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Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:21 pm
by Rolos
The Prince wrote:
Rolos wrote:

PD: Starnum, whats up with that new avatar? Vegeta? Seriously? I thought you were better than that.
LOL....considering what you've got as yours.

Vegeta is badass.

So you are saying that having a character from Texnholyze in my avatar is something bad?
Did you even watch that series? It was fucking awesome. Depressing, but awesome. Don't mess with it.

Let face it people. The only reason some still like DBZ is for the nostalgic value it has. I mean, who doesn't remember his/her childhood watching it? It bring back so many good memories.... but the series itself is just plainly stupid. How many times did Krilin die? And yet, every single time he did, everyone was shaken and pissed off. Fucking ridiculous.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:41 pm
by DrPepperPro
Dragonball and DBZ. and GT to some extent, are great in Japanese, or at least the remastered version. Logic isn't always followed, people go by their emotions. Dying is still a serious thing because they were raised as humans, who value life.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:42 pm
by Rolos
yeah, but humans are rational beings, who learn to adapt their behaviors to the environment.
If someone can be revived as easily as they can in DBZ, they wouldn't care that much. It would be more like "dammit, they killed Krilin again, what an inconvenience".
It was fun, but way too stupid to be enjoyable.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:42 pm
by Istvan
DrPepperPro wrote:Dragonball and DBZ. and GT to some extent, are great in Japanese, or at least the remastered version. Logic isn't always followed, people go by their emotions. Dying is still a serious thing because they were raised as humans, who value life.
But you'd still expect them to get desensitized to it after a while. But I think we've already had this discussion in another thread, so I'll just leave it at that.

EDIT: Oops, Rolos beat me to it.
This chapter was pretty good, but I still couldn't help but wonder: What the hell were those cavalry unit charges for?
I mean, it was pretty obvious that they were doing, at most, superficial damage to the Ganishkalings (yep, that's their name. its not "Ganishka's spawn", that just sounds silly. I know because I am a psiquic ).

It just doesn't make any sense. Why send light cavalry against big ass monsters like those? Its not like they needed to be kept confused so the infantry could approach, they had just been shot by goddamn cannon balls, with a volley of bolts to top it.
May be Griffith wanted them to feel useful?
I think the cavalry was to finish the things off. The cannons and archers injured them, then the cavalry killed any who were still alive. The problem with infantry is that they'd be a lot more likely to be crushed by the things. I think the cavalry was chosen because it's faster and more mobile than infantry. What surprises/confuses me about the cavalry is that none of their horses panicked at the monsters. I mean, yes they're trained war horses, and so don't panick easily, but I would expect at least some of them to have problems with those things.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:45 am
by Starnum
*rant moved*

I don't wanna clutter up the new Berserk thread talking about DBZ and my feelings on watching anime.

lon3vvolf wrote:Happy belated birthday. Your present is in the mail :D
Okay, that's only slightly concerning. :P

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:01 am
by newbified
Is everyone really cluttering up a topic about Berserk on whether or not guys who can shoot fireballs from their hands, turn into 50' monkeys, and instant travel to any location have realistic emotions?

Also holy crap on the wall of text Starnum :lol:

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:05 am
by Eldo
I don't know. I don't read more than 6 lines of text.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:21 am
by Starnum
newbified wrote:Is everyone really cluttering up a topic about Berserk on whether or not guys who can shoot fireballs from their hands, turn into 50' monkeys, and instant travel to any location have realistic emotions?

Also holy crap on the wall of text Starnum :lol:
*shrugs* Heh, what good is a forum if you can't write stuff and post your opinions and shit. Not all of my posts have to be 6 lines or less, that's just not how I roll. It's definitely nothing personal, I don't take anything around here personal, not anymore. Well, except for the good stuff. I've met a lot of cool ass people on this board, and made some good online friends. I just like to write shit, I'm a writer, it's what I do. You gotta take everything I say with a grain of salt I guess. Hell, back in the day my friends and I used to talk about DBZ all the time. I guess I got a little carried away, but oh well that's nothing new with me. Like I said, I can be a chatty bastard sometimes, heh. >.>

Anyway, I moved my "wall of text" post to the Rant Thread, thought it might be more appropriate there.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:56 am
by lon3vvolf
Starnum wrote:*rant moved*

I don't wanna clutter up the new Berserk thread talking about DBZ and my feelings on watching anime.

lon3vvolf wrote:Happy belated birthday. Your present is in the mail :D
Okay, that's only slightly concerning. :P
Awww damnit oyu moved the rant! And I just made this specifically just for you!

