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Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:14 pm
by Rolos

You know what I loved about the originals? That after watching them I had to lie down for an hour, just thinking.
I felt like crap every time, and loved every second of it.
It made a difference.

I don't think this movie is going to make a difference for anyone but the old-timers. Why?
Because it wasn't good.
It was a competently made movie, yes, but that's it.
And the chick with the glasses was as superfluous as you can get.
If you don't have anything to say, don't fucking open your mouth. The same applies to fiction.

God, it's like Dune and Ender's Game all over again.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:24 am
by Starnum
I'm curious to see how they handle Instrumentality, if they do it at all. The original ending knocked me on my ass. Like you say, I sat there in a daze for I don't know how long after seeing Instrumentality for the first time, just thinking about shit and what-not. It had a very dramatic and significant effect on me, which I still carry with me to this day. It's not over yet though, so depending on how the other two movies go, they could ultimately make or break it for me. Still I like what I've seen so far, and I also like Mari, but that's me. In this version of the story, if it hadn't been for her, Shinji wouldn't have gotten back into an Eva for that severely awesome scene at the end of the second movie. Also, I think Darken makes a good point with "True Grit". Sometimes a remake can be even better than the original. I've never seen either version of "True Grit" (I really want to see the new one tho), but take "FMA: Brotherhood" as another example. It's better than the original anime IMO, and it also stays truer to the source material, which ultimately is what makes it better. Sure, at least 90% of remakes are trash and nothing more than a ploy to make more money, and shouldn't be made. However, they do occasionally come off with the right intentions and end up being worthwhile. Okay, I'm not saying Rebuild is better than the original, it's still too early to say that. I need to see it all first, and how they handle Instrumentality is...instrumental, lol. However, so far I really like it.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:06 am
by Rolos
Just watched "Nausicaa of the valley of the wind".
I feel... strange. And by strange I mean completely normal. Normal here being an euphemism for "blasted into crazy laland choochoo!", which in turn is a retardedly complicated way of saying that I'm moderately impressed at how unimpressive this movie's general lack of over-impressiveness was.
*reads what he just wrote*
Jesus christ, I AM a moron.
I... I had always suspected it.

The movie's crap, by the way.
Why share when you can rule?
if you really NEED to share, do so from a position of power.
I hate it when a movie tries to present a tautology as if it was a polemic truth.
"Environmentalism is good".
No shit, really?
I've grown to dislike environmentalist for precisely this kind of shit. I appreciate the merits of their cause, intellectually speaking (a matter of self-preservation, really, as I'd like humanity to survive after I die so it can remember whatever it is that I accomplish), but on a personal level I loathe the bastards.
Naming those big ass bugs (nature's resistance factor against humans) ohms was nice, though. Humanity as a form of current.
I like that analogy, as it appeals to my ego.

P.S. Hail Satan?

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:56 am
by Rolos
Just finished watching Broken Blade.
It's pathetic.
The protagonist is a pacifist moron, the cast has less depths than a cardboard cut-out and the plot somehow manages to be simultaneously predictable and incomprehensible.
The robotic vehicles they use look ridiculous, the action seems dull and artificial and, despite having a quite considerable animation budget, there's not a single scene that didn't feel recycled.
And that's ignoring the setting, which lives in a mental retardation category of its own.
A civilization that builds everything out of quartz crystal? Do the creators of this movie have any idea how fucking difficult, impractical and just plain retarded would that be? Battle-dinosaurs I can handle. Water-breathing bananas? No problem.
But this? This is just idiotic.
Anyone watch anything good lately?

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:25 am
by Aluja
I'm afraid of recommending anything to you Rolos haha!

But I really do have to recommend "Rune Soldier"/ "Louie The Rune Soldier" / "Mahou Senshi Louie" (Watch it with English Dubs)

I love 90's animes.

