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Murdered for being an Atheist

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:59 pm
by psi29a
Arlene-Marie wrote: On October 18, 2004, Arthur Shelton, a self described Christian and Eagle Scout, murdered his friend and roommate, Larry Hooper, because Hooper didn't believe in God.

On December 18, 2005, after many months of postponements, Arthur Shelton, with his defense attorney, Seymour Swartz, appeared at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice in Detroit, Michigan, before Judge Gregory D. Bill to face charges of murder in the first degree brought by Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Christina Guiruis.

The trial began with the taped phone call Arthur Shelton placed to the Taylor police department in Taylor, Michigan, October 18, 2004, at precisely 12:44 AM. Shelton sounded calm and pridefull when he told the dispatcher he had just shot "the devil himself" with a revolver and a shotgun because "he (Hooper) didn't believe in God." Shelton told the dispatcher he was "still armed and ready to shoot again in case he moves. I want to make sure he's gone." When the dispatcher asked how many times he shot the victim Shelton replied, "hopefully enough."

Throughout the 15 minute phone call Shelton often repeated, "I'm a Christian and an Eagle Scout and I wouldn't lie," and "don't worry about me, I'm fine, but he's the devil." The dispatcher struggled to persuade Shelton to lay down his weapon and go outdoors with his arms raised. Shelton resisted, as he feared Hooper might not be "dead enough", but eventually complied.

Dead enough was an understatement. When the police arrived they were confronted with the grizzly scene of Hooper sitting upright on the couch with his head blown away and his brain laying on his hand. The autopsy report presented by the prosecutor was gruesome to be sure, but, for the record, Larry Hooper tested negative for all narcotics and alcohol.

Testimony by the arresting officer and the officers transporting Shelton to the police station revealed that while the officers were interested in gathering details about the incident, Shelton was obsessed with talking about God, the Eagle Scouts and stating he "would not talk to anyone who didn't believe in God but that he would talk to the police because he felt they believed in God."

On the second day of the trial the court played the videotape of the late night interrogation with Arthur Shelton. He appeared calm, cooperative and enjoyed the cookies and milk he was served. Once again Arthur was obsessed about talking about God and the Eagle Scouts. He stated he "was not sorry for a second that he killed Hooper." He stated, "In the eyes of the law I was wrong and will probably spend the rest of my life in prison, but in the eyes of God I have killed an evil person -- the devil himself." And when Arthur took the witness stand in his own defense he reiterated much of the same ideas.

Day three of the trial we heard summary arguments. The defense had little problem proving that Arthur is obsessed with religion, God and Eagle Scouts and pleaded for a verdict of not guilty due to insanity. The prosecution had little problem proving that Arthur was competent, knew the difference between right and wrong and called for a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. As this was a wavered trial Judge Bill rendered his verdict quickly -- guilty of second-degree murder with mental illness.

On December 19, 2005, we returned to Judge Bill's court to witness sentencing of Arthur Shelton. The prosecution asked for the 'high end' of punishment - 25 to 45 years, while the defense was still pleading for not guilty due to insanity or, at the very most, a soft sentence at the 'low end' of punishment 15 to 22 years. Judge Bill invited Shelton to make a statement and after fumbling for words Shelton stated he was sorry that Larry was dead but he did a job that had to be done. He stated that he actually, "saw fire and smoke coming from Larry's eyes and knew he was the devil himself."

Judge Bill proceeded to tenderly read letters written to him from Shelton's family members pleading for leniency. Shelton sat facing the audience and blew kisses to his tearful and sometimes sobbing family. In the end, the now stern-faced Judge Bill pronounced sentencing -- 25 to 45 years. Shelton was stunned and tried to negotiate the sentence stating, "I'm 50 years old and that is as good as a life sentence." Judge Bill responded, "Mr. Shelton you gave Larry Hooper a life sentence by committing one of the most heinous murders to come before my court." (In a private conversation, the prosecutor, Ms Guirguis, explained that Michigan law requires that Shelton must serve 25 years before being eligible for parole.)

