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Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:39 am
by Starnum
I agree. You can't really judge this section based on a single chapter. It may seem like "filler" or whatever now, but look back at The Lost Children arc or something like that. If you were reading it slowly one release at a time it might seem like filler, but when you go back and read it as part of the whole, it was a pretty awesome section, even if it wasn't extremely plot related. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, I'm sure these chapters will make sense as a part of the whole once it's all said and done.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:43 am
by turkey
Mail wrote:Christ, are we still getting haters on individual chapters? Let me explain something to you. This manga is a work of art. To judge such small portions of it critically like that is beyond retarded.

This is chapter 314. That means each individual chapter now comprises 0.31% of the manga as a whole. That's like judging the Mona Lisa by looking at a square millimeter sample of it.

I understand that each individual chapter may not hold the excitement of the more epic moments this manga had, but you need to realize that every event in every chapter is part of the whole. If it isn't something awesome, it's leading up to something awesome. If it's not your cup of tea, if you don't like it, fine. But don't bitch about it. Seriously.

This isn't aimed at anyone specifically, but you know who you are. Stop. Bitching.

Just because people are negatively criticizing his work, focusing on recent developments, does this really make someone stupid?
If you really believe that you cannot criticize this arc, or even the latest chapters, without condemning the whole, then you are the idiot. I don't even understand what you are bitching about. Apparently, you think that it is wrong to negatively criticize recent chapters because other arcs were good...

YOU need to realize that with the agonizing release rate that one cannot be expected to be content with lame chapters, with the promise they MIGHT translate to awesome chapters later. Is it not worth voicing ones concern if the quality of the manga is decreasing? See, in my opinion, these objections are well founded, and Miura has gone to being a true inspiration to terrible disappointment.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:52 am
by tsubaimomo
Starnum wrote:I agree. You can't really judge this section based on a single chapter. It may seem like "filler" or whatever now, but look back at The Lost Children arc or something like that. If you were reading it slowly one release at a time it might seem like filler, but when you go back and read it as part of the whole, it was a pretty awesome section, even if it wasn't extremely plot related. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, I'm sure these chapters will make sense as a part of the whole once it's all said and done.
That's a good comparison Starnum. Just as The Lost Children arc showed the world after the eclipse (for the first time since vol. 1-3), the Fantasia arc seems like it will do the same for this strange, new world that Griffith has brought.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:35 am
by Starnum
tsubaimomo wrote:That's a good comparison Starnum. Just as The Lost Children arc showed the world after the eclipse (for the first time since vol. 1-3), the Fantasia arc seems like it will do the same for this strange, new world that Griffith has brought.
Exactly. :PLUS1:

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:24 am
by Rolos

I as for me, I favor a more direct approach:


P.S. Anyone else feeling extraordinarily belligerent for no apparent reason today?

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:21 am
by MournfulWoods
You guys are a bit too possessive about Berserk. What the hell does it do if Turkey doesn't like this chapter.

In fact, it's not that great of a chapter, as is any chapter that is more action oriented imho. But again, Miura still is a genius when it comes to horror mood. the lighting of the tentacles and overall layout and angles are great. It's like watching a really well directed movie with perfect mood.

I don't mind the ship coming on land.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:57 am
by Rancid
MournfulWoods wrote:You guys are a bit too possessive about Berserk.
that is the problem here, it's way easier to just say ''it's a work of art'' then to be objective, that's like the ultimate argument for everything, and it's clouding judgement, it's not just this chapter, it's not just this volume, it's not just the volume before that, all the way to 24th (that's 11 volumes, manga has 35 so far, so a little less then 1/3, smartass), yes, there are bunch of fantasy magic stuff, but Guts used to cut them with a huge f... sword, there was no little shit next to him throwing some snake like things at it, that's what i meant

i adore Berserk, it's one of the best stories i have ever red, but ART is what Miura draws, how he tells the story, and where the story is going (is it straying from original concept? ) , that's something else, am gonna read this till the very end (probably mine) but i am not going to blindly believe that it has no flaws

