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Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:03 am
by Eldo
I bought Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii on Ebay for real cheap, without the controller. Unfortunately, all the controllers in the stores are sold out, and if they are available, the controllers come with the game pack.

So I'm stick with the game, without the controller. The controller's coming in weeks later from another branch in some country town, which is to be shipped to my location. So no gaming until weeks.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:06 am
by Femto
Why would you buy Guitar Hero if you don't have the guitar controller?

And the Wii version sucks.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:33 am
by Eldo
I was planning to get the guitar separately, and thought it would be everywhere. Unfortunately, it all got sold out. I estimated I would have saved some 30 dollars if I got it separately. The pack costs 150 bucks, while the game I got from ebay is like 40 bucks, and the guitar itself is 70-80 bucks.

How exactly does the Wii version suck? I thought it was all the same.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:33 am
by Aetherfukz
What I've read is that the Wii version has some additional features because the guitar is motion sensitive. Like holding it above your head will unleash star power and such.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:00 pm
by Tempest
The only difference I know is that the sound for screwing up a note comes from the Wii-Mote's speaker instead of the game itself.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:40 am
by Starnum
I hear you have to buy a new guitar controller for this game, even if you already had one, since the rights were sold to a different company. That's gotta suck.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:47 pm
by Aetherfukz
Well from what I've head you can still use the Guitar Hero 2 controller on GH3 on the PS3, with a PS2->USB adapter that is available for using PS2 joypads on the PC.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:10 pm
by Tempest
Wikipedia used to have a huge chart that showed the compatibility between the 3 (4?) games as well as Rock Band, but some douche who takes that site way too seriously probably scrapped it. I know that PS2 peripherals won't work on the PS3, but pretty much all the controler's made for the first 2 games will work for the PS2/360 on their respective system. I play my PS2 copy with GH2's Red Gibson SG.

And I might as well say here, the last gig on Hard Mode can fuck right off. Yahtzee is right, the last group is im-fucking-possible, with the possible exception of "The Number of the Beast" because I was barely able to pass it.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:04 pm
by Femto
I'm just missing Raining Blood on Hard, and the Guitar Battle with the devil, of course.

I think I got Cliffs of Dover on my second or third try.

The Metallica song is pretty easy until you get to that insane solo.

Holy fuck.

I 5-starred Cult of Personality on Hard in my first try.


Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:26 pm
by Tempest
Arbitrary update:

Hard Mode
- 4 Stared "Number of the Beast"
- Got "Cliffs of Diver after 2 attempts. I only got like 50,000 points on it but I'm not a big enough Eric Johnson fan to play that song more than I have to
- Bumbled my way through "One' and regardless of a few dumb mistakes got through

I am going to find the person who programed the notes for "Raining Blood" and shiv him in the neck. :evil: The worst part is I've seen videos of it done on Hard mode and after that insane mosh part that makes me want to throw my SG controller through my TV, the song is very doable. Then again maybe I don't want to finish this because I'm sure that my hatred for the boss battles will combine with the insanity of Satan's rock ability and culminate in me throwing my PS2 out a window.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:41 pm
by Femto
You know what?

Fuck Guitar Hero.

Downloadable content is a joke.

The boss battles are a joke.

The game is just an Activision cash-in made of Harmonix's scraps.

I'm ready for Rock Band now.

Can't wait to play Ride The Lightning.


Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:13 am
by fujinsan
I'm playing on medium and surprisingly I've gotten better at doing stuff with my fingers, lol sorry about that one. Do you really want to be this guy seriously?

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:28 pm
by Aetherfukz
I finally took heart and bought GH3 with some gift certificates I still had from xmas from my company (special you work so good bonus yay :D). I never really understood, until now, what all the fuzz about GH is. Never thought a simple game of hit the right button at the right time could be this much fun and addictive.

But of course I'm playing easy now, 28 songs finished in the career this evening. I still only get about 80% of the notes per song, so I don't even dream about going to medium. When Slash used the powerup where I jumped from easy to medium mid-battle I was seriously fucked because my little finger didn't have any clue :D

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:04 pm
by War Machine
fujinsan wrote:I'm playing on medium and surprisingly I've gotten better at doing stuff with my fingers, lol sorry about that one. Do you really want to be this guy seriously?