I add now a disgusting chain of events that took place in the courtroom, the hallways, the lobby of the court building, the staircase outside of the courthouse and even the ladies bathroom. George Shiffer and myself attended day one of the trial. Upon arrival we were asked who we were and I gave the court my American Atheist business card. Word that we were Atheists traveled fast in this court room that offered very limited seating and the only others in attendance were 11 members of Shelton's family who immediately began taunting George and me with "the people from hell, evil, and devils." At breaks they waited for us in the hall and continued with more of the same while adding "God loves you" and blowing us kisses and shoving their crosses (worn on chains around their necks) in our faces. Several of the women even followed me into the bathroom and did their best to intimidate me with their crosses. Through it all George and I never flinched, but at the conclusion of the day I reported this taunting to the Officer of the Court who admitted that they were aware of the problem and escorted us to the elevator, past and to the disappointment of the waiting group of 'good Christians'.

On Day two when George and I, together with Joe Milon, entered the court room the taunting began immediately. Within an hour the Judge announced that those making gestures and faces had better cease or they would be removed. For the balance of the day the Christians wore their neck crosses on their backs, as we were seated in the back row, while constantly flopping them about with their hand. When we returned from lunch (without court escort) the Christians were waiting for us on the seventh floor and lunged at us with small signs they had painted -- 'Jesus lives', 'God loves you' -- and, again, thrusted their crosses within 2 or 3 inches from our noses. Tempers flared and a brief shouting match began. Brief because the court officers were there in a flash.

Day three found Atheist Lee Helms in the same taunted position of the previous days though he was not known to the court or the Christians. At the conclusion of the day an officer of the court detained him stating they have been having trouble with 'those people' (Christians) and escorted him to the elevators.

Even with all that behind us, December 19th, the day of sentencing, was still a horrific experience for myself, George Shiffer, Joe Milon, Lee Helms and Marty Maier. When leaving the courtroom the 'Christian' Shelton family lay in wait for us in the hallway. Their tears dried, they surrounded us shouting these comments: "The one good thing of all of this is that another Atheist is dead and the world is better off for it" and "The only good Atheist is a dead Atheist."
Submitted by:

Michigan State Director
American Atheists
PO Box 0025
Allen Park, MI 48101

When reading stuff like this, it's hard to imagine that atheists are the "least trusted" demographic in the US.

Re: Murdered for being an Atheist

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:21 am
by EvilDmitri
I live in Michigan, and I sure thank god that I don't have to worry about the devil anymore! I even feel safe to go outside now knowing that the devil isn't immune to a 12-gauge.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:14 am
by Albator
This is a pretty extreme example (or at least I would like to believe...Is it?).

The question is: are those people christians or not?

However I wonder if it's a good or smart idea to wander around with business cards reading "Atheist". What's next, a necklace, pin's, tatto? You are branding yourself. Not that you should be ashamed, but I would be annoyed if somebody gives me his business card where I can read atheist, christian, muslim, jew, or lap dancer for that matter (wait, that one might be good afterall). How is that relevant really?

By this mean it seems to me you are using the same branding tactics that are pretty much characteristic of religion or maybe worse, discrimination. It also seems to be a desire to provoke. It's like atheism is a new religion all of a sudden, which is not.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:24 am
by newbified
This Shelton family reminds me of the Phelps family of the Westboro Baptist Church who attend the funerals of homosexuals who have died, as well as funerals of soldiers who have died in war fronts.

People like these give Christians a bad name. By no means are all like this, but the fact that they can be so intolerant of others beliefs and choices while at the same time crying the second someone infringes on their rights is absolutely astounding to me.