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:25 am
by Starnum
No one said Berserk is infallible, but I don't think Schierke really constitutes as a flaw. Now if the past 11 volumes had been nothing but Guts alone, cutting through monsters with his big ass sword. Then the story would probably have grown static, and that would represent a flaw in the story progression. A story has to continue to advance, and that generally involves introducing and developing new characters along the way. As I've said before, just because you don't like a specific character, from an objective viewpoint that doesn't really mean the writing is bad. What you're talking about is really just a matter of opinion, which is fine, I'm just saying. It seems a little extreme to me though to criticize the past 11 volumes just because of one character, or the addition of more magic. Has Berserk strayed from its original concept? No, I don't think so. Miura has proven himself to be a very consistent and methodical story-teller. I'm sure this is all part of the plan. Berserk has always been a fantasy based story. It's just that it's more so now then ever before. This is just part of the story's natural progression, as the fantasy elements continue to advance and develop as they have been since the beginning. If you go back to the beginning of the Golden Age and follow the story chronologically, it's easy to see how the world starts out in a relatively realistic manner and continues to gradually become more fantastic until you get to the full blown high fantasy point that we're at now. Anyway, I'm not really trying to argue here, because honestly I'm getting tired of repeating myself and arguing with people about this stuff. So that's just my two cents, but you know, we're all entitled to our own opinions. *shrugs*

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:49 am
by Rancid
Starnum wrote:Berserk has always been a fantasy based story. It's just that it's more so now then ever before.
i think that is a mistake, i don't believe Miura should've gone that way, the thing that i like about Berserk is just that, it had those fantasy epic elements, but just enough to be cool and dark and yet not to stray into something we saw 100000 times before

thou i will agree with you, matter of opinion

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:51 pm
by Eldo
Rancid wrote:
MournfulWoods wrote:You guys are a bit too possessive about Berserk.
that is the problem here, it's way easier to just say ''it's a work of art'' then to be objective, that's like the ultimate argument for everything, and it's clouding judgement, it's not just this chapter, it's not just this volume, it's not just the volume before that, all the way to 24th (that's 11 volumes, manga has 35 so far, so a little less then 1/3, smartass), yes, there are bunch of fantasy magic stuff, but Guts used to cut them with a huge f... sword, there was no little shit next to him throwing some snake like things at it, that's what i meant
I think the main criticism people are having here is that the manga is too 'light-hearted' compared to its original roots. That, I can kind of agree with. Personally, I see it as a way that Guts is getting some character development. He started off as a loner. He got taken in by the Hawks, reverted to a loner, and then in a group again.

But let's think about it in the grand scheme of things. Would Guts be able to beat Griffith on his own without any help? I honestly don't think that's possible. Each person in the party right now plays a function. We can dissect it.
- Casca's there to remind Guts he's human and occasionally remind him what he's fighting for
- Farnese is there to take care of Casca and trainee witch for extra magic power
- Serpico is there to take care of Farnese and as an extra sword arm
- Roderick's there for the ship and to make things less awkward for Serpico and Farnese
- Puck and Ivarella's there for healing and comedy relief
- Schierke's there as the magic expert and to explain to the readers WTF is going on when shit hits the fan.

There are things that happened, and it's all happened for a reason. You could have argued that the entire Inquisitor's arc was pretty much filler because Guts was just cutting the living shit outta stuff, but it actually led to a mini eclipse and Guts finding Casca. The entirety of the whole Elf girl thingijig was also filler too, because they didn't really do anything except killed a bunch of screwed up apostle-made elves, but in the end it strengthened Puck's resolve to follow Guts, and also showed that in Guts' black heart he geniunely do care for other people's well being.

I'm tired so I can't be bothered thinking and typing. Head hurts, urgh.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:39 pm
by Buzkashi
Eldo wrote:
Buzkashi wrote:I'm in afghanistan for the time being, so releases like this really make my day! Thanks EG!
You an army man now, Buzkashi?
Nah just visting my homeland and doing a bit of work over here.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:31 am
by Rolos
I'm not possessive! Berserk Nirvana, remember?
No, I was just being aggressive. It's all those Internet e-steroids I've been taking lately.

In a completely unrelated issue: Since we are talking about progression...has anyone noticed how Gutts' way of fighting has become increasingly mechanic and detached, ever since he got the armor? Nothing like his usual intensity, he no longer laughs hysterically while cutting down children (which is kinda sad), it's almost as if he was just doing his job.
He's just not that intense anymore.
And if I remember correctly, it was his intensity that made him special. Without it, he's a cripple, a half-person, a boring character.
There's also the issue of how must he depends on Shiercke now.
The beast, his "darker side", used to represent his Will unleashed, "wanting for wanting's sake" (please, refrain from comparing this to Freud's bullshit theories of personality), and since he had a goal, he could focus all of his being to accomplishing it without remorse.
He no longer has that, now he's just trying to restore (what he perceives as) the status quo. And the beast, without a goal, has gone berserk (no pun intended).
May be that's where this all traveling will lead, to a new goal, to a elven king murdering the shit outta caska. Or something like that.

P.S. Is it normal to like someone while simultaneously wanting him/her to cease to exist? I'm pretty sure there's a contradiction, in there, somewhere...Spinoza, enlighten me!

