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Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:43 am
by Starnum
Yeah, that's what I always say too. Then last year we got that scene of the massive Kushan army raid, and Miura said he spent his time away drawing that shit up. I still think he takes a vacation too though, but who knows, heh. Man, has it already been almost a year since the Kushan army invasion vs. the Neo Hawks? Maybe I'm misremembering, but I know it was close to the beginning of this year, after a really long wait from Christmas I believe. That chapter wasn't that many ago, Miura is so slow...but man is it good stuff. :P

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:20 am
by Aetherfukz
IIRC the huge kushan army was around april to june? I think at that time was a huge delay of like 8 weeks.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:49 am
by Starnum
Yeah, prolly so. I do remember he took time off this same time last year though.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:26 pm
by Turd Ferguson
The massive invasion of Virtanis by the Kushan regular army took place in September of 2006. Then Miura took FOUR MONTHS off and returned in January with the chapter where Irvine shows up and begins decapitating Kushans with his arrows from afar.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:48 am
by yupachups
i just can't wait. Imagine that the elf king would heal gut's arm and eye.

with the dead angle gone cause of his eye, he could be more accurate and MUCH more powerful with his "true"arm. :shock:

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:21 am
by Istvan
yupachups wrote:i just can't wait. Imagine that the elf king would heal gut's arm and eye.

with the dead angle gone cause of his eye, he could be more accurate and MUCH more powerful with his "true"arm. :shock:
It's been discussed before but I'm pretty sure that the arm, at least, is not coming back. Probably not the eye, either, but definately not the arm. Too much of a cop out, and Miura's too good an author to do something like that.

Besides, what do you mean, "MUCH more powerful with his 'true' arm"? The metal one gives him a cannon, not too mention the ability to block swords and shatter people's faces. If anything it's the metal arm which makes him more powerful in combat.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:34 pm
by The Prince
-Was wondering if there are powerful warriors/wizards on elf island that might lend assistance to Guts and his crew?

Would be interesting if they could amass some sort of army which could at least give Guts and his crew a fighting chance against Griffith's evil empire.

-Also would be interesting to see what ties (if any) the SK has to this island, which could shed some light on this enigmatic figure.

....Regardless, with the Kushan-Midland Army conflict coming to a head, Griffith becoming King, Guts arrival on Elf Island, possible re-emergence of a sane Caska, a foreshadowed eclipse over Windham(?), etc, the slow moving storyline (up to this point) is sure to take off in an all out blitz. Miura will deliver!

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:52 am
by azn_l10n
about the eye...

there was a discussion on the eye a few chapters back...
somebody said that the eye was ripped out...
it doesn't seem to be...

the discussion was revolving the chapter in which the crew was rowing away...on the boat
and gutts was looking at griffith and the angle seemd to be his bad eye...

Now...looking at the scene in which his eye gets injured, we see that the eye was simply penetrated/punctured...
there was no evidence of the eyeball being removed...
and....when he has his eye closed, it's not hallow (as would happen when the eyeball is removed)...

This leads me to believe the eyeball is stll there...
Now...I actually know a guy who fell on a knife...when he was young...and the knife went through his eyeball in to the optic chiasm (a whole in the back of the retina area where the nerves convey as they transmit information to the brain)...
His eye eventually healed through a very long time...(19 years?)

Due to the healing magics that Gatts has been exposed to, and the supposedly mentioned power of the elf king as well as the symbolism of shcierke in the armor and being the "other eye" which is not normally lit up with white...
I would say it is not impossible that he regains his eye...and that Miura could use it as a symbolic symbol...
Afterall, Gatts has expressed anger over the last vision of his right eye being seeing caska raped so if she regains her mind, maybe he may regain his eye...

As for the arm, it's a "gone" part, unless there is regeneration of missing limbs, I doubt it. Where as the eye would be in my opinion magical repair (since the time needed for so much damage would take a lifetime if not impossible)
I tried to find a link to reference to...there aren't many cases... ... 43356.html

remember, this is "real" life I am talking about and in real life, it is "possible" (though saying something is possible does not mean it's probable)...

Just throwing this out there...I personally don't believe the eye will come back...but I don't think it's impossible...