Being an athiest myself I think if I had attended such proceedings and I was constantly being goaded by the members of his family I wouldn't be nearly as calm as these were in the face of that kind of intolerance to my personal choice.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:38 am
by square-enix
Heh, anyone pick up on the fact that a 50 year old committed the crime? Pretty sad if you ask me.
How is that relevant really?
Well, their site says
Statement of Purpose

"American Atheists is a nationwide movement that defends civil rights for non believers; works for the total separation of state and church and address issues of First Amendment public policy."
so I would assume they would have some purpose in a case involving a dead atheist.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:22 am
by Albator
You kinda took the sentence out of context, so it doesn't really carry what I meant. You got tha tright in the context of this case, but in a more general case, it suggests that everytime these people show their card, they state they are atheist.

For what I've seen in the US, everybody and their mother have business cards, and they hand it out at ANY occasion, business or not. Maybe they have different types of business card.

Anyway the point I was trying to make that exhibiting and presenting yourself as an atheist out of the blue (I insist, without being directly asked or in an irrelevant situation) sounds like an annoying idea to me, as annoying as a christian sticking his cross in my face. Even though you figured I'm not the most religious person on this board.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:46 am
by psi29a
I would agree that sticking it on a business card for personal reasons isn't that great of an idea, your religious (or non religious) stance. However he had a professional reason for doing so because they are a professional organization dedicated to protecting the rights of atheists .

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:17 am
by Grahf
At times like these it really makes me wonder where these fundamentalist get their line of thought. I don't see how they could throw around the fact that they are "christians" and openly admit murder. Find all the justification in the world for it wheter it be "I killed the devil", or "there will be 40 virgins waiting for me" etc..

I don't think there is any thing that is writtten telling them to kill anyone else in "Gods" name.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:30 am
by EvilDmitri
Any motive for murder is crazy, though some obviously more than others. If the law weren't upheld and the guy walked free i'd be pretty pissed, but he's rotting in jail, so it's not as if there was discrimination involved beyond that crazy guy. I think Athiests are moreso overlooked and ignored than victims of discrimination - some religons have it much much worse than we do, even if we aren't accepted by the masses.

People like this kill because they are fucked up in the head. Religon had little to do with it, it simply acted as his crazed excuse. Bad parenting and a messed up environment results in such things. Could such bad parenting involve overly zealous religous indoctrination? Yes, but a major line IS crossed between being religous and commiting such an act.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:50 am
by Grahf
I'm interested to hear about the hear church and the community that this family is apart of. This just reminds me of all these slasher movies I've seen where the killers mother was some crazed idealist. Telling her son to go forth to do the greater good.

What a reason to lose faith in the human race? Don't judge it on some political "checkers" match (Iraq war). Look no further than instances like this that someone can be raised by wackos and the fact that they then inturn raise wackos themselves.

On a side note I haven't lost faith in the human race.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:04 am
by MrFelony
well shit, we know where he at least DIDNT go, though if he really was the devil then i dont think he was going there anyway :roll:.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:19 am
by Libaax
Sad fact these things happen.

For a sec when i saw the topic i thought this happened in Iraq cause of how many islamic extremist running free there.

Then i remember how many whack jobs christian foundamentalist there is in US.

When i have seen or read about people like that they disgust me much more than a islamic terrorist does. Cause a terrorist cant run around free talking about his twisted religion in a big country like US.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:30 pm
by psi29a
Libaax wrote:When i have seen or read about people like that they disgust me much more than a islamic terrorist does. Cause a terrorist cant run around free talking about his twisted religion in a big country like US.
One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

To the British, the American Colonists where terrorists, held in high court to be in treason to the crown.

In the end, it is all relative.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:59 pm
by Brainpiercing
There is a difference between a terrorist and guerrilla. The guerilla/freedom fighter will attack military targets, the terrorist will just seek to do damage. Of course, many terrorists will see themselves as freedom fighters. Also, to occpying forces the differences are not apparent, they just see a civilian enemy, which in turn worsens the situation for resident civilians even when the enemy is straight guerrilla, and does not seek civilian casualties as well as military ones.

