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Agrippa - Gauls vs. Romans (Historical Seinen)

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:54 pm
by Rogue_Shaman
Hi folks,

This is one story which to me is massively under-rated and which no-one seems to be talking about...

If you like Berserk, Historie, Vinland Saga, Kingdom, Vagabond and Wolfsmund then this is a good fix between updates.


"In 52 B.C., the Chieftain of the Arveni tribe, Vercingetorix, united the Gauls in a major revolt against the power of the Romans. This is his story, beginning with his rise to power. In one of the tribes, he rescues the 11 year old Taranis, the only son of a Gallic hero who was executed by the Romans. Taranis follows Vercingetorix as he raises his army to fight for the freedom of Gaul"

It is a short story (four volumes, complete) but for whatever reason only Volume 1 has ever been translated in English (there are still another three volumes in Japanese). Still a good read.