And the more recent ones, "Kara No Kyoukai" and "Black Lagoon" (Black Lagoon, same as Rune Soldier, watch it with English Dubs)

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 4:42 am
by Rolos
I was deliberately trying to abstain from actively participating in these forums for a while, lurking around with a massive erection awkwardly hidden behind a vaguely pythonian avatar, as I did in my olden days, but it seems I just can't contain this pathetic urge to voice my opinions in a pointlessly flowery manner. I spend too much time dicking around these parts, being my point.
Also, what I just said was partially untrue, as I've never felt the slightest bit uncomfortable about involuntary blood displacements taking place within my body.
I've been watching Zero Punctuation lately, thinking of it as if it was a series about a deranged, yet lovable, british psychopath, and it's been fun, if a little disturbing. I find myself recurring to sexual analogy, something I never do, and it's only because the protagonist does it so much you can't help but start unconsciously picking it up as a habit.
Also, I love the way the british curse. It's not like spaniards, who curse like fucking snakes, or americans, who curse as if they were trying to cut you off, or even latinoamericans, who sound as if they were complaining rather than insulting.
I mean all this in a phonetic sense, of course.

Anyway, I wanted to talk about something else.
"Good anime" thread, more precisely.
As a person who, while being accurately aware of his own limited capabilities (a nice way of saying I know I'm not particularly intelligent), prefers to limit his intake of information to stuff that might be considered "intelligent" by the retards who spit that kind of labels at things, I often find myself at a loss in terms of what to watch, anime-wise.
I usually do some exercise before leaving for school, and part of it takes just enough time for an anime episode, but not enough for a good movie or some light reading (besides it's pretty fucking hard for me to read while cycling, for some reason) which is why I usually watch series on a daily basis.
Since I prefer said series to not be mind-numbingly stupid, as most anime is, I usually find myself looking for good series around the internet. During these perilous journeys into the idiotic, time-wasting, pop culture-stained collective body cavity that is the internet, I often come across something called "Good anime" threads. As someone, somewhere, at some point probably said before, this is usually an oxymoron, as these threads tend to be drowned in "Naruto's the best evar! Go watch it!" or "If u want something intleligent u sould prbbly watch "Liars Game" or "Fullmetal alchemist", 2 very itenligent and deep and psicolologiclal serieses!", but occasionally something good actually get recommended, like "Pokemon", or "Pokemon the pikachu adventures" or "Return of the Pokemon: Shiny!" , by which I mean to convey that nothing good is ever recommended and all such threads are, without exception, populated by eugenics-doesn't-seem-so-bad-now-does-it? retards.
It's very depressing, and, more to the point, it leaves me series-deprived, forcing me to re-watch old series for the 104th time.

To be absolutely frank, Der nein-gutten serial das sickofitein~
I'm fucking sick of it.
I don't want to turn this thread into a good anime thread, thus attracting the fucking fuckers with their fucking series, the fucking fucks, so I'll just ask it once, and one time only.
(Having previously screened the intended audience by exposing them so such a long wall of inane text that only the most hardcore, anime-breathing connoisseurs would come this far, since I'm assuming this kind of pseudo-person would be desperate to showcase his/her undeniable and almost encyclopedic mastery of everything that is anime, and would wade through pages after pages of verbal diarrhea if it had an 'anime' label attached to it, as is the case with this thread)

Do you know of any good series you think I'd like, based on your perceived notion of what I like (stuff for ostensibly pretentious yet still boring douchebags, presumably)?

P.S. Wow. That shit just flew out of my fingers. Probably doesn't make much sense (wasn't really intended to do), but still. Wow. I really shouldn't try to not not not not not write. An such an insipid subject! It is my firm belief I'll one day be able to weaponize tedium.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 5:16 am
by tsubaimomo
Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, Mushishi?

...I guess that's all I've got... I haven't watched any new anime in a long time...

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 5:21 am
by Rolos
Already watched those.
First two are primarily about mind-fuckery (far and near future, respectively), the third one is a very slow-paced, almost static series about a man who travels around dealing with proto-spirits/ spiritual microbes, right?

