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Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:39 pm
by arke
Tempest wrote:I hear that Amazon has great prices for used books, if you don't mind buying over the interwebs.
+1. I saved quite a bit doing that, even with buying mostly new books. I never sold any of my textbooks back though; the rates sucked.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:45 am
by Rolos
Thanks for the tip, man! Even Berserk is cheaper in Amazon than in the local bookstore!
I'm having a great time seeing stuff I'll eventually be able to afford :D
About that General Ed stuff you were talking about, I took Fundamentals of Biology, Basic Chemistry and courses like that because I was told I need those to transfer to a better University. They are all really easy, with the possible exception of English 1A. Writing English Essays is harder than I thought it'd be, there are so many rules I didn't know about, like always adding a possessive before a gerund and stuff like that.

Observation number N: Life here starts and end earlier. 8 pm is considered a late hour, and that's just insane.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:50 am
by War Machine
You might also want to look for the International version of the books. The math course I took this semester required a book average at $180, while the international version (which even says "not to be sold in the US" on the corner) cost me just $60, new.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:44 pm
by papasith
i know a few cities around my area that close at 6...the CITY CLOSES AT 6 PM. NOTHING is open after that, even mc donalds. its fricking insane

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:19 pm
by Starnum
Yeah, my hometown used to be like that when I was a kid, before they started to get with the times a bit more. it was freakin annoying.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:22 pm
by Tempest
The problem with suburbs is they all close down around 8 with the exception of bars and 24 hour restaurants (Denny's, Ram's Horn, etc.) Big cities and college towns never really stop. While I was attending university, I had Jimmy Johns delivered to my dorm at 3 AM regularly, and half the time there would be like 4 other people waiting on orders as I went to the door.

If you don't mind me asking Rolos, where about are you living now? You can be as vague or specific as you like.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:40 pm
by Starnum
Yeah, I live in the city now, this place is always open. Even in small towns you can usually find a 24-hour convenient store, at the very least.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:10 am
by Buzkashi
I got to USC these days.

LA has its perks. But God the air tastes so bad.

And it really is a drag not getting to see the stars at night.

South Central is cozy tho.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:38 am
by Rolos
Tempest wrote:The problem with suburbs is they all close down around 8 with the exception of bars and 24 hour restaurants (Denny's, Ram's Horn, etc.) Big cities and college towns never really stop. While I was attending university, I had Jimmy Johns delivered to my dorm at 3 AM regularly, and half the time there would be like 4 other people waiting on orders as I went to the door.

If you don't mind me asking Rolos, where about are you living now? You can be as vague or specific as you like.
I am renting a room in one of those little towns that surround Los Angeles.
I'm studying at the local community college, and if all goes well I'll be able to transfer soon. Of course, that all depends on whether I'm able to get a student visa or not, which turns out is a lot harder than I originally thought. To be completely honest, all this was pretty improvised.
I was going to attend to Santa Barbara University on a Chilean state scholarship (Beca Presidente de la República), but that went to hell because that scholarship as a whole stopped existing. Apparently, a large number of government officials had been giving them to their relatives regardless of the recipient's academic performance, and the corrupt fuckers got caught just in time to fuck up my entire schedule.
There was no way I was gonna wait another academic year for the chance to leave Chile and continue my studies abroad, so I just contacted some acquaintances' acquaintances, got a temporary visa, rented a crappy room and, once here, begged each individual instructor for the opportunity to be admitted on his or her class this late in the semester.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:54 am
by Rolos
Pounds? Feet? Yards? Inches? Lbs? Ounces? What the fuck people? Why can't you use decimal systems?
God, I am so fucking sick of conversions.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:44 pm
by papasith
i think the higher up dont want to switch over to piss off other countries when we work with them on some science stuff (the mars incident comes to mind)

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:58 pm
by War Machine
The higher the math or science course you're taking, the more likely it is to use the international system exclusively. But yeah, that is still a big gripe with me that they're still using the english system, not even the English use it anymore (look at the map on the link): ... m_of_Units

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:43 pm
by arke
papasith wrote:i think the higher up dont want to switch over to piss off other countries when we work with them on some science stuff (the mars incident comes to mind)
The reason why is because Congress never mandated it. The Metric Conversion Act of 1975 merely said that metric units should be preferred over customary units, but no time limit was set. Plus, it was ignored/ridiculed by a lot of people at the time. Consequently the U.S. Metric Board was disbanded by Reagan to cut spending.