But really, fanatics are a rotten bunch of any religion. The really scary thing is that the family of the murderer supported him even after committing a crime like that.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:12 pm
by psi29a
Just so that we are on the same page:
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. wrote:ter·ror·ist (těr'ər-ĭst)
n. One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism.

ter·ror·ism (těr'ə-rĭz'əm)
n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

guer·ril·la or gue·ril·la (gə-rĭl'ə)
n. A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids.

freedom fighter
n. One engaged in armed rebellion or resistance against an oppressive government.
We can be very concise in what we are talking about but notice that a freedom fighter can also be a terrorist and a guerrilla. It is all relative.

I agree that it is incredibly scary that people continued to support their son.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:48 pm
by Grahf
psi29a wrote:One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

To the British, the American Colonists where terrorists, held in high court to be in treason to the crown.

In the end, it is all relative.

that is 100% correct sir. I think the one major thing that makes today's terrorist so scary is amount of damage that they can inflict. Its Thousands of times more damaging then throwing some tea in the water.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 4:37 pm
by Libaax
psi29a wrote:
Libaax wrote:When i have seen or read about people like that they disgust me much more than a islamic terrorist does. Cause a terrorist cant run around free talking about his twisted religion in a big country like US.

One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

To the British, the American Colonists where terrorists, held in high court to be in treason to the crown.

In the end, it is all relative.

The terrorist today that targets innocent humans arent no ones freedom fighter to me atleast.

In the old days that saying might have been correct when the so called terrorist had goals that wasnt only killing as many civilians as possible.

As my fav rappers Immortal Technique said in one of my fav songs, the soldier emptieing him weapon at innocent civilians is as messed up as a suicide bomber.

Also the islamic terrorist i was talking about are the ones that make up a holy war just to kill outta of hate.

I dont see palestinians killing israilians as a terrorist cause you hear everyday a israilian helicopter bombing civilian houses all the time.

The saying is very correct there, there isnt much choice when you are up against a huge military force as the israilians.

Not saying any side is correct of course in thier ways of killing eacother.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 4:48 pm
by psi29a
libaax: already defined above in the very definition of the words themselves from the dictionary.

Perhaps you mean murderers, as they often kill out of hate. Terrorists (as defined above) have a socio-political or ideological agendas.

It is very clear what the Islamic Terrorists want. They want the world their way and will fight any enemy that says no to them. They will do it without a ballot being cast or working within the system, instead they will do it via murder and intimidation. The sowing of discontent and fear (FUD) in the middle east, Europe, Asia, Americas, etc will help spread their case. The end result is the removal of anything not in line with their strict version of Islam.

The same exact thing happens in the states with fundamentalist Christians, or with ultra orthodox Jews in Israel.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 5:58 pm
by Grahf
psi29a wrote:or with ultra orthodox Jews in Israel.
Actually I heard the Orthodox Jews don't enlist in the army over there. They are more in fact in the positions of power that send their soldiers to do the deeds.

Of course I could have heard wrong. :?:

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:08 pm
by psi29a
Google Search
A woman who reported a vicious attack by an ad-hoc "modesty patrol" on a Jerusalem bus last month is now lining up support for her case and may be included in a petition to the High Court of Justice over the legality of sex-segregated buses.

Miriam Shear says she was traveling to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City early on November 24 when a group of ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) men attacked her for refusing to move to the back of the Egged No. 2 bus. She is now in touch with several legal advocacy and women's organizations, and at the same time, waiting for the police to apprehend her attackers.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:53 pm
by Tempest
I don't know if you guys got off the original topic already, because all this reading hurts my head, but let me chime in with this:

If this kid killed his friend because he claimed he didn't tie his shoes right, would we think of him as being any more crazy?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:02 pm
by Albator
No, same wack0s.

However, the kid you mention is about 50-years old.

I just felt better about myself. Tempest FTW!

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:14 pm
by Tempest
I....uh....was of course using kid as a......relative term in context to ah.... mental status, yeah that's it.

I simply assumed since he kept saying eagle scout that he was relatively young still beacuase I know from personal experience that you feel awesome about it for about a month and then it's just another thing to put on job abpplications and brag about to people you want to impress.