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 5:45 am
by DrPepperPro
Several parts of my brain are turned off for this post to become logically consistent.
Rolos wrote:Already watched those.
First two are primarily about mind-fuckery (far and near future, respectively), the third one is a very slow-paced, almost static series about a man who travels around dealing with proto-spirits/ spiritual microbes, right?
No, completely wrong. Texhynolyze: classic boxer story, second favorite to Rocky really. Serial Experiments Lain: semi-classic anti-technology, anti-government, anti-cats film I've ever seen, second only to the Matrix really. Mushishi: True story based on a hallucinogenic time-traveling Japanese peasant (from 972 AD, if you must know), best of its kind I must say, second only to Texhynolyze. What you're describing sounds a bit more like Naruto though, give it a try, second only to Berserk (which is second only to One Piece of course, but that goes without saying naturally).

Well douche-bag, in closing, I didn't read much of your asshole post, but if you want something intelligent, you should probably watch "Liars Game" or "Fullmetal alchemist", two very intelligent and deep and psychological series.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:38 pm
by Aluja
It flew out of his fingers....

You know I heard Pokemon is really good, actually I've been rewatching them, ah good child hood memories, don't you agree Rolos? You should give it a go. The first season of course.

It's mindnumbing how these creatures live inside said, Pokeballs.

PS: I also second what DrPepper said, in which I come to second in saying, you're a douche.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 1:34 am
by Rolos
Quite, quite.
Just finished downloading that series you recommended me, by the way.
It better be good, or I'll be forced to.... *theatrical trumpets, then Dun dun DUN!*
Dismiss your opinion in an almost deserted internet forum that less than 20 people read on a regular basis!
The horror!

P.S. Never remember, never forgive.
*Stares at the horizon*

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:20 am
by Aluja
Heh which one? Rune Soldier? You won't find a fist fighting mage anywhere else.

Black Lagoon? I like how everything has some sort of comedic air to it, but in truth, it's so very dark.

And I'm sure you'll love Kara no Kyoukai, can't go wrong with that.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:54 pm
by brunoafh
I follow Zero Punctuation on a weekly basis. It's a very entertaining web series. I'm surprised you're watching it though, I thought you weren't into video games. I suppose you don't have to be into video games to enjoy his ramblings though. In any case,

I was going to suggest Planetes, but I saw you've already seen it a few pages back. That fits your bill pretty well. Unfortunately, the pickings are slim for what you're asking for. You've probably seen all of the "good stuff" that there is, or at least heard of it. Stuff like Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Monster, Eva, Basilisk.

I'm not sure if you're into 80s anime (probably not), but VOTOMS is a decent sci-fi anime you might be able to enjoy.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 11:25 pm
by Aluja
I also follow Yahtzee, it's funny how everyone still buys the games even though he punches it through the ground then pisses on it.

Then again, everyone knows that he shouldn't be taken to seriously.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:03 am
by brunoafh
I never buy any of the games he reviews (I bought Yakuza 4, but that's different, since it's a quality effort and a great game). The video game industry has anchored itself very deeply in shit. It's all said and done with to be honest, as far as I'm concerned.

I couldn't stomach Black Lagoon. Too much "anime girls r badass" going on for my tastes. I haven't seen, or even heard of Rune Soldier.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:25 pm
by Aluja
Yeah I know what you mean, I haven't bought that many myself lately, before MK and Blazblue, I believe NieR was my last(great game btw)

About black Lagoon, I never got that impression while watching, so I don't really know, but I can understand where you're coming from.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:48 pm
by Rolos
brunoafh wrote:I follow Zero Punctuation on a weekly basis. It's a very entertaining web series. I'm surprised you're watching it though, I thought you weren't into video games. I suppose you don't have to be into video games to enjoy his ramblings though.
Well, I used to play games. Quite a lot, actually, even if most of it consisted in replaying the same games over and over again.
The thing is, I started noticing how much time I wasted doing the damn thing.
I did the math, you know.
If I counted the total number of hours I had spent playing Diablo II, divided them by two (the laziness factor) and subtracted an arbitrary number of hours I'd presumably spend not understanding, I still had enough hours to learn a language or two, if only to a basic level.
I have no problem with fiction as long as it induces introspection, it's something from which to draw inspiration or presents us with a new way to look at things, but if it's going to take that much time then I don't think it's worth it.
It's food for thought, basically.

