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Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 2:37 pm
by Nyst
Thanks for the great work EG 8)

Obviously, Griffith won't be satisfied till he doesn't succeed in becoming the new king of Midland. I hope Guts go back to Midland some day :lol:

I bet the next chapter will show us Guts fighting some dark ghosts coming from the sea :o

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:46 pm
by psi29a
pwnt... we are going to kill all our QC people. :P

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:47 pm
by 42ndEndOfTheWorld
arsekicking work, EG!

And I am glad for a Charlotte's appearance. Those last few chapters were all about Griffith to the point that I thought that Miura intended us to fap to him.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:50 pm
by crazyankan
Thanks for another great release. Can't wait for the next chapter. Great work as always!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 4:31 pm
by Asphalion
I bow down to your greatness EG group.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 4:53 pm
by lordhep

Now to get my fix...

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:11 pm
by lon3vvolf
Sweetness! Thank you EG :thumb:
Blah, looks like Griffith has another puppet, and her name is Lady Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Windam, queen of Midland....

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:58 pm
by 42ndEndOfTheWorld
lon3vvolf wrote:Sweetness! Thank you EG :thumb:
Blah, looks like Griffith has another puppet, and her name is Lady Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Windam, queen of Midland....
It's strange, but I think it's the first time in Berserk someone has stated his full name. So far we only knew characters' first names.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:48 pm
by arke
Starnum wrote:*cough*Arke*cough*:P

Oh well, I probably would've missed it too...
Ouch. I caught one, so I blame psi.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:50 pm
by Starnum
*Chuckles* Looks like it's back on you Psi. :P

Well, I figure as long as the characters aren't talking like retards, then we're doing pretty good, right?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:22 pm
by Istvan
Yay!! Thank you very much for the new Berserk chapter!!

Personally I'd expect at least one more focused on Griffith (where the pope makes him the "Defender of the Faith", or something similiar) before going back to Guts. Possibly more, we'll have to see.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:54 pm
by Istvan
Yeah, I'm hoping we stick with Griffith for a while, I want to see more of former Midland's responses to him. I wonder if they're plot out an assassination attempt again? It would be interesting to see.
I actually wouldn't mind several more Griffith chapters, to get a better picture of how events around him are unfolding, but I understand why some feel differently.

I'd almost feel sorry for any assassin that the nobles sent after Griffith by this point.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:28 am
by War Machine
Sandman wrote:
War Machine wrote:I'm very puzzled as to what will the involvement of Owen with Griffith bring to the story, he seems to be the only one besides any of the former Hawks that seems to remember the group and its members. He also noticed the drastic changes both Griffith and Guts have had over the years, so there are many ways he could react to Griffith: an impostor, a savior, an enemy... I can't wait 2 weeks for the next chapter, I need it now!
Dude War Machine your trip'n there were some of the nobles noticed he was Griffith and remebered his crimes against the crown.
Yeah, I probably am. But Owen seems to be one of the few nobles with names in the story, and he has appeared several times before; I'm just expecting him to do something relevant to the story soon.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:32 am
by BigSassy
Does anybody else think Griffith is being a lot less careful, politically? ISure he just saved all of their asses and it's obvious they can't succeed in this war without him, but it was the same way back in the 100 year war. But back then he was really careful with his words and would always humbled himself in front of anyone with peerage, be he king or noble.

Now he speaks as if he's in complete control. He spoke to them as if they were all beneath him (which they are) and even let his troops speak ill to them. I suppose he doesn't need to be quite as careful now that he's a god hand.

Damn I'm loving this. I really hope they stick with Griffith for a little longer.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:37 am
by War Machine
Hmm, good observation. Griffith must already think of himself as the king eventhough it's not official yet, but it does conflict with his former self as to not appearing as a threat to the nobles.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:32 am
by lon3vvolf
Sweet Jebus. I'm so glad I missed out on that sarcastic irony.

