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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Femto »

I was checking out Green Lantern: Rebirth and, when Kyle and Ganthet are going up against Kilowog, Kyle says something like "You better hope..." to which Ganthet replies "Hope is meaningless against fear, Green Lantern of Sector 1814. Willpower is our only weapon."

You don't really pay much attention to that line at first but, in hindsight, you can see how Geoff Johns has been building this arc all the way back since Rebirth.

There's some stuff regarding Black Hand and Star Sapphire that I read about when he introduced them in some of the earlier Green Lantern issues too.

He's really planned this out and I can't wait to see where it leads.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Eldo »

I think Geoff Johns said something about 'I can't imagine Kyle being anything else besides a Green Lantern', but that just might be misdirection. It would be awesome if Kyle plays a larger role in the Blackest Night.

By what Ganthet says, could the war between colours be a paper/sissors/rock effect? One colour trumps/has a larger advantage over the other?

Also, I don't get the attention about Brubaker. He's a decent writer, but not great. He writes a good Captain America (nothing mind blowing though), but his X-Men and Daredevil arcs are pretty subpar.

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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Femto »

Geoff Johns has said that the different colors in the emotional spectrum don't necessarily act the same way and that the Corps themselves will behave differently and have different agendas (so far, the only two members of the Red Lanters that have been revealed thus far seem to have something against Sinestro).

It seems like the further away you get from the middle of the spectrum, the more "influence" the ring will exercise over its bearer.

Green is the middle one, that's why Ion doesn't control its host like Parallax does.

At least that's what I'm thinking.

[spoiler]In contrast, if you read the latest Green Lantern issue, you can see when Laira gets the red ring that it's not a pretty sight. She cries tears of blood and starts "spewing hate" and in the end she almost looks possessed.[/spoiler]
The Blackest Night preview in Green Lantern #25 says that "If the universe is to survive, Fear and Willpower must come together" so I can't wait to see what that's about, especially considering that Sinestro really believes in the Green Lantern Corps.

It's going to be an exciting couple years.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by LordMune »

I picked up The Sandman Companion last week. Why haven't you faggots read it yet? It's great. You learn the length of Alan Moore's script for the first issue of Watchmen in the first chapter of the book, that's how awesome it is.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Femto »

LordMune wrote:I picked up The Sandman Companion last week. Why haven't you faggots read it yet? It's great. You learn the length of Alan Moore's script for the first issue of Watchmen in the first chapter of the book, that's how awesome it is.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Tempest »

Some things about the lantern spectrum have me kind of confused, like the Orange RIng. Avarice seems like a good emotion to draw from being one of the carnal sins, but wouldn't getting a corp of people who are all greedy enough to warrant a ring like that just implode on itself? I guess you could appeal to their greed for overall power, but I don't know.

Hope kind of has me confused as well. Is it based on the ability to create hope or have hope? Is using the ring essentially hoping for something to happen (like how using a Green Ring is using your willpower to make something manifest), and knowing it will? Because that kind of defeats the purpose of "hope."

And I don't care how much love you have in your heart, if you are a guy, being a Violet Lantern has got to be the worst superhero gig ever.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Femto »

Keep in mind that a ring's power source doesn't necessarily come from its bearer but from the emotional state of the entire universe.

That's, according to Johns, why the Guardians have to remain emotionless, because if a Guardian gets pissed off, considering their power level, then he'll really power the according spectrum.

That's also how Ganthet and Sayd will power the hope spectrum, because they really believe in Hal Jordan and in them being able to avert The Blackest Night.

There are some things that are perhaps a little flaky regarding the spectrum and the emotions that power it but, if you think about it, most of the decisions Johns has made about it have been practical ones. Like, for example, you'd think sadness would be a pretty powerful emotion in the universe but what would the respective Corps consists of? People crying all the time? Similarly, I'm not sure if willpower is an emotion per se, but I can't think of an "emotion" better suited to power the heroics of a superhero.

