Berserk 303 - Backlight

Evil_Genius' Berserk community, Kentaro Miura's epic masterpiece, still active and translated. (Please don't ask about older Volumes. Buy from DarkHorse and support Miura.)

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Turd Ferguson
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by Turd Ferguson »

Starnum wrote:I thought about mentioning that as well, but he'll still need Winrar. Though it's easy to DL and install, it's a small file size as well.
You're right. I glossed over that fact.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by hbi2k »

The conversation kind of went off in a different direction, but for the record, I've got no problem with speed scan groups in general. They have their place and serve a purpose.

However, if there were ever a manga in the history of all manga that DIDN'T need to be speed-scanned, it's Berserk. I mean, seriously. If I can wait months and months for a new chapter, I can wait a couple extra days or a week for a good quality translation. Especially when you're dealing with a manga like Berserk that is often very plot-heavy and deals with some seriously complex philosophical concepts that must be an absolute mind-numbing pain to translate.

For lighter shonen fare where most of the dialogue boils down to, "I'm-a kill youz! Power of friendship for the win! I must protect those who are important to me for great justice!" then, sure, I'll sometimes indulge my impatience and check out a speed-scan rather than wait. For Berserk? HELLS no. If Evil Genius wasn't doing what they do, I'd suck it up and wait for the Dark Horse volumes before I read a speed scan.

For the record, I *do* buy the DH volumes as well, because they're a great company, their translators do an excellent job, it takes balls to release something as extreme as Berserk totally uncensored (especially given the bullshit that's currently going down with Chris Handley) and I want to support both them and Miura.
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Re: Berserk 303 - Backlight

Post by The Herald »

the problem is that the ubc library comps wont dl anything, especially no programs, that's my problem. in any case i did end up reading it and was very excited to see femto again, but confused about the black faces, i had difficulty discerning who was who and what was going on
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