedding. And I hope for the best, as he has trouble with romance. I have a dog named "Nat" after "Nat King Cole" (my Grandmother, who has recently passed away, named him) and he has been with me almost all my life, he's around 13-years-old. My mother has a lot of health problems and recently she "died" but she came back to life by God's hand I suppose, and she had a defibrillator implanted in her to keep her heart alive.

It has been causing trouble for her as it seems to been pumping her heart back a lot, her heart doesn't seem to be able to live much longer. I'm scared she wont be around much longer and I don't wanna think about it....if she does pass away before I turn 18 (October 18th, 2008) then I'll have to live with my brother.

And as my closing statement cause I'VE TALKED TOO MUCH AND GAVE TOO MUCH INFO NEEDED BUT I'M IN A TYPING MOOD. When I was 6 or so I was playing with my neighbors dog and I guess I scared it and it got on it's legs and started taking chunks out of me, as it was about to kill me (it was going for my throat) the owner managed to get to the dog in a split second before I was gonna get killed. Some people call this a "miracle" I suppose, I call it fool's luck.

I was rushed to the hospital, a bloody mess and got over 15 needles, stables, and what not done to me. The only notable scars I have is my left thigh, where I had to get stabbled, a scar on my cheek tho it is hard to see, and one on my neck which is even harder to see that only my Mom states she can see. (I can't even see it) But the thing about that scar, is it WAS a bite and it was a few cm's from a major vain, in other words if it hit I would have bled to death before even getting to the hospital. Again, I call it fool's luck. But I'm glad. The dog's name was "Bear" and it was a lovable dog until this day when it become a vicious dog. It was not put down, it died of age when I was around 10 or so.

Good heavens! I'm so sorry I typed all this. Oh well, guess I just didn't leave much to your imagination. Haha, only thing I didn't put on here was my appearance states....


I'm 5'6, 220lbs-260lbs(it fluxuriates), & brown eyes and hair. I have the tendency to use words such as "Aaah, aye, oi, bah" and shortening shorten words, I call it "lazy talk".

Now, if you don't mind. I'm gonna save this in a text file.

(This took around 30 mins to type. XD)

Yes, I guess I like to type.

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:29 am
by MrFelony
and it took me 30 seconds to read ;).

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:03 am
by Buuhan1
MrFelony wrote:and it took me 30 seconds to read ;).
I don't know how to take this. Either you are some super genius who can speed read or you just skipped a lot. XD

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:38 pm
by Istvan
Buuhan1 wrote:
MrFelony wrote:and it took me 30 seconds to read ;).
I don't know how to take this. Either you are some super genius who can speed read or you just skipped a lot. XD
My bet's on the second one, he skipped a lot.

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:47 pm
by MrFelony
these were my favorite parts :P
Buuhan1 wrote:I have a dog named "Nat" after "Nat King Cole"
I then decided to SKIP AHEAD
I had to get stabbled
the stabbling because it's spelled wrong ;)

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:55 pm
by Buuhan1
MrFelony wrote:these were my favorite parts :P
Buuhan1 wrote:I have a dog named "Nat" after "Nat King Cole"
I then decided to SKIP AHEAD
I had to get stabbled
the stabbling because it's spelled wrong ;)

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:47 am
by MrFelony
haha :P. well we're all happy to have you, even though we now know more than we probably ever wanted about you ;)

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:02 pm
by Buuhan1
MrFelony wrote:haha :P. well we're all happy to have you, even though we now know more than we probably ever wanted about you ;)
That's the point.

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:57 pm
by lon3vvolf
Hmmm stabbled. Sounds kinda Berseksy.

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:46 pm
by Buuhan1
lon3vvolf wrote:Hmmm stabbled. Sounds kinda Berseksy.
XDDD, oh lord.

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:47 pm
by mrvomit
Hi people.
Sorry for bother you with my noobness-
It seems i can't dwload any berserk chapter so far,or any torrent as well.
Its only me or i 've missed to fogure out something to download the torrents?
Thanks Guys

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 9:28 am
by MrFelony
well i use bittorrent to dl torrents...but i'm not the person who might know how to help you lol. gl ;)

Re: New to the Berserk Forum? Have questions? Post Here First!

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:06 am
by mrvomit
EDIT;GONNA move myself on support forum question.