Berserk and Co. and Fanart

  » Posted June 25th, 2009 by miyagiCE

Hey guys, me again. I bring the goods. Our man and long-time Berserk reader Hieronymus saw the exclusive preview of our release and felt inspired. So he painted this awesome piece of fanart and uploaded it to his DA account. Props to him. Be sure to leave a comment on his site.


69 Responses to “Berserk and Co. and Fanart”

  1. devin Says:

    Damn, Biomega continues to blow my mind.

  2. Moss Says:

    Remember, remember, the 25th of september
    When our next Berserk chapter will come.

    I’ll dearly remember the 25th of september
    When our next Berserk chapter will come.

    Uhg. >_>

  3. Qwerty Says:

    Drug free creative minds? yeah.. and trolls are cleaning my room too.

  4. The Prince Says:

    To Distorted Realms,

    Yeah…it’s called being crazy.

  5. Noi! Says:

    rofl … an “fanart” from Hieronymus Bosch …

    nice try 😉

  6. Bugger Says:

    Damn this is getting weirder than Evangelion. Hell, a lot weirder. Miura needs to lay off the salvia

  7. Berserker Says:

    I’ve been savin’ berserk chapters for like a year now, and since then only 7 or 8 were released.. it’s frustating..

  8. PuTu Says:

    25 September, cant wait T.T

  9. erf Says:

    I hope some one try to make film at berserk
    i hope i see it greate story in cinema 🙂

  10. matgaudio Says:

    “Damn this is getting weirder than Evangelion. Hell, a lot weirder. Miura needs to lay off the salvia”
    said everything..


    berserk in losing itself in it´s own madness
    hope miura can give a direction, ´cause it´s a mess already…

  11. Lemmy Says:

    “Tree-Man” – part of The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch , ok this is sick and i love it ?
    What will Kentaro Miura make new for us , too long i didnt see Guts in adventure…

  12. Everton Says:

    Calma ai pessoal, vcs são muito ansiosos, deixa o cara desenhar direito, nao a toa que e uma das obras de arte do sec 21 e paciencia e uma virtude que o Miura tem de sobra
    Que chegue logo 25 de setembro

  13. Mystyc Vegeta Says:

    I lost track of time.. it’s September already ?
    tomorrow morning will be 25th…

  14. Anonymous Says:

    Oh Miayice, your sooo /b/.

  15. ES Blofeld Says:

    It was cool to see Ubik and Conrad doing their own thing for once! Just hanging out in their personal sanctuaries though, but still cool.

  16. Dequer Says:

    I sent Miura a case of red bull and some 3-d glasses… That aught to speed things up.

  17. roflcake Says:

    oh no, berserk has just become lord of the rings! seriously, this is sooo not cool.

  18. Ankh Says:

    Nice !!

    Thanks for the Biomega chapter !!

  19. Phireo Says:

    25th of September it is!!!


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