I wouldn't mind if they did a couple more chapters centered around Griffith, but only if they came out weekly m>__<m

Any who, back to painting.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:38 am
by Sandman
I love starting shit :twisted: although I stoped reading after you guys started fighting about word usage :( Sorry I was gone for most of it but I would like to say you can not comprehend stuff and still be smart and post count doesnt mean intelegent but it does mean most of use know what we are talking about :cool:

Anyway I want to see Griffith chop off those midland lords heads... or Zodd and after he would say "sorry I couldnt help it those guys were jackasses" :twisted:

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:22 am
Great great great... can't wait for the next one.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:34 pm
by Khelegond
First, a fair post. Thanks EG! You just rock - a lot.

Second... yeah, Griffith know how to handle them, doesn't him? I wasn't expecting Charlote to appear...

And unfortunately I don't think the story will shift to Gatts yet. Some more resolution might come to this situation.

Well, a man can dream right? :)

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:06 pm
by FightClub
Whew hew, holy shit I can't wait to read this. Thanks EG.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:50 pm
by Sandman
I wonder when those 12 books are going to hit america?? I wonder if dark horse will wait until all 27 volumes are released to release the book version or release the first couple books that have already been covered in there volume releases? Anyway I think that is going to be very cool, I cant wait to see what they look like :cool:

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:58 pm
by TheDrizzit
With the whole Griffith becoming King thing...

It makes me wonder if the first part of the series when you see Guts in the town (and he fights the Snake Baron), when the guys in the tavern are saying that things have gotten bad since Griffith became King...makes me wonder if that part still hasn't re-attatched yet and the Guts we see there is still a "future" Guts. Sure it didn't look like he had the armor...but who knows...he may have not activated it yet or Muira hadn't thought up the armor yet.

Got me...

Possible you think?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:02 pm
by 42ndEndOfTheWorld
TheDrizzit wrote:With the whole Griffith becoming King thing...

It makes me wonder if the first part of the series when you see Guts in the town (and he fights the Snake Baron), when the guys in the tavern are saying that things have gotten bad since Griffith became King...makes me wonder if that part still hasn't re-attatched yet and the Guts we see there is still a "future" Guts. Sure it didn't look like he had the armor...but who knows...he may have not activated it yet or Muira hadn't thought up the armor yet.

Got me...

Possible you think?
Nope,that's from the anime, not manga. In the manga that part has happened between the golden age and lost children arc.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:07 pm
by Istvan
Does anybody else think Griffith is being a lot less careful, politically? ISure he just saved all of their asses and it's obvious they can't succeed in this war without him, but it was the same way back in the 100 year war. But back then he was really careful with his words and would always humbled himself in front of anyone with peerage, be he king or noble.

Now he speaks as if he's in complete control. He spoke to them as if they were all beneath him (which they are) and even let his troops speak ill to them. I suppose he doesn't need to be quite as careful now that he's a god hand.
I don't see it so much as being less careful as adapting his tactics to fit the change in circumstance. Before, he needed to have a fairly broad support in the nobles to first, become a noble himself and then second (and even more important) become politically important enough to be an acceptable marriage candidate for Charlotte to her father. All that's changed now, though. With his new army (and his own power) he's vastly more powerful, and the only one who can defeat the Kushans, plus he can't be destroyed by the nobles. He's gained a huge and very broad popularity with the commoners of Midlands, and the only true axis of power that all nobles could agree on is Charlotte, who is very much on his side. Individual nobles might oppose him, but they'd lack any sort of focus or common cause beyond dislike of Griffith, so their efforts would be disjointed and uncoordinated (think back to the arguments during the banquet). The followings of the nobles are smaller, and if they oppose Griffith it's likely that many of their followers will go over to Griffith, especially after the pope gives him his blessing, which should hugely increase his power. Last of course, there's the new and amazing charisma that Griffith gives off as one of the God's Hand. Given all of that, I think that Griffith's making exactly the right choice. He has to establish his dominance and rule of these people right from the outset if he wants to rule them. This is especially true with Charlotte announcing her engagement, he can't allow them to look down on him, but must make them see him as their superior.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:14 am
by Ayanami
Thanks as always EG.