Berserk 370

  » Posted October 13th, 2022 by LordMune

It’s Berserk o’clock in Japan, and— oh… This one hurts.

Next episode drops December 9th-ish.

Please support Mori Kouji and Studio Gaga in upholding Miura’s legacy! Buy the licensed volumes, and consider purchasing current issues of Young Animal directly; either physically from or digitally from Hakusensha.

370 – Refugees on the Western Sea
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9 Responses to “Berserk 370”

  1. Annarek Says:

    i don’t know about you guys, but i really love the fact that they continued the story Miura had thought. i am really thankfull that Kouji stepped up and continued his work. Maybe it’s not the quality we are used to but Miura’s work deserved a proper ending.

    thank you Evil-genius for your work.

  2. Rillant Says:

    Thank you! Great release as always. I’m a bit disappointed in the other group for not only sniping the series but also uploading before street date. Straight up disrespectful to the authors. Always happy to wait for you guys’ release!

  3. Sloth Says:

    Thank you guys your work is always flawless and my preferred version.

  4. BerserkerDog Says:

    Thank you!


    TY, great job as always, great chapter!

  6. Roni Says:

    Thanks guys, my favorite post-Miura chapter so far!

  7. titogod42 Says:

    so Guts just floats on water with armor? LOL

  8. ryu Says:

    merci pour votre travail.
    Guts n’est malheureusement pas au bout de ses peines, il a prit un sacré coup au moral.
    Cette saloperie de Griffith de p*** est vraiment intouchable pour l’instant

  9. Phil Sheldon Says:

    Certainly one of the best chapters post-Miura, tho just as cryptic as the ones before so that isn’t saying much.

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