Easter bunny has arrived with NHK treats!

  » Posted April 8th, 2007 by psi29a

So while Berserk 284 was a disappointment to all of us, we have persevered and delivered some much needed NHK, AH, Biomega, and Zetman goodness. Newly seeded by arke and myself, the…


Ok gang, today is a special day where we all get fucked on chocolate and the Christo-fascists celebrate their Lord so without further adue a word from ‘the Heavenly Father’:

It's Jesus, some guy we know.

Merry friggen Easter!

31 Responses to “Easter bunny has arrived with NHK treats!”

  1. xxdevaxx Says:

    I love you , yeah NHK I waited so long for it, thank you very much

  2. karl Hoffman Says:


  3. Animius Says:

    What do you mean the Berserk chapter was a disappointment?

  4. Joel Says:

    thank you very much for the NHK ni youkoso! manga the wait was long but was worth it…keep on guys…great job

  5. aleron Says:

    haha awesome =D thanks a lot for more Zetman ^^

  6. crazyperson Says:

    is NHK real? are there really people fucked in the head like that and they are too afraid to come out and say they are fucked up?

  7. Mormegil Says:

    THX for releases,man calm down I really agree that theres many exaggeratin’ but Crist was whitout a doubt a very powerfull bein, that changed the World to a much better condition!!!

  8. psi29a Says:

    @Animius: Because it wasn’t released when Miura said it would at the end of 283. We where really disappointed it didn’t get released. Wouldn’t you?

    Remember kids, next issue of YA (with Berserk 284) should be out on April 13th. Booga booga… Friday the 13th!

  9. dreaDCore Says:

    Thanks for the NHK! It made me really happy 🙂
    And for crazyperson; I do beleve social withdrawal cases exist, after all we live in a world where theres actually people with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP), so I see no reason why it shouldnt exist ^^

  10. Meeric Says:

    Yay! Finally some new nhk!

  11. Meeric Says:


  12. Hikarub Says:

    Thanks so much for the new Angel Heart chapter!! You guys are totally awesome!!

    Happy Easter and keep up the good work!!

  13. jaru Says:

    yay! new NHK!
    thx guys

  14. arcanes Says:

    awesome!! you guys rock. so much of NHK:). I hope we will get a long LONG berserk chapter.

  15. Cower Says:

    Bimoega YAY!!!

  16. tokimaru Says:

    OMG!!!Yeah for Zetman, I love this manga!!!

  17. Ronald Says:

    Happy Easter! God Bless!

  18. BombDiggady Says:

    Yay! I thought I had no hope for NHK!

  19. Harkan Says:

    Hristos vaskrs as some slavik people might say

  20. gats Says:

    hey tios esta bueno eso del berserk jejeje

  21. Bean Says:

    Muchas gracias for the NHK!

  22. Rancid Says:

    Thanks a lot for Zetman, but i gotta ask, from zip i got only from p27 til the end, where are the first 26pages???

    oh yeah, since am from Serbia, HRISTOS VASKRS!!!

  23. selm Says:

    this… this is incredible! I can’t believe this is truly happening. Thank you jeeeesus!

  24. Darkvash Says:

    Thanks for the chapters, but you guys shouldn’t be making fun of any religion. I myself am a christian, and didn’t think the jesus joke was funny.

  25. psi29a Says:

    Then stop sinning and lighten up.

    Oh, the irony!

  26. Eldo Says:

    Anyone want to explain how I offended anyone by having a picture of Jesus? We all know that Mark Twain stole that quote from Jesus.

    And remember, by reading Berserk, you are supporting our Lord and saviour.

  27. psi29a Says:

    And remember, by downloading Berserk, you are stealing and that’s a sin, you SINNER!

  28. Eldo Says:

    It’s not stealing when we do it, psi. We prefer the term, ‘liberation’. We are liberating Berserk with our liberation. It’s a very Christian thing to do, the liberation business. Look at it historically. You know I’m right.

  29. psi29a Says:


    In that case, I’m going to liberate me some oil. Ah, the black liquid of freedom and peace!

  30. Darkvash Says:

    I download it because it’s unavailable here. And besides i own every japanese volume of the manga, And will continue buying as well. So no… I am not really stealing here…

  31. psi29a Says:

    Yes, you are. Don’t even try to justify it.

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