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Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:35 pm
by DrPepperPro

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:18 pm
by War Machine
Direct download is now available: (right-click the file you want and select "Save as...")

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:46 pm
by Deathbringer
Muchly Thank Yous as usual.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:49 pm
by Rolos
Great work as always, gentlemen.
I'd thank you if I wasn't the kind of callous bastard who takes the work of others for granted.
And Warmachine, that was really fast, I applaud your punctuality.
Ok, time to read Berserk.
Up, up and away!

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:16 pm
by brunoafh
What a swashbuckingly good time.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:19 pm
by dialdfordesi
YES! Thanks EG!

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:01 pm
by War Machine
Rolos wrote:And Warmachine, that was really fast, I applaud your punctuality.
Ok, time to read Berserk.
Up, up and away!
Usually, I go to sleep at night before the chapter has been posted and by the time I wake up there's already 5 posts. I got lucky this time.

And speaking of my website (considering it's aimed at people who can't use BitTorrent or are at a public or school computer) do you think I should change the file to ZIP instead of RAR? Cause ZIP is more common but I don't know if there's another reason for using RAR besides compression.

I uploaded this chapter in the morning before going to school and then I tried to open the file here at school but these computers are using CentOS and I couldn't install command the line application to decompress the file (I didn't even find a graphical application either). So I booted into Windows 7 (cause these are dual-boot computers) and donwloaded WinRAR into my user's desktop (cause I don't have permissions to write to the disk) and ran the application from there to finally decompress the file. It just seemed like a lot of work and a ZIP file can pretty much be openned anywhere without a problem. What do you guys think?

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:06 pm
by Mail
@War Machine
Since the point of your direct download is to make the scan more widely available (I think?), .zip files are probably the way to go. Like you said, the format is more widely recognized and easier to access on public machines.

Thanks again for the scan, EG!

Looks like we should get done with the sea god in less than 5 chapters barring some major development. Honestly, I'll be glad to see this little section go. I know it's supposed to be a showcase for the weird shit that's now happening all over the world, but honestly I think the point was made more eloquently by the random visuals of mythical beasts at the beginning of the Fantasia arc. This sea god subplot hasn't really engaged me at all. I rather think Miura should have skipped it and just went right to elf island (unless of course any of these events end up being somehow important later in the story).

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:14 pm
by dialdfordesi
They'll probably pick up the mermaid girl as she'll be the sole villager left after Guts kills the squidbeast. Who knows maybe the child that can stop berserker Guts will stick around too.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:25 am
by brunoafh
This bit of story really didn't do anything for me either. It's bearable, and full of great artwork, but not very exciting. The beginning of the Fantasia arc and the bit where they were fighting off Ganishka was some pretty awesome stuff, but this Sea God stuff is kind of boring. Berserk is Berserk though, and I'll take what I can get.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:47 am
by Istvan
Yay! Thank you EG!
Looks like we should get done with the sea god in less than 5 chapters barring some major development. Honestly, I'll be glad to see this little section go. I know it's supposed to be a showcase for the weird shit that's now happening all over the world, but honestly I think the point was made more eloquently by the random visuals of mythical beasts at the beginning of the Fantasia arc. This sea god subplot hasn't really engaged me at all. I rather think Miura should have skipped it and just went right to elf island
I think this arc is only tangentally supposed to show all of the wierd stuff that's happening around the world. As you point out, the random visuals served well enough for that. Rather, I think it's a matter of with all of the wierd stuff that's happening, it would have been odd for Guts and Co. to make it all the way to Elfheim without encountering any of it. Miura tends to be extremely logical and internally consistant with his story, so there was no way they could avoid having at least one major encounter. And since Miura is also extremely detailed, the first encounter (there may or may not be more; more are probably unneeded, but you never know) had to be developed a bit, not just a chapter or two.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:33 am
by Aluja
Ah thank you for another 10 minutes of pleasure!

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:47 am
by Deathbringer
dialdfordesi wrote:They'll probably pick up the mermaid girl as she'll be the sole villager left after Guts kills the squidbeast. Who knows maybe the child that can stop berserker Guts will stick around too.
Frankly, i hope not. As much as like Isma and think she's the Yotsuba of Berserk, she has nothing to offer to the group except another face to gasp each time Guts doesn't something over the top.