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:42 am
by TheDrizzit
Only thing that even semi-foreshadows the return of the hand is when he was reaching for Caska I think when he jumped overboard and she slipped away and he bitched about it. Doesn't seem impossible, but what seems more plausible is if the elf king offers and Guts rejects it.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:54 am
by The Prince
TheDrizzit wrote:Only thing that even semi-foreshadows the return of the hand is when he was reaching for Caska I think when he jumped overboard and she slipped away and he bitched about it. Doesn't seem impossible, but what seems more plausible is if the elf king offers and Guts rejects it.
Restoring someone's sanity and growing back appendages are completely different IMO. I don't think this elf-king guy is going to be this all powerful being like many people seem to think.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:25 pm
by dialdfordesi
TheDrizzit wrote:Only thing that even semi-foreshadows the return of the hand is when he was reaching for Caska I think when he jumped overboard and she slipped away and he bitched about it. Doesn't seem impossible, but what seems more plausible is if the elf king offers and Guts rejects it.
I thought that when Guts was talking about his hand, it showed things will never be the same as they were in the past.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:30 am
by The Herald
The eye could possibly come back but not the hand. Elves can heal, and the Elf King seems to be a very powerful elf. But matter would need to be created to restore an arm, and that's not the same thing as healing. As for Casca, her sanity is a thing hiding deep within herself and the Elf King will probably help her find it. Though, I'm not sure the wizards will do anything to help anyone. They probably moved to Skellig because they didn't want to have anything to do with the outside world. Shierke might make an appeal, but I don't see it working.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:39 am
by hbi2k
The Herald wrote:The eye could possibly come back but not the hand. Elves can heal, and the Elf King seems to be a very powerful elf. But matter would need to be created to restore an arm, and that's not the same thing as healing.
Of course, sometimes the rules of logic only apply to magic in fantasy settings to the extent that the author wants them to. (-:

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:03 pm
by grimm
i always thought it would be cool if gutts fake hand became part of him. and gutts with a human arm again would just downgrade him ( i dont know what other way to put it)

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:38 pm
by yupachups
"MUCH more powerful with his 'true' arm"

by that i mean :
let's imagine that you wear iron shoes. Of course you won't get hurt or any fear by banging your toes, let's say on rocks or sharp pebbles. But you won't feel comfortable and agile. It's like those arm or foot weight that some sportsman wear during their training until the day of the competition.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:20 pm
by The Prince
yupachups wrote:"MUCH more powerful with his 'true' arm"

by that i mean :
let's imagine that you wear iron shoes. Of course you won't get hurt or any fear by banging your toes, let's say on rocks or sharp pebbles. But you won't feel comfortable and agile. It's like those arm or foot weight that some sportsman wear during their training until the day of the competition.
Yeah...but in a fantasy world having an iron-arm with a cannon beats the real thing anyday. Without the cannon, Guts would have been killed several times over at this point.

Also Guts is so strong at this point, the extra weight of his fake forearm is not gonna be a factor.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:49 am
by Istvan
The Prince wrote:
yupachups wrote:"MUCH more powerful with his 'true' arm"

by that i mean :
let's imagine that you wear iron shoes. Of course you won't get hurt or any fear by banging your toes, let's say on rocks or sharp pebbles. But you won't feel comfortable and agile. It's like those arm or foot weight that some sportsman wear during their training until the day of the competition.
Yeah...but in a fantasy world having an iron-arm with a cannon beats the real thing anyday. Without the cannon, Guts would have been killed several times over at this point.

Also Guts is so strong at this point, the extra weight of his fake forearm is not gonna be a factor.
Exactly. Compared to the weight of the Dragonslayer, and the full plate mail he wears, the weight of Guts arm doesn't even signify. Heck, given how dense the muscles in his arms must be, I'm not even sure it weighs all that much more than his regular arm (more yes, but maybe not as much more as yupachups seems to think), and certainly not enough so that he'd even really notice or be slowed down by it.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:54 am
by The Herald
To hbi2k:

Miura kind of lays down the rules of the magic in his world and I'm just working with them. Berserk is too serious to just have an endless amount of magic and healing. If it did it would turn into a nonsensical bore like Inuyasha.

About Guts being stronger with his real arm, at least it won't weigh him down if he were in water, like that time Roderick had to fish him out when he went in after Casca. Otherwise the iron arm is stronger. But man, it's gotta be coooold in the winter!