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:00 am
by Starnum
OMG, that's hilarious! :lol:

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:23 am
by The Prince
Rolos wrote:yeah, but humans are rational beings, who learn to adapt their behaviors to the environment.
If someone can be revived as easily as they can in DBZ, they wouldn't care that much. It would be more like "dammit, they killed Krilin again, what an inconvenience".
It was fun, but way too stupid to be enjoyable.
All though your last statement makes little sense. I do agree with your overall premise of the nostalgia that DBZ brings about in people.
It would be more like "dammit, they killed Krilin again, what an inconvenience".

-In regards to the latest Berserk Chapter where exactly where those shots coming off of Irvin from, regarding the barrage of shots that took out the monster that was about to eat Sonia? Because I don't remember seeing Irvin carrying a bow in his present form....such as..."That Abysmall Being from the North"-guy in Claymore.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:59 pm
by hbi2k
newbified wrote:Is everyone really cluttering up a topic about Berserk on whether or not guys who can shoot fireballs from their hands, turn into 50' monkeys, and instant travel to any location have realistic emotions?
+10 points for perspective.

Emotional realism is NOT what makes Dragonball Z awesome. It's a series whose logic is ruled half by the Rule of Cool and the other half by the Rule of Funny.

Does it make SENSE that people get all upset when their friends die? No, but if it makes it just that much cooler when they whale on the faces of whoever killed them, then it's justified by the series' internal logic.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:34 pm
by Rolos
Istvan wrote:
This chapter was pretty good, but I still couldn't help but wonder: What the hell were those cavalry unit charges for?
I mean, it was pretty obvious that they were doing, at most, superficial damage to the Ganishkalings (yep, that's their name. its not "Ganishka's spawn", that just sounds silly. I know because I am a psiquic ).

It just doesn't make any sense. Why send light cavalry against big ass monsters like those? Its not like they needed to be kept confused so the infantry could approach, they had just been shot by goddamn cannon balls, with a volley of bolts to top it.
May be Griffith wanted them to feel useful?
I think the cavalry was to finish the things off. The cannons and archers injured them, then the cavalry killed any who were still alive. The problem with infantry is that they'd be a lot more likely to be crushed by the things. I think the cavalry was chosen because it's faster and more mobile than infantry. What surprises/confuses me about the cavalry is that none of their horses panicked at the monsters. I mean, yes they're trained war horses, and so don't panick easily, but I would expect at least some of them to have problems with those things.
I think we are going to see some of them panicking in the next chapter. You know, when Miura starts showing the first losses (human losses) on the Neo Hawk's side.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:32 pm
by Istvan
Maybe, maybe not. It will depend on how dominant Miura wants to make Griffith's victory over the Kushan Emperor. I could legitimately see Griffith wanting either a hard fought victory, with a fair degree of casulties, or a complete dominance in the battle with no real contest at all and very few casulties. It depends on what "message" he's planning. Personally, I'm betting on the second option, but we'll see.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:01 am
by The Prince
Istvan wrote:Maybe, maybe not. It will depend on how dominant Miura wants to make Griffith's victory over the Kushan Emperor. I could legitimately see Griffith wanting either a hard fought victory, with a fair degree of casulties, or a complete dominance in the battle with no real contest at all and very few casulties. It depends on what "message" he's planning. Personally, I'm betting on the second option, but we'll see.
The problem that I have with these chapters involving Griffith and his current campaign, comes down to the total lack of tension in regards to any circumstance where he is involved. Being the all powerful, all knowing "being" that Griffith has become, all we have seen of Griffith's these past couple years is Griffith and his army simply walk through all obstacles and adversaries without any hint of adversity whatsoever.

Though its cool to see apostles tear through shit, after a while even that gets old. There is no uncertainty in these chapters whatsover, and it has been years since Miura has provided the reader with anything unexpected or revelational up to this point to help draw in his audience into the story.

We all get it, Griffith is supremely powerful. And everything that is, has and/or will happen will play out exactly according to how Griffith had already scripted to fall neatly into place in his ascension to the thrown. Ironically perfection has made Griffith's character rather dull and shallow at this point IMO.

I guess this is one reason Gut's storyline is so appealing, as being the polar opposite to Griffith's. When you consider ever since the events of the eclipse, Guts has been up shit's creek without a paddle. With adversity bearing down on him around every corner, when it seems nothing ever comes easy in his case.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:39 am
by Nakadai
Thanks for the release!