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:22 am
by Billabong
Guts previously used his insane laughter and evil smiles as a facade so he wouldn't break down, there are a lot of hints in the earlier chapters, for example, Guts crying after he talks down the Counts daughter, the way he treats Jill, the way he hesitates to kill the burning children in the Lost Children arc, that he honestly isn't a heartless bastard, and he really doesn't want to see those people getting hurt, but he's powerless to help them.

Guts was a lot more vocal and aggressive in the Golden Age arc when fighting, but he was also younger and more hot headed, (I think?) he was around 19 when he was recruited into the Hawk, and ~24-26 during the majority of the arc, but he never went into a full Berserker rage like he does after the eclipse, he's gone from a hotheaded young warrior, to a mentally unstable Berserker, and is now becoming a full blown Man of War, seasoned veteran, which is even cooler in its own way. It's Odin cool. I think he'd be close to 30 in canon now, right?

He's also started to mentally recover from the events of the Eclipse, and just plain matured for all of it.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:34 am
by Rolos
That's...a surprisingly down-to-earth assessment.
A very practical and concise way of summing up Gutts' emotional development.
Missing one little detail, though.
Realism doesn't mean shit in a world where thoughts can materialize.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:28 am
by Superboi
I usually don't post anything out of fear of being talked down too, but fuck it. Honestly, this has got to be the most elitist forum ever. It's cool though. Don't take it personally. I don't hate you. I like the insight you provide that I sometimes miss.

Couple points though.
-I want Shiekre in the party. I know it's been a while since we've seen Gutts use the armor, but lets not forget that it was because of Shiekre that Gutts was able to keep his sanity while using Zodd as a flying mount. Without her, we don't get to see the struggle of Gutts possibly loosing to the armor. He doesn't want to succumb to it, and Shiekre is the only thing letting him risk that.

-The manga has become alot less dark compared to earlier chapters. It's been a while since he was forced to kill a possessed zombie girl and feel utterly helpless about the situation. On the other side, Gutts FINALLY got a chance to fully re-cooperate (haven't seen that happen since he rested with Goto), and is just now getting his demon slaying gears revved up. I'm sure we'll be in for a treat once he gets back into the 'swing' of things.

-The Inquisitor's arc was so much more than a "mini" eclipse. One of the God Hand was born into reality at the end of that arc. The land was scorched in the shape of the sacrificial symbol. It gave Gutts purpose and direction when he saw Griffith in the flesh.

Nothing in the whole of Berserk makes me think of the word filler. Sure the story isn't that great now, but I'm sure this is leading somewhere epic and unforgettable. This is just conjecture, but Gutts has gotten quite a few sacrifices ready if I do say so myself.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:57 am
by Aetherfukz
Billabong wrote:Guts previously used his insane laughter and evil smiles as a facade so he wouldn't break down, there are a lot of hints in the earlier chapters, for example, Guts crying after he talks down the Counts daughter, the way he treats Jill, the way he hesitates to kill the burning children in the Lost Children arc, that he honestly isn't a heartless bastard, and he really doesn't want to see those people getting hurt, but he's powerless to help them.

Guts was a lot more vocal and aggressive in the Golden Age arc when fighting, but he was also younger and more hot headed, (I think?) he was around 19 when he was recruited into the Hawk, and ~24-26 during the majority of the arc, but he never went into a full Berserker rage like he does after the eclipse, he's gone from a hotheaded young warrior, to a mentally unstable Berserker, and is now becoming a full blown Man of War, seasoned veteran, which is even cooler in its own way. It's Odin cool. I think he'd be close to 30 in canon now, right?

He's also started to mentally recover from the events of the Eclipse, and just plain matured for all of it.
Good analysis, though AFAIK Guts is around 22-24 right now. He joined the hawks at around 16 or 17 I think, had a few years with them and was around 20 at the time of the eclipse. And two-three years passed since then.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:14 am
by Aluja
He was 15 when he got recruited.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:23 pm
by Mail
turkey wrote: wow

Just because people are negatively criticizing his work, focusing on recent developments, does this really make someone stupid?
If you really believe that you cannot criticize this arc, or even the latest chapters, without condemning the whole, then you are the idiot. I don't even understand what you are bitching about. Apparently, you think that it is wrong to negatively criticize recent chapters because other arcs were good...