Also, I read in an interview with Ethan Van Sciver that they're considering having only female members in the Violet Corps.

I'd probably suck Geoff Johns' cock if given the option.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Tempest »

Femto wrote:Keep in mind that a ring's power source doesn't necessarily come from its bearer but from the emotional state of the entire universe.
Right, but a GL is chosen on the basis that he/she has great willpower and an ability to overcome fear, and a Sinestro Corp member is chosen for their ability to create and use fear. Greed and Hope just stick out in my mind as two "emotions" for lack of a better word that don't suite fit into the idea of the basis for a power ring. Rage, Love, and Compassion (Although I honestly think separating love and compassion is a bit of a stretch) are things that you could use to fuel yourself as a Lantern i.e getting madder, or thinking of saving/protecting someone you love. But I have faith that Johns willbe able ot make sense of it all. All things considered, I think the only forseeable bad thing about Blackest Night at this point would be if DC was to use it as a dues ex machina for completely bringing back dead heroes like Superboy or Ted Kord. Even then as long as the GL side of it is good, I'll be happy.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

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Ted Kord needs to be brought back right now.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Libaax »

Why ?

There is already a Blue Beetle. One that has brought fresh stories to DCU.

I liked Kord but dont cheapen his death by taking back for no good reason.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Femto »

One of the greatest moments in 52 was towards the end when Booster Gold traveled to the aftermath of the first Crisis to get the Scarab.

That exchange between him and Ted Kord almost brought a tear to my eye.

That's why he needs to be brought back.

And anyway, didn't he show up already in the Booster Gold series?

Dunno if it's permanent though.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Eldo »

Femto wrote:It seems like the further away you get from the middle of the spectrum, the more "influence" the ring will exercise over its bearer.
Green is the middle one, that's why Ion doesn't control its host like Parallax does.

At least that's what I'm thinking.
That's an interesting theory, but I'm not sure if that's completely right yet. We haven't seen the other colour entities, and all we know is that Parallax possess (because of prior storylines and to absolve Hal Jordan of his actions), and the other ones are still in doubt.
Femto wrote:[spoiler]In contrast, if you read the latest Green Lantern issue, you can see when Laira gets the red ring that it's not a pretty sight. She cries tears of blood and starts "spewing hate" and in the end she almost looks possessed.[/spoiler]
I think that's just the initiation that everyone gets in part of getting a ring, not that she is getting possessed, methinks. Although, I think I remember Star Sapphire possessing Carol Ferris or something (read a review, did not read any prior issues of GL before Sinestro Corps), so you could be right there.

The old colour theory was they isolated the most powerful wavelength of the spectrum, and green turned out to be it. I do like the whole colour power stuff, but not too convinced with the emotional spectrum (as with what Tempest stated). But hey, Johns will pull through.

And about Ted Kord, I like him in Booster right now, but didn't care for him before that. The new Blue Beetle is pretty good right now.

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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Libaax »

The new Blue Beetle is one of few new characters in superhero that i really like that i hope no one Kord or someone else does anything to touch his series.

I dig Jaime !

You read BB ongoing Eldo ? Which issue are you on ?

I wish they made him more cosmic like comic cause of his powers,alien enemies. He reminds me alittle of Nova in a good way.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by LordMune »

I bought the second volume of Absolute Sandman.

what the fuck is wrong with me I don't have that kind of money to spend on comics
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Femto »

I was thinking about Eldo (as is usually the case) and what he mentioned about how Geoff Johns is really dumbing down Kyle and not giving him the focus he deserves and I'm starting to see that there's definitely some truth behind that.

Kyle becoming Parallax wasn't about Kyle or his character development in the slightest. It was more about Hal and proving to the rest of his supporting cast (the Lost Lanterns and whatever) that if the precious torchbearer can become Parallax then maybe Hal wasn't really responsible for all that horrible shit he did under Parallax's influence. Kyle was just a vehicle for Hal's character development.