Also, NASA requires use of metric units and it was Lockheed Martin that used the wrong units.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:07 am
by Rolos
Zupo! Waka! Flap!
I am trying to start a college club. It's name? SPAM! ... o-26-1.jpg

That's just a general idea of what I might put into the brochures, posters, flyers and signs I plan to distribute all over the campus. Those members are not gonna join by themselves, are they?
Hahahahahah, no they won't.
This club thing is completely different to how it was in Chile. It's way more institutionalized, the College administration oversees everything. Kinda creepy, really, but at least they'll give us a room to meet in and assign us a certain amount of money for events, which is way more than I could have ever expected from the authorities in Chile. I just need people and an adviser.
Anyone has any experience in this kind of thing? A few tips would be very appreciated.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:25 pm
by Tempest
Rolos wrote:Zupo! Waka! Flap!
Anyone has any experience in this kind of thing? A few tips would be very appreciated.

If you end up going to a 4 year university to finish a Bachelor's, you'll most likely have religious and/or political nuts setting up shop to hand out pamphlets during the spring. Set up shop right next to them with Philosoraptor/Raptor Jesus signs. Pretend not to notice them, or talk to them how deliciously ironic it is that you happened to do this on the same day, and it must have been the Flying Spaghetti Monster's will that this happened.

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:02 pm
by dialdfordesi
You should start opening conversation with student organizations, members of the student government, and some of the faculty. Tell them that you want to discuss the goals of your group with them and try to get some input on how you should go about trying to achieve those goals. For example, getting funding from student government depends a lot on how you propose what you want to spend money on. If you talk to faculty, they might get really enthusiastic about your group and provide not only advice, but also advertise to their students. The student organization office will let you know about proper procedure on advertising (some flyers need to be approved if you want to post them on bulletin boards) and will let you know how to set up e-mail listservs and the like.

Good luck with the group!

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:48 am
by Rolos
Tempest wrote: If you end up going to a 4 year university to finish a Bachelor's, you'll most likely have religious and/or political nuts setting up shop to hand out pamphlets during the spring. Set up shop right next to them with Philosoraptor/Raptor Jesus signs. Pretend not to notice them, or talk to them how deliciously ironic it is that you happened to do this on the same day, and it must have been the Flying Spaghetti Monster's will that this happened.
That would be hilarious. Sadly, most people here aren't familiar with the first of the"I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts", which means doing something like that would probably get me crucified.
And thats not supposed to happen until the third edition.

Anyway, this is the text I'm gonna be using for the board bulletins, posters, and stuff:




All your Webs are down. It has penetrated your code walls. It is stealing your internet. Not even hacking all IP’s simultaneously will save you. Surrender, or be assimilated into the SPAM!*

Nah, just kidding.

The truth is, SPAM! is just a literary (scratched) pirate (scratched) philosophic (scratched) zombie (scratched) movies (scratched) political theory (scratched) comic (scratched) gaming (scratched) animation (scratched) extremely eclectic club we are trying to start up right now. The idea is to write and produce a college magazine that deals with…whatever we feel like writing about.

Which can be pretty much anything (except political or religious propaganda that doesn’t have “awakening the deep ones” as its final goal”, that would be just boring).

And you can join if you like. The only requisite is creativity and the sacrifice of a small child.

Routine stuff.

*If any of that made any sense to you, please contact your nearest neurosurgeon.

For the pamphlets I'm going to use the first text I posted.

Wish me luck! :D (though I won't need it, unless I do, in which case please be so kind to give me all your luck. Hand me your luck. Right now. DO IT!)

Re: Yet another inmigrant!

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:39 pm
by dialdfordesi
That's a bold move, actually posting your number and email onto the internet.