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:24 am
by Istvan
The Herald wrote:To hbi2k:
About Guts being stronger with his real arm, at least it won't weigh him down if he were in water, like that time Roderick had to fish him out when he went in after Casca. Otherwise the iron arm is stronger.
I'm pretty sure that the needing rescued was caused more by his injuries than by the arm. Consider the time during the Golden Age when he pulled Caska out of the water while they were both wearing armor, and he had his sword. On the other hand, with the number of wounds he has, it's small wonder a major exertion causes him to pass out and need rescuing.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:39 am
by The Prince
Istvan wrote:
The Herald wrote:To hbi2k:
About Guts being stronger with his real arm, at least it won't weigh him down if he were in water, like that time Roderick had to fish him out when he went in after Casca. Otherwise the iron arm is stronger.
I'm pretty sure that the needing rescued was caused more by his injuries than by the arm. Consider the time during the Golden Age when he pulled Caska out of the water while they were both wearing armor, and he had his sword. On the other hand, with the number of wounds he has, it's small wonder a major exertion causes him to pass out and need rescuing.

If he wanted a healthy Gut's could probably swim the English channel with that arm.

Noticing how heavy his arm felt in the water, IMO was a fleeting thought of someone who's body was in the process of shutting down on them.

In the scene right before, while staring at Caska from the deck while talking with Roderick, you could see Guts' vision blurring and holding his head as if he was close to losing concious just from standing around. This would indicate that Guts's was still suffering greatly from the injuries incurred while being struck by lightning a bunch of times, and the strain of taking on the entire Kushan Demon Army and its Emperor while wearing the Berserker armor.

In Guts defense, whenever Guts has passed out (not including the eclipse), the scene right after the troll extermination and before being rescued by Roderick, Guts had already accomplished what he set out to do (ex. saving/rescuing Casca).

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:05 am
by Krellius
I've been wondering about what kind of healing Guts will receive from the elf king. Miura has spent many years drawing Guts and has given him unique marking of his character such as his one eye, arm cannon, giant sword, and the scar across his nose. Miura seems to tease that he is going to change these elements of Guts like when he was offered that elemental axe. Now it seems he might get an eye or his arm back.

At the very least he will get his nasty scars healed. Does Miura really want to draw this mangled Guts for 10 more years or however long Berserk will last? He can only look worse after taking such a beating. What I want to know is if he gets those scars removed will he lose his trademark nose scar too? That seems too important of a detail of Guts to just erase after all these years.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:28 am
by The Herald
Okay, I agree with you guys, but I still like the scene when Roderick had to save Guts, it was still important.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:28 am
by Starnum
Personally, I'd request to keep the nose scar, but that's me. ;)

I doubt Gatts is going to get his arm back, or even his eye, for that matter. I guess we can only wait and see though. The question is, if you asked Gatts, what would he say. I think he'd like to have his arm back, whether the metal one is more useful or not. I mean, we can only specualate, and I don't know from experience, but if I ever lost an arm, I would definitely want it back. I mean, the metal arm has a lot of advantages, but there's still a lot of subtle yet significant reasons why having your real arm would be more desireable. It's not like he can't carry around a hidden cannon still, if he wants. :P

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:31 am
by Aetherfukz
I dunno if it has been said in the Manga or if it is just fan speculation: Elf-healing (Puck-healing at least) can't heal the nose wound because it was made so long ago. They can only heal recent wounds that haven't healed yet. The same would then probably be true for the Eye and Arm - those wounds surely closed by now.

Unless the Hanafubuku king is some kind of Uberelf that doesn't adhere to the normal laws of his powers.

Re: Berserk 292 - Mist of Death

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:05 am
by Death&Rebirth
Anyway you look at it, the nose scar will always be there. It has much more significance that the others.
That scar was done by Gambino and it will be forever there because of feelings of resentment (remember RK's Kenshin Himura cross-shaped scar in his face and how and why it finally healed).

The only possibility i can see his the Elf King making his prosthetic arm more sentient, but of course like always it will come with a high price. But the more probable his that the Elf King only dealing with Caska insanity, because that's the all reason of their quest, and leaving Guts be (i highly doubt he would want to be cured or healed to that point).