More Manga Releases?

Evil-Genius' latest information on its current projects: Angel Heart, Biomega, Watanabe, and Zetman.

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More Manga Releases?

Post by MarlinBeta »

I'd just like to say that I'm one of Elfen Lied's biggest American fans. That said, I don't understand very much Japanese. While I'm fine with that, I'd like to request that Evil Genius speed up the releases of their translations for Elfen Lied. At the very least it would go faster if you released all of the current raws. It doesn't matter if I can't understand them. I'd like to use the images to get an idea of the story from a friend of mine. I wouldn't know how to get a hold of the manga for a good price and I wouldn't be able to scan the images and then send them to my Japanese-speaking friend. If there is something I can do to help, please let me know.

It's obvious that the manga covers more of the story than the series did. Book 10 has been released and I can imagine that the manga reaches the end of the anime's story somewhere around book 7. There are several characters I don't recognize either (I've identified somebody named Nozomi).
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Post by Eldo »

No money = no new chapter(s).

So please give.

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Post by Restricted18 »

lol jus be blunt about it :P

should be more like... "donate to a worthy cause" "please give generously, as our staff work hard day and night in order to put manga on your screen, at the sacrifice of food on their tables"

myeh, i'm bored, hungry, tired and other stuff. so that explains everything.

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Post by MarlinBeta »

You're not serious, are you? I happen to know how you feel about giving to people and running a website like this. I've devoted hours and hours and hours to building my gaming site. I've been working on it for over seven years.

However, when you are in a position like that you shouldn't think about monetarial gains. I've given hundreds of dollars to help out my fellow fans. You shouldn't translate for money. That'll get you on people's bad sides. I know this for a fact.
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Post by Kouta »

I think the point is, however, that they're currently doing it for free. They're far ahead of the only other group to work on it. I'm glad to read what chapters I can get myself.

Offering money simply gives them more incentive to release chapters more frequently.
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