You can't just gather data, you have to leave some time to think about it.
Astronomy offers us a good example of that.
Keppler is the one who's remembered, even if it was Tycho Brahe who developed the tools and gathered the information.
And that's because Tycho was a fucking glutton.

Also, watched the first episode of that Kara no keouyi -something.
I'm not terribly impressed.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:45 am
by Aluja
Kara no kyoukai is a masterpiece as a whole, you really have to see every 7 movies to understand the whole concept.
They're also releasing a BD boxset soon with an additional movie, #8 which will conclude everything. There was this one part of the manga/novel left behind.

I'll be honest, maybe I just like it cause I'm a big fan of Tsukihime and Meltyblood, but I don't think that's the case...maybe it is...nah.

PS: Soundtrack is greatttttttttttttttttttttttttt

EDIT: Oh I just checked if it was already released or not and yes it is released, actually they have it on torrent at Nyaa something and it's 226GB big, awesome.

EDIT2: Another note, this boxset costs 700USD by the way. ... 3cb703441e

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:06 am
by brunoafh
Damn it Cyrax... it's now confirmed you're into the "anime girls r badass" thing. What's the allure?

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:23 am
by Aluja
I don't even notice it myself haha! See I'm a character designer I don't often look at the gender, I look at the way they act and execute their roles and I'm always satisfied with these "badass anime girls" I guess.

honestly though the most bad ass of them all is Dark Schneider from "Bastard!!", dude loses an arm and laughs it off, holy shit...

PS: My name isn't Cyrax LOL

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 3:05 am
by brunoafh
Aluja wrote:honestly though the most bad ass of them all is Dark Schneider from "Bastard!!", dude loses an arm and laughs it off, holy shit...
Ok. You've been redeemed.

It blows that Viz has dropped the series, doesn't it?

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 3:50 am
by Aluja
What do you mean Viz dropped it? It only has 6 OVA's no? And I believe they're all released last time I checked and the manga is still ongoing(Only god knows when it'll end).

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 3:54 am
by brunoafh
I don't know a thing about the anime.

Viz stopped translating the manga at volume 19, that's what I meant. As far as I know, there are no fan translations going on, which sucks.

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 4:05 am
by Aluja
Oh yes....wait really? No translations at all?

I have them downloaded till c75, didn't really check up on much, thought I'd wait a bit so that I'd had a lot more material to read.

I thought I'd buy them all when it'd be done, I guess that's not happening....

Re: Currently Watching?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 4:58 pm
by Rolos
Finished watching the 3rd episode of Kara no Kyoukai.
Still not terribly impressed.
Can't really relate to any of the characters.
What this show needs is either an interesting antagonist or a hidden motivation behind the character's actions.

The second episode was fairly decent, though.
The only thing I didn't like about it was the way it treated murder. Murder has to be either completely deranged, absolutely unbound by any notion of restraint or morality, or decidedly unimportant.
One of the things I loved about Priest's Herr Starr was how casual he was about murder. He would say "Oh, shut up" and shoot someone calmly, almost politely, without lifting an eyebrow.
Then he'd fucking flip over something hilariously innocuous, like having to wait in line at the airport.
The kind of brutal, bestial murder they tried to go for in episode 2 doesn't really work unless there's lot of it, and we, as viewers, are allowed to roll with it a la´ evangelion ep. 24, or Berserk's lost children arc.
As it is, it was kinda like letting you do anything you want then yanking your chain whenever you get near the city's orphanage.

P.S. Wasn't BASTARD! that crappy fantasy show about the world's worst criminal (and only hope) being stuck inside a little boy who could only release him after being kissed?

P.S.S. Just read the Wikipedia entry for Bastard. It's the show I was thinking about. Are you guys sure that's the name of the series you like? Because I remember it being so retarded it made my head hurt.