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Re: Berserk 315 - Tentacle Ship

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:21 am
by Rolos
Am I the only one who thinks Caska is in a very dangerous situation right now?
I mean, being the way she is, she could find herself in a very...uhm..."compromising" situation with all those tentacled creatures running around...
You didn't like Adon? I loved that guy! I mean, I loved him in retrospective. His death made him funny.
I- Ah, fuck it.
I've been trying to come up with an excuse for using this:

But I just couldn't.
Mmm....we could make a contest out of it.

I'll be the first one:

When Wyald died, I was devastated. His laughter, his quirks, his rampant psicosis...I missed all of him.
I decided to be him, to become him, to be his apostle in the physical world. I bought a gorilla suit, ate some mushrooms, pillaged, murdered, plundered and raped all across England, and bought a potato salad sandwich.
There was something strange about that sandwich, though. It It had a bitter after-taste that shouldn't have been there.
I tried to throw it away, to get rid of that strange taste, but I could not. Drinking a whole can of Mountain Dew only increased its intensity, and spontaneously gave me cavities. Slowly, carefully, I separated the slices of bread to reveal the contents within.
Alas, it was my mortal enemy, the pickle.
I stared at it for quite some time, trying to make out what was so horrible about it, what made it so evil, so powerful, so strong.
Noticing there was a bite sized hole in the pickle, I realized it had finally happened, what I had always feared: the flying beavers were coming.
"Ponies!" I screamed at the top of my lungs "Today, we ride into hell!"
I chased after the rabbit, and found out it was a hare.
Then I died of an overdose.
At some point, I screamed:

Re: Berserk 315 - Tentacle Ship

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 11:38 pm
by hbi2k
So, Herald tracked me down at Anime Evolution to give me grief about not coming around here in a long time, so, here I am again. (-:

I dunno, I think I've kind of reached a point in Berserk where I feel like I need to reserve judgment until I have more perspective on this part of the manga. It might just be the interminable waits between chapters, but this whole arc with the pirates and the island and the tentacle monsters just seems so pointless and inconsequential. I just want something to HAPPEN, something actually related to the characters and the overall story and the conflict between Guts and Griffith. You know, something IMPORTANT.

But that's the thing about reading a manga chapter by chapter as it comes out instead of in big marathon sessions blowing through two or three volumes in a day: things seem like they take longer than they actually do. It's entirely possible that when the manga is complete and I give the whole thing another read-through, I won't mind this part at all and will even enjoy it. But for now, much as I hate to say it, I find my interest flagging. I still read each chapter as its released, but I no longer feel quite the same need to pour over it and analyze and predict every little thing. I just plain don't have that much to say about it. And I certainly don't want to be one of those jerks who shows up every time a new chapter comes out just to complain that it still hasn't come back around to the plot threads that I'm most interested in. So if I don't seem to pop in to put in my two cents quite as often these days, well, that's why.

Evil Genius still deserves mad props for getting a high-quality English version of these chapters to us, rain or shine. You guys do great work, and it's much appreciated.

Re: Berserk 315 - Tentacle Ship

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:58 am
by The Herald
aws, i was so excited that he killed that thing, but then there were a million more. is it bad that i think the ship is silly? i kept giggling at the page where it's climbing up the mountain. i don't know why.

as for what hbi2k said, i both agree and disagree:

1. every long and epic story needs a bit of color [i'm not going to use the word filler because it's got a bad rap because of naruto, and because color is what they call the filler commentator in baseball ;)] otherwise we wouldn't care about the truly epic stuff, and the epic stuff would get boring. that and the color fleshes out the characters and story.

2. this particular color is a bit silly, the pirates were never all that interesting and they still aren't. turning them into water zombies isn't only unnecessary it's just too damn close to pirates of the caribbean

3. i'm sure all of us are missing the whole more-awesome-than-starwars-lordoftherings-and-dbz-combined epicness but we must be patient. there's nothing more annoying than being a kid in a backseat asking "are we there yet" the whole time. and yes, i know i've said annoying comments to the contrary, but everbody has.

4. i wasn't tracking hbi2k down perse, i just saw the 6 foot naruto that stuck out like a sore thumb that was little kuriboh and decided to say hi. i'm glad i did see hbi2k though, i had driven 2 hours to get to the stupid con.

Re: Berserk 315 - Tentacle Ship

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:34 am
by hbi2k
The Herald wrote:1. every long and epic story needs a bit of color [i'm not going to use the word filler because it's got a bad rap because of naruto, and because color is what they call the filler commentator in baseball ;)] otherwise we wouldn't care about the truly epic stuff, and the epic stuff would get boring. that and the color fleshes out the characters and story.
True enough, I just find that the farther I get in the story, the less patience I have for the "color" and the more hungry I become for resolution to the core conflict. That sort of thing is fine in the beginning when you need breathing room to establish the world and the characters, but later on its time to pick up the pace. At least in my always-humble opinion.

Re: Berserk 315 - Tentacle Ship

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:35 pm
by |||||||
Hi, long time no post....

Would anyone be able to interpret the sounds (i believe it's katakana, perhaps gi-ji ?) that the muscles make in the detailed muscle picture at the bottom of page 16?

Will Guts possibly permanently "merge" with the armor and eventually become something inhuman? (Kind of an opposite development to Griffith who now appears human....) *random rambling alarm*...

Re: Berserk 315 - Tentacle Ship

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:54 pm
by LordMune
A halfway-decent onomatopoetic translation is probably "gssh gssh" (original gishi gishi). Kind of a pumping/pneumatic noise maybe...