Just something that crossed my mind as I was re-reading the first few issues of the Sinestro Corps War.

PS:Absolute Sandman is pointless.

The artwork is not good enough most of the time to warrant the extra size or better quality paper.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by LordMune »

Femto wrote:The artwork is not good enough most of the time to warrant the extra size or better quality paper.
Pretty much. The colors have been re-done so they don't look like ass anymore and a couple of chapters have been re-inked by the original penciller, but other than that, Sandman looks like crap more often than not (this goes for most american comics).
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Eldo »

Femto wrote:I was thinking about Eldo (as is usually the case) and what he mentioned about how Geoff Johns is really dumbing down Kyle and not giving him the focus he deserves and I'm starting to see that there's definitely some truth behind that.

Kyle becoming Parallax wasn't about Kyle or his character development in the slightest. It was more about Hal and proving to the rest of his supporting cast (the Lost Lanterns and whatever) that if the precious torchbearer can become Parallax then maybe Hal wasn't really responsible for all that horrible shit he did under Parallax's influence. Kyle was just a vehicle for Hal's character development.
Yeah, well, Johns has a hard on for Hal. I don't think he likes Kyle Rayner much, so it doesn't surprise me that Johns writes him as the weakest of the four Earth Lanterns. He's not being treated right at the moment, with Countdown and all. Countdown has actually managed to make Jason Todd, Donna Troy and Kyle Rayner much less interesting than before. When people see Kyle Rayner, they go, 'hey, it's another Green Lantern', instead of 'hey, it's THE Green Lantern' like Hal Jordan is. But I do love Johns' portrayal of Jon Stewart. He only needed a page to make him awesome. The page where he makes those structures, and his ring warns him that his willpower was beyond the ring's capabilities. Gotta give him credit for that.

As for Absolute Sandman, I previously wanted to grab it (since the tomes of Destiny was so enticing), but I drove away the temptation and became a better man. One day, you will too.

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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Femto »

"Warning. Willpower exceeding power ring capabilities."

Yeah, that was awesome.

I don't really like Kyle still.

I thought he was pretty bad ass in Rebirth though.

EDIT: Don't forget the part in Rebirth where John Stewart takes down the entire Justice League, Superman and all.

"John's raw willpower burns them."

Rebirth is so badass.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Eldo »

I don't like Hal Jordan that much, and I don't particularly like the way the whole story in Green Lantern previously was about absolving him of his past actions.

But damn, Johns can write. If you read the latest Green Lantern issue about Secret Origins, despite the fact that I have no major love for Hal it was very, very well written and an emotional journey in humanising the always 'badass' Hal Jordan. Gives him a bit of background to show that even though he's an arsehole, he's a very human arsehole.

Also, Secret Invasion soon. Am I going to like it? I don't really like Bendis' banter between characters (his 'ping pong' sarcastic dialogue), but kind of like his Avengers stuff so far. I also hated Secret War and House of M, but Marvel hyped up the event so much that I have to give it a shot. Plus, Yu's on art. Hard to say no to him.

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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Femto »

Yeah, I picked up Green Lantern on Wednesday and it was a great read as usual.

Most of the stuff in the issue has been known for some time already but I believe this is the first time we actually "see" it happen.

I wanted to see him get the ring already but next issue, I suppose.

I'm not interested in Secret Invasion in the slightest and I've grown rather tired of Bendis myself.

His heavy conspiracy stuff and his constant jumping between different points in time have bothered me for some time now.

I'm much looking forward to Final Crisis.

That "The Day Evil Won" teaser with Darkseid in GL gave me the chills.

Also, I like badass Hal Jordan.