YOU need to realize that with the agonizing release rate that one cannot be expected to be content with lame chapters, with the promise they MIGHT translate to awesome chapters later. Is it not worth voicing ones concern if the quality of the manga is decreasing? See, in my opinion, these objections are well founded, and Miura has gone to being a true inspiration to terrible disappointment.
When I said it was retarded to judge like that......well, maybe I was a bit wrong there. Sorry bout that :oops:

I have not been entirely into recent chapters. Everything since it started focusing on Griffith again (except for a few chapters with Guts on the ship) has been bland to me. That being said, I totally expect there to be later chapters building on these events that turn out to be epic. I believe this because that's how this manga has always been for me. There are parts that I skip when i reread because I don't care to revisit them. They aren't as awesome as other parts. Same thing.

I will agree with you on the release schedule though. It seems like a very bad business plan when you release so infrequently and the material is not always up to par.

I don't agree that the quality as a whole is decreasing. It would take a much longer slump to make me think he's lost his touch.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:55 am
by turkey
Yeah, I am overreacting when I say plainly that he has lost his touch. Though, I would have to say this is brought on by frustration over how little this story is progressing as a result of the delays. That does really bother me, and even if, the story was absolutely spectacular I doubt I would be satisfied if he were delaying releases for so long. It's hard to really like a story if you are pissed off every time he releases something because you know that after reading it you wont have gotten much satisfaction from the characters, which is the real reason I am following this in the first place. It's just a shame that we have these delays, it really is a good story. One that I would like to see through to the end, if ever there is one

That is a good analysis.

The only important difference really between then and now would be that of the characters. Miura made Farnese and Serpico into very engaging and interesting characters during that arc. I can't help but look at the character selection now, excluding Guts, and wonder where the magic has gone.
Schierke is not necessarily a bad character, especially earlier on, but I think she could be far more interesting if she were a bit older and a more dynamic character...

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:01 pm
by Superboi
I was thinking just that actually. We saw Gutts and the Hawks grow up. Even Ricket did some growing up. Who's to say we won't see Ishidoro (spell check) or Shiekre gain some experience and maturity, and become more indepth characters as a result?

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:10 pm
by uncempt
Superboi wrote:I usually don't post anything out of fear of being talked down too, but fuck it. Honestly, this has got to be the most elitist forum ever.
Yeah, good call. But you're more than welcome in the zetman thread if you want to talk about big titties, pert arses or anything that takes less than 300 chapters to convey :D

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:21 am
by Superboi
uncempt wrote:
Superboi wrote:I usually don't post anything out of fear of being talked down too, but fuck it. Honestly, this has got to be the most elitist forum ever.
Yeah, good call. But you're more than welcome in the zetman thread if you want to talk about big titties, pert arses or anything that takes less than 300 chapters to convey :D
Fuck the elites (and fuck you for thinking I should use "elitist"). This thread alone has shown me the difference of opinion that people have regarding criticizing Berserk. Some people see it as blasphemy, and would call anyone an idiot for even thinking about writing something negative on just 0.3% of Berserk. On the other hand we have those that say it is stupid to get all bent out out of shape because someone criticized a small portion of Berserk while using the rest of Berserk as a standard/basis.

You know what... Fuck off fucktards. Honestly I don't see how you can expect epic chapter after epic chapter. It can't be done. There has to be a rise before you can see a climax happen. There has to be boring shit before you see cool shit. It's like a fucking buddhist sermon here.

And for the rest of you fucknuggets defending Berserk; the Fucktards have a point. How long has it been since we saw Gutts decapitate a human for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time? It's been a while since we've seen the big guy struggle with anything worth mentioning. It ain't (really firefox?? wow... you're gonna tell me "ain't" is a word, but "firefox" isn't?) hard to think about killing monsters. It might be hard to do, but it's easy and probably even fun to think about. My point is, the story has changed (again) from what it used to be. For better or for worse... I can't tell yet, but I can say that as of late, these chapters suck dick compared to the rest of the story. That said... I still enjoy reading the fucking thing, so thank you EG for scanlating.

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:27 am
by Aetherfukz

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:07 pm
by Aluja
bwhahaha fucknuggets!

Re: Berserk 314 - Human Tentacles

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:44 am
by fujinsan

Ok, back to talking about the chapter, instead of bickering over who's right and who's wrong. (Also thank you E.G for releasing this for us, we know it's not your job and you don't have to do it, but you do it because you like to.) I don't know about you guys but it looks like there may be an epic battle coming up, and who think's that one chick with shriekre and the midget is up to something. Like maybe she's the witch that turned the village into fish, I think it should be a scooby doo mystery. That would piss a whole mess of people off, but it'd be absolutely hilarious. With regards to the people bitching and whining about how berserk isn't good anymore, why're you still here? Sorry about that I kinda wanted to give my two since on the matter. Either way can't wait for the next chapter, could this be a strand of continuous releases? Hope so.