Ha ha ha! He's using the video from the 9 year-old kid. You can hear the kid at the end saying "I got an achievement".

It's funny how a lot of people in the comments are offended by his attitude even though he's just goofing off and not really playing.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:39 pm
by Starnum
Yeah, he's clearly not actually playing the game.

BTW, Rock Band kicks ass.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:14 am
by halfnhalf
Starnum wrote:Yeah, he's clearly not actually playing the game.

BTW, Rock Band kicks ass.

it does, but the guitar sucks... i love the drums, but i'm just not ready to fork over 170 for this game.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:44 am
by Aetherfukz
BTW how exactly do you play the notes? When I started yesterday I kinda always held the first 3 fret buttons (let's call them ABC for simplicity's sake) and would let go of C when playing B and of BC when playing A. But I got seriously fucked up when hitting fast notes. In the end of the evening I started not holding any fret all the time and just hitting the fret and the strum at the same time when the notes flash up. Seems a lot easier although sometimes I still hold the frets, dunno why, maybe because it feels more guitar like?

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:02 am
by Femto
Aetherfukz wrote:BTW how exactly do you play the notes? When I started yesterday I kinda always held the first 3 fret buttons (let's call them ABC for simplicity's sake) and would let go of C when playing B and of BC when playing A. But I got seriously fucked up when hitting fast notes. In the end of the evening I started not holding any fret all the time and just hitting the fret and the strum at the same time when the notes flash up. Seems a lot easier although sometimes I still hold the frets, dunno why, maybe because it feels more guitar like?

That's the most retarded way of playing Guitar Hero I've ever heard of.

How does holding all the frets feel "more guitar like"?

When you play a real guitar you're not holding all the strings at the same time.

How are you going to play when you have to hold down 5 fret buttons?

Use your thumb?


This is hilarious.

Are you 12?

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:38 am
by Starnum
No, I know what he means. On a real guitar, you can hold the lowest part of the string on the fret board, and that's the only part that will be played, regardless if you're holding the string further up. That way you only have to lift a finger to change positions on the fret board. It's kind of like an easier way to transition, but it seems like something only a newbie at guitar like me would do. I play Guitar Hero more like a professional (guitar player) would, only hitting the notes and the strum at the same time as they come down the line. The only time I'll hold the note (or chord) is if I see it coming up, and then strum when it gets there, and then let go. I guess you'd say I play the game normally, heh. Can't say I'd recommend holding down any unnecessary notes for the game though, lol.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:30 am
by Femto
Starnum wrote:No, I know what he means. On a real guitar, you can hold the lowest part of the string on the fret board, and that's the only part that will be played, regardless if you're holding the string further up.
It works like that in Guitar Hero too.

I know exactly what he means.

It's just absolutely retarded.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:26 am
by Aetherfukz
Dude, are you 12? Your writing style suggests so.

And anyway as Starnum explained you CAN hold the upper parts of the string on a real guitar and it will only play the lowest part. Just like in GH :D

And now I'm asking this as a serious question, not as a flame: Are you really retarded Femto?
I've never played a real guitar besides hitting frantically on the strings when drunk at a party, and I've never played a Guitar Hero game before. So I asked a normal question, which would be the better way to play the game. I also said that I started on easy because, duh, it's still kinda hard if you never did such a thing before.

I'm fed up with your shit fucking flaming all the time for no apparent reason other than that you are a freaking lowlife who hates himself and his life so much that he has to take out his aggression on an anonymouse internet forum, where afterwards you can tap yourself on the back because noone else will ever do so and say to yourself "dude I so pwned that anyonymouse person over there somewhere!".

Get a fucking life or die somewhere in the backyard.


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:30 am
by Femto
Aetherfukz wrote:Are you really retarded Femto?

Now go back to playing Guitar Hero like a goddamned retard.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:34 am
by Aetherfukz
Well better playing like a retard than being one.

Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:41 am
by Femto
Aetherfukz wrote:Well better playing like a retard than being one.
Except that I'm not really a retard.



Re: Guitar Hero III

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:51 am
by Aetherfukz

Takes one to know one.