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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Tempest »

Eldo wrote: Also, Secret Invasion soon. Am I going to like it? I don't really like Bendis' banter between characters (his 'ping pong' sarcastic dialogue), but kind of like his Avengers stuff so far. I also hated Secret War and House of M, but Marvel hyped up the event so much that I have to give it a shot.
I'm not sure on Secret Invasion. It could be good, but it could also be an excuse to restore the status quo in the Marvel Universe. "Oh, Iron Man was a Skrull/Skrull Sleeper-Agent all along!" I liked Silent War, but then after it turned out that [spoiler]Black Bolt was a Skrull since the Illuminati attacked the Skrull homeworld[/spoiler] it kind of made that whole series irrelevant.

Eldo wrote: Plus, Yu's on art. Hard to say no to him.
That's mostly why I continued to read New Avengers. I didn't mind Bendis's "ping-pong" there because he off-loaded a lot of it on Spider-Man, so it actually fit decently with a character.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Femto »

Have you guys read Waid's Fantastic Four?

I got my hands on the first volume and I just couldn't put it down.

Probably the most threatening Doom I've ever read.

Also starting reading Transmetropolitan again.

I kinda lost interest in the book during the 4th and 5th volume but the story picks up again in the 6th.

I just finished the seventh volume and I'll probably rush to the comic book store soon to get the next two.
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Buzkashi »

I like spider-man loves mary jane!
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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Femto »

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Re: Superhero comics and other comics.

Post by Death&Rebirth »

Actually Waid can't do anything wrong, as far to what i've read of the guy...But i don't know if i can pick up yet again classic marvel titles ("classic titles" as in classic teams like Avengers, FF or X-men). Doom menacing? Yehaa i can see Waid making it going a bit further than before, but it all will be in vain , when the writer changes once again and re-shuffles everything. It might end up with the "fantastic idea" of Sue making a deal with Mephisto, due to some traumaticevent that changes her reasoning, to make the last decades of adventures never happen (*hint* Spider-Man *hint*)...

As for latest Marvel multi-team crossing sagas, imo, they are completely crap. I find House of M to be meh. It was nice to see Magneto's vision much more coherent than what he created with Genosha, but it didn't give much more than that. As usual it follow the same routine, the sames clichés and the same mistakes. Decimation and Civil War were both a disgrace. I think they are taking the "every action as a consequence" a little too far (New Warriors->Civil War; Illuminati-> World War Hulk and Secret Invasion, etc.), throwing saga after saga like it can go on ad infinitum, killing iconic characters just to see how well audience respond to it (They didn't learn a thing from "The Dark Phoenix Saga"). When and How will the Cap resurrect (i hope this isn't consider a spoiler since it's bound to happen)?
I really miss the times of the Infinity Gems saga...

Although this goes more like a rant i still follow some titles:

-New Exiles: it's Claremont writing it, so yehaa, only miss a bit of it bitterness of the beginning with the first Exiles with questionable mission (killing/defeating people we otherwise knew as "good guys" are ultimately evil), questionable team members (Hyperion and Holocaust in the team made me chuckle a bit), the imminent death of other members, etc...
-Nova: Like the "almost omni powerful dude that what's to be a regular guy" act in this specially [spoiler]when he's now infected with the Phalanx Tecno-virus and has also an infected Drax after his throat[/spoiler]
-Starlord: Got some appeal although it will end when Annihilation does...
-The Spirit: while i don't have money enough to buy the Eisner classic volumes (Hard-covered and pricey), i buy the new DC monthly of it. I dig it, there's a Live Action on production if I'm not mistaken...
-Punisher War Journal: Usual Punisher Stuff but with funnies in the middle...
-Ron Marz when he decides to work on Samurai: Heaven and Earth III, but it's dragging a bit in the latest arc...

Oh, i miss Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell with Rick Jones as his side-kick or is the other way around?) and by the way Fetmo and Eldo, since you guys know more about this than myself, where to start with Green Latern. I've been tempted to try it so many times, but i don't know were to start. I've read some Alan Moore GL adventures and bought some one-shots of Tales of Sinestro Corps but i need something more consistent...
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