I would like to think I speak on behalf of all the rest of the Eagle Scouts in Michigan when I say:


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:59 pm
by dronedevil
Wouldnt this be in the same league as serial killers saying the devil made me so it?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:42 am
by ZoddsNo1Fan
You want murder? Here some facts that make this topic seem childsplay in comparison(if there is reason to compare one sin to several million).

Murdered for being a Christian anyone?
Right now, interest in the Persecuted Church is reaching what seems to be a near-fever pitch in the Christian community, particularly those on the "fringes" of missions interest. Everyone wants to hear about persecution (even though I've never met anyone yet who really wanted to endure it). However, in the midst of this, we tend to get a little hyperactive in our declarations.

There is a quote that has been making the rounds, to the effect that more Christians have been martyred in this century than in any previous. There are some different variations of this quote, and I want to take this opportunity to set the record straight.

Have there been more martyrs in this century than in all others combined, as the current quote suggests? During this century, we have documented cases in excess of 26 million martyrs. From AD 33 to 1900, we have documented 14 million martyrs. So, yes, this quote is correct.

On the other hand, martyrdom has been on the decline for the past decade. The current rate is 159,000 martyrs per year -- down from 330,000 per year at the height of the cold war. With the demise of the Soviet Union and its sponsored communism, religious freedoms have opened up. Although there are still numerous restrictions and some persecution, martyrdom--in the form of executions and assassinations--has been significantly curtailed.

Under the Roman Empire, for example, the 10th wave of persecution (conducted by Diocletian) killed more than 300,000 Christians out of 18.5 million, making it much worse than today's 159,000 out of 1.9 billion. Just a few years later, 700,000 Orthodox Christians were killed in Egypt (400,000 or so as martyrs). Less than a century after that, Attilla the Hun wiped out a huge block of Christianity, in the course of it making about 200,000 martyrs out of 20 million Christians.

Unfortunately, the number of martyrs yearly is on the rise again (projected to reach around 300,000 by 2025). The intensity, on the other hand, is not. The increase is not due to an increase in persecution, but rather due to a demographic increase in the size of the Christian church. To put it bluntly, as the Christian church grows, there are more Christians to kill, and more reason on the part of persecutors to do so, particularly as it is growing most in those areas where it is persecuted most. The percentages are staying the same, and even dropping, but the overall numbers are growing as the general population--and the total number of Christians--grows as well.
Its sad how they make comprehension on the exact number of Christians killed, "martyrs down 10% this year, only 10 million killed! Yay!"..

For centuries Christians have been martyred for their beliefs. Why? Other religions have been formed(and are not persecuted) but no other religion in history(save for the Jews, Gods chosen people(and from which is what chrisitianity was started) have been tortured, beaten, outcasted, murdered than the "religion of christianity. Why? People in China, North Korea(on this very day and tommarro),and many other countries have to practice their beliefs underground(are persecuted) and if they are caught(entire families/churches) are tortured to renounce their faith before they are killed.

To be a Christian is to be a light in darkness. Darkness cannot exits where there is light, we are salt in light. The fact is is that even though the battle has been won(Christ's death defeated sin)the battle still rages on(good versus evil). Satan knows he has been defeated but he hates all humans(gods special creation-we were created in his image, yes we are more powerful than angel's) and will do anything to kill as many as possible(or make them give in to his lie/exhalt darkness). So what does evil do to get rid of this threat? They kill them. Everyone sins. Some sins greater than others but taint none the less. Repent of your sins and you shall be forgiven. Its not to say you wont live in torment the rest of your life for a particular sin but you would have inherited the holy spirit(and saved/anointed your soul).

People fear accepting the holy spirit out of the fear of the reprocusions for their sins. Some would rather live in sin than repent and then live with the knowledge of their past sins(and be hated by the world/possibly killed-tortured depending on their location) and the guilt they carry. True, i carry memories of sins i regret as well and feel paraniod sometimes about them but i live on.