As has already been said everything went pretty much as expected here, aside from Sonia tearing off like a fool into combat and the appearance of Irvine's apostle form. All in all, an enjoyable chapter but damn it seems each entry feels shorter and shorter. It's like you blink and you're already through it, and it's time to wait another two weeks....if you're lucky that is. Damn you Miura, and your addictive albeit slowly moving story lines. :(

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:30 am
by Starnum
Yeah, that is true what you said, Prince. However, even if Griffith just breezes through Ganishka again, I still find his own transformation into this abysmal towering thing that should not be fairly compelling, heh.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:21 pm
by Brainpiercing
Great release, guys. I was expecting something of a treat for chapter 300, but I'll take what I can get, anyway. The drawings are awesomest, as usually.

I do have to agree, though, that Griffith's story is hardly exiting at the moment. Now if I were to read the manga in one piece, with all these chapters already in place, I think I wouldn't mind. It's jsut when you have to WAIT so bloody long that's when it's killing me.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:22 pm
by citanuzuki666
We all get it, Griffith is supremely powerful. And everything that is, has and/or will happen will play out exactly according to how Griffith had already scripted to fall neatly into place in his ascension to the thrown. Ironically perfection has made Griffith's character rather dull and shallow at this point IMO.
while I agree that Griffith is insanely powerful at this point I do think it is to help set a scale to show you how great a victory it will be when guts eventually kills the bastard. When the story is all said and done you will think back to what Griffith is doing now and realize that guts defeated a man who is so strong he was nearly invincible while having to deal with just about every shitty situation imaginable for him. We will all feel the glory as we have seen the shit storm that guts calls his life. Right now I can only imagine how bat shit crazy and ultra pissed Griffith will be moments before guts hands him his ass. I want to see his dreams fail in his eyes especially now that he must think its impossible to stop him. His dreams so clearly attainable but snatched away by a human that he should of gotten rid of when he had the chance. Bastard will deserve every drop of despair.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:33 pm
by Arcandus
citanuzuki666 wrote:
while I agree that Griffith is insanely powerful at this point I do think it is to help set a scale to show you how great a victory it will be when guts eventually kills the bastard. When the story is all said and done you will think back to what Griffith is doing now and realize that guts defeated a man who is so strong he was nearly invincible while having to deal with just about every shitty situation imaginable for him. We will all feel the glory as we have seen the shit storm that guts calls his life. Right now I can only imagine how bat shit crazy and ultra pissed Griffith will be moments before guts hands him his ass. I want to see his dreams fail in his eyes especially now that he must think its impossible to stop him. His dreams so clearly attainable but snatched away by a human that he should of gotten rid of when he had the chance. Bastard will deserve every drop of despair.
It was nice to read this... fuck you Griffith, Guts ftw haha.

Btw Griffith is so annoying, I want to see him suffering.

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:59 am
by Starnum
Yeah, if that's how the manga ends. This isn't Naruto, and I haven't heard Miura making any promises. Sure, we'd all like to think that someday Gatts is gonna get his revenge on Griffith, but who knows what vision the author sees for the end of this epic tale. No one but the writer himself knows how his story will end. ;P

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:20 am
by citanuzuki666
Starnum wrote:Yeah, if that's how the manga ends. This isn't Naruto, and I haven't heard Miura making any promises. Sure, we'd all like to think that someday Gatts is gonna get his revenge on Griffith, but who knows what vision the author sees for the end of this epic tale. No one but the writer himself knows how his story will end. ;P
That's very true it could end in a way none of us expects. Its what I hope happens. A Guts and Griffith fight is almost inevitable though. Unless something completely bizarre happens those two are going to fight. Its the motive for the main character and has been for awhile. Can't say when or how it will go down but I'm almost certain that it will. I definitely look forward to seeing how it plays out. I love berserk so much. :D

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:39 pm
by hbi2k
I just hope Guts doesn't wind up winning due to Griffith's fetus-body making him hold still so that Guts can run a sword through him. That would be such a rote, cop-out ending, and I'd like to think Miura is better than that.

Unfortunately I just can't think of any other possible way that Guts could win in such a fight, but then, that's why I'm not writing this thing. (-:

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:49 pm
by Istvan
Wouldn't it be hilarious if someone else (such as Skull Knight) killed Griffith before Guts could? So he goes through all of that for his revenge, then someone else steals it right out from under him?

Re: Berserk 300 - Sorceress of the Hawk

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:17 am
by The Herald
That would actually work with the amount of disappointment Guts has experienced in his life. Anyways, I have been missing out on this thread because of exam prep (bio tomorrow, history the day after) and I must say that DBZ is one of my favorite cartoons (I don't really associate it with anime because it's just too different). I think I got 4 tshirts. I have 3 berserk tshirts too, I'd get more if I could find em.

Oh yeah, thanks for the release, darn that the next one is during exam time. But it only takes a few minutes to read anyways.