With her talk of the Mermaids possible return, i'm expecting for Isma's mother and pack to return, welcome Isma as a newly formed mermaid, guide Roderick to the fairy island and that's it. She's a one arc character through and through.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:13 am
by Rolos
Been programming all day, haven't had any sleep, miscellaneous alleviating circumstances, and bli, blablidi, blow. Bla.
Anyway, pornography.
Also, that's not how stomachs work. I remember seeing the skeleton of a whale at a museum (I was, what, 6?) and been amazed at how narrow its throat was.
"How does it swallow boats, papa?" I asked.
"Shut up, you undesirable little pest" was the answer I got, so I had to use my massive brain to, using inductive reasoning and an assorted combination of wild guesses and blargrrhh, conclude the poor whale at the museum was some kind of deformed retard who had gotten caught by puny humans and got what she deserved, the stupid whore.
I remember reading about a guy who got shot in the stomach, by a shotgun, I think. A wild, demented shotgun, who went around shooting people without any discernible patterns in its choice of victims. We will never know why it did it, or how, but it happened, somewhere, not in space but here.
Sooooo...they studied the way the human stomach worked by studying open-stomach guy, who probably died from an infection. Haha.
Science gives no rewards.
Death to pop-culture.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:32 am
by DrPepperPro
By the Rolosology, what's been discovered now? If there was a like button on that post I would have to click it.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:25 pm
by brunoafh
I would wager that Rolos would make a pretty good drinking partner.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:03 pm
by dialdfordesi
Conversations never get boring with you around, Rolos

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:03 pm
by Rolos
Indeed, nothing like a man making an ass of himself to liven up the evening.
Change of subject!
As the resident medical officer of EG (your new title, by the way, unless you prefer "El doctisimamente docto doctor Dialdfordeso (con doctorado) ), what's your opinion of the Sea god's stomach? Does the apparent lack of tentacle monsters inside it indicate that the poor old deity is a little sick?

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:41 pm
by dialdfordesi
El doctisimamente docto doctor Dialdfordeso (con doctorado) is what I prefer.

To be honest, stomachs are just sacs that hold food til it gets absorbed by the intestines, a very boring part of the GI unless you have peptic ulcers, cancer, or the Black Swordsman trying to kill you from the inside. I see nothing wrong with the lack of tentacles, but those cockroach looking things are of concern. Nothing some antihelminthics couldn't deal with (if I didn't want Guts to kill the beast and get to Skellig, that is).

On the note of killing the squid, Guts wouldn't really have to find the heart, he could always slash the stomach open and let the acids spill out. The acid would erode any surrounding tissue, including arteries. The outflow of gastric contents could also cause peritonitis, sepsis, and death.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:42 pm
by Rolos
Your trained, professional diagnosis means nothing to me, for I am a homeopath!
I believe that poor, diabolical creature is suffering from an acute case of not being loved.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:32 pm
by DrPepperPro
GATTSU-san!! Turn that fishbone into a WISHBONE, and make a wish to SAVE THE SEA GOD.

Anyone else thinking that this isn't really the sea god? I'm thinking this due to the old crumbled statue shown last chapter. It could be that the real sea god was worshiped on that island long ago, but belief slowly faded away, or perhaps the mythology of it gradually changed into more of a giant sea creature than a sea god. I'm expecting perhaps Schierke to communicate with the actual sea god maybe possibly.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:44 pm
by Starnum
I will admit, normally an untreated ruptured stomach would lead to death. However, demons are extremely hard to kill. So I question whether that method would work on the Sea God or not. It definitely wouldn't work on an apostle. We've seen many a disemboweled apostles shrug off such wounds. Though this isn't an apostle, so it's hard to say really.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:09 pm
by Istvan
Starnum wrote:I will admit, normally an untreated ruptured stomach would lead to death. However, demons are extremely hard to kill. So I question whether that method would work on the Sea God or not. It definitely wouldn't work on an apostle. We've seen many a disemboweled apostles shrug off such wounds. Though this isn't an apostle, so it's hard to say really.
Even if a stomach wound would kill the thing (and like Starnum I'm at least a little skeptical) it wouldn't do so quickly. Huge gaping stomach wounds can take a couple of days to kill a person, and given the scale Guts could only make a very small one. Remember, he needs to not just kill this thing, but to kill it before it finishes either destroying the ship or digesting Guts.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:50 pm
by dialdfordesi
Yeah a perforated viscus would take at least a few hours to kill. As for small wounds not having an effect, think of appendicitis. If an appendix bursts, a person has a high chance of dying, yet the appendix is usually less than the size of a pinky, and when it bursts, it is not an explosion, just a tearing.

I totally realize that taking the factual integrity of medicine in the world of berserk seriously is silly, but it's kind of fun.

Re: Berserk 320 - Sea God (2)

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:31 am
by brunoafh
What kind of long term/short term effects from a blast of Guts' arm cannon would the Sea God be seeing? That's another way Guts might bust out. Who knows what kind of damage that might dish out to internal organs, let alone the physical shock of an explosion going off in your stomach. I would expect definite infections unless the Sea God has some kind of medical staff on the island. Alternatively, the hole might grow teeth and become a (vagina) weapon in itself, we don't know if the Sea God has any regenerative properties yet.