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Ninja Gaiden II

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:07 am
by Sandman
If you havent got to play this game you need to... three words: decapitation, de-limbing, and cutting people in half... well that is three phrases. :D and if you have played the game give your feed back.

Re: Ninja Gaiden II

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:12 pm
by halfnhalf
Ninja Gaiden 2 is like the summer movie sequel that only had half of the cast returning, so it ended up being worse than the first.

Its awesome that you can see limbs flying and total mutilation by your weapon of choice, but the game brings nothing new to the table. The press "y" when their almost dead to go into a cut scene like animation for a easy kill just makes the game not ninja gaiden to me. Ninja Gaiden on the xbox was made so that if you did press "y" at the wrong time you would be fucked, but now its cool, you can make mistakes. i dono what it is, but platformer games that do the action for me is not the way it should be played. Let me be the one that has to press an 8 to 12 buttons for that awesome attack rather than just holding down "y" and then letting go.

Ninja Gaiden 2 is not the game it should have been. I'll still play the game, but it does fall short of its first one. (btw the game is suppose to be hard, so if you cant cope, then find a new game and complain about how much you suck at video games. easy mode is not an option)

Re: Ninja Gaiden II

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:53 am
by Sandman
I agree with the cut scene thing although I would get hit more often then not right after that :(

Even in easy mode NG2 is still hard in some parts... although I havent tryed the "Warrior" setting.

And yes NG1 was a better game but like you said I will still play NG2 :D

Re: Ninja Gaiden II

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:35 am
by Femto
Can't let me down more than DMC4 did.

I'll buy it when I'm not busy with other games.